HI everyone,
I have 3 new pieces to show you for Rozen’s outfit, and I hope you really like them… but I’m going to have to wait until tomorrow to share them, partly because one had glue that was drying, but mostly because today, I’m focusing on 2 ladies… one from Southern Illinois and one from way out west in Washington… They both are very creative and I’m thrilled to show you what they’ve been doing.
First, I’ll brag on Joy Carter… a friend of mine from church. I think it was just last Sunday, but I gave Joy 2 gallon Zip Lock bags full of fabric scraps from my sewing the last few years. They were various colors and she said she wanted to do some “crumb” quilting. That’s where you don’t really have a pattern, but just make your blocks all different ways… kind of like crazy quilting. She made some 6″ blocks and brought 18 of them to church this morning and showed me. I was overjoyed at what she had done with my scraps and told her I wanted to take some pictures of her blocks after church.
I spread them out on a pew and wanted to share them with you! I think you’ll love them too. She’s trying to decide what color fabric to set them together with…
This was her stack of the blocks…
The top one, with the kitty, just so happened to be her favorite… I think it was mine too! So sweet…
Here they are, all spread out on a pew.
Here are a few pictures of them grouped together…
I also took a short video of them all laid out!
Thanks so much Joy! Keep up the good work and we’ll have to have a final look at your quilt when you finish it! So far, so good!!! :o)
Did you guess who’s out in the state of Washington and likes to sew? Of course, it’s our Charlotte! I think she finds time to sew just about every day and she’s just returned from EXPO, a huge sewing convention, and she has pictures!
Here is Charlotte’s email to me with the explanation of her pictures.
Hi Jeanne,
As promised, here are pictures from the sewing expo I went to. I had such a good time!
DAY 1:
1: Last year we were encouraged to sign squares of fabrics, and they would later be assembled in a quilt. Last year was Sewing & Stitchery Expo’s 40th anniversary; hence the big “40”. Here you see the completed quilt.
2: I found my name and am pointing to it!
3: Tonya and I actually had a class together this year: watercolor painting on fabric. It was a lot of fun.
4: Tonya and I wore our twinsy jackets both days I attended. It was fun to hear comments when people realized we were dressed alike! Here we are, out on the sales floor.
5: My efforts from our watercolor class. It still needs to be rinsed out for the full watercolor effect, and I keep forgetting to bring it upstairs and do that! Tomorrow…
6: My purchases from day 1. The geometric prints are all smallish pieces of upholstery fabric, and they came packaged together with a label reading “Creativity stimulus package”; I will probably choose from them for smaller bags, wallets, etc. There are also a knitting magazine, a pattern for a cupcake oven mitt, and a fusible applique to add to a t-shirt or something. This last was from Amanda’s Bundles, and there were many styles available. This was my favorite. I understand they are on her website; I haven’t checked, but I’m sure anyone could search for her website if interested.
7: ON DAY 2: we REALLY did the twinsy thing!! Our jackets from this year and tops from last year, plus of course our bags from 2020. Mine is front and center in this picture; you can just see a corner of Tonya’s, which she had slung over her shoulder. This picture was taken by Laura, who is the moderator of the Puyallup Sew Expo Fun Facebook page, and is in their 2025 album there. You do have to ask to join the page to see all the pictures, but I don’t think that will be a problem, if you’d like to take a look. (See those rolls of stripey-looking fabric sticking out of our bags?! That’s for next year!)
8: Here we are with two more friends. Tonya, Britt (left in picture) and Peggy are all from Utah. Not shown is Sue, who also came with the group but wasn’t around when we had our “photo op”. She joined us for dinners, etc., though.
9: Goodies!! First, the bright pink is my sample from a class, Metallic Embroidery on Hand-dyed Fabric. Under it is some vintage seersucker, and there is a pen (freebie) from Amanda’s Bundles. To the right is our twinsy fabric for next year, upholstery weight for a small purse or waistpack. I found this fabulous zipper tape and strapping (star print) and matching zipper pulls, which they put onto the zipper tape for me, so I won’t have to fiddle with it; I thought they went so well with the fabric. She threw in some zipper basting tape, too. There is also a 100th anniversary pin from Colonial Needles (freebie) and a wrist holder (freebie) for quilting/sewing clips from Clover.
10: A closer look at our twinsy fabric and my zipper tape, and you can see the commemorative pin a little better, too.
11: Hard to see at the top are two fat quarters of African batik fabric; below that, two smallish pieces from the “stash busters” table (free for the taking) which I thought might be good for doll clothes. Below those, two patterns, plus the hardware for the Mia bag, and to the right, some faux ostrich leather in black. Also, at deep discount, a specialty foot for my old Viking. Peggy had bought it, and when I saw it at show and tell (always in my room!!), I said “I didn’t see those! I want to go back tomorrow!!” and she gave it to me, and said she’d get another one the next day (when I was on my way home). So nice of her!
Well, thank you Charlotte… it sure LOOKS like you had a good time! I LOVE going to the vendor’s section when I’m at the Paducah Quilt show! You never know what you’ll see that you JUST CANNOT live without! Been there, done that!
Well, that’s it for today… tomorrow will be Rozen’s turn again… and some pictures from Karen…
See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne
It’s always fun to see what others are making. I think I recognize at least a couple of the smaller prints in Joy’s blocks. What a fun way to use up scraps! For setting them together, something in a soft tone, like maybe green, to tie in with some of those fabrics, and then for the borders, I would do two, and make sure the outer one is in the pink/red family, with a narrower inside border of white on white, I think (or white on cream, if she can find it, and it looks good).
Thank you for sharing my pictures! I will try to come back and reply to comments at some point in the afternoon. I did have so much fun at Expo this year. Beforehand, I had a “moment”….when I was looking at my tickets and starting to feel genuinely excited about Expo this year, and suddenly it hit me: I couldn’t call Ron like I always did (every day, and the last two or three years, I called him twice a day), and I had a little meltdown. But in the long run, I did have a wonderful time, and felt really caught up in it all. I’m already looking forward to next year!