The Valentine Doll Dresses that “might have been!” :o(

Hi everyone,
As I was working in my sewing room, I ran across a few fabrics that might have been turned into really sweet Valentine’s Day doll dresses this year. Between my surgery, my hubby’s surgery and then cutting my finger, I really messed things up and these are a few that will have to wait till next year. It makes me SO sad when I miss a holiday to sew for. I’m SEW SORRY!

Here were a few ideas of mine…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

3 thoughts on “The Valentine Doll Dresses that “might have been!” :o(”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what pretty fabrics, Jeanne! Gigi is thrilled because all your choices are PINK, her favorite color! I especially like the floral on the right (actually second to the right of the five different fabrics). Hopefully we will see something made of it in the near future–maybe for Easter?

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    All so pretty and springlike, Jeanne! Why can’t you save these and sew them for spring and Easter? I think there is something here for every type of doll, and what’s not to like about pink, flowers and laces and ribbon? The main problem would be who gets what!

    We got a dusting of snow here this morning, and I believe you are getting more, since you are farther south. Tomorrow is the big question mark, will it be snow, sleet and/or ice, or all three? We are going to sit tight and stay home!

  3. Bonjour. le rose est une couleur qui va toujours aux poupées. Pâques et le printemps ,vont venir et il est encore temps de coudre dans ces coloris.
    Vous m’avez donné le virus,je suis en train de réaménager ,mon atelier de couture . A mon tour de déménager. Mais je pense ,que c’est bien agréable de coudre dans un nouvel univers. Amitiés à vous toutes. Georgina.

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