“DENIM & DOGGIE FUN” is now listed on Ebay!

HI everyone,
Well, poor Sissy is still not able to get into my blog… I thought when I saw her “testing” it was all working for her, but apparently it isn’t. I sent what she emailed me to Sarah, so she can take another look at what might be causing it to happen to only her. It’s kind of strange that no one else is having any problems. Sarah is very smart, so I’m hoping we can get this solved. It’s a really good thing it’s not up to me, as I’m TOTALLY in the dark as to what’s going on.

I almost didn’t get Denim and Doggie Fun listed because of all things…the “shipping” charges. When I was trying to do my listing, the shipping boxes would not cooperate and every time I tried to refresh it, I got a hard red box saying something was still wrong. UGH! I just kept clicking and pushing keys and 10 minutes later than when I wanted it to end, I finally got it to take my shipping charges. It was a race against the clock tonight.

I managed to get some outdoor pictures of Noel and Goldie when the sun wasn’t shining too brightly outside. Some of them are pretty cute. If you want to see the listing, you can click the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I ended up forgetting to tie the bow around Goldies neck, but mentioned I would do that in my listing…and I nearly forgot the flower pin as well. My day was not my own… I was a bit frantic trying to get it listed when it needed to end.

Okay, so here are some fun pictures from outside… I thought I had some “extras” that I hadn’t used in my listing, but I used them all… so I’ll show a few of them, then you can see them all in the listing.

Of course, I had to show a few pictures by the gnarly tree roots. But the ants were out so I had to hurry!!!

The pictures by the ferns were kind of washed out… I’m not sure why… the sun was behind me… that may be why they are a bit lighter.

I liked the pictures of Noel in the Gazebo the best. They really show the rich colors of the outfit…

Here is the flower pin just for JOY!

What a fun set this was to make! :o) I received 2 emails today from ladies who just had to tell me how much they loved this set… it made my day! I have the best job! :o) Yes, Noel, I’m talking about you!! Thanks for being such a good little girl during all the trying on you had to do!

I have slightly revised my pattern and the next one should be easier and faster to make.

I will see everyone Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on ““DENIM & DOGGIE FUN” is now listed on Ebay!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I am wondering if Apple has such a thing as an incognito window or tab; she might try accessing your blog that way. It fools the web site into thinking you are coming from a different computer.

    Today the phone co. switched me over to fiberoptics. Took up a good deal of my afternoon, but he was done in time for me to go to dinner and then see Ron. However, the fiberoptic cable to the house was faulty and had to be replaced!! He said it should be all working when I got home, but it wasn’t! So I called the phone co., and then just did other things. About 3 hours late, I realized I had phone service again. Yay!!

    Ron was a bit more awake today, and even talked to me a little!

    This outfit is just darling! I appreciate the closeups of the little slip you added to the straps; I wasn’t quite sure what you meant when y you first mentioned it, but, now that I’ve seen it close up, it makes perfect sense.

    Now we sit back and see what happens!!

  2. This outfit will sell quickly!!
    What a treasure. It is always a fun adventure working with new fabrics or techniques

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    I wonder what happened with Sissy to have her problems all of a sudden! Did she change anything, now computer, phone, or ? Did she change providers ore get something new added to what she already had? The mystery deepens!

    Well, that little outfit so SO cute and colorful! Yes, I see the difference in the lighting wherever you were, and the ones under the gazebo are the best!

    Good luck with this outfit, but I don’t think you will need it!

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am glad the outfit is posted. I am sure that the dolly and the mama who win the auction will be pleased!

    Have a nice weekend and Happy World Doll Day tomorrow!

  5. Joy in northern CA

    The photos are just spectacular. The colors are vibrant and show off the outfit and Noel so well. I hope you can kill off those ants on the tree. Do they make something non toxic to other animals that would at least discourage them? I love that as a background. 🙂 I think my favorite addition is that flower on the bodice. I would love to know how to make one. 🙂
    Glad to hear that Ron is perking up, Charlotte.
    Supposed to only be in the 70’s today. Yay. Hopefully, I can get back to my clearing blackberry routine in the yard.
    Have fun weekend everyone.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Love the outdoor photos. This outfit is truly charming. It has everything a girl could want and a lot more (the canine carrier and pup). I know this ensemble will do well for you.

    I got my “Dolls” magazine the other day and my L’il Dreamer Kayci is over the moon. Her picture is on the cover. She doesn’t know she’s one of I think 200 and I’m not going to burst her bubble telling her that. I also got an email that they are looking for submissions showing dolls and their summer attire. I sent a couple submissions. One I’m pretty sure will make the cut but the other maybe not, depends on how many submissions they get. My girls do love seeing their pictures on the pages of “Dolls”.

    Charlotte, so glad Ron is doing much better and glad you now have fiber optic service.

    Joy, a day in the 70s! How good is that. We can’t even dream about that until probably November.

    The heat has started earlier this year so it’s going to be a long time till fall temps. I think there’s a front coming through next week but that will only drop us down into the low 90s with better “feels like” temps. No we did not choose to live here. It just sort of happened. I was only supposed to be here two years and then on to somewhere else but that didn’t happen. The best laid plans…. Then I met David and we planned to retire to Colorado, but I really think we should have done it sooner.

  7. Hi! I rarely comment (though I have in the past) but Sissy’s problems sort of sound like something that I’ve been having issues with. Awhile back WordPress just stopped working in my main browser, Safari. I actually have my own blog through them, and I couldn’t do anything at all, it wouldn’t load. The only way I can, is actually use another browser. In fact I discovered this when I tried to comment on another blog and couldn’t despite the fact that I could actually see the website. I only could when I changed browsers, which I tried again with this blog only to have the same issues (I’m posting this in Firefox by the way.)

    My guess is, it has something to do with my safari being so old, and I believe the only to update that is to update my operating system, which I am in no hurry to do. Perhaps Sissy is having the same issues. At least double checking with another browser might help figure things out. If she uses a phone instead of a computer, there are other browsers in the App Store she download. Anyway, I had to comment because of my own experiences.

    Back to what this blog post is actually about, I have to say that this is one of your cutest outfits you’ve done Jeanne. It is adorable (though I am a bit of a sucker for denim jackets). It is lovely though and I hope it sells well! 🙂

  8. Laura in Ohio

    Really odd that Sissy can’t even just type idreamofjeannemarie.com straight into Google like I suggested the other day, click your site, and access the blog from there.
    I second Sarah’s comment above about another browser. I use Chrome, but have another browser on my laptop as a back-up. when I used a PC I had three browsers.
    Noel’s whole outfit is just adorable. I love Goldie and her carrier. The ribbon flower pin is a great touch on the sweet denim jacket.

  9. I also have episodes of the blog not showing up in my email. When that happens I just pull up a previous post and go that route. So Sissy is not really the only one having issues from time to time, and I’ve not made any changes.
    The outfit is adorable.

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