Straw Hats shown on My Meadows 6″ Bailey and 8″ Ten Ping

HI everyone,
It’s another late night for me, but I was determined to get these hats finished… I got 7 of them done, but not the bonnets just yet. I didn’t have any lavender sheer ribbon or any light aqua ribbon so a trip to Hobby Lobby was in order. I also spent some time in my sewing room clipping off the flowers from the stems and putting them in smaller bags. It’s much easier for me to find things I’m needing now.

Just to let you know I have LOTS of pictures because I wanted to keep them all in one place… so you can probably have 2 cups of coffee as you look at them. :o)

I’d still like to do my presentation as I wanted to 3 years ago, but I’ll still show you the hats. Both Bailey and Ten Ping will be showing you how they look on their heads. The hat inside circumference is 5 1/2″…

Bailey’s head measures 5 1/2″ with me just squishing her wig a little bit with the tape… remeasured and her head is 5 1/2″

Ten Ping’s head measured 6 1/4″ but she has a little bit thicker wig on… The hats will go on her head but her wig is squished a little more.

These are the dolls who CANNOT wear these hats… Ellowyne, the Little Darlings, and the Boneka dolls… (Noel has a pretty thick wig and MAY be able to wear one of the hats but not with a wig like she has on.) Holly, my other Boneka doll, has a thinner wig, but the hat just sat on top of her head…

While I was at Hobby Lobby, the wood pieces were 40% off, so I combined a “pedestal” piece with a flat piece (I think maybe it was a wooden wheel) and decided I could glue them together and make some hat stands, which I wanted to do from the beginning. I took them to my hubby’s shed and spray painted them white… it was CRAZY windy today and there was no way I could paint them outside.

I think they turned out pretty cute!

Here’s what they look like on the hat stands…

So now I’ll show you the hats and then show them on Bailey and Ten Ping… I took my pictures on the other side of my sewing room and I think the colors look much better in this lighting.

First up is the Royal Blue hat…

Next is the Peach hat…

Next is the natural colored straw hat…

Here is the Mint green hat…

Next up is the pale blue hat…

Next is the vanilla hat…

And the last hat is the pink hat…

Here is one last shot of the hats…

Well, I’ll keep working…and maybe I’ll be able to present the whole shebang!

Sissy sent a couple pictures of her quilt and I’ll show it tomorrow… I just now remembered it…

See you then…
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “Straw Hats shown on My Meadows 6″ Bailey and 8″ Ten Ping”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It was pretty windy here today, too, and looks like it will be tomorrow, too. I’m calling it Mar-vember….November-like weather in March! Haha….

    Oh, those little pedestals, etc., work very well for hat stands, and they seem to be just perfect for the hats.

    And the hats!! Oh, they are just wonderful, and remind me of little girls’ Easter hats from the late 50s and early 60s. I don’t remember having one quite like those, but I know some little girls in our Sunday School who did, back then!
    Very cute.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Talk about wind, Jeanne, I was about blown away yesterday afternoon coming home from church! I was a sight to see trying to get into my car, holding my purse, umbrella, and a big bowl, that I had taken a pasta salad there for a funeral luncheon in, and then trying to stay upright and not have my car door blown off, just trying to get inside and to close the dogone door, which the wind was trying to blow away! We had wind gusts up to 50 MPH here, and I believe it!

    Oh, those darling hats!! What a clever way to display them too! You know, just seeing those hats on the stands, makes me think they would even be cute to display even though you don’t have a doll that they fit! Wouldn’t they be cute sitting on a shelf? Are you going to sell the stands with the hats too? I’m sure it would add to the cost, but maybe you made those for yourself to place the hats on to show. I really really love the natural straw colored one, but ANY one would thrill me to death to get!!

  3. Jeanne, I love all of these hats. Wow. The flowers on all of them are top notch looking! very tiny details those little branch of balls or buds, so so exquisite.
    So nice you got crafty and did some painting. The hat stands are fancy. just imagine if we all lived on the same street we could open a little shop with every thing cute. haha
    I have a silly imagination, but it would be fun…. a few racks with dresses, a shoe shop, and a little quilts and bedding section. 🙂
    I hope George survived the ordeal this morning and is back home comfy.

