Hi everyone,
My hubby got his post ultrasound on his leg and now we wait until Valentine’s Day for the doctor visit and the results. Oh, isn’t it romantic? :o) Not really!
We are back home and guess where I am? Up to my eyeballs in trying to finish up my sewing room. The other night I was scrolling through my archived blog posts looking for something and somehow ran across this post way back from May of 2016. As I read it again, I was reminded of how much “fabric” is a part of me! Instead of posting a link, I just copied and pasted that post here. It all started with a question from Linda. I think it’s pretty appropriate for what’s going on in my sewing room now… :o)
(Again, this is from May, 2016, just reposted…)
Yesterday I did a post where I showed how I was doing a little organizing in one of my cabinets filled with fabrics. (HERE) Linda, one of my readers, commented on a few things and then she had a paragraph that went like this…
“By the way, with all the material you have, why do you buy more? Well, what I mean, is when you buy some material, is it for a dress you have in mind, and then you make it pronto? Or do you buy it just because itās on sale and you like it? How do you know if you are ever going to use it? I guess, itās because I only would buy material if I am going to sew something, and then I would make it, and it is gone. How do you have so much still stored? Iām sure you are dying laughing at me, but it is kind of puzzling to me!”
I’ve been thinking about her questions all day long, even taking notes on why I buy fabric when I already have more than I’ll probably ever use. I’ve tried to put my thoughts together and I hope this makes sense… although if you aren’t a “die-hard” seamstress like I am, you might not get it even if I do explain it… and then, I might not even be able to explain it. It might be an “unexplainable phenomenon” that only heavy duty sewers like me can understand.
Okay, let’s start. I LOVE fabrics (notice the bold!)… plain and simple…I just love fabrics. I think I always have. I’m a touchy feely person when I’m in a fabric store, or even a clothing store. I like to touch the fabrics and see how they feel. I like soft fabrics and like to touch the really nice ones. I once visited a shop in Nashville TN that carried Liberty of London Lawn fabrics and they were the most wonderful fabrics I have ever touched…. just a bit too high priced ($34/yd) for me at the time. If you haven’t noticed, there is a difference between $3.97/yard fabric from Walmart and $18.99/yard fabric from a specialty fabric store… just like there is a difference between a tee shirt from Walmart and one from Eddie Bauer. So the touch gets me every time. I have a hard time buying fabrics online because I can’t touch them. (that’s probably a good thing for me though!)
Most of the fabrics in the cabinet I showed yesterday are fabrics that are too big for my dolls…they were the fabrics I used when I made little girls dresses and sold them. I love floral prints and the majority of them are just that. As I dwindle down the fabrics I have on my open bookshelf, I transfer fabrics out of the cabinet to the bookshelf.
I’ve studied my fabrics today and I think this may be the oldest one I have in my stash. I know I made a little girl a coat out of it with big red buttons many many many years ago. It’s still a nice fleece…and I may use it again! :o)
I love how the colors in some of the new fabrics look. Some colors just go together in a way that makes me want to buy them. I love blues and greens together and and mint greens and pinks and kelly green and navy. Sometimes you see a design that is just such a pretty combination and the way it’s been put together makes it irresistible. Sometimes I wonder how in the world do they keep coming up with color and design combinations that seem new… There is something to be said for buying something “NEW” too…not using something from your old stash, but something NEW! It’s just plain and simple… it’s more fun to use the new fabric than the old.
When I used to sell my little girls dresses at my local Farmer’s Market, this was a very popular print… so it’s been around since 1999 or so.
This group of fabrics is probably next in line of being in my stash the longest… years ago Hobby Lobby would have these terrific clearance sales and the fabrics would be $1.00 -$3.00 a yard. I stocked up then. I’ll have to tell you the story about why I bought so much of this sometime…
Whenever I go into a fabric store, I don’t necessarily think to myself, “I’m looking for such and such fabric.” I just like to look and if something strikes my fancy I’ll buy some of it. Sometimes I’ll buy more of it if it’s something I can make money on. This is how my mind works… I look at how much the fabric will cost me and then I try to guess how much I might sell it for. If it’s something I think I can make a profit on, I’ll buy more. Sometimes you can buy several yards and sell one dress and pay for the whole lot. I don’t buy too many big quantities any more. I used to when I was making little girls dresses. But I will buy several yards of things like tulle, or eyelet or a fabric I know I can use for pretty blouses or pantalettes. I can tell you too, I generally only buy fabrics that are on sale. I don’t need anything THAT BAD to pay full price for it!
