I have my very own St. Patrick…. well, he’s more like my prince or my knight in shining armour. It was my hubby’s birthday Sunday and our pastor singled him out and we all sang Happy Birthday to him! :o) His middle name is Patrick… yes, he was named that on purpose! He wore green to church today but I told him I was saving my green for Monday! :o) Who’s going to wear green Monday?
He was given some cards from friends at church and had gotten 4 in the mail… then Kristoffer came over this afternoon with THIS!!!
It was his version of German Chocolate cake… my hubby’s favorite… and it was FABULOUS! I wish I could have given everyone a taste. That homemade cake and then the homemade pecan and coconut icing was out of this world! He brought the cake over and then iced it at our house… He didn’t want it slipping around on the pan…
He said it wasn’t the prettiest cake, but it sure made up for it in taste! That icing was excellent!
It’s a good thing his birthday only comes once a year… I’ll be savoring those bites till next year.
I was going to put some trivia questions up about St. Patrick’s Day, but decided we’d just go for the goodies… Sissy’s dolls dressed up for St. Patrick’s Day! Thank you, Sissy! How wonderful to see your fun creations!
Sissy will do the narrating for her doll dresses…
Hi, Jeanne,
The first 3 photos are from a big order that was made for a client back in 2023 for her Meadow dolls. She wanted to work with me in deciding the fabrics and styles. She wanted rompers made using the gnomes on some of them, and dresses with vintage hankies pinafores on others. Most of them are Meadow Dumplings, and one for Mae. We worked together for several weeks finding fabric and making decisions together. It really was quite fun for both of us. Unfortunately, she got sick just before she received them and was too ill to dress her dolls. However, she did enjoy them last year when St. Pat’s came around again.
The other outfits in the green dresses with shamrock hankie pinafores on my Mae and Dumplings were from several years that I made and sold them. I was going to make more this year as I have the materials from other years, but I received some orders for Asian outfits and an order from Debbie that came up first. So perhaps I will make some more St. Pat’s next year. I am really happy when I get commissions!
I am including one more I made a LONG time ago when I was making so many hankie dresses. This one on the 10″ Patsy Tonner doll and was fun to make. I did love making dresses with hankies.
Thank you for showing them, Jeanne, they really bring back memories for me.
Thank YOU, Sissy! I know when I see my dresses again, it brings up memories for me too. When I saw the quilt squares from my friend, Joy Carter, last week at church, I could instantly remember each doll dress made from the single square of fabric she used in her blocks.
I’ve decided Sewing is good for the brain… it keeps us on our toes trying to remember what we made out of each fabrics. Wouldn’t you agree?
Thanks so much everyone and again, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Try not to get pinched! :o)
See you tomorrow, with pictures from Rosemary… you want to come back for them!
Blessings, Jeanne
Congratulations on the successful aution of Rozen’s outfit, Jeanne! Well done.
Happy birthday to George! That cake does look delicious. Ron liked German chocolate cake, too, but would rather have his with 7 minute icing on it, and couldn’t understand why I didn’t make it very often. I tried to explain to him that 7 minute icing takes a lot more the seven minutes to make!! 😂 (And, frankly, it’s not my favorite kind of icing…)
Oh, Sissy, thanks for sending all those pictures. Each outfit is just so cute! Of the rompers, I think I like the one on the right the best. Of the set of three dresses in one picture, I think the little gingham dress is my favorite. Of the others you sent…I think I like the last gingham one with the apron overlay the best.
I actually have a St. Patrick’s Day hankie but I use mine as a hankie–and it’s a different style than any of the ones you used!
Thanks, Sissy.
Thank you for your kind comments, Charlotte! I love the gingham ones the best as well. Just something about it, I have a whole bin of gingham in many colors. I do miss making St. Pat’s outfits this year.
My mother used to make 7-minute icing too but it wasn’t my favorite. I liked her buttercream icing the best. My favorite cake is chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. She made that every year for my birthday.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone, and a big “Happy Birthday” to George also! I am not quite sure when his birthday actually is, yesterday or today, but he sure had quite the celebration yesterday! That cake! You should give Kristoffer my birthday date, so he can come and make me one, Jeanne!😊
I must say that Friday night was really a scary one for us! We had a tornado not 5 miles away from us, and a very stormy night. Thankfully we sustained no real damage, except for a few limbs that broke off our trees, and boy, was that a night to remember!The scary part was that it was dark, so you had no idea what was really going on when looking outside, except for the constant flashing of lightning.
Sissy, your dolls are just darling in their St. Pat’s outfits! They themselves look like little leprechauns! Those hankie dresses had me oohing and ahhing! I especially loved the gingham dress and that last dress is the bee’s knees! Just love it! How I wish I had the skills to make those hankie dresses, Sissy! You did an amazing job on everything!
