Did you know these things had names???

HI everyone,
I worked in my sewing room and got another whole section finished, but decided it was really pointless to keep showing you sections at a time, so I’ll finish it all and then show you.

We had a busy weekend and then making food and watching the Super Bowl game took up the rest of my time. I was looking for something on my phone to share and found this screenshot I had taken of these definitions and names of things. We used to play a game called Balderdash with my hubby’s family where each person got a chance at drawing a card out of the box and we all were told the WORD was such and such! (generally something you had NEVER heard of) and everyone had to come up with a definition of what they thought it meant, write it down and pass it to the person who was in charge of that round. All the definitions we made up and wrote down PLUS the RIGHT answer were read out loud. Everyone picked the definition they thought was right and we saw who got it right.) For example, I remember the word we were given was “Beeves.” It actually was the plural of Beef, but (since my hubby worked with cattle, he guessed it right… just by guessing!) Every time there was some definition close to cows or cattle or beef or chickens… they all said, “Ohhh… that HAS to be George’s” or if it had to do with sewing or clothing they’d say, “Ohhh… that HAS to be Jeanne’s!” It was fun! Makes me want to play it again!

Well, I was reading these definitions of words and thought I might not get ANY of them right but I knew about Tines and about Armscye and Tittle! See how many you can get right!

I’ll see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “Did you know these things had names???”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I don’t think I’ve ever played Balderdash–I’ve heard of it, but not played it. Sounds like fun!

    I saw that list going around FB again recently, too. I think some years ago it or a similar list went the email route (before we had Facebook), and yes, some of those words I already did know. Aglet, tines, phosphenes, armscye (of course–I sew!), tittle, and Bannock device are the ones I was familiar with.

    Did I tell you all, I finished my twinsie challenge project?! Friday, I think. Now I’m making a wrist pincushion for my friend Leah, who I’m going to help with sewing. A week or so ago we met at church to use the nice big table in the basement for her to cut out an apron she wants to make. This coming Thursday I’m going to her house and help her sew. I think she knew when she was in junior high (almost as many years ago as when *I* was in junior high!), but hasn’t sewn since, and wants to. So….that is what we will be doing.

  2. Good morning dears
    I know some of these words, the medical ones… which are sort of correct-ish
    The fifth metatarsal toe is not called minimus, but that is okay
    The little toe is called the littlest toe and the bones are called phalanges haha haha
    Also vagitus is never used for a crying baby, certainly not in the delivery room.
    This is a funny list of many old latin based words… I think. I am not a wordsmith
    Happy Monday. We have sun today,. I am going to rush out and get some bananas etc and valentines day cards for the babies. Then maybe pack up the china cabinet.
    The top half of my house is being erected and it looks exciting and terrifying. I think I need to set up a meeting with a predrywall inspector.
    I have been english paper piecing this week end. I will finish this hand sewing project one day and then I am done, I think, with “EPP”
    Jeanne, I am happy you had a good week-end and all of you as well.
    We managed to do some fun stuff and get stuff done. Moving along!!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Glad that Jeanne, got some more accompplished on the room. Around here, not so much. Other person watched “the game” but I didn’t. I went up to the other house and covered the plants. Our weather has been so cold, for us anyway. This morning, back up to uncover them. I think one more cold night to go for this round. I was going to make some artichoke dip, but after writing another letter to the school board, I was not in the mood. I did slightly watch towards the end of the game. Thought it was going to be a blow out, but glad both teams had some scores. I did manage to finish getting my little Valentine outfit figured out for the Ruby Reds. Now to get to some sewing.
    Never been much of a game player here. After years of Clue and Mr. Ree in middle school, and card games at the cabin, I really would prefer to do something else with my time. Like sew or work in the yard.
    Another very chilly morning here. Better get a move on. 🙂

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    Tines, vocables, armscye and tittle are the extent of my knowledge of these definitions. I’d seen aglet before but if asked what it is I probably would not have remembered.

    Glad you got some more done in your sewing room, Jeanne. I’d love to get into mine for more than dropping off stuff I purchased but I’m so behind in “recordkeeping” chores and need to focus on them so I can get my stuff to the man who does our taxes by early March. We had some capital gains again this year and hate to find out what we owe because of that – both federal and Kansas.

    Had fun sitting with the grandkids Saturday while Sean and Dionne went out for an early Valentine’s dinner. We had Dionne’s delicious stroganoff and watched the movie “Pixels”. David didn’t care for it but I thought it was silly but fun. Mostly I was amazed at the cgi work. Skyy is so amazing. He loves to cook and especially bake and goes every Saturday morning to a cooking group. It consists mostly of older women and they adore him. He finished up getting supper ready so I could watch the movie without interruption then he and Jaiden tidied up after. Azure is now four and finally reached the point where he doesn’t come unglued when his parents leave. We used to arrive while he was taking a nap because he did better if he didn’t see them leave. This time he hugged them good-bye and went back to playing.

    It has cooled off some here and I already feel my allergies improving. I was hoping the front would blow away some of the pollen that has been causing me fits. I actually was able to sing in church yesterday. Thursday evening I went to Chorale practice but couldn’t sing a note so I just listened. That is helpful but I’d rather be singing.

    We didn’t watch the game yesterday but I’m glad the Eagles won. David was for the Chiefs.

  5. Sissy on the GA coast

    Jeanne, so glad you had a productive weekend. We went to the computer place in Savanna and ended up buy me a new MAC. Mine was 10 year old. They are working on getting all the stuff switched over for now, so my hubs and I have to take turns on his. Then we went to the near by place where our dear friend is convalescing. Sunday was his 90th birthday. He was fine until he had a bad fall a few weeks ago.
    Jeanne, did you see the photos I sent you to use when you need them?

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love reading the words! We always get an education sitting here on your sofa (smile).

  7. Linda in St. Louis

    Late to the party here, but time just flies by too quickly! I usually see the blog around 3 in the morning, but don’t always comment right away. Sometimes I forget that I didn’t comment that day, and today was one of those days!

    I see that you have been getting thing s done and good for you, Jeanne! Yes, sometimes you can put a lot of work and effort into something and it just does not show off as well. I did see that article on FB too, and knew about tines, but some things look like a practical joke, and I wonder if it is all really true.

    Barbara, here all this time I thought your grandson Azure was a girl! What an unusual name!
    I also thought Skye was a girl! Where did the parents get those names?

  8. Balderdash sounds like fun. We used to play Scabble and Scattergories a lot. Of course in grade school it was Monopoly, Clue, Life, Mastermind – all of which I still have. I know tines, phosphenes, vocables, armscye, and tittle. I might have remembered Bannock device had I thought about it. I think I will begin using overmorrow. I like the old-fashioned ring of it.

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