Okay, today is my BIG post, but first I have to share a few things… First up is a quilt made by Sissy that is just adorable… You will agree with me too! I can’t remember, but I think it was Rosemary who brought up quilting first… I think it was when she shared her English Paper Pieced quilt and then everyone jumped in… I’ve made a few too… maybe 6 or 7, but they weren’t masterpieces like you have all been talking about. Just Log Cabin, Double Irish Chain, and some patchwork ones.
This is what Sissy shared about her quilt.
Hi, Jeanne,
Here are my two only attempts at quilting:
When my last granddaughter was 3 (she is 13 now) I saw a fabric in a quilt store that showed squares for making a book for a child. The pictures showed numbers from 1 to 10 and each had the same numbers of an animal on each square. I bought some fabric to go between the squares and after sewing them together, (I am/was not good at this and used a few interesting words while I was trying to get the pieces straight). I used that really soft fabric on the back. (Sissy, it looks like Minky Dot) It is far from perfect but Simone didn’t notice. She loved it so much for so long, even wrapped herself in it on a plane trip.
After I made this one her mother asked me to make another for her sister’s baby girl. She offered to pay for it so I did, and you can see that the second one looks a little better, but I like the brightness of the first one best. I never asked if they kept them all these years.
My final word is “Never Again!
Hugs, Sissy
Now Sissy, you know in the “DOLLY WORLD” you can NEVER say “Never Again” because there is ALWAYS ANOTHER DOLL you’ll fall for! Ask me how I know! :o)
Okay, next you have to listen to this video of Patti Page singing… I didn’t expect you to listen to the full 2 minute video, but it was pretty cute and I actually got the whole thing to load so I didn’t want to crop it and mess it up… Make sure you turn your volume up if you can.
Okay, onto the hats…first of all, I went back this morning and remeasured the heads of Ten Ping and tiny Bailey and the inside of the straw hats. I have a little bit different measurements for Bailey. The hat measures 5 1/2″ and Bailey’s head with that wig she has on measures 5 1/2″. All of the hats easily slide and sit on her head very well.
Ten Ping’s head with the wig she has on, (not her original mohair wig) measures 6 1/4″, which still lets the hats fit on her head, but you have to push it down to make it stay. I don’t remember the size head the My Meadow, Chibbies have, but these hats may fit them.
I actually found the post where I was talking about what I’m going to show you in today’s post… It was back on December 16, 2021…I’ve just copied and pasted the top part of that post so you could see…I called it:
“How Much are those Stockings in the Window?”
(You have to sing my jingle to the tune of “How Much is that doggie in the window?”
“How much are those stockings in the window?
The ones with the shimmery shine!
How much are those stockings in the window?
I do hope a pair can be mine!”
I have been working on some holiday Thigh Highs for some of my (your) dolls. I hope you’ll take a peek at what I have for sale… So far I’ve only done them for the Little Darlings and the Ruby Red Fashion Friends, but I hope to do more for the other dolls I have.
Some how in my mind I pictured it a little differently… I should have done more “thinking” about my “shop” and maybe put up a sign that said “Jeanne’s Boutique” or something like that, but it is what it is…
I had a dream one night about putting my straw bonnets in the same kind of setting… behind the panes of my window on little hat forms and it looked better in my dream then too… *sigh*
Okay, that’s enough of that previous post… That was 4 years ago and I still remembered wanting to do the same thing, only with hats, so now it’s time for the reveal… You’ll have to do some singing again…
“How much are those hats, there in the window?
The ones in the miniature scale…
How much are those hats, there in the window?
I DO hope those hats are for sale!”
I know, I’m a child at heart, but now I can cross it off my list of things to do…
So let’s see what I came up with…
Bailey: “Which hat do you like best Ten Ping?”
Ten Ping: “I can’t decide… how about you?”
Bailey: “I can’t decide either… I love them all!”
Okay, that’s enough peering through the “window panes”… this is what it looked like from a few steps back…
I did get those 2 bonnets finished today and here are Ten Ping and Bailey showing them to you…
The bonnets fit either doll.
Now here are a few more pictures of all 9 hats.
