Hi everyone,
I was still cleaning in my sewing room and think I’m getting closer to being done…but not there yet! I did figure out who is getting the next dress! This time I’m making a St. Patrick’s Day dolly dress. I think I’ll alternate back and forth between St. Patrick’s Day and Easter dresses for now.
I had some dolly shoes already made… I was thinking of a certain fabric that’s been one of my favorites, and found a coordinating piece to go with it, I had some green hat braid that went with the fabric, AND I even had a doll hat mold that I haven’t used yet, but intend to try it for this set… Wanna see?
Here are the shoes… remember who they were made for?
Here is the main fabric…
So I bet you’ve guessed who it’s for?
Yep! Mae is getting a new dress set! I had originally picked out a green fabric with a small print in it… but when I laid it on top of her body, it just didn’t make my heart sing… so I decided she needed something with a touch of blue to show off her eyes… this truly is one of my favorite fabrics and Mae liked it better too…
You’ll REALLY have to use your imagination on this one… I’ve got the pieces cut out and laid on top of her but there is nothing really that defines how it will look right now. I think it will be cute… You can see how this hat will be too… I can’t wait to see this one come together! I hope you like it so far… :o)
Oh, one more thing… my hubby wanted me to find a basket this morning for his eggs. I didn’t know exactly what he was meaning or planning to do with it, but this is what it was for… He wanted to show off all the many colors of his hen’s eggs. We have the dark brown eggs, the lighter ones, the almost pale peach ones, some olive green eggs, some light minty green eggs and occasionally we get one that looks almost light blue. He wanted to send a picture of them to someone, so I decided to show you as well.
Well, I will stay busy this weekend! I hope you have something fun to do!
See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne
First of all, Anne, thanks for sharing a link to that church. I really enjoyed reading about it, and it’s in such a lovely setting! The building itself is beautiful and unique.
Mae’s dress is going to be really pretty, I think! The greens of the shoes, collar/cuffs, and braid really work well with the main fabric. Can’t wait to see the end result!
What pretty eggs!! I remember a couple of years ago we had a family attending our church for a while, and the children were in my Sunday School class. One Sunday Samuel brought me a little carton with four eggs from his hens, and they were different colors, too. So pretty!
Less than a week until sewing expo!
Like Charlotte, I too had a student bring colored eggs to the class room. Those were the first I had ever seen like that. George’s are lovely, made me ready for breakfast.
We are off again this am for another appt. The older we get the more we seem to see docs. This one is for Peyton.
I am working on 2 Asian outfits for a commission. The dolls are “Forever Virginia” and their bodies are a strange shape. The chest is quite small and the body goes down to large hips and thighs. The pattern I had for Meadow Dumplings does NOT fit that. Fortunately I had her to mail one of the dolls to me or I would never have made it. I will show photos if I can EVER get it to fit right.
Jeanne I LOVE the colors you have for Mae, and was wondering when you would get something going with those cute shoes. I know what it is like to have too much fabric, but when you can find pieces that go together so well it is worth it.
Ann, that church is so sweet. Another reason I am sorry I never made it to NZ.
Wishes for great weekends for you all and hoping this unusually cold weather will warm up!
Hi Sissy, I sent you an email last week. Please let me know if you did not get it.
Hi, Debbie, the last one I got was in January, the cute photos of your 3 dolls.
I will send again. Thank you
The fabric is so cheery and a perfect match for the shoes. The eggs are so beautiful! It must be quite a thrill the first time you go out and see the beautiful colors. Thanks for sharing them with us too.
I think the eggs in the basket photo should be framed and hanging on the wall somewhere. It is wonderful. Love the nature colors. Maybe even a a 6×6 size in a tiny frame? Could even be a decorative object on a little stand. 🙂
Love the dress fabric, the shoes, hat, and of course, sweet Mae. Can’t wait to see how this ensemble turns out.