This was the fabric I used for my very first doll dress back in 2006. I made a Colonial dress for Felicity out of it.
Buying fabric is not so different from people who like to buy shoes, or cosmetics, or cookbooks or even collect recipes or paint their bathroom a different color when what they have up is perfectly fine. They just want another “something” to add to their collection or another look to make their house different. Some people collect things like pigs, or those gooses, or black and white cows, or salt and pepper shakers or cookie jars or hot wheels cars or vintage Valentines…OR DOLLS! I started out with one American Girl doll back in 2006. I thought she was the only one I would ever need. But I soon found out people really wanted to see the dresses on the dolls they had, so I began buying a few more dolls. I know some ladies who have over a hundred Ellowyne dolls! I’m never going to have one hundred dolls, but I may have over a hundred pieces of fabric….and sometimes I make money off my collection! :o)
These fabrics were the next four dresses I made for Felicity…
I don’t buy fabric just to have it, I generally have something in mind for who will get a dress from it. She doesn’t always get it right away but I always have it in mind…I could give the excuse that I keep my fabrics because you never know when you might need that certain piece in your stash. I do use fabrics from my stash from time to time for a gift I need to make for someone or for a project. I like the freedom of having choices too…when I’m making something, it’s nice to be able to pick from several fabrics to make your dress perfect.
When I’m at the store and see something like tiny doll sized buttons on sale, I don’t just say, “oh, I think I’ll only get the pink ones because that’s what I need for the dress I’m working on now”…I will buy all the ones that are on sale, to save $ and also time for not having to run back to town to find the buttons I need for the next project. That’s how you grow a stash!
I have given lots of my fabric away and have a rule I made myself when we moved into this house… ALL my sewing stuff has to fit in my sewing room… it can’t be stored upstairs or in tubs under the bed or in the hall closet! If I get to the point where I’m overflowing across the threshold on the door, it’s time to weed out!
So, Linda, that’s a very long answer to your questions… and then again, maybe it really didn’t answer your questions at all…but that’s why I buy more fabrics even though I have plenty already.
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Well, that was my answer about why I have so much fabric, why I keep buying more and why I still love doing it. (Although I have put myself on a buying freeze for now… I realized it while I have been organizing my sewing room THIS time!) It’s going to be nice and hopefully organized so well you can ask me where my checked fabrics are or my corduroy prints or my tiny glass buttons and I’ll be able to go straight to them! Won’t that be nice?
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
I’m glad the ultrasound is done; it’s too bad George has to wait so long for the results. I had an echocardiogram the other day, and a day or so later, my cardiologist sent me the report (they use MyChart), and said he would discuss more details at our next appt. (Friday), but that all is stable compared to the last one two years ago, so at least I know I don’t have anything new to worry about!
I think you and I are cut from the same cloth (so to speak!), Jeanne. I buy fabrics the way you do, usually with something in mind (at least generally, such as “a top”). You are just way more organized I am!
By the way, my twinsie project is almost done. This fabric has been so….ummm….”interesting” to work with. I think I’m going to take a couple of close-up pictures of just the fabric and post it to FB, so people can see what I mean. It’s not that hard to sew on, just different.
Rosemary and Joy, I replied to your comments on yesterday’s blog.
We have snow out here in the Seattle area! It snows, and then it melts, and then it snows, and so on. Right now, I probably have 1″ on my deck. Earlier today the roads were bare and wet, and there was very little on the ground. We are in for several more days of cold and possible snow showers yet. Although I do love looking at the snow, I am old enough now to be very wary of walking around in it! I am ready for spring!
