A sneak peek at something I’ve been working on…

WOW… there was so much chatting on the blog yesterday! (yes, it’s already after midnight here and I’m just now writing this…) It was interesting to hear all about English Paper Piecing and see who had tried it before. I’ve made maybe 6 or 7 quilts but nothing really fancy… just quilts.

Our day was super busy… my hubby had a dentist appointment so while he was gone, I started housecleaning. We were supposed to have company in the afternoon. I vacuumed, dusted, did dishes, shook the rugs, and lots more… but that’s enough of that. Then when he came home he had brought some jello for me to make for him. His colonoscopy is Thursday and he wanted to have jello on hand for Wednesday because he has to have all liquid foods. I got it made, and finished up on some other things… Then our company came… she brought George his favorite that she makes… beans and rice… Japanese style. She had never seen our house so we gave her the nickle tour and we got stuck in my sewing room. She knew I sewed for dolls, but when she saw the whole set up with the naked dolls and the leather shoes and what I was working on at the time, she had a million questions. It was fun for me and I “think” she enjoyed it too. She stayed I think about 3 hours. We visited and then she was off to “Sylvia’s” house, (my friend from Singapore) who is the fabulous cook I show things she’s made from time to time.

After Sayaka left, we grabbed a bite to eat (I had leftover salmon and my poor hubby had scrambled eggs and rice.) He’s eating light because of his colonoscopy. While we were still eating, we called Rebecca and Karn… They had called last night and the night before, but we were busy both nights and couldn’t talk. So we HAD to talk to her tonight. We did… for an hour… so it was almost 9:00 before my “day” actually was my own. I’ll show you what I’ve been up to, but first up… how about another “belated” St. Patrick’s Day doll dress from Susette. I told her it was okay… that we’d call this St. Patrick’s Week, and green doll dresses were always welcome! :o)

This is what Susette said…

Here’s Sassy Sage in a dress by Kukymoda with a slip by Jeanne underneath for St. Patrick’s Day for ladies who don’t follow on Facebook. She’s not as sad as she looks as she’s standing amidst the purple shamrocks 🍀🍀🍀!

Susette said these 2 dresses were made a while back… One on Molly and one on Samantha.

They are so cute and I remember when she made them! You get an A+ too on your sewing!

Okay, so I WANTED to have more done before I showed you these, but I have nothing else to share, so I’ll go ahead and show them. I have been on a kick for about 2 weeks (maybe) of using every spare moment I have to make…

… doll hats!

I think that little one I made for Bailey and then that BIG one I made for Mae and then the last natural colored one with the 2 different bands for the Ruby Reds got me in the mood for hats. So I surveyed my supplies and just jumped in with both feet. I recently found a new size of doll hat mold on Ebay and decided to go for it. It said it fit a 5 1/2″ to a 6″ doll head. I was hoping it would fit Mini Bailey and then also hoping it might fit Ten Ping. Well, it did and (I think) I showed those pictures to you already.

Anyway, I have made a few more and wanted to share them with you… Here are 8″ Ten Ping and 6″ Bailey modeling them in their panties… It was almost midnight when I took these pictures, so the color isn’t great. I’m going to have to work on that part… But they are SO “delicious looking”… almost like a decorated Petit Fours. :o)

This is a natural colored straw and a very light blue…

This is a peach and brown colored straw…

Here are 2 Easter bonnets I have started… a pale lavender and a very light aqua blue…

I only managed to get 3 of them decorated after the day settled down for me…

Here is Bailey in a very sweet mint green hat…

Here are Ten Ping and Bailey in the baby pink and a sort of cornflower blue hat…

Here are the 3 decorated hats from different angles…

…and a couple of closer shots…

…and here is a shot of them all…

I have gone back and forth about how I’m going to sell them…

~ sell them just by themselves
~ sell them with an 1/8th yard of a matching piece of fabric so the winner can make their own dress
~ sell them with another item… like a purse or a necklace or a slip

The problem is… the hats fit BOTH Ten Ping and Bailey and maybe some other dolls like the Ginny dolls, so I can’t make a simple dress out of a fabric, because if I made it for Ten Ping, someone might want the hat for their 6″ Twinkle doll and I would have used up the fabric for the wrong doll.

I won’t have time to make dresses for all the hats, so I was just going to sell them by themselves… I talked to Kristoffer AND Rebecca tonight and they both said to just sell the hats as an accessory to go with a dress the winner will already have.

I’ll use your comments in my final decision too…so go ahead and tell me your thoughts. I have been wanting to do this for 3 years and have a fun way of displaying them and even wrote a jingle to go with them when I do list them.

So, that’s what I’ve been up to in my “very few” spare minutes I’ve had lately.

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

4 thoughts on “A sneak peek at something I’ve been working on…”

  1. Jolis chapeaux . Domage qu’ils ne puissent pas venir en France ,mes poupées aimeraient sûrement..! Amitiés pour vous toutes. Georgina.

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, you Did have a busy day, Jeanne! Hope all goes well with George’s colonoscopy.

    Susette, your dolls are lovely. I remember seeing Sage on FB, and thought what an interesting dress she has on. Crocheted? Looks like lovely yarns in it. I think it really suits her.

    I don’t remember seeing the picture of Molly and Samantha in their dresses, though. Very nice! And Molly’s shoes look like the shoes worn by Irish dancers, so I think she might be getting ready to perform for us!

    The hats are such fun, Jeanne! I really love that lavender bonnet, but of course Gigi thinks she would rather have PINK!! That girl!! 😂

    Rosemary mentioned having “a few other machines :::cough cough::: ” I hear you, Rosemary, and so do I! My primary machine is a 1999 Viking #1+, and I absolutely love it. But I do have a back-up….or two….or three….

    I’m taking a short break from English Paper Piecing, as the end of my middle finger on my right hand has a small split in the skin again. It’s my “thimble finger”, and of course I’m right-handed. I had that happen a month ago and it healed up pretty fast, but I think I overdid the pushing with it, and then with my hands in water numerous times today (dishes, bathroom cleaning, hand-washing a wool sweater), it just broke open. I will bandage it with some antibiotic ointment before I go to bed (which will be in a few minutes), so it can have several hours to hopefully heal!

  3. Debbie in North Carolina

    Those hats are the best I have ever seen in the handmade category. Sadly I don’t own any dolls in that size. LD, RRFF, AG, that is my size but they will make some collectors very happy.

    I would love to have just one sewing machine again. And storage for all the necessities.

    The knit dress suits Sassy Sage. I do love Molly and Samantha in their green.

    The last leg of our trip is today. We got an early start so hopefully we will beat the snowbirds, half backs, and spring breakers on I 95.

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Oh, Jeanne, Easter is here in your house! Those darling hats are the sweetest! They should sell like hot cakes, as they say. Maybe you could save a couple for dresses you make though. I love them all but the two lavender and pale aqua with the different shapes are my favorites. I love how they shape the face of the dolls. What fun you have had with your hats! I can’t wait to see what you do with them.
    Wishes for a successful Colonoscopy for George.
    I am sending you another photo, this time showing my attempt of making a small quilt.

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