Hi everyone,
I know you hate to see another post of a few drawers I have organized, but it’s slow going as I’ve had too much to deal with… (I’m talking about my “stuff” in my sewing room… fabric, laces, repurposed clothing, patterns, etc) I try to get more done each day, but I keep telling myself surely I must be getting close to the end. I can see progress, but for the size sewing room I have, I would have thought a couple days and it would be finished. I did have to chuckle… I think Google was listening as I was thinking out loud… look what popped up on my phone…
I guess you’d have to have a ladder for the higher containers, but it’s kind of neat looking and a great use for that space! My hubby needs this for all his screws and bolts and nuts. He has millions! I would most definitely have to have labels on that many tubs! :o)
Okay, so I’ll show you what I did… I changed up a few drawers and moved things to better drawers.
All my accessories and things I sometimes use for accents (tiny books, flowers, butterflies, birds, vases, small animals, little resin Easter houses, etc) were kept in the top drawer of my white dresser… When you opened the drawer it looked like this…
It was full to the brim and things got caught sometimes when I opened it. So I emptied this drawer in my big 21 drawer dresser and put the accessories in it… it’s a deeper drawer. Look at all my little animals… It’s been a while since I used them… they were buried.
I do need to sort out that drawer. I have lots of Easter things and maybe they could be in a separate drawer.
Here is it with all the stuff moved from the white drawer to the new 21 drawer dresser.
Then I took the things that were in that drawer and put them in the white dresser drawer…my stickers, thank you stickers, address labels, etc. They fit perfectly in the white drawer…
I have this many empty drawers in that big dresser after finding new homes for quite a few items. (Except for the one I just filled…the third one down in the middle.)
I thought I was getting close to finding a home for everything, but I just walked into my sewing room and saw 2 tubs sitting just outside my door in the living room, FILLED WITH PROPS! Beds and chairs and tables and wagons and dolly sewing machines, school desks, a plush couch, (oops SOFA!), a bird cage, and many more items. Yikes!
How about something different… Want to see Joy’s girls dressed for Valentine’s Day? (She said they were for Lunar New Year, but I’m going to bet she leaves them in those red dresses for Valentine’s Day dresses!)
(From Joy:) I finally was able to get a fair pic of Ada and Maisy. They are celebrating Lunar New Year with rabbits. They do not like snakes. π The second is of their shoes from Ruby Red. I made Maisy’s dress. I’m not a fan of asymmetrical skirts, so I put on Ada’s slip backwards. I like it that way. π
Oh that little Maisy (on the right) is just the sweetest thing! It’s too bad I said I wasn’t going to buy anything, because she’d be in my collection as sure as today is Wednesday!
Another ultrasound for my hubby today… so I better get to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
I’ve seen under-the-stairs storage ideas before, Jeanne, but that one takes the cake! You would need more than just a stepladder to get to the top bins, though, as that is a very tall wall!!
How nice that you are getting more things “settled” in your sewing room. But now….two more bins you forgot about??? Well, you still have some rather deep drawers left in the big dresser, so maybe some of the props will fit there.
Joy, your Ada and Maisy are as cute as can be. I’m not a fan of asymmetrical hemlines, either, but your solution was elegant and simple!
I’m sorry you had such a terrible experience at the DMV. Ours in Wash. State have recently revamped how they do things, and it’s amazing how fast it’s gotten! Out here, too, you have to renew in person–a good way to check and make sure the person renewing is still able-bodied enough to drive, etc. I know last time they saw me walk with a cane and asked if I had trouble with my leg. Well, I do have a bad knee, but I really use my cane more for balance than anything else, so I just told her I occasionally have a balance issue and it’s just a precaution, and that satisfied her. (OF course, Ron did not get to renew his license two years ago, because he was Going to use two canes rather than his walker, and fell going in the door! After he was determined to be okay, I took his canes to the car and got his walker, but when we got to the window and after his eye test and photo, the lady handed me a form and said his doctor would have to fill it out as to whether he should drive or not. Of course, the answer was no, but it was from the doctor, so it was okay!)