Looks like another beautiful sunny day today. Neighbor kitty, Callie, was awaiting breakfast when I looked out the slider this morning. She’s definitely an early bird.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
What a cute little outfit for Mae coming along! I just knew Mae was the new model when I saw those cute, chubby little legs! What is funny, is she looks like a little boy in a dress without her wig!
I love the idea of green and maybe another color for the holiday, so they can be worn other times too. Material with shamrocks and rainbows just don’t give you that versatility.
Now I wonder what wig will she be getting?
Those eggs are just beautiful! We used to have bantam chickens, who laid small eggs, but mostly all white. I love the different colors in your basket! Looks almost like Easter eggs!
The snow is glistening now, but we will start to get warmer this weekend, so the end is near for a winter wonderland. I can’t say I’m too sad about it, but the snow is pretty to look out on!
Mae will be cute as a button in that fabric. The print is not obviously St. Patrick’s Day so will work all the way to Easter and beyond. I am not sure how you make these tiny shoes, they make every outfit. I don’t know what the hat will become but I know it will be great. You do have plenty to work on this weekend!
The eggs look like a package I bought at Home Goods a few years ago. I loved them because they look natural just like the ones your hens are giving you. I agree with Joy, they are display worthy.
Barbara, I replied to your honeymoon memory yesterday. What a story!
Finally sunny here but ice all over. Decided to stay home another day. Closets are getting cleaned out for the donation pile.
Debbie, I read your comment from yesterday and hoped you had commented today since I wanted to reply here. The reason for the honeymoon in Crested Butte was that David went to Western State in Gunnison for college. He was very familiar with the ski slopes in Crested Butte. But that was back when Crested Butte was a hippie haven and property was dirt cheap.. When we went for our honeymoon in January 1980 Crested Butte was a very small ski resort. The motel where we stayed was the first thing you saw when you drove into town. Over the years we spent many summer vacations in the Gunnison area so visited Crested Butte often. We watched it grow and expand to where it was almost unrecognizable and the people that usually skied Aspen, Winter Park, etc., found it and took it over. It was ruined. I remember one woman in a shop in Crested Butte telling us how Crested Butte had been taken over by trust fund babies, as she pointed them out as they walked down the street. It had always been a bit expensive but over the years it became impossible to find reasonable lodging and food was off the chart expensive so we relocated our summer trips to Lake City.
Good afternoon dear friends, well, okay it is 11:30 here.
Today we have sun and we are on a warming trend, I think today will be 35 or something.
Jeanne, the fabric and shoes are delightful. I love this match.
Mae is such a cute doll, like a toddler !
I hope everyone has a good day. I love those eggs. Beautiful colors.
Does each momma lay the same color egg every time? or do they each lay just whatever egg color that comes out? Do the egg colors correlate with the color of the feathers?
I hope everyone has a super wonderful week-end. Yes, it is still February and we are all coping with that “nasty wind”… which never seems to show up in Summer, why is that?
Keep hydrated and warm.
I will be packing and packing and packing
Dear Jeanne, it looks like you are back in full force. Yeaaa! I am already looking forward to seeing your Summer ensembles.
Well, Mae is certainly the spoiled one, chosen so often for new clothes. I’m sure she’s glad she came to live at your house. I really like that fabric, such a pretty blue with little berries.
The eggs are wonderful. I recall seeing blue eggs at a specialty grocery store for the first time many years ago and discovered Araucana chickens lay them.
Thank you for sharing the church article, Anne. Such a lovely church and setting and lovely that it is still used regularly for worship.
Thank you for your comments about the link to the church.
Linda, inside it is very plain with simple pews. The setting was always intended to provide the beauty which is why it was built with the picture window overlooking the lake and the mountains. There are other large lakes in the area, Pukaki, Wakatipu, Te Anau (the ‘Te’) should be unnecessary since it actually means ‘the’ but it has always been called that) and Manapouri. There are others but much smaller. Nothing like your Great Lakes of course, but we like them lol. The church was built for the people of the area who were mostly sheep farmers and of different faiths so it was always ecumenical. Small because there weren’t many people living in the area. I don’t know for sure but I suspect that a lot of the people at the services these days might be tourists.