I just read your comment from yesterday, thank you for your reply.
We are so fortunate to have these treasures. I worry now that there is this wild concept to get rid of things, and that our family heirlooms will get discarded and lost. It seems to me that so many people are not interested in the value of past family.
Either case. I am happy you have your lovely personal memories, and probably so many photos to go with them as well.
I admit I do have so much of my parents things. I miss them so much.
I feel the same about my parents and ābeyond ancestersā things. Will my children or nieces and nephews care about the history of each item.
I have a bracelet made of steel that my motherās brother-in-law made her out of thin steel pieces from a war ship being built in the Philly navy yard. He worked on that ship. To me, the bracelet is priceless. Will anyone care? I hope so. With items like that, I write everything I know about the items in a tablet so the story wonāt be lost.
Great idea. I have a bracelet that belonged to my grandmother born in 1894. She’s wearing it in a photo at a celebration parade when WWI was over. Guess I should do something about putting it with the photo and notes. š
Rosemary, I have started writing notes to put with very special things (such as my grandmother’s two-piece bread pan), saying where it was from, how used, and so on. My mom had done that with a few things, too, and it does help jog the memory! We think we’re going to remember all that, but often we don’t!
Saw the comment from yesterday. Thanks. I know that the Ruby Red outfit for Ada, was draped and all, but just not my taste. Guess I’m more preppie. š
Jeanne, yes, you did answer my question, and very well too! Just a couple of days ago, I was wondering again, why does she have so much? I guess I forgot your answer awhile back! I was thinking maybe Jeanne should not go shopping anymore for awhile until some of that material is gone! Ha!
I didn’t look at it the way you do. For one, I don’t make and sell anything, and when I would sew, I would get a pattern, then find ONE kind of material to make it with, and that was that. Anything left over would go in my stash, which really isn’t much of a stash, considering I never bought more than I needed. I do have a box full of various pieces of materials that I made my children’s clothes from, just snippets, but nothing really to be able to make much with, more for memories, I guess.
I do understand liking to shop for material, or anything for that matter, in a store where you can really see it and feel it, compared to online. However, online does have it’s advantages, espeically when you can’t go everywhere you would have to, to get what you were looking for. Maybe we have the best of both worlds!
In the very least, you are now getting “reacquainted” with what you have, and that’s a good thing!
Dear Linda, that was an interesting question. Hmmm, maybe there are some folks who just collect things and Jeanne collects fabrics.
I am asking myself why I have so many dolls (maybe 150). My collection is small compared to some folks in my local doll club who have thousands.
Now you have me thinking…what do the Sofa Sisters collect?
Jeanne, that is a really interesting story, I don’t remember having seen it before. I love that you don’t allow fabric stashed anywhere but in your sewing room. I wish I had done that! I have 2 walk in doors to the attic upstairs, one from the sewing room and the other from the guest room. I have stashed fabric in both places as well as the sewing room. My granddaughter and her mom are coming here for a couple of days next Sunday. Simone is 13 and I am going to teach her to sew on my machine by making scarves for her 2 dogs, a small dog and a larger one. As of now there is lots of fabric and boxes of dolls, mostly Kish, that I need to sell and they will all be pushed back into the attics. The guest room bed is covered and so are the floors in both rooms. After they leave it will all come out again so I can try to sell stuff.
Tomorrow I get my 3 month shot in my back, hopefully it will help in all this moving.
I hope George gets a good word from the doc, and that your finger heals soon.
Good luck on your shot tomorrow. You’re on 3 months for your back and I’m on 6 weeks for my eye injections. Hopefully, we’ll both live a lot longer and have working parts. š
Thank you for sharing, Jeanne! That was a fascinating read. It was fun to read Linda’s response years later, too š
I like to go shopping at thrift stores for the fun of hunting for dolls. Since nice ones aren’t common, it makes it more interesting.
We have some boxes of material stored in our shed and at least one in Lilly’s room, but the material is old and/or heavy or not very inspiring. I am not a very good sewer, but try to hand sew things when necessary.
Hope you all have a great day. The snow is all melted here, but it is drizzling.
