Hi everyone,
I was busy today… I cut down a King size sheet set I found and turned it into a queen set. Not a super easy feat but I did it!
I helped my hubby with some computer things, mended a shirt for him, cleaned a little house… and even cooked salmon for dinner! :o) There were lots of in between times when I was sneaking in my sewing room to get in a few extra minutes of sewing for Ten Ping.
Welcome back to Dorothy from PA… she said she’s been gone for TWO WHOLE DRESSES! I guess that’s how we measure things on here… by the length of time it takes me to construct the next dress…
AND… someone got it right… Ten Ping DOES like little lambs… and Marilyn said she knew she would. I have a couple of these little fluffy lambs and got them in the Christmas ornament section at Joann’s last year or the year before. They are the perfect accessory. It’s a good thing I read the comments when I did, because I was just about to make a little lavender straw purse, when I happened upon Marilyn’s comment… thanks!
Well, I do have a few new things to show you… I finished the back of Ten Ping’s dress and added some snaps with tiny white buttons covering them.
Next I KNEW I should make her a pair of thigh highs since it’s an Easter dress. She can’t have her shoes rubbing on her bare feet.
Oh, did I say shoes? Of course I did! I made a teeny tiny pair of white leather shoes with a strap running across the top of the shoe vamp… They just slide on so there’s no need for any straps. My close up pictures were blurry when I was loading them onto my computer, but you can see them in some of the other pictures…
I found out if you take the ribbon on Ten Ping’s bonnet and pull it to the side, all the way on top of the side of the straw, you can tie a bow and it won’t block her necklace or look like she has no neck. Just loop the ribbons over then sort of slide the looped part to one side or the other… the bow actually looks best if you tie it on the left side when you are facing her.
Then I found my little lambs and tied a ribbon around one of their necks, so she’d match Ten Ping’s dress and bonnet.
Ten Ping decided to call her new little lamb, Lilly!
We had a really fun time posing for all these pictures. They are just a drop in the bucket compared to how many I actually took.
Well, I know the drill like you do… the Ebay listing will come as soon as I can get it on.
Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne
I do believe I am in trouble here…..I just LOVE that little outfit, and I think my Gigi might just decide she likes lavender as much as she likes pink!! Everything about it is perfection.
When I was a little girl, my first and favorite stuffed animal was “Lambie Pie”–and I still have her!! She’s not as white as she once was, I’m sure, but she got lots of love when I was little. Funny thing was, she’s actually not so “cuddly”, as she has a fairly stiff body and can pretty much stand up on her own. Now my Gigi things SHE needs a “Lambie Pie”, too!
Dorothy in PA….I have missed you, and am glad to see you back!! Can’t wait to hear what hijinks my little namesake has been up to lately! 😊
What an adventure you and other person had, getting that replacement toilet, Joy!! And getting it installed. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to lift 40 pounds (although I used to carry our son around when we first got him at age 3, and he was about 32 pounds then). Ron replaced the toilet in one of our bathrooms some years back but he did all of it himself, including removing the old wax ring. That man could do just about anything–electrical work, plumbing, etc., not to mention keeping our natural gas dryer working for 56 years! (His career was in customer service work for the natural gas company, and also kept our furnace going for many years past life expectancy.) A month or two after Ron died, so did the dryer, and then I replaced it, which I had already decided to do the “next time” it conked out. I kind of miss the old one, though, you know? The lint filter was right on the door, and so much easier to get at and clean.
I think there has been strange weather in many areas this year! We had temps in the 60s the end of Feb., for two days; tomorrow, after weeks of low 40s, we could almost hit 70!! And we’ve had lots of wind this month, too.
As you probably guessed, I forgot to check the blog Sunday night before I went to bed, so I didn’t see Monday’s until just a bit ago.
Thanks Charlotte, on the toilet adventure, but I don’t think we’re done yet. 🙂
Dear Charlotte, well, your name sake Charlotte Noelle is certainly “being herself” (laugh). A friend in my local doll club recently had surgery (not the emergency kind) and Charlotte Noelle sent her an email and told her that eating ice cream was the best cure. So now she thinks she is a doctor. Honestly that girl (smile).
Jeanne, that little outfit is just plain adorable! And the little lamb! You could sing “Ten Ping had a Little Lamb” to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”! The thigh highs and shoes are perfect, and that hat is just darling on her! She won’t want to take it off for sure, and then to see her little lamb go too, she will be in tears! Poor Ten Ping!
Spring is in the air again, trees are blooming and spring flowers are popping up, and Dorothy in PA is back!!
I’m happy to hear you like “The Garden Year” poem, Linda. I can recite the entire thing as well as a number of others from my poetry book. It was read to me often and of course, I read it myself. I like the entire poem except for the second line of September. 🙁 The illustrations in my book are charming as well.
Dear Laura, hello. I am excited about attending the UFDC Convention in July!
