But first… I have to tell you about something I went to Saturday evening. One of the dorms owned by our church held their 3rd Annual Iron Chef competition for the college students living there. There were 5 teams and 2 people were on each team. They were given the “secret” ingredient which had to be used in their dishes a few days before. They had to make a main dish a side dish and a dessert using “CAULIFLOWER” this year. In the past they’ve used spinach and sweet potatoes.
They were all sharing the kitchen in the dorm and it was very busy, noisy and HOT in there. They staggered the “presentation” time for each team ten minutes apart so the last team’s food wouldn’t be cold by the time they served it to the judges. The judges were my friend, Sylvia, who has made some delicious food for us, Keith, another good friend of ours, who is the manager of the dorm, and another lady from the International Education department.
Each team brought their food out and set it in front of each judge. Then they told about how they made it and how they used the cauliflower! One of the teams was from the Bahamas, another was from India, a husband and wife team were from Brazil, I think another one was from India, and I’ve forgotten the last team. We got to hear their comments as they asked the teams questions. It was fun watching them eat the food and see their reactions.
The judges had certain criteria to judge it by and then filled out their papers. Then the food was moved to another room and the next team came in and did the same with their food. It was really interesting to hear each team tell about what they made and Sylvia, being the GREAT COOK that she is, asked if certain ingredients were in things, how did they do something to make it so thick, and other questions. Everything looked and smelled wonderful and I think they all had a really fun time.
They had prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place… The Brazilians won! (I picked them when they showed their stuff!)
Here are a few pictures of the judges plates… It wasn’t easy to get pictures of the foods as they weren’t pushed together but I tried.
This was the Brazilian’s foods… that little pudding-like ball on the left and rolled in coconut had caramelized cauliflower on top in a little clump and it was outstanding! I’m talking restaurant quality… and the bread on the right was like a little ball with cheese inside, (before it was torn open by the judges!) The middle was risotto with cauliflower mixed in.
After the competition was over, food was served to the guests… It was REALLY fun and I’ll be back next year for sure!
Okay, now for a little dolly talk. I was trying to find something I had made that I could have a head start on for a Spring dress. I was looking in my drawer with all my “started” projects in and found this denim jacket I had made for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends in the Fall … and thought… SURE…that would be a really great start! I also found a pair of green slip on shoes I had made for the RRFF too, and thought maybe I could find some fabric that would work for both… then I’d just basically have to make the dress and I’d be almost done!
So I started looking at my fabric shelf and found a few pieces that may work…but as I’m looking at my pictures on the computer screen, I’m having second thoughts. I’ll see what you think… My green leather shoes are the same color leather as Mae’s were but they look kind of “dill pickle-ish” to me… I think it was the lighting.
I’m not sure if I’d just make a simple dress or maybe a romper but you take a look and let me know what you think. Maybe I need blue shoes with that jacket.
Here are the green shoes first of all…
Now I’ll show them with the fabrics I selected…
I had too much fabric to wrap around Rozen, so it’s kind of low on her belly…I hope you can envision it anyway.
Next up is a navy print I used once before and actually I just now remembered, I used this same color green leather for those shoes…
This is a striped fabric that picks up the colors of the shoes very well and goes with the jacket pretty well too… see what you think of this…
I was looking for a fourth fabric and picked this one…
You won’t hurt my feelings if none of them grab you… because I’m not 100% sure myself… I might do better making the dress or romper and THEN deciding on the shoes…
Well, that’s it for me… my weekend flew by…
My hubby made it through his second surgery and is doing well. He said it hurt a little more, but he has recovered quicker with this one.
Two down and two to go!
I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
What an interesting cooking contest that was, Jeanne! I just can’t imagine using cauliflower in a dessert!!