š¤ I too have a lot of fabric. I love your collection. collecting fabric is much better than collecting books. I have a lot of old books and I love them…. I went to a friends’ house some years ago and she showed me her “library” of many many many book cases of books. all of the books were novels, mostly recent from the past 20 years. She had at least 400 books. None of them looked interesting to me…. to me.
Anyway, Another funny story. My house is kind of full. My sister came over some months ago and walked around my sewing room and asked me if I was a hoarder. hahahahaha Did I tell all of you that story before? Anyway, I said “Oh certainly not” hahaha
Jeanne, the fabrics you have shown are lovely, I certainly would have them in my “stash” I have a lot of fabric too. I remind myself that this is a good and worthy collection.
It is raining very cold rain here. We have ice on the trees.
I am so glad to hear George is progressing according to plan, Jeanne.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Jeanne, has a like twin here. I too am touchy feelie with fabrics and clothes too. Maybe that’s why the DMV has such a hard time getting any fingerprints from me. Ha ha When I saw that Cat in the Hat fleece, the first thing I thought was, has Jeanne tried selling fabric on Ebay? Some of those older prints can be in demand. That is kind of like calling the kettle black because around here although not as orderly as the fabric at Jeanne’s, are a multitude of fabrics all waiting patiently for someone to get it together to make something with them. However, the smaller pieces that are corralled by color and season in smaller plastic totes, are now much more useful. In fact, just yesterday, I searched through several clear boxes and found fabric that matched something newly purchased for a Valentine, dolly outfit. So maybe there is hope for me. Now, if I could just figure out where to store all of those doll boxes I’d be set.
I also think my attention problem was inherited from my father who was a very smart guy and a Cal Berkeley engineering grad. One day, I was visiting the house and wandered into the office. The big desk was littered with lots of things. I asked my dad, sitting at the desk, why there were so many projects all stacked up? He said that he always found something more interesting to work on. He always got back to the pressing things, but that more interesting thing has stuck with me. Oh well, off to work on the Valentine outfit. Then, get back to the circus items. Oh, and somewhere under the not so interesting pile I may find that box of pins I’ve been trying to find.
More rain expected here today. I’ll get out my boots.
I can certainly relate to the doll box storage problem. I keep reminding my family that when I’m gone they will be able to sell my collection better if they have the original boxes (since I really don’t see a family member being interested in keeping any of them). Hopefully it’s not falling on deaf ears. I hope that when my new storage room is built I will have a place to finally store them where they are not in the way of other things.
I’m on your side with the who wants my dolls question? No one in the family here, so the last one living gets to take care of the problem. š
Iām surprised too that the doctors couldnāt follow up sooner on the test George had. I also have MyChart, however, some tests that show up that day or the next day donāt always make sense to me. Iām treated for having Afib and some charts make sense and some do not – thus the doctor is needed to explain.
I really enjoyed your story about your material stash. I know so many people who have collections of something they love. All are fascinating. Besides dolls and their clothes and accessories, ( which I try to control the amount) I love totes. Like canvas totes. Many with sayings or places printed on the front. Iām very particular about them. I have two I use constantly because theyāre worn and Iām very careful when I use my newer ones. Funny right? And I like anything from Scotland or England.
Like I said, itās interesting what people collect.
Dear Paula, I have quite a few tote bags also. They are in various sizes. Wherever I go, if I have to carry something, I want to always have an appropriate tote bag. I think this comes from riding subways in the past and having to carry things efficiently.
I never thought about my tote bags as being a collection, but I now see that they are.
Yes, my totes are a usable collection. I have 2 with a unique picture related to Scotland. I keep them in my under bed soft bin. I have a tote for books Iām reading and totes for travel and totes for long days out in the public scene/ kind of like security for anything that wonāt fit in my purse. It isnāt always safe in parking lots and my totes are great for that.
They all have a use but I like to get ones that say something related to things in my like. Iām sure they were perfect from your subway days.