Oh, Linda, what a night, I am so glad Y’all are safe. Such terrible destruction in so many areas across our country! We just had a whole day of pouring rain and woke up to sun shine.
Thank you for loving my dresses, isn’t the variety in so many of our dolls fun to see! Can’t wait to see more tomorrow!
Linda, just 5 miles! I am sure that was terrifying. We were watching the weather channel but they were focused on Mississippi so I did not see the damage near St. Louis. I agree that this has been the wind this winter has been quite something. Glad you are ok. ❤️
Happy Birthday Prince George Patrick!! …..that cake. Oh I think it is very beautiful, a masterpiece. I am sure it was delicious. Just YUM!
Most of the time the very prettiest cakes are not the yummiest. This cake looks lovely sliced and the layers and filling just so moist and perfect.
Happy St Patrick’s Day to all of you. I do have to go out, so I will wear my green pants, and my daddy’s green argyle sweater. It is a bit big, but ….. it is my daddy’s
Sissy, your girls are precious. Each setting is adorable, I love the outfits, the jumpsuits, and the girls in their dresses with aprons look like they are ready for dancing. I just love those hankie dresses. I am glad you made so many in the past. Gosh, I can not pick a favorite, Your dollies look so happy, such sweet faces and all of them look good as gold!!
Yes, Linda, your experience was a harrowing fright. I am so sorry for that trauma. By the time the weather came to northern Virginia, it is greatly influenced (either enhancing or diminishing) by the mountains. We did get rain, and in the evening a tremendous thunderstorm. This has been the windiest winter season that I can remember.
I am traumatized by the news from your area. Just awful.
We have sunshine today, and hopefully we can all just try to calm ourselves and help out some way.
I hope everyone has a great Monday!
I will be packing. …. …..
Thank you for your kind words and that you enjoyed my photos. I am really looking forward to your photos tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to George!!! That was my Grandpa’s name (on my father’s side). And Grandma (my mother’s mother) was born today and named Patricia =D. I miss her a lot. She was named in honor of St. Patrick, too.
I am so glad you are ok, Linda!!! That sounds so scary. There are stories of fires skipping houses that had a Crucifix on their doors, so we have one. The weather can be really scary sometimes.
It is so nice to see the outfits you made Sissy! I especially like the doll who is smiling so sweetly and has a pink ribbon in her hair. Thanks for sharing! Happy Saint Patrick’s day!!
Karen, thank you for enjoying my outfits. I do love to sew, and especially the hand sewing that comes from the pinafores.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Happy Birthday George! Kristoffer’s cake looks delicious. 🥳
We are down south celebrating my mother in law’s 93rd birthday. She can still run circles around the rest of us.
I have had the pleasure of visiting Jan in her doll “museum”. She always puts out a seasonal display when I visit. This time it was green dresses in honor of my Irish roots. Thank you Jan, I treasure the memory.
Speaking of dolls in green and shamrocks, those outfits are adorable Sissy. The rompers are cute and the shamrock pinafores are sheer delight. There is something about green and white that just says Spring.
Well tomorrow start our journey back to our adopted home. Leaving our friends and family is always sweet sorrow.
Wearing my green! ☘️
Debbie, thank you for enjoying the outfits. As you know, I love making hankie pinafores. I am getting close to finishing yours.
So glad that Jeanne and Linda were missed by the tornados. Can’t imagine how scary it must have been.
What a great birthday cake by Kristoffer, and a fun celebration for George. 🙂
Thanks to Sissy and Jeanne for sharing the green. It would be very difficult to choose a favorite, but seeing little Patsy in that drop waist beauty, sealed the deal. Reminds me that I should take a look at my little Ann Estelle kids here who haven’t been out in awhile. 🙂
Here, I thought that I would be finished in time with the St, Patrick’s Day dress I’ve been working on, but not quite done yet. So close though. I almost made it. 🙂 I need to put on the straps for the skirt and hem the blouse. When it is complete, I’ll get a picture outside after it dries up. Yes, more rain here. The plants like it, but the budding flowers/trees, not so much.
I have the corned beef and vegetables in the crockpot and it’s on low. Can’t wait for dinner tonight. Yum. I’ll be wearing my green t-shirt and wish everyone a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🙂
Joy, I am glad you enjoyed my outfits. I loved sewing for Patsy and others her size. I have sold them all except for my first Ann Estelle. She is the one that started my slippery slope of sewing for dolls. I am looking forward to seeing your St. Pat’s outfit.
Happy late birthday to George! That cake looks like it tastes as good as it looks! Great job, Kristopher!
Sissy’s dresses are amazing! If I really had to choose a favorite, same as Joy, I’d pick the dropped waist last dress, but they are so very special and the rompers are adorable! Thanks for sharing them.