NOW… I won’t be able to take special orders on these (I don’t think…) and I know you may have been hoping to get a doll hat but my life isn’t at a point where I can just make special order hats…this was just a fun thing for me, but I will still make them when I find the time. I hope this grouping of hats will make a few people happy… and I’ll do my best if someone wants a color that gets sold out first thing to try and fit one in for them. The problem is, in decorating them, it’s hard to duplicate them exactly because you just have to use whatever you have at the time… I do have lots of flowers but I’ve also used up a lot of my stuff on these. I have collected things on sale over the years, but at some point I will need to replenish things.
So, I’ll just see how this goes. I am going to make some other doll hats… but I do need to work on a few other things right now…
My kids and my sister, Cindy, helped me with the pricing, my least favorite thing to do… and this is what we came up with.
Twinkle hats, Ten Ping hats $45.00 + $3.00 shipping
Little Darling, Boneka dolls, RRFF Siblies $50.00 + $3.00 shipping
Ruby Red Fashion Friends hats $55.00 = $3.00 shipping
Moppet’s hats $60.00 + $3.00 shipping
If you order more than one hat, the shipping will just be one flat fee of $3.00 for whatever you buy.
If you are interested in seeing more pictures of the doll hats, my post from yesterday had LOTS of individual pictures of the hats. You can check it out by clicking HERE.
I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Another fun post!
Sissy, I really like what you did with the pages of that cloth book panel. I have actually made a number of cloth books from similar panels (for grands’ first or second Christmases, usually), and they were kind of fun, but I’m glad I’m not still making them! I do recognize the blue fabric with multicolor dots that you used for the vertical sashing of the one you made for Simone; I am sure I have that in my stash, or at least did have–I may have used that for something for my first grandson when he was little!
I remember hearing that song by Patti Page on the radio when I was a very young girl! That’s how old I am!!
Your hat display is lovely, Jeanne, and the lavender one is definitely my favorite. hm…..
Oh, I meant to add, Rosemary, you asked if anyone had allergies. I certainly do! At the moment I’m on antibiotics for a sinus infection that my doctor caught at my wellness exam. Because of pre-existing health issues, when I start with a sinus infection, I get antibiotics to try to keep it to Just a sinus infection. I also have asthma as well as the seasonal allergies, and it sure is the time of year for it out here in the Seattle area right now! I’m allergic to many of the pollens that are floating around now, as well as to things like perfumes and smoke. (A trip down the detergent aisle in the grocery store can be agonizing for me–ALL. THOSE. SCENTED. PRODUCTS!! And I can’t even be in the same room with lavender. My throat starts to close…..
Yes, Charlotte, you have my sympathies. My allergies at present give me a sinus headache, and very dry, I suppose situated in my head. I am sneezing and coughing. I woke up twice last night to take a tylenol for head ache. I hope the antibiotics keep your allergies under control/not get too invasive and comfortable there in your head. This has beeen the windiest Winter/Spring transition I can remember.
Hubbs was stuffy and miserable last week, and it runny this week, so I encouraged him to sip a lot of tea. I just made a huge pot. He is not a tea person but oh well. I am an olden nurse so he is pretty obedient. I have also given him extra vitamin C in a chewable tablet.
My nose is not runny, but it whistles haha. I hope you keep your suffering at bay. warm drinks help
I too am struggling with allergies and it has affected my singing. Hopefully this will be over by concert time because I can’t find a solution that works all the time and I can’t take an antihistamine or I can’t sing at all. Because of the wind we have had a lot of dust flying around and that is a real problem for me. I pay Stephanie to clean my car for me and I’m going to see if she can do it soon. I thought it was dust on my car but a lot of it is pollen and I get a snoot full of that and dust every time I go to get in my car. I have a problem with scents too, especially in a store that sells candles.
thank you, Charlotte. I am glad you liked them. I could have make fabric books but I knew she would like the quilt better.
Thank you for showing my quilting attempt, Jeanne. The first 2 photos are of the second one I made, for Simone’s cousin. The last one is the first one, that I made for her. The backing was blue Minky dot.
I really love the hats and how the are shown, the two little girls looking at them. So nice to see the lavender and the pale aqua ones decorated as well, love them!
The “Doggie in the Window” brings back memories. When I was 7 years old we did a dance and sang that number in our dance recital! That shows you how old that song is!
I can see why your granddaughter was so fond of the quilt that you made for her. It is colorful and whimsical and sewn by you! They remind me of the soft fabric books you could buy 40 years ago. I loved those for my children because they could mash them in their little hands and not get hurt.