Jeanne I do not know how you make things so small!!! Mae’s outfit is going to be so cute. Tell George the eggs are beautiful and so interesting. Makes me wish we had a big enough garden to keep our own hens! Unfortunately I know what would happen! I would be the one to feed, water clean out and collect the eggs.
Next month is my last Block of the month. We have a 4 yr limit on the committee so I have to stand down. I have loved doing it but will be glad not to have the pressure every month of finding, making, writing up and then organising and recording every month. I don’t think I will miss that part. I will have to be careful not to be judgmental when the new person starts, it can be a tough job and she won’t need criticism. I plan to write down how I do things. I had to find my own way and it took a while before I got into a rhythm that worked for me. She doesn’t have to use it.
I am going to a UFO day with the guild today. Unfinished Objects that is!! I have lots of those.
Have a good day everyone
Thanks for the link to the church. What a lovely church and location. Interesting history. Thanks so much for sharing. New Zealand is a truly remarkable place.
I meant to say that though there are other large lakes in the area Tekapo is the only one that has that deep turquoise colour.
I have a great imagination but I’m sure it’s nowhere near what this outfit will look like upon completion, especially the hat. I love the cute little shoes and they are a perfect accompaniment to what will I know be an adorable outfit. Alternating holiday outfits sounds like it will be fun. Looking forward to watching it happen.
Sean raised chickens all through junior high and high school but he never had eggs like the ones from George’s chickens. Very colorful. Amazing! I will have to show the picture to Sean and David (who raised chickens when he was growing up.)
All the work that is going on in Jeanne’s sewing room got me to thinking about mine again and what could make it look less cluttered and appear to have more room. I started with ordering a 5-drawer cabinet from Ikea. The bottom three drawers are deep enough to hold my serger thread spools (I have many colors and they are on a rack out in the open right now) and the top two drawers are shallower for other things. Then I got to thinking about my worktable. It’s been nice but the way it opens up leaves angled legs that make it impossible to really store anything underneath. I found a table that I liked but when I saw the measurements and realized it was bigger than what I have in there now and would not work well with drawers in the middle of the front and shelves in the back but no way to get to both sides of it, I started looking again. I found exactly what I’ve wanted before but could never find. I found it on Wayfair. It’s a Teanan 30″ x 60″ (the other I looked at was 40″ x 70″) worktable with three drawers and six open subbies. The drawers can be removed from front or back if you have it in the middle of a room. What I actually like is that it doesn’t fold up at all so it is what it is all the time. Right now I have things on my worktable that could easily go in the drawers of my new one. And other stuff on top that could go in cubbies which would clear my cabinet top for cutting out and constructing. I leave my current table open all the time but as I said there is no way to conveniently store anything under it and if I wanted to lower the sides I would have to take everything I’ve “stuck” under it out to take it down. Since I leave it open all the time I might as well have something that’s one solid piece. It will arrive sometime between March 1st and 10th. It will be hard to wait. I’m antsy to get my sewing room reorganization completed. And I’m sure Sean and the grandkids will be antsy too since they want my current worktable and have a huge playroom to put it in.
Probably our last really cold day today with tomorrow having a high in the 60s and Sunday a high of 75. I love the cold but with the wind it’s been tough to want to go anywhere. But it is supposed to rain tomorrow which is not pleasing hubby at all.
Can’t wait to see the new work table when it arrives. Congrats.
Interesting on the eggs. One of my daughters and I were having a conversation about the color of the yolks of eggs – my DIL had told me the organic, free range eggs that she buys have much darker yolks – so do the ones your chickens produce have deep yellow almost orange yolks?
Sorry, I just saw this… YES, our hens lay eggs that have nice bright yolks and what people notice is how they stand up… my hubby says they are standing at attention… they also say our egg whites aren’t runny like the ones they buy at the store.
Sorry it took me so long to answer you…
Blessings Jeanne