Rosemary, in answer to your question, hardanger is sort of a cross between drawn-thread work and cut work, in the threads are drawn out but it can be both warp and weft threads in some areas, which leave little holes. However, it’s more geometric like drawn-thread work is, where cutwork can be any shape at all–circles, crescents, etc.
yes indeed, you are correct in your comparison! My mom did so much handwork in this regard and also learned to make lace, joined a guild etc etc. I have a large box of her lovely treasures. I will never let them go, but I am still very emotional when I look at her things. She went to Heaven in 2016, and daddy went in 2022, so the latter just impressed the end of an era. The cut work is so beautiful. Now I want to investigate. I am so thrilled my hand made garments. I have my mothers wedding dress which was brown velvet! hand made. My mother also hand made many things during the war (she lived in Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Thank you dear Charlotte. I wish we were neighbors
Wouldn’t that be nice, Rosemary? I could see the lovely things your mom made, and I have one or two things I could show you, also! Before I was born, mom started an embroidery; she finished and framed it after we got married, when I was 28!! And I have a piece Her mother made in 1908 for Grandma’s sister’s wedding present, supposedly a pillow cover, but never used, and finally Aunt Elin said that my mom, as the eldest daughter, should have it, and then later it came to me. I intend for my cousin Teresa (grandma’s namesake, born after her death) to have it. Mom had had it framed, and it hung over the old reed organ for many years.
Treasures, all of them.
We are so fortunate to have these things and to know their story. I will reply more on todays post
Thanks Charlotte. on the girls. I thought I was the only one who didn’t like the asymmetrical look. π
You are not alone, Joy! Never have cared for that look. Of course it would look ridiculous on me because I’m so short, but I just plain don’t care for the look.
Jeanne, wow, that first picture! Not only would you need a ladder, ut also binoculars to see what you were looking for if standing on the floor! Anybody that has that much βstuffβ, has too much!
You are getting somewhere, and you will soon reap the benefits of what you have been doing! Then, onward and upward, for what, Spring, St. Patβs, Easter?
Joy, your girls look so festive! That Maisy is adorable with those curls and you did a wonderful job with that dress too! Are those shoes she is wearing hard for her to stand in, since they seem to have very high soles? Thank you so much for sending in the pictures!
Ha ha, I got a kick out of the binoculars. I would definitely need them.
Maisy’s shoes add some height to her, but no problem standing at all for her while wearing them. They’re kind of cute too with the wrap around ties. I remember that they were popular what in the 70’s?
Well, yesterday it rained heavily all day. We were out clearing the drains, but it was hard to get down the steps because they were a waterfall once again. Drains took the overflow, but the drain up top, had no where to go except down the steps. Anyway, on tv they showed a house up on the Russian River that slid right down the hill. Kind of like a slow moving old time movie. It ended up in the river and floated away completely intact. They had out a power rescue boat thinking that there were folks inside, but fortunately, the authorities were able to contact the owner and no one was there. I think it may have been an air b&b. Anyway, the houses left on the steep hill next door don’t look very safe either. Then, last night I guess it frosted. Who would of guessed, but when I went out to feed the birds this morning, the deck was a skating rink. Slippers are not ice skates!
Thanks Jeanne for posting my pictures. I forgot. And, I sure hope George’s ultrasound goes well today.
Dear Joy, your girls look adorable. I don’t like snakes either.
Thanks Dorothy. Snakes are not my cup of tea. π
Jeanne, youβve been doing a great job on your organization in your sewing room! It always help when looking for things. We need less confusion st our age!π
I love Joyβs Maisy doll ! Iβm. It sure how I missed her. The outfits are beautiful!
Maisy is still available at RRedToys. However, they are trying to figure out the tariff thing. Thanks on the outfit. π
You’ll get there, Jeanne. I think it’s because you do so many different things and require many different items with which to do them.
Hi Joy, your dolls look wonderful. I, too dislike asymmetrical skirts, so I liked your solution. Those little brass bunnies are so sweet.
Thank you Laura. I’ll tell the girls. They will be thrilled. π
Well, it is afternoon here now, The morning was spent running around doing various errands and here we are 2:30
I hope all of you are cozy and happy. It is cold here in Northern Virginia but not windy
Jeanne, you are making progress. tidying and sorting is not always enjoyable…. oh sometimes it is but there are those days… I am happy you are staying focused and the results are excellent.
Joy, your girls are so adorable. Those dresses and this scene is precious!
Thanks so much Rosemary. The girls are happy. π
Dear Jeanne, wow, that storage unit is awesome. I like that different sizes of bins can be used.
You are doing a good job with organizing. When you are done, you will be so happy.