Oh, let me tell you something that happened to me today!! My lavender outfit for Ten Ping was chosen to be used as the banner picture that goes across the top of the page for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends Couture doll forum! It’s my first time it’s ever happened… that I’ve known of. They didn’t ask me…and I don’t think they tell you… it just appears at the top of the page, so everyone can see it! My name isn’t on it or anything, but I do have it listed for sale in the group as they let you list things for sale from My Meadows in the group too. Anyway, it was exciting for me! :o)
With all the things going on this week and next, my sewing time is limited, but I decided I can still get things done for Easter if I use things I already have waiting to be used… ENTER those straw hats I made the last 2 weeks. A hat is a really nice addition to dresses, especially Easter dresses, so I chose another hat and will be using it.
I first thought I’d used the aqua bonnet I showed on 6″ Bailey…
…but tonight, when I really looked at it on her, I decided it was a tad bit too big on her tiny head. It actually sits okay on her head, but if you move her, it tips back and looks like a cowgirl with her hat hanging on her back with the ties around her neck. I decided maybe I better save that bonnet for Ten Ping… it really did fit her well.
So, I looked in my box of finished straw hats and decided on the pink one… then it was a matter of finding just the right small print to go with it. I found one! It matches wonderfully and picks up the pink AND the green in the hat ABSOLUTELY perfectly! It’s the right size scale for this tiny little 6″ girl. Bailey approved, so we started on the dress…
It isn’t hemmed so it looks pretty long right now, but I’ll fix that… it was time for some “glamour” shots before we both went to bed…
She’s quite photogenic! See if you don’t think so too!
…and this one was my favorite! What a bundle of cuteness!
Well, I’m off to bed… and will try to carve out some time to get something else finished on it. I did get ONE white lacy thigh high made… :o)
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
First of all, yes, I’ll send pictures to Jeanne of my English Paper Piecing project. I have two rows of “hexies” left to add before I can remove all the papers and make it into the clutch. And then hexies are closer to 2″ across, I think. I didn’t measure them, but I said 1-1/4″ yesterday, and that’s not quite it.
I checked out the auction…Oh. My. Goodness.!! That little outfit is a winner, for sure!! Well, I’m not surprised; it’s just so absolutely wonderful.
And now this new one–you know, I might not have chosen that particular fabric for myself, but it really is just perfect with that hat!! And it’s perfect on Bailey, too.
Lovely! Charlotte – no rush
I have been sewing slowly too, and mostly packing
First things first, Jeanne! CONGRATULATIONS on your outfit being on the banner of Ruby Red Fashion Friends Couture! What a great and well deserved surprise for you! I couldn’t be happier that you have received that recognition!
It’s funny that the tiniest outfits seem to bring the biggest amounts dollar wise! There certainly does seem to be a market for them! I’m excited to see the end result of the auction, as we probably all are! It is way out of my budget, but we all can dream!
The pink hat and outfit are just perfect for the sweetest combo ever! What a great idea to have made those hats early and now to be able to make a dress so quickly, especially when you are busy with other things. That material is perfectly adorable, and if you have more, it would be cute for a “big sister” too! You have made several sister sets, but yes, I know, you would have to make another hat!
6″ !!! I am in love. When I was little, I loved tiny dolls and had several but nothing notable.
This little pixie is so so adorable, and the hat looks incredibly sweet.
She reminds me of when my girls were little…. except my girls always wore their hats kind of “askew” or a bit too tightly on their head with the tie haha funny memory
This dress is so cute too. Have you made tiny shoes for this doll? Your skills are exceptional Jeanne, lucky you to have your latest featured on facebook!
It is Thursday and my daughter, hubbs and girls are coming for a week on Saturday.
I think I should clear up this packing mayhem and put this house in some kind of order.
It is beautiful and sunny here, I hope all of you have sunshine too!
In 2023, my daddy passed away in June, and I spent many months packing my parents fancy apartment at Ashby Ponds. By October I had some what recovered physically, but then… in November, I planted about 120 tulip bulbs in my yard, mostly the back yard, in memory of both of my parents from Holland. In the Spring of last year, the result was shocking and tearful. This year, I see the beginnings of tulips and it should be another beautiful memory. I will get photos of course because this will be the last Spring in this house.
Love, Rosemary
It certainly pays to post in groups doesn’t it? The latest for Ten Ping has so many bids already and there are still three days to go. I’m so happy for Jeanne. Now, we’ll have to call her the banner girl. 🙂
I’m sorry that the hat didn’t fit Ten Ping as well as the last one, but little Bailey is stealing the show this time. I prefer the hat poised on her head slightly further back as shown in the third photo of her in the chair. It shows more bangs and isn’t so straight across on her head like other photos. The dress compliments the hat as well. Will this set have some kind of a pet? Lots of fun going on here. 🙂
Very wet outside this morning, so no yardwork going to happen, but Target awaits. I understand that they have in a lot of cute spring/Easter things. Have to check the out.
Well, Target is pretty much sold out of the Easter/spring stuff in the bins, but while walking down an aisle towards the cat food, on an end were the cutest little white bunnies. They had quite a few of them and only $3.00. I bought one because it should work for the Ruby Reds and even Siblies. Makes up for the yet again wet weather. And I’ve heard that next week we’re in for another deluge. Yikes.
Dear Jeanne, Yeaaaaaaaaaa and Congratulations! We are so proud of you!
Bailey looks so sweet in her dress and hat.
Congratulations, Jeanne. I saw it on the FB page.
The fabric you’ve chosen for Bailey is so pretty and goes perfectly with the hat.
I loved tiny dolls as a child as well, but none of those had extra clothing. Tiny stuff costs more because it’s more challenging to sew.
Jeanne, well done getting your outfit on the banner. I love the colours for the tiny My Meadows. They really are cute but could never cope with anything that size. I’m impressed.
I forgot to send the photo of ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ in situ yesterday so will send it today. I did look at what I had sent you and it was pretty distorted, it didn’t look like that when I sent it.
The weather here is distinctly cooler. I keep looking at my grapes checking to see if it is time to pick them. We haven’t had the best summer, so they aren’t looking really ripe yet. The red ones are always earlier than the green ones, though by the time the latter are ripe they are more yellow. Neither of them is anything like the ones we get in the shops they are probably wine grapes really but people seem to like them. I usually take them to Delta and they put them out on the table with the free bread. (Delta has an arrangement with the local supermarkets and they go round and collect the day-old bread which is available for anyone to pick up. Sometimes it is the only food some people have.)
Have a good day everyone
Your almost ripe grapes remind me that last fall, I picked our Concord grapes, crushed, strained them, and put the juice in the freezer. I thought I might make some jelly, but didn’t. Guess I should pull out the packets and see what I can do. Better late than never as they say.
Jeanne, I LOVE the pink set, can’t WAIT to see what you do with it. I know it will be fabulous!
So great that you got on the Ruby Red Banner! I am just sorry the shoes were left out, they are so cute. The bids are going great!
I am trying to finish my order from Debbie. I know she will show it to the blog. I tend to go crazy when I am hand sewing, and I know she is tired of waiting for me. Taxes got in the way, but they are done now. YAY!
Hurray on your taxes. Ours have been sent in too. 🙂