The tiniest dolly Blue Suede Shoes ever!!!

Hi everyone,
We have snow… not the wet, crunchy snow… but the kind that looks like you dumped a whole truckload of Ivory Snow laundry flakes on the ground. My hubby just got in from walking Reuben and he said, in his whole life, he’s never seen snow this fluffy and dry. We have about 4-5 inches right now, but it’s supposed to snow all night, so I’ll take some pictures tomorrow and show you what it looks like.

Well, to answer a few of your comments…

Charlotte, it doesn’t seem possible that six months have passed since you said goodbye to your hubby! You are being carried by the grace of the Lord and He’s with you each and every day. It’s so good to have your son and family and of course, sewing to keep you busy!

Linda, you’ll see in the pictures below, just what I did for you!

Ingrid, thanks for telling Patti about the hat tutorial and how to find it in the search box! Also, something YOU suggested may have happened… you’ll see below!

Rosemary asked for an Easter purse… did she get her wish?

Joy, sorry about the hat pictures shadowing her face last night. I took them about midnight last night and it was just too dark with NO natural light in the room. I did tip the hat up for these pictures… and maybe something else. Also, you mentioned socks or thigh highs. The shoes are such a nice fit, I don’t think either will work for these slip on shoes. I might try some really thin thigh highs and see what happens.

Dorothy in PA wondered about an Easter Bunny for Bailey’s toy… well, not this time… but I did find something! :o)
As far as going to Italy, “I’ve already been!” Of course, going for a doll gathering would be much more fun. My dad was in the Air Force and I went to kindergarten and 1st grade there.

Laura, you’re going to like Bailey’s toy! I too, think she looks funny with her shoe soles untrimmed!

Sissy, I tried something new on my phone with the “vignette” picture filter, and copied the idea from your Ellowyne pictures the other day. I think they look pretty nice. The filter actually seemed to make the colors better and maybe even a little more clear.

Barbara, I’m glad you like the little shoes…they are REALLY tiny. 3/4″ long! I made them snug so they won’t get lost! What a great time you much have had at your singing session!!! What a great grandma you are!

Okay… let’s see what Bailey is wearing today that’s new!

I think I’ll start with something Dorothy suggested… an Easter Bunny. I didn’t have any small enough and the right color for this outfit, so I went with a KITTY. He was sort of yellow and had some blue too. He’s a little flocked kitty I got in a baggie with some other dogs and cats.

Then Rosemary suggested an Easter Purse. I decided to try my hand at making a little straw purse from the same straw that her hat is made from. It’s just all folded over each other and glued in place. It was sort of fun, but it really took me too long to make. It doesn’t open, but it’s “weighty” enough that it hangs nicely.

I finished the shoes with kind of a platform sole. Bailey liked them and was calling them high heels! (Silly child!) The leather being sanded and then burnished really made them look much nicer…

I finished the back of the dress with snaps and now it stays in place well.

I was going to make a white lace sleeveless jacket to go over her dress, but I had one teeny tiny piece of this blue wool felt and decided (as Ingrid was hoping for) to make a felt jacket. I used my scalloped leather scissors (which also cut felt) and cut the edges as carefully as I could. Since I had no other scraps, if I messed up, I had to make something else. After I cut the scallops and made each side a mirror image with my scallops, I decided to try something new that I had never done before. I used one of my leather hole punches and made a hole in each scallop. I REALLY had to be careful with this… again, if I messed up, the jacket would be toast. YAY…I did it and I think it gives it sort of a lacy feel…

I added some hand embroidery and again, did a mirror image with my stitches. It’s hard to make mirrored images and I really like to just do it freestyle and make it go this way and that however I want, but I decided to do both sides the same.

I even put a little handwork on the back making a bow…

As you can see, Linda, I did turn the hat around…and figured the winner of this can wear it however they like. It is even cute when it’s sideways with part of the flowers on the side and the other half just the hat with the lace.

Well, I’d like to show you ALL my pictures, but I better save a few for the Ebay listing… which will be coming up as soon as I can!

