A Valentine’s Day Doll treat a few days early…

Hi everyone,
I hope you had a nice weekend. We took it easy but did enjoy the down time. My hubby says he has no pain in his leg and has opted to keep it wrapped for a few more days until we go back to the doctor. He says it is just the same as compression hose and this is already on his leg, so why take it off for now.

I bet there have been a few of you that at least “thought” in your head, “why doesn’t she make something for Valentine’s Day instead of spending all her time putting things away in her sewing room?” Well, long story short…

Remember those new knives Kristoffer gave me for Christmas? The ones he said he wanted me to have because I was surely going to cut myself with the dull ones I had. Well, these new knives were razor sharp and usually I used them, washed them, dried them and put them away. But…the day before my leg surgery (18 days ago), one of the knives ended up in the dishwater and as I was moving my fingers under the water, my pointer finger on my right hand bumped into it ever so slightly and sliced the end of my finger wide open. I have had to wear a band-aid on it since then… hence the not being able to sew! I haven’t been able to do anything with a needle or push with it. I look a little goofy with this band-aid on my finger and it sticking straight out… trying to guard it. I cut off the fingers of some latex gloves and stick them over my finger and put a rubber band around my finger when washing my hair. I keep a few gloves in the kitchen to use when my hands might get wet. It was just one of those fluke things that happened. It is healing but has taken so long to heal, my window for making ANYTHING for the dolls for Valentine’s Day has been wiped out. Boohoo!

But I remembered I had some red leather shoes that I had made, so that’s what today’s post will be about. These shoes would have been nicer with a dress, but maybe someone just needs a pair of shoes by themself. I decided to give each pair a number and if someone wants a pair, they can just tell me the number…

The shoes are all made from genuine leather.
They are all hand stitched.
They will be shipped for FREE!
You’ll receive them quickly!
I know they are little but it costs between $4 and $5 to ship them because they are fatter than 1/4″

Okay, here goes… I have 6 pair for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends 14.5″ dolls and one pair for 8″ Ten Ping. The Ruby Red Fashion Friends shoes are $28.00 and Ten Ping’s boots are $24.00.

I know this sounds silly, but the shoes are much cuter in person than in my pictures. It’s kind of like the picture of someone’s face when it’s too close… it makes their nose look too big. The same way with the shoes, they look better when you see them as 2″ shoes instead of huge like they appear on my computer.






If you are interested in any of them, leave me a comment, or send me and email…
No pressure… if they don’t sell here, there are always ladies on the doll forums looking for shoes!

Have a wonderful day,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “A Valentine’s Day Doll treat a few days early…”

  1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Oh, No, Jeanne, you are your own worst enemy sometimes. I know Kristoffer would be shaking his head if he found out! This kind of thing happens to all of us some times. The doll shoes are all just so adorable, I am tempted to buy a doll to go with them. I just wish you had a set like them for Mae.
    At least there is some good news from George! You two take care, and prayers continue.
    We love you!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh no, Jeanne, not another injury! I have some steak knives that match my everyday stainless, and do put them in the dishwasher, but always to the back of the silverware dept. Of course, some dishwashers have that part in the front or middle if it, but I am really careful to keep those knives in the back. However, my good carving knives have a wood handle, which never go in the dishwasher. Wood doesn’t do well with dishwashing detergent. But oh gosh, don’t do that again! Maybe do them by hand from now on?

    What cute shoes! Yes, RRFF dolls need shoes just like the rest of them, and they are often in short supply! All of those shoes are darling, and surely someone will see a pair they need!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Glad to hear that George, is doing well, but disturbed that Jeanne stabbed herself with a kitchen knife. Ugh Here, after use, any knives go directly under very hot water from the faucet with some soap and then a rinse before careful shaking off the water and drying on a paper towel. Then, back into the drawer. Never put them in the sink with other dishes. Very dangerous. But, glad finger is healing well.
    The shoes are cute. I’m sure they will sell quickly. Here, I finally finished my Lunar New Year outfit for one of the Ruby Reds. I’m determined to get a photo today. Has to be inside as it has been raining three days straight.
    And after errands this morning, I have my dreaded DMV appointment this afternoon for a renewal of license and Real ID. We’ll see if I can figure out the Kiosk. I’m not even sure if I set up everything correctly. Such a ditz here.