    Your video of the wind is wild! We have has similar really brutal winds. Why is it always windy when it is cold outside but in summer the air is…. dead.
    Getting around in this wind, I feel like I live in Siberia. Hubbs bought gas last week and said it was brutal standing out there at the pump.
    Even inside the house it sounds like it is the outside is getting beaten up. We have gone out a few times and picked up large branches laying in the yard.
    It is sunny today. The weather looks fair enough, I might conger up some pep and drive up to Leesburg Virginia and get some costco stuff.
    Anyone with allergies this time of year? Hubbs had a cold which I believe came about from allergies and he went through 4 boxes of kleenex in 4 days!
    I am going to see if Costco has any packing supplies that look interesting.
    It is only March. We have had snow storms in April. Two I recall on Easter!
    Packing.?.. let’s just not talk about it. I did clean the oven window. I used Goo Gone on the inside, let it sit and scraped it off with a razor blade.
    Do any of you have an electric car? We do not.
    Sissy, I am looking forward to seeing your quilt.
    I have not made a lot, but perhaps about a dozen.
    Happy Thursday girls! I hope all of you are enduring this wild month of March!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Windy is right, some days I feel like the hair on my head will go flying away like a dandelion fluff! The weather has been interesting to say at least. We had 5 1/2 inches of rain on Sunday. At least it washes of some of the pollen!
      My 2″quilts” don’t have a lot of sewing together. I just used little puffs in each section to hold them together, but the little girls loved them.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    So happy Jeanne was already thinking along the same line as I was for the hat stands. They are perfect. I like the combination of base and wheel. I actually have a collection of hat stands. Haven’t had them out in a long time. My favorites are the ones with egg shaped painted heads on a stand so it looks like someone is actually wearing the hat. But, Jeanne’s stands work perfectly for the tiny hats and showcase them so well. I haven’t found my tape measure yet, and yes Charlotte, I have used alternative measuring methods, but that one tape I like is the best for me anyway as it doesn’t stretch or tear. Anyway, I’ll see what I can come up with for head measurements for some of the dolls around here when I get a chance. Might be some interesting comparisons. Now, if I could do the same for foot sizing, I’d be all set.
    Yesterday, we got back to the oleanders in the front yard. We’d taken them down to about half last fall, and finally were able to get one of the two down even more yesterday. I’m guessing, but I think they are still at least twelve feet tall. Lots of sawing and cutting accomplished. So much more manageable now and much less fire danger. One more to go, but our can was full for the week.
    Sorry about the heavy winds everyone seems to be experiencing. Here, it’s rain. We are now at 139 percent of normal. Hopefully, you won’t hear me complaining about water restrictions this year. Although, our water rates are going up. Can’t catch a break.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love the clever hat stands. All the hats look so pretty displayed on the stands. I really hope you plan to sell these by themselves or maybe with a little purse. I have four little girls who really want one.

    After my trip to the chiropractor yesterday (feel much better), I stopped at JoAnn’s on my way home. I thought they would be closing 3/20 and it was 3/19 so I figured most of the items would be gone and pickings would be slim. How wrong I was. If I had needed yardage I could have found anything my heart desired. I found the remnant stand full and bought several pieces from there and then went to the quilting area and found several fat quarters for doll clothes. I bought a large Artbin container with dividers for the smaller props I use for my doll photos. When I checked out I asked the girl when they would be closing for sure. She said no one knew but it wouldn’t be until all stock was sold from the warehouse. I said I was amazed at how much stuff was left and she said most people were complaining the things hadn’t been reduced enough. The sign on the door said items reduced up to 50% but the signs on the shelves usually said 20% or 40% off. I didn’t check out the area where the cake decorating and candy making aisles are so I don’t know how well those things are selling. There was still a lot of yarn left but a lot of that was gone. I might check back in a week or so and see if the prices have been reduced some more.

    Windy here too. We had a front go through last evening and I think the high for today is 72 but I’m not sure it’s going to make it to that. The humidity is really low so the fire danger is high so everyone is being vigilant. A lot of empty fields around here so they are watching to make sure nothing gets started. It is an amazingly lovely day and the wind has slowed down some from last night.

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