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “The tiniest dolly Blue Suede Shoes ever!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, thank you to everyone who replied to my comment about it having been 6 months since I lost Ron. I appreciate each one, all the thoughts and prayers and hugs, too, and I did reply to each one, also.

    Jeanne, this is such a darling outfit! Makes me wish I had a doll small enough to wear it!! Each piece is so lovely on it own, and then you put them together in an ensemble, and wow! Just gorgeous. My favorite piece might be the jacket. Or maybe the hat. But everything is just wonderful.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I read your comment about Ron retiring and I remember when my grandfather retired. It was hilarious to me at the time but I better understand it now. My grandmother never worked outside the home so after her children were gone to school her day was her own. Even more so once they were grown and gone. She had this wonderful Polish friend she would meet in downtown Wilmington whenever she wanted or have her over to cook Polish food for lunch, or call one of my aunts and they would go shopping. Once my grandfather retired she felt she had to tend to him all day and it was driving her crazy. She felt she had to fix a nice lunch for him and couldn’t go wherever whenever she wanted. They always lived in rent houses never having the money for a down payment on a home so he couldn’t make any changes to the home. They had a small backyard and he did some gardening but he’d always worked, even during the Depression, so he didn’t know what to do with himself. And he’d never developed a hobby because his jobs were such that when he got home from work he was pooped and went to bed early. I’m not sure exactly how it happened but knowing my grandmother she probably told him he was driving her nuts and would simply have to find something to do with himself. He was a welder by trade and had a friend who owned an auto body shop. The man told him he could come work for him. At that time there was a limit to what you could make and still get Social Security so the man paid him what he could. Since the shop was not heated or air conditioned, he told him he could come to work if and when he wanted to. It worked great for both my grandparents, and he did that until about six months before he passed away. I’m truly blessed in the fact that David has always had his shop and spent a lot of time there when he was not out on a job. More so now with the homebuilding project. But I’m not sure he will ever really retire and he has a hard time understanding why I keep reminding people I am.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        My dad (who was a pastor) didn’t have any real hobbies, either, but we were fortunate in that the pastor who took his place after daddy retired, insisted he be kept on as visitation pastor, at least the first few years. That gave daddy something to do now and then, and I’m sure mom appreciated it! She retired a year After he did, though, so he kind of had to feel his own way that first year!

    2. Debbie in North Carolina

      I look forward to reading your comments each day Charlotte and am mindful of you spending your days without Ron. You are in my daily thoughts and prayers.

    3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Dear Charlotte, Some how I missed your message about the 6 months since Ron’s passing. I know it must have brought memories and sadness too. God bless you.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Sissy. It wasn’t too bad a day, actually–a little weepy in the morning, but my son came down and spent the night, and we were looking thru his old baby book, which was fun. (He’s 50 now)

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, those are the cutest TINY little shoes I have ever seen! That picture of you holding them in your hand is a good indication of the size.I can’t imagine working on such tiny things and having them look so professional, but you sure did it!

    Thank you for turning the hat around! I think that it looks so sweet that way, but yes,, it can be turned whichever way the buyer would want, and it will look adorable any way!

    That jacket is just darling, and the holes make it look special and lacy! Great job on that, and just what she needs to “finish” the outfit off, but wait, there is even a straw purse! The whole outfit is perfect, even the kitty taking a nap!

    What a beautiful sight this morning, everything pristine and white, but way too cold!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Jeanne, just wanted to say that I did notice something different in the way you displayed the pictures, but couldn’t put my finger on it. It was the vignette picture filter that you used! That really highlights Bailey! Good idea!

      As for Joy’s suggestion to go on a nature walk, just one word comes to mind here, brrrrr!