Dear Jeanne, I enjoyed seeing all of your fabrics. I think we are passing the bundles up and down the sofa here and oohing and aahing at the designs and the softness of the material. It is the perfect thing to do on a cold (and icy here) day. Do we need to put on some more water for tea?
A big thank you to all that contributed to todayās post. I wonder if any local historical societies or libraries would be interested in recording or displaying any.
Fabric stashes are a real rabbit hole! Iām always surprised when I recognize some of mine in Jeanneās! Sometimes Iāll think,ā Iāve seen that before!!ā Have a good day all.
Boy can I ever relate to buying fabric. I’m such a visual person that I often buy a piece of fabric because I love the design. And I not opposed to buying fabric online if I see something I like. I’m rarely disappointed but have had occasions where I thought the print was smaller but I have a couple larger dolls I can use this for and in some cases, if I buy enough cause the price was right, I can use it for me. I remember the days of buying a pattern, a piece of fabric, trims and notions and when the outfit as completed having little left. I think my fabric addiction began when my children were small and I bought fabric on sale. I sewed a lot for them but there were always things I never got to and they outgrew the print or there was enough fabric to make a larger size. I will admit that my stash is totally out of control now since every time I say no more until I make some of it up, someone has a sale or I make the mistake of visiting an online fabric shop. I absolutely have no “won’t” power when it comes to fabric.
Has any of my Sofa Sisters bought the RRFF doll “Polly”? I finally opened the box for mine yesterday and she is lovely. And her outfit is so cute.
Boy my proofreading skills were terrible today. Most you can figure out but It’s supposed to say “there wasn’t enough fabric to make a larger size.” I’m in a hurry and that never works well for my proofreading.
I’m so glad that you have Polly. I didn’t buy her and of course have buyer’s remorse. I’m hoping that the old $800. or less limit for tax is reinstated. Not sure I can continue buying dolls with that added tax amount since there are no similar dolls made in the US. š
Jeanne…..I am with you….I LOVE fabrics! I usually only purchase 1/2 to 3/4 yard pieces of small or tiny prints that I think are suitable for doll fashions! And I seem to accumulate more fabrics than I can use quickly so there is always a plethora of combinations to choose from. And it is always a good thing to have plenty of whites and solid colors on hand when needed.
I order fabrics from Fabric Shack…they offer so many wonderful name-brand fabrics, arranged in the neatest categories of coordinating colors and prints. I have never been disappointed in the quality of their fabrics, and the sale priced categories are fun to scroll through! I no longer have a car (and could not handle the fast-paced traffic in Texas even if I did have a car!) so only go to Hobby Lobby with a daughter, once in awhile and there is a Jo-Ann Fabrics a distance away, but their prices are more expensive and they don’t have many sale-priced fabrics suitable for doll clothing. Hobby Lobby’s remnant shelf always seem to have some small rolls of interesting sale pieces.
My fabric collection is stored in see-thru plastic bins by colors, and there are separate bins for Halloween, Christmas, dressy fabrics, flannels for sleepwear, and plaid fabrics! Three bins of whites and tans, and another bin of just blacks/grays. And of course, separate storage drawers full of laces, elastics, trims, buttons/tiny buckles, and ribbons, etc.
I have looked at other online fabric stores but have enjoyed the quality, prices, and fast shipping of the fabrics from Fabric Shack, so mainly go with them. Beats having to maintain a car, car insurance, and gas (and Texas traffic!) especially living on a retired income!
And when it comes time to sew another doll outfit and come up with accessories and cloth shoes to go with it, I choose one of my fabrics that inspires me! Been wanting to try my hand at RR ballet outfits complete with ballet shoes/tights, and started a bin with fabrics and trims perfect for using with the patterns I had ordered a while back. Then I became side-tracked with making Santas/snowmen and constructing the dollhouse for a Christmas gift! Ordered nine small print 1/2 yd. pieces from Fabric Shack after the holidays with a gift card I’d received….so need to get back to sewing for my Ruby Red collection!
Thank you for sharing your passion for fabrics!
Dare I look up the Fabric Shack? Who knows what might appear on the doorstep here if I do. It looks like Joann’s, in bankruptcy, is getting closer to closing for good. I think they are selling off their inventory. I will certainly miss them as there is no other fabric store here.
