My Boneka doll, Noel, has a few surprises to show you…

HI everyone,
I found out today my sisters are coming! They will be here the 13th! I better get cracking on finishing this set!

Thanks for ALL the comments with ideas for Noel’s newest dress set. I had already started on a few of them, and may add a few more! :o)
Okay let’s start…

Noel’s dress is now hemmed… and the snaps are sewn on the back…

Since her dress was hemmed a little shorter than normal, I decided she needed a pair of thigh highs… and she picked out this blue and white stripe. It goes really well with the dress, and I hope it shows up that way on your monitors!

They look pretty cute with her coral leather boots.

The next thing I did was tackle something for her hair… I decided on just a simple denim headband with a tied knot. The back has an elastic loop with a button on the other end, to stretch for any kind of hair your doll might have…

Here’s the whole look… so far…

Now, we needed something for an accessory…and a few of you mentioned an animal in a tote…

Well… I found an animal… a dog to be exact…

A few weeks ago I found this baggie with little kitties and dogs in it. I knew I could use them…

Meet Goldie… that’s what Noel has been calling her… I guess I’ll have to tie a bow around her neck…

She goes perfectly well with the dress fabric…

I was trying to decide what kind of carrier to make for her, and this is the only fabric I have that might work… It’s a coral colored damask like print and isn’t overpowering. I thought I had enough denim in this set…

Joy mentioned something about a little flower for her jacket… I made one but it might be too big… maybe I can pin it to the tote I make for Goldie.

It’s not pinned on Noel’s jacket… it’s just laying on there.

Well, that’s what I did today! Was your day productive??? I hope so!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “My Boneka doll, Noel, has a few surprises to show you…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    How cute everything looks together, Jeanne! Thatโ€™s exactly what I wanted you to do with the headband! It will work just fine for any hairstyle!

    Oh, those thigh highs are the bees knees! So cute and playful looking, and they go perfectly with everything else! You certainly have then right touch for everything, and then there is that cute little puppy, Goldie! I even love the flower on the jacket!

    We are hoping for a reprieve from the humid, buggy weather here. Those cicadas are just everywhere! However, deer have been munching on my lily buds, so I am wondering just now many lilies I will get this year. We do spray, but I was one day too late, apparently!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Every year when I see a bud on our agapanthus, the next day, it is gone. Munch, munch by the locals. Deer that is. Sorry about your lilies. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Once again, everything is wonderful and just works together so well! I agree with Linda, I like the “big” flower on Noel’s jacket. It’s not overly large, I don’t think. Sometimes in fashion we see flowers that are much larger in proportion to the garment than this one is.

    Thanks everyone for comments and prayers. Ron got moved to a regular room today, and his white blood count is back within normal range, which means the antibiotics are working. He’s still very sleepy most of the time, waking up just enough to notice you are there or to respond to questions.

    And our son is out of the hospital, and I think will come and see Ron tomorrow (Wed.–remember, I haven’t been to bed yet, so it’s still Tuesday to me! LOL)

    Yes, Jeanne, my day was productive, too–those two doll dresses are almost done now. Just have to stitch down the Velcro. Then I’m on to something else!

    1. Thank you so much for the update on Ron, Charlotte.
      Prayers are continued. Please rest when you can.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte, so happy to hear Ron is out of ICU and in a regular room. Easier for you to see him and spend time with him I’m sure. Also glad to hear your son is doing better and can go see his dad – or maybe he already has since I’m late with this and it’s Wednesday afternoon. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Oh, I like everything for Noel. That flower gives her an “in” look I think. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And sounds like good news about Charlotte’s Ron. Please take care Charlotte.
    Really cookin around here yesterday. Looks like we broke a record for the date at 100. Definitely not my favorite weather. Spent the day running out in the heat to water my poor little seedlings. The umbrella I had up to give them a little shade didn’t last long with the high winds we experienced. Fortunately, it missed landing in the beds so seedlings were spared. It was 76 inside this morning with windows open all night, and an even hotter day is expected than yesterday. Ugh
    Working on Week 2 for the Sew Along. So many ideas. Skirt on the bias. Iffy top. Will they work? Don’t know. We’ll see how it goes.
    Don’t work too hard cleaning Jeanne. I’m sure having your sisters visit will be fun.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Your weather right now is sounding like ours, including your nighttime temps. But you probably have a better chance of that changing than we usually do. We had a strong storm go through this morning that cooled things off but that doesn’t last once the sun comes out. I forgot to ask Sean about the slug/snail bait but will. He’s had a lot of A/C work this week and has been in and out I’ll try to snag him before he leaves for the day.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        It was hot here again today, but we weren’t here. Drove north two hours to visit some friends where the weather was 74. Go figure. Got home to an 86 degree house. Turned on the Ac and opened windows. It’s finally down to comfortable. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler. I really can’t take the heat at all.

  4. Jeanne, Noel looks super adorable with the whole ensemble, and Goldie is a sweet companion

  5. Laura in Ohio

    What a sweet outfit this is. I love the striped stockings. They add a playful touch. The hairband is exactly what I had in mind as well. Of course, Goldie is so cute and the perfect addition. A pet (or pet hair ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿถโฃ๏ธ)makes any outfit complete!

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    What an adorable outfit. Can’t wait to see the tote. You definitely will be finished before your sisters arrive.

    We had a real deluge here this morning so I hesitated to get on earlier. I heard one transformer go (thankfully not ours) but I didn’t want to be in the middle of commenting and lose power. The winds were pretty strong and the rain was ferocious.

  7. Marilyn in Colorado

    I love the stockings with this outfit. Not what I expected, but just what the outfit needed. The headband is just as nice and the tote bag fabric should set everything off. Maybe a matching flower on the bag. Fashionista says big flowers are in.

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