Susette, thank you for your kind words and for enjoying my outfits!. I will have to make more of the hankie dresses one of these days. The nice hankies are getting so expensive, though.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Today is my sister’s birthday. She is two years and three months younger than me. I remember my mother buying us green dresses for her birthday when we were small – when it was just the two of us. One year my mother made what she called a 25th anniversary cake for my sister’s birthday. It had graduated layers. She always made the icing green. She was in a hurry and frosted the cake while it was still a little too warm. The layers slid all crazy ways and the effect was hilarious. My sister’s named is not Patricia because my mother had already decided to name her after her Godmother (my mother’s). My sister’s name is Elizabethanna (all one word, Beth for short). I always loved her name but evidently the year I was born Barbara was one of the most popular names, as attested to by how many I had in my classes over the years. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at church yesterday with a lunch afterward. I have little green in my wardrobe but do have one green jacket, thankfully it was a coolish day, and today I have on green pants and a coordinating top. More a mint green but for some reason I don’t buy green clothes even though I love green.
I’m still drooling over Sissy’s absolutely adorable St. Patrick’s Day outfits. I really can’t pick out my favorite other than the dropped-waist dress on Patsy. I just love that style of dresses on little girls. Sissy does amazing things with hankies. I love seeing what she does with a little hankie and a big imagination. I’m blown away.
A big happy birthday to George Patrick. And last but definitely not least is Kristoffer’s totally delicious looking cake. Wish I could have been there. One piece would not have been enough. I would just have to forego anything else sweet for the rest of the year, but I would have had to indulge myself. Way to tempting.
Oh, Barbara, you are so kind to give me your thoughts about my outfits! I will have to make a few more hankie dresses like the one you like best. I still have a few hankies, they have become very costly these days.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Only pinched if not wearing green. I’m certainly wearing green, and Kiss Me, because I’m Irish!!
Yummy German Chocolate cake. I love that and also and other German cakes and cookies. I hope George Patrick had a wonderful birthday.
My great-grandfather’s name on my mom’s side is Arthur Georg. Yes, no E as it is German.
What darling outfits, Sissy. I love the big hairbows! My favorites have to be the one on Mae under the “Hairbow trio” and then the other one on her. Green and white gingham paired with shamrocks is just darling. The shamrock hankies are used to perfection on the pinafores to show off the scallops.
I got pulled away, so I wanted to come back and comment how glad i am that Linda and Jeanne are safe. We were expecting a possibility of tornadoes as well, but thankfully had just some rain.
Thank you, Laura, for loving my outfits. I hope to make more next year, and also hope to have time for some Easter ones. I do love sewing them.
Happy birthday George. It was my grandmothers birthday on 17th but she wasn’t named after St Patrick she was Gertrude May and sorry if there are any Gertrudes out there but that has to be the ugliest name going. The chocolate cake looks wonderful not what I wanted to see this morning. I am going out for coffee and decided to skip breakfast so I am very hungry lol.
Sissy your outfits are wonderful, I do love the dumplings they always have such cute faces. I certainly wouldn’t be able to stop at just one! And your handkerchief dresses are so imaginative. Lovely.
St Patrick’s day came and went here! We have a couple of Irish pubs in town and I guess they were very busy last night. I didn’t go to the community lunch at Delta on Friday but saw the decorations when we went to church on Sunday so they would have been all dressing up, the Delta clients love the chance to do that.
Linda, I am so glad you are OK, I am in the middle of a letter to you and was asking if you were safe as I saw on the news that the tornadoes were in your area.
Tonight I have my final committee meeting (I thought it was last week but I was wrong, not for the first time). It has been enjoyable but I have been on it for 4 years and I will be glad of the break.
The last 3 days have been between 28-30C. That is hotter than 99% of our summer this year which has been crappy. It is supposed to rain today but hasn’t yet. Still supposed to be 22C so will be very humid, ugh. We aren’t used to humidity here, certainly wasn’t yesterday. Nor-westers drop all the rain on the West Coast, a narrow Province at the foot of the Southern Alps. When they get over the mountains they are hot and dry. The year after we came to NZ we had a really massive Nor-wester which flattened almost all pine plantations in Canterbury as well as causing a lot of damage in the city. We lost our garage roof. I heard on the radio to open the windows on the side of the house opposite to the direction of the wind so that’s what I did. Whether it helped or not I don’t know but the house stayed undamaged. Thankfully, we don’t have tornadoes which I think would be terrifying.
Have a great day everyone
Thank you, Anne, for enjoying my outfits. My dumplings are blushing from your kind words! Interesting about opening the window’s that way. I will try it next time we have a bit wind.
Jeanne, thank you for showing my photos, I am blushing from all the kind word from the sofas! That cake looked amazing! I would love the recipe as it is Peyton’s favorite and I have not been able to make a good one.
I am so glad Y’all are ok and that George had a nice birthday, wishes for him to have many more happy days!
So nice that Rozen did so well for you, as it should have been! Looking forward to what you come up with next!