Well, it’s ABOUT TIME I did a “little” sewing!

HI everyone,
Reporting in from freezing cold Southern Illinois. I’m sure there are LOTS of you who have colder temps, but ours is 21 degrees but feels like 13! I don’t notice it so much, but my hubby walks Reuben and checking on the chickens puts him out in it several times a day.

We woke up this morning to a VERY wet basement. The water was pouring down the back steps and just puddling on the concrete floor. Why? The sump pump had stopped working and so had the dehumidifier. So, guess what ELSE my hubby had to work on today? He did get them fixed… as far as he knows… hope so!

The birds were CRAZY around our feeder today! Once when I was standing at the kitchen window, I counted 21 Cardinals! They were flying everywhere, but for a few seconds they stayed put and I was able to count them. They certainly went through the bird seed today!

I was hoping to get my sewing room completely finished, but it still didn’t happen. About 8:00 tonight I realized since I hadn’t gotten it all put back in place, I had nothing to show you for Monday’s post. So, I’ll have to go back on my word and show you a “few” areas that I got organized. I was working on my ribbons and trims. This is what my drawer looked like without my touching it… I just opened the drawer and saw this…

Underneath all those ribbons and such, it was still “sort of” organized from the last time I did it…


I also have a few other drawers with ribbons and trims in them that look like this…

I got out all the rolls of ribbons and emptied one of my dresser drawers and put them in here… Ahh… much better!

I might have MORE ribbons that Joann’s does now! It still makes me sad…

You might think, why on earth does she have so many ribbons… Well, long story short… I have been sewing a LONG time and I’ve just accumulated LOTS of stuff. Suffice it to say, I don’t need any more ribbon. If I don’t have the color I need, I’ll pick a different color fabric and use something I DO have!

It was about 9:30 and I thought, I can’t just show a couple of drawers I cleaned out and organized, so what did I do?

I cut out a DOLL DRESS! I did! I did!

I had this tiny little scrap of yellow and blue and thought it would look lovely on my blue eyed Mini Bailey! This is what I managed to get done so far…

This fabric will be perfect for Easter when I’m done! :o) I’m thinking ahead now!

I also happened to have the perfect color hat straw, so I’m guessing you’ll see a hat one of these days!

Well, it’s late and I need to get to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “Well, it’s ABOUT TIME I did a “little” sewing!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Yay! She’s sewing again!! Yes, that print will be perfect for Easter, and how fun you have the right color of straw for a cute little hat, too! Can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

    Well, I thought I had a lot of different ribbons, but I think you are way ahead of me, Jeanne! They are all so neatly organized now. You can easily find just the right trim, now!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    You really did get those ribbons organized, Jeanne! I too, have a drawer of ribbons, not anything like you have, but yes, somehow or other, they get all messed up just looking at them! I need to fix them up again! At least when you go through them and straighten everything up, you find out what you do have!

    How cute little Bailey looks in her new dress! I bet you were so happy to get back to doing what you love and felt so good after you saw how happy she is ! The blue straw is just the thing for a sweet Easter bonnet!

    Are you ready for more cold and snow? Brrr!

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, I wish I had lots of drawers for ribbons like you have! Mine are arranged on 3 long poles hanging on the wall of the sewing room, plus lots wrapped on cardboard left from paper towels, and some just sitting around in boxes. Like you, I have been sewing so long and they do accumulate.
    So good to see you sewing again, looking forward to seeing the blue hat, too!
    I will be teaching my granddaughter how to make bandannas for her dogs today. Will get you know how it goes!

  4. ewww wet basement, that is never a fun surprise. I am glad that is hopefully sorted.
    I just went through all of my ribbons. It is nice to sort them and put them in little bags.
    Wegmans (not sure of others, has “snack bags” that have the opening on the short end and makes a good filing source. I gave a lot to my daughter, that I was ready to give up, and she will find homes for those things. My daughter is an angel. Christina is my oldest and she is a so good to me. My younger daughter has three baby kiddos and I have not seen much of her in three years, Her husband is controlling and mean.
    Anyway, I do not engage. So, Christina is helping me a lot. She lives three hours away but I can always count on her to give me ideas about all of this “downsizing” drudgery