Thank you, Debbie. Simone was 3 and she wrapped herself in the quilt as soon as I gave it to her.
Oh, Sissy, wouldn’t it be great to have some pics of your recital. I can just picture the dance number to the Doggie song. My Blue Bird group did a dance to Tip Toe Through the Tulips. What fun times we both had. 🙂
Joy, I don’t remember many of the dances we put on in those days, but I couldn’t for get that one. Yes, we had great times! I would have loved to have seen yours.
But Charlotte, I thought you loved lavender and all purple things! I know, it’s the smell you are talking about, and I feel the same about lavender. Too strong! However, I am not allergic to anything and perfume odors don’t bother me, but I just prefer no odor to something that smells like something else, and usually doesn’t! Scented flowers don’t bother me a bit!
Oh Jeanne, I too remember Patti Page singing that song! I’m old too! What darling pictures you created with those hats! I would not be able to pick just one, they are all darling! What kind of flowers are you using on them and where do you find them?
Sissy, what a darling quilt you made! That would be the perfect thing for a wall hanging in a child’s room, and it could be the one thing that you could decorate around and match colors with. My mother-in-law made a Sunbonnet Sue quilt for my daughter when she was small, and it went on her twin bed , so we decorated the room with some of the colors. It was so cute with yellow furniture and yellow and white gingham wallpaper! The best part of your quilt was that it could be for either a boy or girl.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Linda, your daughter’s room sounds so adorable. With our daughter Andrea it was Holly Hobby. I always wanted a canopy bed for her but because of the visits of David’s girls every other weekend Andrea had to have bunkbeds. I bought the cutest Holly Hobby twin bedspreads and when I put the one on the top bunk it looked like a canopy. Andrea slept in the bottom bunk so it did seem like a canopy bed.
Thank you, Linda! Maybe I should have hung in on the wall, it would have lasted longer, LOL. I wish I knew what happened to it.
I love that song. We had just moved to the US and my English was not so great, or I should say American. So I enjoyed her songs, this one in particular.
Sissy, no waaaaay, this quilt is excellent. I made a quilt like this from a cloth book The Runaway puppies? or something like that, for my grand girl Lena. I love the sashing between each block; Well done. I love it. really well done! and the minky backing. nicely done.
The hats, these are gems, each one of them Jeanne. I could not pick a favorite if I tried.
Keep making them, and matching stockings and matching purses and shoes.
Those are essentials in every girl’s world!! I see the beginnings of many dresses and outfits for summer.
How is it Friday already? I did not meet any of my moving goals yesterday. I did plaster and sand a few walls. And house hold duties. OH and tried to clear a path and organize things daughter, Christina will take home with her when she comes at the beginning of April. Maybe it was my allergies but …. meh, I focused on drinking and snacking.
Today I will get some things accomplished! hey, I have two months, right?
It is sunny today but quite chilly.
Enjoy your week-ends!
Thank you, Rosemary, the first one Jeanne showed is the second one i made and it does look quite a bit better than the other, I learned a lot on the first one. Simone loved it though, that is what counts.
Bonjour.Cette chanson,était aussi chantée par Line Renaud, une française,qui a été meneuse de revue à Las Végas. C’est bien loin;j’étais une petite fille alors..! Ces chapeaux ,dans la vitrine ,font envie; ils sont ravissants.
This song was also sung by Line Renaud, a French woman, who was a revue leader in Las Vegas. It is a long way off; I was a little girl then..! These hats, in the window, are enviable; they are delightful.
Oh those hats! You have me searching for 8 inch dolls that can wear those hats. I will not buy a doll that size as I have committed to 12 inch to 15 inch dolls because I can dress them. But those hats are amazing and the price is right as far as handmade hats go. I often buy an outfit because it comes with a hat I like.
I do sympathize Charlotte. I have not had any luck with the medical people in this town when it comes to explaining that allergies turn into sinus infections that require antibiotics. That is just me, years of fighting off illness as a teacher just wore my immune system down. I cannot be around any type of scent either, perfume, candles, laundry detergent – all drive me crazy.
After spending all morning looking at small dolls for small hats I am way behind in the post trip cleanup. Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh, the Patty Paige song reeks of the 50’s. Times were so much simpler back then. 🙂 I often hear other person break into that tune. Why, I do not know.
