Hi everyone,
I survived the Colonoscopy of 2025! I feel like I need a Tee Shirt with that on it! Well, not really… I feel kind of bad that I sort of trivialized the whole colonoscopy thing. While I will say drinking the liquid stuff the day before is not pleasant… it won’t kill you… it’s just not like drinking soda or lemonade. It has sort of a bitter taste and just kind of gets to you after SO many cups of it…toward the end of my jug, every time I took a sip of it, it made me shudder. However, it’s one of those necessary things we should do in order to stay healthy. So I’m sorry I scared some of you into thinking you will NEVER do it…Please don’t do it because I made a blog post out of it and made you think twice about having one. That’s the last thing I’d ever want to do…
I came home and went to bed about 12:30 and woke up at 4:30… and felt much better. It was behind me and I could EAT something. YAY! I have to admit I was a bit out of it though and just kind of walked around the house… sort of unfocused. I think I was just kind of tired still and had no energy to start something.
I did watch the end of my auction for Mae’s dress and was flabbergasted at the end bid. If you missed it, it went for $164.50 and no one was more surprised than I was. Thanks so much, dear bidder, if you watching.
I didn’t have anything started or any idea how I was going to finish Rozen’s dress, so I just went to my computer, opened up to all my previous posts… used my mouse and scrolled down 10 times, sort of like I was spinning the wheel on Wheel of Fortune and decided whatever post I stopped on, I’d show that again today…
It landed on a post from March 13, 2015… I called it “Purses, Purses and More Purses… for dolls that is…
I copied and pasted that post below and hope you’ll enjoy seeing it. (again)
I love making all the little “extras” that go with the dresses I sew for your dolls. There are lots of accessories you can make to complete the outfits. .. hats, tights, hair bows, sweaters, sashes, shoes, aprons, necklaces, thigh highs, slips, anklets, belts, but one of my very favorite things to make are PURSES! What little girl doesn’t love a purse? I used to make little girls dresses and sell them at my local Farmer’s Market and I always included a hair bow with them, but whenever I added a purse to go with the dress, it was always was a big hit with the little girls! There’s just something fun about having a purse that matches or at least coordinates with your dress.
I was looking through some pictures and realized most of the purses I have made have been for the Dianna Effner 13″ Little Darling dolls. It must be because they look extra adorable with them or maybe I just like that little 1 – 1/2″ size most of them end up being. With Easter coming up I thought I would share some of my “purse” pictures with you. I hope you enjoy them…
If you click on any picture, it will enlarge.
I really loved this black and white polka dotted featherwale corduroy… I used it 3 times…
…and probably my favorite one… so it gets 2 pictures…
Well, that’s it for the purses…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
I’m glad your colonoscopy is over now, and you can eat real food again, Jeanne!!
Oh, the purses are all so very cute. Of course, that first one is my favorite. I love that entire outfit (well, it’s purple, right?!!).
I will be sending you expo pictures in the next day or two; I finally got them loaded in my computer last night, and tonight I did my Facebook posts with some pictures in it, but I really do need to get to bed now, so….tomorrow!!
I do love these little purses.
I didn’t see anyone else mention this, so I will in case it helps someone. I had my first colonoscopy a few years ago, and my doctor suggested mixing in lemonade flavored Crystal Light and refrigerating the “drink.” After the first cup or so, I sent my husband to the store. The lemonade flavor made a big difference for me.
Glad you are recovering and hope you are completely back to normal asap!
All of those purses are adorable. I hope you will redo some of them as the Little Darlings around here would love them.
Great result on that auction, that outfit was a winner for Mae lovers.
Charlotte, sounds like the Expo was a success again this year. Looking forward to your pictures. Did you win again this year?
Well, hopefully, Jeanne, received the clear diagnosis from yesterday’s experience. Glad that’s over for her.
What a great auction, and I’m sure the winner will be very pleased with the outfit.
Lots of very cute purses today. I’ll have to look later this afternoon. Have to get going as I have an early eye appointment.
Ah, Jeanne, congratulations for getting through. My mom always thought the colonoscopy was kind of like going on a strict diet for a day and losing some pounds. (??)
My dad loved colonoscopies. I do not think you frightened anyone.
All of these purses are so cute. I can’t pick a favorite but I love the different styles
The purses are so cute, Jeanne, I love them all. Glad your colonoscopy is over, although the worst part is getting ready for it.
Happy for your great purchase on the Mae outfit, it was way out of my pocket. I had fun looking at it anyway. Mae is tired of her Asian outfit so one of these days I will make her something else to keep.They my Tia, same size, will want something too.
Looking forward to your next outfit.
So glad you are now back to normal, Jeanne, and the colonoscopy is out of the way! It is a cold, blustery day for us here in St. Louis, as I imagine it is for you, so the very best thing to do today is stay home and sew!
Oh those little purses are just adorable! You should make some for your Etsy shop, but I know, each purse is designed for the dress it accompanies, but I bet a lot of them can be used with different outfits. I could never pick one over the others, they all are darling!
Congratulations on the fantastic sale you had last night!
Rest easy as far as I’m concerned on the colonoscopy. Any decisions I make on healthcare are mine alone and you didn’t influence me at all. I had a friend whose husband had a very bad experience with one. I won’t say what but that did scare me some but most I know had no trouble and a positive outcome. The only person I know that didn’t come out fine is a good friend whose father passed away from colon cancer and it runs in her family. David was adopted and I’m truly thankful for that since prostate cancer runs in his adoptive father’s family and it doesn’t seem to bypass any of the men.
On to more pleasant things. I loved all the purses but the first one Molly is carrying really jumped out at me. I love the dress too. But I can’t think of any of the ensembles I wouldn’t love to have. I can’t believe how many of them I have never seen.
I surprised myself the other day. I was not even in the throes of dolly fever but I ordered a new Mini Maru doll when the opportunity showed up in my email. Her name is Luna. She is 13″ and articulated. I’ve wanted an articulated Little Darling ever since they came out, but they are far out of the range of my dolly budget. So when I saw Luna (who is also Dianna Effner inspired) I opted for her. Far less expensive and she is adorable, just not hand painted.
Spring has definitely sprung here in southeast Texas. Our days are delightful. Any fronts we get now are pleasant. They keep the humidity down and the temps in the 60s and low 70s. When they stop coming through, which hopefully will not be until late May, the heat will last until late November. Not looking forward to that.
Jeanne, I forgot to congratulate you on your amazing auction results. I was watching most of the day but we went out last evening so I missed the end. Quite a jump from when I last saw the numbers. I’m not surprised at the result. It’s a wonderful outfit for a wonderful doll.
Great auction, Jeanne! Not surprised as it was an adorable outfit!
Glad your day is over. Someone mentioned a lemonade drink that helps get that horrid stuff down- good idea.
Oh, those purses always make the outfits complete! What little girl doesn’t want a purse to match h their outfit. Love the purple outfit – it’s so vivid.
Hi to everyone! I guess I should include my colonoscopy experiences, but they were uneventful, so I’ll skip them. I do have one scheduled for March 31, tho.
More about the purses. I loved them all, but I guess I liked the dresses the best. Again it is hard to pick the one I liked the best, but I think it would be the second one—the one for Molly. It would be a good thing for you, Jeanne, if you listed a bunch of little add-on for fashions. It could include anything to match dresses. Purses, necklaces, belts, shoes—even blouses, jumpers, shorts, or tops. They could be color coordinating, or Now,I am going a little crazy, I know. I do that sometimes.
I really enjoy seeing everyone’s reactions to your fashions. One thing I am interested in is the way you make shoes. How do you make such perfect stitches on the soles?
Diana Jenness