Dear Linda, yes it is Spring. I love Springtime. I want to tiptoe through the roses. I know that’s not how the song goes but I like roses best.
Awww the last photo is soo cute.
I love this outfit completely! The lamb is perfect.
The white shoes are just as I imagined! Do you remember getting new white shoes (or hand me downs if that was possible) each Spring for Easter?
I certainly do.
Happy Tuesday everyone! Sunshine for us today, I hope for all of you as well.
Welcome home Dorothy!
Dear Rosemary, thanks for saving my place on the sofa!
Cute, cute, cute. Love the little lamb and it looks like Ten does too. The other day, I purchased a little lamb myself, but a little bit bigger than ten’s. I plan that it will go with one of the Ruby Reds although she isn’t due here until May, I think. The photos turned out great. Have no idea how Jeanne got all of that done as well as doing all the other things. Who would have thought of turning a king set into a queen? Are the kings longer as well as wider? Clueless here. Did you fashion the elastic cup sort of for the corners too on the bottom sheet? Wow, I’m impressed.
Glad Dorothy’s back. Good to hear from her.
We were over eighty here yesterday. I actually had to water some of the plants. Today, another hot one, but Wednesday, it will cool off and we’re expecting yet more rain. Crazy weather everywhere.
Abigail certainly needs a lamb, Joy. May I ask where you found one? I didn’t purchase Abigail, but I would love a lamb for my Anaelle doll. Might even be sized better for Felicity than Posey.
Laura, believe it or not, I found it at CVS. It’s by Aurora World, Pico Rivera, CA
Dear Joy, I have missed reading about your capers. Keep them coming (smile).
The latest caper hasn’t been much fun. Installing a new toilet. 🙁
Dear Jeanne, Ten Ping looks so cute! She will definitely be the star of the Easter Parade, along with her lamb, of course. Her dress is going on my favorite’s list for the judging for 2026!
Welcome back, Dorothy! My younger son and his wife just moved to Media, PA. They seem to love it but he does have to travel a lot elsewhere.
Oh, Jeanne, Ten Ping’s outfit is just perfect! I do adore that bonnet and the shoes, all of it.
You do stay busy and I am amazed at all you get done. I know you are excited about your coming company. I hope they like cheesecake so you can try my recipe.
Dear Sissy, yeaaa, another Pennsylvania connection! Media is near Philadelphia. I hope you get to visit our state at some point.
I’m so happy you’re back, Dorothy in PA! Your seat on the sofa has been waiting and here’s a cup of tea.
The little lamb is the perfect addition to this set. Well, that outfit came together quickly, Jeanne. Easter’s almost as late as it can be this year, so you should hopefully have time to make quite a few Easter Parade dresses.
Dear Laura, oops, I put my comment to you above. I am glad you kept my seat and kept the teapot boiling. I have missed chatting with the Sisters.
Hi Laura. I answered above about the lamb.
The little lamb from JoAnn’s is the perfect Easter item to add to the lavender outfit! I like to pick up small items like that too, to go with dolls….I used to live close to a JoAnn’s when I lived in Indiana and would find neat accessories in their craft and holiday aisles.
I read online not long ago that JoAnn’s was stopping any online ordering now that they are closing out. Evidently some scam groups were posting FaceBook ads using JoAnn’s logo and photos of merchandise offered at prices too good to believe, while the JoAnn stores were closing out, and some folks had ordered from that site and never received refunds for merchandise that they never received.
I have new small-print fabric on hand that I could not resist purchasing….it features different dog breeds done as sweet illustrations and I thought it might make a cute doll outfit with a small stuffed dog as an accessory! I had one pattern that makes a small stuffed dog and then I looked online and came across patterns for small 3-5 inch stuffed dogs in different breeds! So…yet another new project to start this spring!
Spent January catching up on health/doctor visits, lab work, etc., and then organizing the art/sewing room, Granddaughter flying down for a spring visit with family here in Texas….she is graduating from college in May and then starting on her Master’s degree; she’s been working on her clinicals to become a Dietician. And this month, I am working on the yard/landscaping, and creating my family Birthday cards needed for this year. I have a book on hand on how to create a “Vintage” look to your greeting cards….using older family photos of the person, and vintage embellishments. I have utilized some photo altering techniques online and then printed the family photo(s) to add a distressed feel. Will need to add a Graduation card to the list, and two “Welcome new Baby” cards for the two Great-granddaughters expected this year! And my Ruby Red dolls are “looking” at me in the art room….wondering when they’ll be getting a new outfit and shoes again!
At my age of 76, I’m thinking ….so much to do and so little time! The brain is gung-ho but the body says…I’m craving a short nap!
Wow, Elizabeth, you are busy. I love the idea of the stuffed dogs with the fabric, and would love to see the “Vintage” look card too. You are very creative!
I too would love to see some of your special cards. Maybe you can get a pic of some and send to Jeanne. 🙂