Love the new photos of Jeanne’s Boutique. The Through the Window pics are wonderful. The lighting is perfect and displays the hats so perfectly. I used to do an art project for my students similar to that. Drawing either through the window looking inside or the opposite way looking out the window. My class always came up with so many different fun things. I’m a little confused so early this morning, but will the hats be available on your Etsy site? Like you would post them whenever you have a new one ready? I would be interested in hats for Mae and the Ruby Reds, the 14 1/2″ size and a boys 20’s style summer hat for the larger size. Just plain, no flowers for the boy hat. I’d have to look up their hat size. It is similar to the standard size, but slightly larger I think. Hope this makes sense.
Sissy’s special number book quilt was certainly a hit for her grand. How great that she has a picture of it. Really a piece of art. Thanks so much for sharing Sissy and Jeanne.
And on to the weekend. Hopefully, it will warm up as predicted because my jacket needs a rest. As soon as the yard dries out a little more, it will be back to pulling weeds. Our whole yard is a beautiful green right now. It’s going to be a lot of work to do all of that weeding work.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. 🙂
That’s one of the things I love about my home design software. At first I had just an architectural program where you could just design a house. Then I bought a home interiors program that was a lot of fun because the items included for the furniture, etc., was actually something you could buy but it was only for inside. But then Punch came out with home, interior and landscape design programs that were amazing. In 3-D you can look out the windows and see the landscaping outside, including things like swimming pools, playsets, etc. My new program actually has a pool design wizard where you can design a pool to your specifications.
Thank you, JOy, for the kind words about my quilt attempts. They made 2 little girls happy.
Wow! What a lovely array of hats. And I love the window effect with the two girls talking about which they would like to have – or maybe all of them but it’s doubtful mom would be okay with that.
Sissy, I love your quilts. What a brilliant idea to do with fabric for making a book. I bought one of those soft book kits to make for one of my grandkids but it never got made. Never thought of turning it into a quilt. I might do that for Azure since he is only four and it would be a perfect time for it. Now if I can just remember where I put it. Thanks for the idea Sissy.
I remember Patti Page’s “How Much is That Doggie in the Window”, but the one I love best is the one the Lennon sisters did on the Lawrence Welk Show. I’ve always been a fan of theirs and saw on their Facebook page the other day they are all healthy and doing well. I like hearing that because I’m the same age as Janet and she was the youngest of the group when I was growing up so the others are older. I guess the older I get the more I like hearing that people older than me are doing great.
Barbara, you should make one, 4 is a great age, Simone was 3 when I made hers. I hope you will show us the results!
I’ve found that cleaning/replacing the filter in my car AC/heater has really helped us. It’s down under the dashboard and not hard to find. Other person looked up how to change the filter and it is easy. The dealership wanted a lot to do that, but we picked up a recommended new filter at Walmart after measuring the one we took out, and popped in the new one. Now, other person actually takes out the filter and cleans/vacuums it which prolongs it’s use before replacing. Has really helped with the sneezing etc.
Jeannie, your hat shop is wonderful, you are so creative in so many ways. I love the hats too and the bonnets are wonderful.
I used to love the Patti page song when I was a little girl but I had never seen her singing it so thank you for showing the video it brought back so many memories.
I have a fabric book pattern from the old English Women’s Weekly, they often had a pattern for a children’s project. I have had to photocopy it because the original was getting very fragile. I made it for my friend’s baby (nearly 50 years ago) and I think I made it for two of my grandaughters. each page was a different number from one to ten and there was a little poem that counted they object (i.e. One teddy all alone). There was also a number that was detachable (on velcro), the background was the colour of the page and the number was the colour of the item counted.
I will look up the photo of the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ and send it over the weekend.
Sissy, the quilt is beautiful, all the colors tied in. What a lovely memory for them to have of both you and their childhoods.
Jeanne, the hats are wonderful. The colors are so pretty and the shapes too for the different dolls. I see the screen is being put to such a clever use. Thanks for mentioning it when it was available at Home Goods as I bought one right away. I wondered whether you had bought two of them and painted one white? Or did they come in both finishes? The hat stands are great too. Going to make some more to sell?
Thank you so much, Susette. I do love bright colors and it was fun once I got the hang of it.