~ Waiting for Easter ~ is now listed on Ebay!

Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for all your kind words about Bailey’s outfit. I’m so glad everyone had positive things to say about it. Sorry about not getting any thin thigh highs to fit with the shoes, Joy. I tried to make the thigh highs as tight to her ankle area as I could, but it just would not fit down in the shoe at the heel area.

I thought this was the first thing I had sold since the first of the year, but I looked back in my notebook and actually have sold several things… 2 pair of shoes and a kitty headband to one lady… 3 slips to another lady… a slip to another lady…I sold 13″ Ten Ping’s outfit and carry case to a lady… 4 more slips to someone and a pair of red slip on shoes to someone. So even though it’s been little stuff, it still counts! :o) I hope to get back on track from now on.

It had been SO long since I used the software on my Ebay listings, that I almost forgot how to use it! BUT… I did get it done! YAY! Jeanne has a new listing on Ebay! I hope you’ll take a look… You can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I’ll let you look at all the new pictures in the listing, but I’ll show you a few pictures from our fluffy snowfall yesterday. My hubby measured it in a few places and decided we received about 6 1/2″ of snow. He said it was so dry he just brushed it off the walkways and his truck with the broom. Then more came…

This was one of our holly bushes just outside our living room window… I don’t know if you can see just how much it is glistening. It looks like diamonds or bits of broken glass… very sparkly!

You can see the Gazebo in the distance beyond the bush.

I love how pretty it looked with the sun shining through the Magnolia tree leaves.

It only made it up to 20 degrees today and even though the sun was out, nothing melted. It’s 9 degrees this evening with a windchill of -5. Needless to say, the only going outside today was to walk Reuben and collect the eggs. My hubby did both. He said it was 32 degrees in the chicken coop even with 16 hens in there and 2 heaters going. BRRR! We don’t want their combs or their wattles to freeze or that may cause them to stop laying eggs.

Well, I’ll get to thinking about who will be next… while I still work on my sewing room. Eventually I HAVE to reach the end of my cleaning!

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “~ Waiting for Easter ~ is now listed on Ebay!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Yes, you Did sell some things, Jeanne! Including a cute pair of hot pink shoes! 😁 There is still some discussion as to who will get to wear them first!

    Bailey’s outfit is just wonderful. Everything works together so well (which is no surprise to me–this is something at which you excel!), and that purse is something I would have loved to have had when I was a little girl! I probably started carrying purses, at least to Sunday School, when I was about 8. By the time I was in junior high, I carried a purse to school every day.

    The snow pictures are just lovely. We very rarely get that “dry” snow here in the Seattle area. They do get it up in the mountains, however, where they call it “powder” and the skiers are always happy to see “fresh powder” on the slopes! When we get snow in the lowlands, however, it’s usually the wet, heavy kind–good for snowballs and snowmen, but heavy for shoveling!

    Our snow is gone now, though–temps have been in the low 50s for a couple of days, and by next week, we could get close to 60!!

    Thank you all for your comments, once more. I replied to each one that was directed to me on yesterday’s blog.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Your snow pictures look so beautiful, Jeanne! I think you got more snow than we did, since we are farther north of you, but we did get about 4 or 5 inches of it. That’s enough to look pretty and yet easy to clear off,……if only it would warm up a bit. As I am writing this it is 1 degree outside, at 6:30 a.m.!

    Your listing of Bailey’s newest dress is just wonderful! I can’t think of anything that you would want more for this set! Love the pictures and they show off the outfit and accessories perfectly!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Congrats to Jeanne on getting her listing done. Bailey is so cute.
    I love the snow pictures. Absolutely beautiful. Sorry that it is too cold to enjoy it though. Those poor chicks. Hope the heater keeps them warm enough. When I saw that picture of the vehicle covered with snow, it brought back memories of a snow trip long ago. We had friends up for the weekend at the cabin and had a snowstorm. This was before we had weather people letting us know the forecast. In the morning, we had had a ton of snow overnight, and it didn’t look like it was going to let up, so we decided to head home. No skiing that weekend. By the time we packed up and carried out everything to load up the cars, it was snowing even harder. We had the old station wagon and our friends a little MG. I never laughed so hard in my life because the MG was completely buried and our friend had dug down so he could open the door and get inside. I have a picture somewhere. We were able to get the cars unburied and onto the road but the trip home following a big truck was harrowing. Those were the days.
    Sun is out here and it looks like a beautiful day. 🙂

  4. Debbie in North Carolina

    Bailey is a breath of Spring! I love the coordination of colors, the blue of the shoes matches the blue embroidery on the jacket. The little purse ties back to the color of the jacket. All of the blues make Bailey’s eyes pop. The kitty helps to signal spring, not strictly Easter. I think this is a winner for Bailey collectors.

    Your snow is beautiful! We got “snow cone ice pellets” here in central NC but our children in the capital got proper snow. I hope your temperature start to warm up – poor chickens.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Wow that was quick getting Bailey’s outfit up for auction. I know it will be successful because the outfit is so perfect.

