A slip and some shoes are JUST what this Ruby Red Fashion Friend needed!!

Hi everyone.
I aim to please my customers and this is what my Sofa Sisters suggested I do: make a slip and change the shoes to something other than green! Save the green shoes for another outfit! So that’s just what I did. I took the green leather shoes and put them back in my “storage” drawer and then planned my day around what would work best for Rozen’s blue and green floral print dress.

A slip was easy… I’ve made LOTS and LOTS of them… so here’s her new slip… all the way down to the blue bow! :o)

Then I took a little time and looked on the internet at “what kind of shoes young girls were wearing with a short floral dress and a denim jacket.” I mostly found white tennis shoes, but I’ve never made any tennies… so I kept looking. Short heels? Flats? Short boots? Clunky boots? Mary Janes?

I gave up looking for an answer and decided to see what kind of “other” leather I actually had in my stash. I found a piece of blue that was just enough to make a pair of shoes, but there wasn’t much left over if I made any mistakes or for another piece to the outfit. I did have a white piece but the back sueded side that shows on the soles, was sort of gray and when you treat the edges it sort of looks dirty, so I wasn’t thrilled with it.

I decided to just make another pair of flats “similar” to the green shoes, but add an extra strap. I thought that might make them look a little dressier, but still be casual.

I had just cut them out and punched the holes in them, then laid them on Rozen’s feet… Then I put one on her dress so you could see the color better. When she has her dress on, it sort of changes the color of the leather because it shades them.

Here they are with her dress…

Now with her blue denim jacket…

Here are a few fun shots showing off her shoes and her slip!

Looks like it’s time for bed… for Rozen and me too!

I’ll keep working over the weekend…
See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “A slip and some shoes are JUST what this Ruby Red Fashion Friend needed!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, yes, so much better! Love the petticoat, of course, but the blue shoes just look like they “belong” with this outfit.

    I have sent you some pictures, Jeanne; watch your inbox! I divided them between several emails, as I didn’t want them to take too long to send. I know, I have WiFi but I remember the old days of dialup when you couldn’t send too much or the computer would slow way down, so I’m probably overly cautious.

  2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Great work, Jeanne! The blue shoes are perfect with the jacket and dress and the slip gives the dress what it needed, too. Have a great weekend, it is cold here so I know it must be a lot colder there where you are! The high today is 39%! We are headed to our Y for water aerobics and just praying it wont be too cold in the pool!

    Charlotte, I am really looking forward to your photos!

    I am hoping to finish up the second outfit for a commission for 2 dolls this weekend, then start another. Have a great weekend every one and stay warm!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Since we’re warming up here I felt sure you would be too. A high of 39 even in March seems awful low for the south. I like to watch the weather on the news because they show the movement but haven’t for a couple days so I had no idea winter was still very much with you. We will be in the 60s on Sunday with a low of 41 overnight but then we warm back up again.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        The weather here is up and down temps. we had a hard rain and it brought cooler weather again. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 70’s after noon. Well, it is March.

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I love the way Rozen’s skirt is fuller and that slip is just what she needed!

    The shoes don’t show up as much as blue as I was thinking they would be, but look more gray on my monitor. They are really cute little shoes, but I think white thigh highs would show. them off better. I know, not MORE things for this outfit, but I don’t care for the bare legs with this outfit, but that’s just me. I still think white patent leather shoes would look good with this for a dressy occasion.

    All in all, this would even look good for St. Patrick’s Day! She looks as bonny as a little Irish girl could look!

  4. Super cute Jeanne. Love those shoes so much!!
    This outfit is perfect.
    Happy Week-end everyone.
    I will be …. packing. Oh gosh, so much stuff to go through.
    love to all of you

  5. Joy in northern CA

    I agree with Linda, on the shoes needing thigh highs and how great the slip adds to the dress. Very cute. Maybe Rozen needs a little green shamrock to pin on her jacket? I love how she has her feet crisscrossed in several pics, just like models do. I however, for the life of me cannot do that. Daughter and gran can, but not me. 🙂
    And on to the weekend where we have the time change Saturday night. Not so much looking forward to getting up earlier though.
    Have an excellent weekend everyone. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I have a problem with losing sleep Saturday night. I never can convince myself to head to bed earlier to make up the difference. I’m a night owl and my body doesn’t want to shut down earlier. Everyone I talk to says they’d be very happy if we’d just get rid of the time change thing. My children were born in April and October back when the time change took place every year in those months. I would no sooner get my babies on a schedule and the time would change. And then when they were older there’s the nighttime problem in the spring when you hear, “Why do I have to go to bed when it’s still light out?”

      1. Joy in northern CA

        I do think that they are working towards no longer having daylight savings time. Out here, it means that school kids have to be out before sunrise to catch busses, but it would certainly be nice for me not to have to make the change twice a year.

        1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

          A couple of years ago people were clamouring here for it to be extended! We won’t go back until April 6th and it started 29 September

      2. Charlotte Trayer

        Same here, Barbara–definitely a night owl, and the time change is Hard, especially when Sunday morning comes Sooooo early!!

        Here in Wash. state there’s been talk of making daylight time our regular year-round time, and I wouldn’t like that at all–the children would be going to school in the dark!

        One year when we were about to “spring forward”, I heard one of the TV news anchors actually say she was “looking forward to that extra hour of daylight”!!! Makes me wonder if she was paying attention in elementary school science!!

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Yes I like the new shoes better. With the variations in the color in the jacket they look especially good since you are not trying to match one particular color/shade/tint. Ah, the slip. They always look so good but I can’t seem to master the creation of them. Somehow I seem to be all thumbs when trying to do them. I’m not giving up but in time I imagine I will have at least one Jeanne Marie slip for each of my dolls – if I can win enough auctions or Jeanne just keeps making them to sell.

    I will be working in my sewing room today but actual sewing won’t be involved. I’m clearing things out so my new sewing/crafting table can be put in Monday afternoon. There are a couple shelving units in the garage that are empty so I appropriated them as my own for things I don’t use often and am tired of tripping over. I made it clear I will have some space allocated to me in the new storage room. In the meantime I’ve taken over the empty shelves and that is working very well.

    Had a quiet night last night. The chirping smoke detector has been silenced.

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