Rozen’s dress is finished and she looks like Spring to me!

Hi everyone,
Thanks for liking all the pictures of the purses… and a few of you even picked out favorites! It’s just as much fun for me too look back on what I have made too! It’s SO funny because when I first started writing my blog, my biggest fear was running of things to make and share. I think you can tell that hasn’t happened. I seriously remember thinking, “What if I write my posts for a month or so and then I can’t think of ANYTHING NEW to share!!!”

A few of you wanted me to make some more…and I’ll try…

I took a short bird video of mostly the Cardinals we had fighting to get a spot at the feeder. It was very cold and windy and they were definitely hungry! When we got home the birds had gone through a larger feeder, the one you see in the video and a suet cake. My hubby filled everything up right after I took this video.

Diana wanted to know how I keep the stitching on my leather shoes so perfectly straight. Well…I generally use a prick (generally a 2 or 4 hole leather tool) that makes a small mark or dent the same distance apart and shows you where the stitching holes should go. Then you use a .5mm or a 1mm punch to actually punch out the holes. Some people stitch like this…going in and out one way > _ _ _ _ _ and then they go back the opposite way < _ _ _ _ to fill in the stitches that were missed... I don't like sewing my shoes together that way... the stitching doesn't look as even. I use a Saddle stitch where you thread a needle on both ends of your thread and go in and out in the same hole and pull your thread taut as you go along. It's kind of like sewing in a figure eight over and over again. You can see a good example of the stitching one way and then turning around and going back to fill in the spaces... on the heels of my dolls shoes. On the heels you generally go up skipping every other hole and then looping over the top back of the shoe and then going down filling in the spaces...

I’m actually thinking of taking out that stitching on the shoe heels and seeing if I can move the stitching line over a bit to make them a little more fitted around Rozen’s foot. I had my shoes on the shoe mold and I think it stretched out the sides of them and they have some gaps in them…
We’ll see…

I wanted to let you know I finished Rozen’s dress and the basic dress is finished… She wanted to show you how it looks.

It hits just below her knee.

She wanted to try on the jacket and it was a relief that her jacket slides over her dress without any problem. There is room enough for her sleeveless dress to fit under it.

She was feeling her oats tonight as she was twirling around on the table.

Just because… I got out some blue leather and was laying it on top of her dress and by her jacket… hmmm… gotta think about this…
maybe she needs blue shoes?

Well, I’ve got to get to bed… Today was another trip to Mt. Vernon for the follow up ultrasound to see how my hubby’s surgery of closing off his vein looks. We have to go back next week to get the ultrasound report and see what the doctor says… It was snowing in Mt. Vernon today and absolutely freezing out. The wind was blowing around 25 miles and hour! BRRRR!

I’ll see everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

1 thought on “Rozen’s dress is finished and she looks like Spring to me!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, Jeanne, I don’t think you will ever have the problem of running out of things to make and share. In the years I’ve been following your blog, you’ve actually added a number of new skills/items to your line! I think you did jackets when I first followed you and then you added purses (first felt, then leather), hats (fabric, now straw), and shoes! What could possibly be next?! Stay tuned!

    I loved watching your cardinals; we don’t get them out here at all, and I miss that (I lived in Michigan when growing up). The feeder must be in the shade, as the birds look quite dark when they’re at the feeder, and then when they fly to the bushes, they are red again!

    Rozen’s dress is coming along well, and the best thing is that the jacket fits over it very nicely. Blue shoes? Oh, yes….I think they would be much prettier with this fabric. And she absolutely needs a girly petticoat, with all that twirling around!

    Oh, Debbie, I replied to your comment yesterday.

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