    Love the snow pictures! That’s the kind of snow they get in Gunnison, CO. You can’t build snowmen or snowballs with it. We were in Crested Butte for our honeymoon and went back and forth to Gunnison often for restaurants, etc. We were there to ski. It snowed a lot while we were there and we had a white out for a couple days so skiing was out but it was fun just to be there in the snow. We used the snow to make frozen pina coladas. One evening we went to a nice restaurant. I did not put on my boots because it was a short walk to the door of the restaurant and the walks were cleared. But they were still wet and my shoes had smooth soles so I had to be careful.. When we walked in the restaurant the hostess said “welcome to…” and that’s all I heard as I went sliding across the floor as if I was on ice skates. When I finally stopped sliding I had to walk back to where she and David we standing so she could seat us. They had the most amazed look on their faces. Thankfully I didn’t lose my balance and fall. I guess my years of ice skating served me well at that moment.

    High here yesterday in southeast Texas was 31. And the wind was ferocious. Today it was 24 when I got up and we still have the wind and will for another day I think. On Saturday it starts warming up into the 60s and Sunday the high is 75. I’m not joking when I say you need a wardrobe for four seasons here just in the winter.

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      I rarely hear anyone say “We were in Crested Butte”. It is such a remote ski town in Colorado. Most skiers go north to areas closer to Denver. We went twice in the month of June and stayed in a ski condo near the lifts, “company condo”. The days are still crisp in June but abundant wildflowers all around. The poster still hangs in my kitchen “Crested Butte Wildflower Festival, Wildflower Capital of Colorado, July, 1999”. Such a beautiful place, some of the highest peaks in the lower 48 and the bluest skies.
      I am sure your skiing and skating helped your balance. I spent one winter in Sun Valley waitressing at the top of the mountain. I took many tumbles on the slopes but never an injury. These balance skills were long gone by the time we moved to the Smoky Mts-many falls, many broken bones. That was quite a trick in that restaurant. Thankfully you were not seriously hurt.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Love your grand entrance into the restaurant. 🙂 Wish there was a video. But, glad that you weren’t hurt.

  6. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Years ago when my children were small (in fact I didn’t even have the youngest and he will be 46 this year) we went with my parents for a weekend trip to Lake Tekapo. This is a glacier fed lake, very cold but the most amazing turquoise blue. Also has a famous church, The Church of the Good Shepherd, I’ll see if I can find a link for you. The first day we were there was beautiful, quite warm for winter. Later that afternoon my dad was looking out the window (we were quite high up) and remarked on a very strange looking cloud creeping between the mountains. And the sheep were behaving oddly too all running toward some trees in a flock rather than wandering around grazing as they had before. Next morning we had deep snow outside. I said we were quite high up and the track had a drop either side! This drop was no longer visible so my Dad and the children went out with a broom and brushed the edge of the track so we would be able see it when we drove down. When they were under the trees my Dad told the children ‘look up there!’ They all looked up and he pulled the tree branches down with the broom handle showering them with snow. They thought it was great fun fortunately. They were used to Dad he was a great (kind) practical joker. At the funeral all three generations had the same memories of his jokes and tricks. He was of the opinion that if a joke made his children laugh it would make his grandchildren and then great grandchildren laugh as well.
    I will find the link to Lake Tekapo and post it separately. If I try to do it now I will lose everything I think.
    Stay warm everyone. It was 29C on wed and 27C yesterday, today 18C! That is our summer this year.

  7. Lovely listing Jeanne. This sweet little outfit will go quickly, it is just adorable!!
    Bailey is so cute.
    Your snow is beautiful. It is so cold this year, and the wind has been brutal!
    We were severely threatened for a huge epic snow storm for northern Virginia, Wash DC area and it went south. My daughter lives 3 hours south in Richmond and her girls are so happy with 6 inches of snow and Norfolk got close to a foot of snow.
    I am glad.
    Next week the forecast is for temps in the upper 40’s and sunshine. I am very happy. – – mainly because this means progress on my house 😀
    *yes, Barbara, years of figure skating is beneficial. We have some better balance, I think.
    I hope all of you continue to have an easy no drama week.
    I think I will have facetime with my grand girls this afternoon

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      What a beautiful little church, Anne! It was so interesting reading all about it, and I was wondering what denomination it was, and was delighted to find that it serves several, including my own faith, the Catholic Church! I went to a Catholic Church in my teens, called Church of the Good Shepherd, so thought it was Catholic.
      What beautiful surroundings it has! I wish I could have seen the interior, but the setting is just beautiful! Thank you for showing us!

  8. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, I am sure Bailey’s outfit will give you a good sell, it is so full of wonderful pieces! The fluffy snow is beautiful, nothing like the hard ice “snow” we had here last month. About 3 or 4 years ago we had a soft snow like that, but only 3 inches. I hope the chicks are ok.
    I love y’all’s snow stories. We have had cold weather here, too, down to 24 at night. I had a dental appt, today and Peyton’s appt tomorrow. Trying to get some sewing done with out much time to do it.
    Simone did really well for her first time on a sewing machine. They went on to FL to Clearwater beach and had terrible weather. So sorry for them.

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