My first Boneka doll denim jacket is finished!

HI everyone,
I’ve usually made my jackets without set in sleeves… especially when they are made out of wool felt. But this time I drafted a pattern with set in sleeves… because who ever saw a denim jacket without them. (unless it was a vest) It just wouldn’t have looked right to me.

The jacket was pretty easy to make, but it did take some time… as there was lots of hand basting to hold things together. The jacket fits in the palm of my hand…and is pretty cute all by itself… like a little work of art! :o)

The inside is lined with light blue tulle to make it as lightweight and non-bulky as possible. Everything is enclosed except the armhole seam. That’s where I have to stitch it together. If I lined it in anything beside tulle it would have bulk and not lay close to her body like it does now.

I started taking pictures as I was topstitching, but forgot after these 2 shots.

I love the pattern for the most part but need to work on the sleeves a little bit more… and I’d make the neck opening a bit closer to Noel’s neck.

The blue is a little bit lighter than it’s showing up in my pictures.

I used some tiny antique brass metal buttons and they really made the jacket “come alive!”

Noel likes it and wants me to hurry and get the dress finished…

I’m wondering what to make for a headband or a ribbon… probably not a bow this time.

Noel was doing a little dance on the cutting table… twirling around and humming… :o)

Well, it’s 12:45 and I really need to get to bed…
I’ll see you in the morning,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “My first Boneka doll denim jacket is finished!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, thanks to all of you for your comments, thoughts, and prayers. They are much appreciated.

    It’s official: Ron has pneumonia, a UTI, AND (because that wasn’t enough!!) a blood infection. He’s still very lethargic, but he did try to talk to me a little today, and they said tonight that he did eat a little (he’s on soft/pureed foods right now due to a slight swallowing issue at the moment). Elizabeth’s son Sammy came up to the hospital to see him while I was there, and stayed a while; he called to let me know that he and the nurse got Ron’s wedding band off because his hand was getting a little puffy, and I have it on a chain with my medic alert tag now.

    Jeanne, this jacket is just darling, and looks so cute with the dress, but, yes, it could go with other things as well! I love the idea of using tulle to line it, as it keeps the whole garment more proportional to the doll.

    Barbara, back in my very brief time as a gardener (turns out I really don’t like digging in the dirt, plus I kill things!! LOL), I found out that slugs HATE geraniums, so I would plant a geranium at either end of my row of peas, plus one in the middle. Never saw any slugs. And in Seattle we get LOTS of slugs, too. They’re basically snails, but without the shells, out here. Anyway, hope the geranium tip helps.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Wow, poor Ron. A triple whammy. Curious if he’d had a pneumonia shot? They keep coming out with new ones and we try to keep up. Hoping that with whatever they are giving him, the meds will kick in and he will feel better soon. Thinking of you and take care of yourself.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Yes, I think he did have a pneumonia shot; I know he always gets a flu shot, and I think he got the pneumonia one at the same time last fall. Thanks Joy.


    Jeanne, I did not get the blog the day Marti commented, no wonder I had no clue! I checked and didn’t even comment that day.

    Well, anyway, that jacket is darling! I cannot understand how you do those adorable teensy items and so perfectly too! This outfit will go fast, I can tell you that! As far as something on her head, maybe a denim hair band with a bow attached? Not everyone’s doll has hair like that, so you would have to make something that would work for different hairstyles.

    Oh my, another visit from your sisters? So nice that you are all able to keep in touch that way! Have you been to Pennsylvania? You could also visit with Rebecca, and Karn, plus Cindy!

  3. absolutely precious.
    I just finished making 2 blouses for myself, not using patterns, tracing outlines of blouses that fit. So, I understand the fit thing. Both blouses turned out “just okay”
    Mostly neck line things. Your sewing in incredible. tiny tiny tiny

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Noel’s jacket is cute. I’m sure she approves. Love those tiny buttons. Great idea lining with netting/tulle. I would like to see the sleeves longer on the next one, and then she could wear it with other things come fall. I think Noel needs a tiny lapel flower in one of the dress colors. Just round and puffy to tie in one of the dress colors for fun. It’s kind of hot, so maybe she doesn’t need a big hair accessory. How about a little purse or simple beach bag in denim to carry a pet?
    Heat is kicking up around here. Expecting maybe a hundred the next couple of days. Not looking forward to that at all. Very high fire danger as well.
    Finally finished week one of the Sew Along. Now, on to week two. 🙂 Of course, I’m messing with the pattern. We’ll see how it goes.

  5. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, what happened? I wrote earlier, but it’s not here! I mentioned that I did not receive that particular blog from that day, and did not comment, so had no idea who Marti was!

    Charlotte, keeping you and Ron in my prayers, plus your son.

    You did a fantastic job with the jacket, Jeanne! How you make things look so professional with such a tiny piece of clothing is just miraculous! It’s such a cute jacket and can be worn with other things too!

    As far as something for her head, why not a denim headband with a cute bow attached? Not every doll has hair like Noel, so you need something that will work for other types of hairdos.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Charlotte, so sorry to hear Ron has so much going on right now. I’m praying for his quick recovery. Your strength shows and is amazing. I will be praying for your whole family that this passes soon and for the good. Hope your son is doing well also.

    Love the cute little denim jacket. So perfect with the dress. I was thinking the jacket could also be done with buttons on one side and fake buttonholes on the other. I do not like making buttonholes and was never very good at it no matter what type of buttonholer I used. Once I discovered that I could download buttonholes of all types and sizes to use with my embroidery machine I go that way now and all my buttonholes are perfect. Hooping the tiny jacket using sticky stabilizer would work. That’s how I do all the machine embroidery on my tiny frocks and it comes out great. Just kicking around some thoughts for the future.

    Since I saw the idea of using tulle for lining things I use it a lot, often when I don’t want to narrow hem something like the bottom ruffle on a dress or an overlay I want to stay puffy. Love the idea. Thanks Jeanne.

  7. Laura in Ohio

    Oh Charlotte, poor Ron with three things going on. Prayers that the medications will kick in quickly and he’ll feel better. Noel’s jacket is adorable and I love the tiny pockets and buttons. I also think a denim hairband with a small bow would be cute.

  8. Marilyn in Colorado

    Prayers for Ron. He’s had to face so much and he keeps coming through. I love that Charlotte is wearing his wedding ring where it will be safest.

    The jacket is perfect with the boots. I liked Joy’s idea of a bag for carrying a pet. What about a denim headband with flowers on dress colors. Embroidered? Felt?

  9. The jacket is beautiful! It goes perfectly with the nice colors in the dress. How about a little triangle scarf in the dress fabric?

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I was just thinking of the same thing. Noel could wear the triangle scarf to hold her hair back or folded and tied around her neck for a cute accent. 🙂

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Noel is definitely not going to want to give up this outfit. You will have to think of a good bribe (laugh).

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