  3. I am gushing with laughter, this outfit is so so adorable! the purse is perfect really, just like a little girl would like to keep a penny and a hankie in there, Jeanne, Bailey is the cutest tiny little girl, dressed up so fancy for Easter. I adore the jacket too, perfectly sweet embroidery too – so carefully assembled and trimmed, with those cute dot holes. Oh gosh, just so perfect. The shoes of course make the whole outfit for Bailey
    She looks so very proud of her new fancy shoes!
    Happy Wednesday dears. It is going to be super cold today and the big snow has moved south to Richmond Virginia, a perfect “present” from gramma to her girls that will have today and the rest of this week off of school, so I am looking forward to a few video chats with them <3

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Congrats to Jeanne, for getting the outfit all ready to go and so quickly too. Bailey looks so cute now, without the snowshoes. 🙂 I would love to see a very thin pair of tights or thigh highs which would appear to slip right inside her new shoes.

    Sounds like Jeanne/George have some great power snow. On top of a base, that is the most perfect skiing snow. 🙂 Maybe get out those snowshoes and take a nature walk. 🙂

    Here, the final decision on which schools will be closing here is tonight. They moved the meeting from a gym that could hold thousands to a smaller city venue that only holds a hundred. I think they are afraid of what crowds might do. Whatever the decisions, it won’t be pretty.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Snowshoes came to my mind too. Since I live in a small town which has only two elementary schools (just one when we moved here), one junior high and one high school we never had to deal with the school closings of other places. But Houston has and we’ve seen it on the news. It wasn’t pretty. Except for the financial part most of these schools were within walking distance of most of the students who with the closings had to be bussed sometimes a good distance from home so I understood the parents’ displeasure.

  5. Susette from Southern California

    What a perfect ensemble for Little Bailey. You are so creative and always ready to learn new skills. Brilliant job on the use of the tool for the tiny holes in the jacket. And the little purse looks exactly like a real one, so I guess it IS real.

    Can’t complain about the weather here. It’ll be in the 70s with lows of about 52 for days. I’m afraid the warm temperatures in the southern climes allows the colder weather to descend from the north. So it really is due to global warming. The orchids have bloomed earlier every year for about ten years now. We’d look forward to some more rain here.

    Glad you are doing well, Charlotte, and have the support of family and friends.

  6. Don’t you step on my blue suede shoes. 🎸🎶🎶
    A sweet little kitty. I can’t tell – is he on a balloon? I absolutely love the jacket! The lacey design is super sweet. Love the combination of blue, white, and yellow. The hat is lovely as well. I love hats.
    Powdery snow is nice. What we have here is heavy and wet, but at least the streets are now free of any snow. Still very cold in the low 20’s, but the sun is shining.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love little Bailey and this outfit is so perfect for her for Easter. Your idea for the adorable felt jacket was the best. The hat and matching purse are perfect additions to the ensemble. And the shoes are totally cute. So tiny and yet so detailed.

    Just got back from lunch and still trying to warm up. It was in the 20s earlier but still only about 30. And the wind. Brrrr!!! Not sure what the windchill is but probably don’t want to know. The only upside to very cold here is that we at least have some winter before summer arrives.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Blushing Blue Bailey looks adorable. I had not noticed that her eyes were blue until you created the jacket. I think that outfit is perfect for her!

  9. Debbie in North Carolina

    The entire outfit is just adorable. My favorite piece is the embroidered jacket. It reminds me of the many jackets you made for the Little Darlings. That was before I had a Little Darling so I missed out. I am in awe of the tiny stitches and tiny shoes. This will be a very popular outfit among the My Meadow collectors.

    Fluffy white flakes sound very pretty. I just looked out the window and the flower beds are full of ice pellets. Not pretty. Next week looks like spring. Fingers crossed.

  10. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Just loving it so much, Jeanne, every bit of it is must wonderful. I am so glad to see you sewing again.
    I had such fun teaching Simone to sew the doggie bandanas yesterday. She is a quick learner. My son had sent one of his tee shirts for me to take in the sleeves a bit. He likes them to fit well. After I fixed one to show Simone I had her do the other to surprise him when they get home.
    She and her mom went to Clearwater beach for a few days, so they didn’t stay here long. They will be back for a longer visit this summer.
    It is pretty cold here, 30’s at night and fifty’s in the daytime. At least we have no snow at least, thank goodness.

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