    1. Yes, Joy. I am the same. I do not trust myself to do quick something and make mistakes. I always have a cute plastic cup in the kitchen sink to put utensils in that later go either in to the dishwasher or hand wash, always points down regardless..well knives anyway

  4. been there done that. Making a little rain coat out of a glove is perfect, and you and reuse it if necessary, or toss. That is the easy thing with gloves now.
    It is good that you are keeping your finger protected, and it will heal quickly even though there is that in between stage, I have done this a few times. I am glad you learned this tricky lesson and now it will never happen again. I understand the slow careful progress you made and I know it was kind of awkward to explain this injury.
    The red shoes are so adorable. I would buy all of them but I do not have a cute tiny doll.
    I accomplished one job very lazily, I packed carefully my curio cabinet, lots of china and glass treasures and many dolls from around the world, a few I have had since I was a little girl.
    It is and has been cloudy and cold this week.
    I am making small goals with the packing. Yes, I could hire a packer, but I can do this and save that $$ for storage options in my new tiny cottage.
    I went to a gathering yesterday in my new neighborhood. the Builder has three kinds of houses available – courtyard attached bungalows (we are getting one of those/about 2000 square feet) then there are four story town homes about 4000 SF and single family homes also 4000 sf.
    My house at present is 4000 sf which includes the unfinished basement. Anyway, The neighbor lived in one of the single family homes. It was huge and so very fancily decorated. I just recognised a few faces and every one was very kind.
    Then I drove past my house and it is still only half way built up. I hope they do a proper job, I will have to stay on top of it. my goal (among other goals) is to procure the pre drywall inspector. I hope that goes well.
    I hope everyone enjoyed some sunshine this week end. We did have sun here and there, but cold. Happy February dear ones

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Rosemary, how wonderful, a new house! Please keep us in the loop. HGTV is one of my favorite channels and I love to see folks shopping for and/or building houses.

  5. Oh Jeanne I’m so sorry about your finger injury- it’s so distressing. Your RRFF shoes are adorable 🥰 Prayers for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

  6. Happy belated Candlemas (Presentation of our Lord in the Temple)/Groundhog Day! 🕯️
    If Candlemas Day be fair and bright
    by Anonymous
    If Candlemas Day be fair and bright,
    Winter will have another flight;
    But if it be dark with clouds and rain,
    Winter is gone, and will not come again.

    Buckeye Chuck here in Ohio did NOT see his shadow, so an early spring is on the way! Yay!!

    So sorry about your finger, Jeanne. That’s why I DON’T keep my knives razor sharp. I know it’s said that you cut yourself more easily on a dull knife than a sharp one, but I have never found that to be true and I never get cut. Here knives with wooden handles are washed, dried, and put away. Those that I might use on raw salmon go immediately after use point end down in the front of the basket of the dishwasher and are the first thing to be unloaded,

    All the shoes are very sweet and I’m sure someone needs red shoes. I have quite a few of AGs red shoes as they are so cute. My RRFFs are still in their originally shoes (and dresses).

  7. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    I would have loved to buy a pair of your lovely shoes but even if you shipped overseas I wouldn’t be able to afford the dreaded postage. It would probably double the price.
    Those cuts can be so annoying and always seem to take so long to heal! Probably partly because we can’t keep them as dry as other wounds. I hope it gets better soon.
    I wasn’t feeling very good a couple of weeks ago, very lethargic and headachy. I have been on mild blood pressure tablets for the last couple of years, I think because of the pain in my hip and because I wasn’t walking it was raising my BP. I had always had low to normal readings prior. Anyway, I borrowed my friend’s monitor to check it, that was on Tuesday and sure enough the readings were all pretty low. On Wed I felt really awful all day and ended up being so dizzy that I vomited (sorry, TMI) something that almost never happens to me even with tummy upsets. I thought I had better see the doctor. I had to wait till the next day for an appt and still continued to monitor my BP. The last reading I had before leaving the house was 95 over 60! I thought that might have been user error but at the dr’s he took a reading lying down then sitting up and when he had finished and I was getting off the couch he was hovering in case I fainted! I guess it wasn’t user error! So, I am off the tablets (that makes me very happy) but it is taking a while for the medication to get out of my system. Still a bit dizzy sometimes. I’ll borrow my friend’s monitor again probably and check to see if I need to go back. Don’t want to pay $20 if I don’t have to. In case you are wondering, our ‘free’ health care isn’t completely free. Hospital treatment is but dr’s fought the govt tooth and nail as they say, to retain the right to charge a fee. As a senior citizen I pay $19.50 (roughly about $10US) but if I was working, at my Medical Centre it would be about $35. In the more affluent areas it can be as much as $80. We have to pay for dentists too, which doesn’t happen in UK it is free there.
    Laura, my Sara is still in her original outfit I haven’t even bought a pattern yet except for a couple of knitting patterns!
    Take care everyone

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So glad to hear that you were able to have your meds adjusted. Both of us here were given a much stronger dose/prescription than needed for blood pressure. Got off that one fortunately. Hope you are feeling much better now.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I want you to sit on the sofa with us for 24 hours, well for 8 hours maybe, and not do anything. I think you are buzzing around and too much and you need to rest. Please, please, please take care of yourself.

    I am glad that George is doing better.

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