    The ribbon drawer looks great, Jeanne. I love it. My Ribbon drawer always looked like a bowl of spaghetti…
    This yellow green and blue dress is so cute, very sweet, and maybe some blue shoes?
    It is bitter cold today but sunny and windy, still windy. It is good to stick your head out and get the fresh air. Of course you must bundle up and clomp around in boots but it is refreshing. I did that yesterday morning when it was 49 degrees for a few hours, then the low temps barged back in and it is 30ยบ now. We got so much rain the yard is like a mud pie ๐Ÿ˜€
    Happy Monday.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    The first thing that popped into my head when starting to see the pics was: Jeanne could open up the hidden door and have a shop to fill in with the Joann problem. ๐Ÿ™‚ But then, everything needed would soon be sold and she would have to mail order new supplies. Ugh. It is nice to have everything so well organized and ready for creativity. I keep my rounds of ribbons in Costco lidded plastic storage boxes, but they are stored by color. It really helps me when I grab a box, I only have two, and because they are clear, I only need to open the one with the color tone I need.

    As to the cold, I’m not a fan. And so sorry about the sump and dehumidifier. Around here, a lot have sump pumps under their houses and with the heavy rains we have had, they are spitting out tons of water during storms that then flows out toward the street and storm drains. I wonder why the water accumulates under Jeanne’s house? Here, it’s because water flows down hill, and we are on hills. Fortunately, our downspouts from the roof carry the water away from the foundation. Well, most of the time.

    The little dress is going to be so cute on your mini Meadow, Bailey. I think everyone is looking forward to spring about this time, and her outfit definitely fills the bill. ๐Ÿ™‚
    The latest weather report said that next weekend, we may be in the low 70’s. Can’t wait. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Too great! You are back to sewing again. I did enjoy the sewing room reorganization though. I have tons of lace, ribbon, etc., and store them in fabric storage cubes by color. I would love to be able to separate them by item (lace, ribbon, etc.) but I don’t have room to do that.

    I love mini-Bailey’s pretty little dress. So nice for Easter. I can’t wait to see her Easter bonnet. I know it will be adorable.

    Looks like the cold from the north of us will be in here sometime this week. I am definitely ready for some consistency in our weather but that usually arrives with the heat. Right now rain has become annoying since it happens every few days and David needs the ground to dry out so he can finish preparing it for building. But we will probably be praying for rain in a few months because the ground will be too hard to work.

    Granddaughter Jaiden is visiting today. Right now she is working on her schoolwork. Not sure what we will be doing this afternoon but I usually don’t have to entertain her. She loves to read and will probably do that while I do some sewing. Right now I am working on an outfit for my Gotz Hannah. It’s a beast of a pattern and I will probably not make it again. Or I will streamline it. Seems to me it has parts it doesn’t really need. But it will be cute when I’m finished (I think, hope).

    Our Valentine dinner from Brookwood was absolutely fabulous. The steaks were amazing. I actually got two meals out of mine. There was so much food I actually left my salad to eat with my leftover steak. It made a meal. The asparagus was bigger than any I’ve ever seen and we will have more of that tonight. For the two of us the cost was just $99.00 which is around $50.00 each. Our last dinner out was more than that for the meat alone. Hopefully they will offer this deal again next year.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I sure hope that you can share a pic of your Gotz Hannah dress when it’s done. Love to see your pics. And that dinner sounds scrumptious. Lucky you and husband. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Oh so happy for you (and of course our dollies!)
    Donโ€™t overdo it – and soon youโ€™ll be whirring that needle again!

  8. Well, Buckeye Chuck was apparently delusional when he didn’t see his shadow. Since then we have had ice, snow, more ice, bitterly cold, and now more snow. We have about four inches right now. Temperature here is right around 20 and I do know it feels much colder because my mom and I are out each morning feeding the porch kitties and birds. Today I also had the added fun of snow blowing the driveway since there’s a kitty dental appointment tomorrow.
    Sorry about your sump pump, Jeanne. I hope all is well now.
    Wow, that is a lot of ribbons and I thought I had a lot when I used to make my daughter matching hair bows for her dresses, but I mostly bought the yardage I needed at the time.
    Bailey’s new dress will be very sweet. I really like that fabric. I’m sure you’re happy to be sewing again.

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thanks for sharing your organizing with us. It is definitely motivational for me.

    It’s cold here also. I think the snow is going to pass us by this time. The really great news is that it’s only 73 days until May!

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