Now as to the fabrics, I think the first one goes best with the denim jacket (I do remember when you made that); it just blends with the shaded blues in the denim so nicely. The green isn’t quite right with the shoes, though, at least to my eyes. The second fabric really has such teensy tiny bit of green, it’s hard to see how it can work with the shoes. The third fabric goes well with the shoes but is, quite frankly, too dark and really kind of ugly (but then, it’s not “my” color, so take that with a grain of salt. I know at least a couple of ladies who wear colors like that all the time, and look good in them but it’s just not for me). The blue in it is wrong with the denim, too, I think. The last fabric is a really cute print, goes well with the shoes, but the blue flowers are so tiny and so pale, you hardly see them. Still, I think it would be okay with the jacket.
So….the first fabric would be my first choice.
I’m glad to hear George’s second surgery went well. Thanks for keeping updated.
I got home from Expo yesterday, and did have a great time. I will try to get some pictures off to you later this week, Jeanne.
Charlotte, lol regarding the fabric. I am looking forward to pictures of your adventure. What a great time
That Iron Chef constest sounds fun, Jeanne! Living in a college town certainly gives you a lot of diverse things to do and see….and taste!! The winning dish looks so good, and I do love cauliflower any which way it is made!
I’m glad George is doing well, and hanging in there! You can’t keep a good man down!
Oh, I love the first combination of the sets that you showed! Just love those colors, so springlike and fun! That is the group I would pick, and I do think the shoes go well with it. With the blue jacket and Rozen’s red hair, green shoes work out perfectly! Blue shoes would be too much blue, in my opinion. The green is perfect to me!
The second set, well, that print looks like something a grandma would wear! No hard feelings though, Jeanne, but it just doesn’t look “fun” enough to me, (not that grandmas aren’t fun)!!
I do like the third set, but it looks more “fall” than spring to me, althugh I love that material.
The fourth set, well, I like the jacket with the cute flowered print, but not the shoes with it. Maybe pink shoes with that. The green shoes just bring it down instead of lightening it up.
As for me, the first set is the best!
Rosen is a perfect girl for the next outfit. I like the jacket and the shoes, and she is smiling!!!
1. yes!
2. no
3. nopie
The cooking show sounds so fun! absolutely terrific looking food. Wow, very very creative, and all of it looks delicious!
I hope all of you have a terrific week-end. I went to look at the house and the builder was there and let me walk through,. It was full of saw dust but everything looked pretty good. I added the “optional” upstairs bedroom addition and it looks right out onto the neighbors roof, however, the SUN was POURING in. This is going to be kind of a dark house, but I love that sunny room upstairs.
I also have a neighbor coming on Tuesday to pick up a Mechanical cast iron 237 Singer and a table too. she does not know how to sew. I will give her a lot of fabric and help her learn how I did: just start. I looked up her name and apparently she is the orchestra leader of our local high school
I went straight to Joannes in Sterling, it was pretty quiet in there. They claimed they had 16 yards of heavy duty 72 inch white felt, but I found a bolt with three yards, so I got the end of bolt.
they are not taking coupons and there are many things not discounted by the way.
I bought a broken picture frame priced at $60. I paid $15 for it because I offered that price and the checker guy was nice. I got two skeins of DMC black for some Halloween kitties I am going to make. I came home and I was exhausted haha haha
I hope everyone has a happy fun day. I am still packing
What fun you had at the cooking contest. Nice to keep up with what’s going on at the school. Glad George is doing well.
I vote for the first selections too. The scale of the print is perfect for RRFF dolls. as is the color. The shoes are fine and I’m sure will be picked up in the accessories that are such fun in every Jeanne Marie original.
I didn’t read any comments first, but since sweet Rozen is next, I’d pick fabric that goes with her. The first and last seem to really wash her out. Although, really like the last fabric for someone else or an outfit without a denim jacket. At first, I liked the navy best, but when looking at it overall, it appears to be a bit old lady like. So, the green stripes is my favorite and it matches the shoes so well.
Now, back to see what everyone else thinks. 🙂