Bonjour. Alors,moi aussi,j’achĆØte des tissus et je ne sais pas rĆ©sister…Quand,je choisis ,je sais ce que je veux en faire ; mais je ne le couds pas forcĆ©ment ,tout de suite;ce qui fait,que j’ai ,aussi,une belle rĆ©serve . Chez moi,tout est rangĆ© ,par couleur,dans des boites fermĆ©es,Ć l’abri de la lumiĆØre. Mais je ne peux pas rĆ©sister ,non plus ,Ć de jolis boutons,ou de belles dentelles …! Mais cela ne dĆ©passe pas,non plus de la piĆØce de couture… AmitiĆ©s pour vous toutes
This is Georgina’s comments translated…
Good morning. So, I too buy fabrics and I don’t know how to resist… When I choose, I know what I want to do with them; but I don’t necessarily sew it right away; which means I also have a nice reserve. At home, everything is stored, by color, in closed boxes, protected from light. But I can’t resist pretty buttons or beautiful lace either! But it doesnāt go beyond the sewing piece eitherā¦ Kind regards to all of you
Jeanne I should have made that rule for myself, nothing could encroach outside the sewing room!!! Theoretically I have one large cupboard for yardage and three large bins for fat quarters. In actuality I have fabric craps everywhere! Has anyone heard of SABLE? Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy. That’s me.
We had a really interesting talk at our guild meeting a few months ago. The woman who spoke was a guild member, so was her mother. Her mother had recently died and she had a sewing room that was probably about 20ft x 20ft. Every available space was overflowing with supplies (mostly but not exclusively fabric) and it was Vicki’s job to sort it. She recommended we all made a list of where stuff could go kind of a non-legal will if you like. Really interesting. Another member was so struck by this she made her ‘will’ and then sent us a copy so we could use it as a template.
I have acquired lots of furnishing fabrics and when I don’t have a project or need to do something mindless, I make bags for Delta Foodbank. I have a relatively small box that was full of fabric and made about 8 bags last week. The box isn’t even half empty. There is another larger one in the garage! (The last govt banned single use plastic bags in NZ and foodbank clients are often on bicycles so boxes aren’t practical. Clients are encouraged to bring the bags back but rarely do!)
My problem is that we have a ‘free table’ at our guild meetings. Sam can’t resist picking up stuff. She brings it to me to look at and I end up keeping stuff I may never use. I can’t heap all the blame on her though, where did she get it from lol
A really interesting post Jeanne. From before I joined the blog so I had never seen it before. I never buy fabric online, like you I want to feel it. And I very, very rarely buy full priced fabrics. Quilts cost enough already without paying $30 or $40 ($15-20 US) per metre for that ‘special’ print.
Have a good day everyone
Anne, I would love a template/copy of that fabric will. Definitely might be needed here. š Maybe Jeanne can post it here?
I thought I had proofread that, scraps not craps!!!
What do I collect? Lots of stuff: fabric, cross stitch kits, yarn, dolls, books, Cricut vinyl, and cardstock. I have fabric, cross stitch kits, and yarn Iāve collected over the past 34 years. I collect American Girl dolls and have somewhere around 30 of them. I find them at the local thrift stores and buy them used online for far less than new prices. I enjoy fixing them up and giving them a new life. I also enjoy sewing clothes for them. Iām currently waiting upon delivery of my newest (and hopefully last) doll acquisition. I keep telling myself that I should reduce my doll collection, but I just donāt want to part with any of my girls. As my children grow up and leave home, Iām finding I want to hang onto my doll collection even more. Four of my eight children are grown and have left. My two granddaughters are just now getting interested in dolls and some of my dolls are intended for them when theyāre a few years older (theyāre both 2). I have a roomful of books, but I homeschool and most of the books are for school. Iām fairly new to using a Cricut cutting machine and my collection for that is still small, thankfully. My sewing/craft/doll room is stuffed to overflowing. My goal for 2025 is to use what I already have and not buy anything new.