A new hat and shoes always makes Bailey smile!

HI everyone,
We are bracing for the snow tomorrow… I’m not sure how much or IF we’ll get hit, but they say we probably will see white! I hope it’s a dry snow, like I read St. Louis may be getting. :o)

I was busy today working some in my sewing room, but I had to get back to my sewing! Well, today wasn’t exactly a sewing day, but more of a playing day for me! I always like making the “accessories” that go with my outfits! I think you already know that!

Today I made my 6″ doll, Mini Bailey, by My Meadows, a new straw hat and then decorated it. I don’t think I took ANY pictures while I was making it… just worked trying to get it finished… Then came the fun part… “embellishing” it! You KNOW how I love to embellish! I even like that word… EMBELLISH!

This is what I came up with… The straw is a good match to the flowers in her dress, but my pictures (GRRR) are showing it more aqua than what it really is… It’s just a pretty blue.

I added a white scalloped edge to the hat by pulling one of the threads and ruching the braid… I also used some little vintage Forget-Me-Nots that Kathie had sent me. They were the perfect color blue and pale yellow.

Mini Bailey is all smiles with how this is coming along… me too!

I also dabbled at making a new slip on shoe pattern for tiny Bailey. Her foot is about 5/8″ long so it’s itty bitty! Once again I used some blue Ultrasuede that Kathie had sent me. It goes perfectly with the hat and the dress! The shoes AREN’T finished yet, but close. I decided to go ahead and show them anyway because showing just the hat didn’t seem like much for a blog post.

I didn’t even brush off the suede yet so I’m sure in my blown up picture you’ll see bits of stuff on them. I added some tiny little white flowers to the sides I punched out of white leather.

Bailey was having fun trying them on even though they aren’t done…

Well, that’s it for me… Stay safe, stay warm and stay inside if you can!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “A new hat and shoes always makes Bailey smile!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I can see you had a good time today, Jeanne! That hat is adorable, and so nicely embellished. The shoes are coming along well, too. I know Kathie would be pleased to see you are using some of the goodies she sent you.

    I recently came across a note she wrote me once, quite some time ago, and it was nice to read it again. She was a very special lady, even though I never met her except thru your blog.

    Today (the 17th) was 6 months since Ron died. A little tough, but overall okay. My son is here tonight and we were looking thru his baby book (he’s 50!), and before he came I went to sewing guild, so it was a pretty good day, altogether. Also heard from Tonya, my “twinsie challenge” buddy. Expo starts the 27th, so it’s getting close!!

    1. 6 months already. Oh gosh. Your heart has taken you this far, you are so brave, Charlotte. You know you are in my prayers every day!

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, Charlotte Noelle and I are sending hugs to you. Your namesake wanted to know if she could FAX you a cookie to make you feel better. I told her that no one had invented that yet. She said that someone should hurry up and do it because she was sure it would make many people happy, meaning her, of course.

      How fun that you are working on your son’s baby book. One is never too old to capture important memories.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Dorothy. Tell Charlotte Noelle that I agree–cookies are always a good idea!! I’d rather have cookies than cake or even pie!

        We weren’t really working on his baby book, just looking thru it. I had his earliest class pictures there (rather than a photo album) and he got a big kick out of looking at them!

    3. Barbara in SE Texas

      Hugs from here. So glad your son could be with you. I did baby books for both my children and often wish someone had done one for me. I have a few pictures of when I was a baby but not many. But then back in the old days (LOL) there wasn’t much thought given to that because none of my sisters had one either.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Barbara. Hugs back!

        I actually do have my own baby book that my mother fixed up for me (I was the first baby–no idea if she did one for my brother, but if so, I suspect it doesn’t have Quite the amount of detail mine does! LOL), and there are some baby pictures of me. One of my favorites is of my dad holding me–I think I was in my baptismal gown (made by mom’s mother–and I still have it) and he still had his clerical collar on; he was a pastor and had baptized me that day. I also have a 4-generation one of me, my mom, her dad, and His dad! I was about 1, and in the 1940s that was unusual to have four generations alive, and it was printed in the paper! (My great-grandpa lived until I was about 17 or 18, I think, so I do remember him!)

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh, Bailey looks so cute, Jeanne! This is really going to be a winner when it is done! I love that hat, but wonder why some flowers couldn’t be in the front where they can be seen?

    Oh, yes, Charlotte, those baby books they used to have were so fun to fix up! I also have two for each of my children, and even still have the one my mother had for me. What a difference in them! Hugs to you in remembering Ron!

    The snow has now started! Schools out once again, and it is 8 degrees out, feeling like -6! Here we go again!πŸ₯Άβ„️

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Linda.

      My son’s book is for an adopted child; it was something I particularly wanted and was mom’s shower gift to me. Our son was 3 years old when we got him, so a “baby” book wouldn’t quite do! I did have a small amount of info on his earliest years that I could transfer to it; everything else was as it happened. There were a number of trips to the ER thru the years–being a typical boy, he had his share of stitches, as well as a couple of broken bones to deal with!

  3. Such an adorable dress and hat!
    Could you do a segment on making the sweet hat?
    I would love to try making some for my dolls πŸ’•πŸ’•
    Thank you,

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Thanks Ingrid. I remembered the tutorial but forget I can do a search for something. You saved me the time. I’m going to print this out because I really want to try these hats myself.

  4. Ohhhh this is so cute and adorable Jeanne.
    I love the shooz too, and the hat is perfect. The dress is sweet! Now she needs a little
    Easter purse.
    I am in a rush today, running up to the courthouse to hand deliver some of daddy’s paperwork to the court, and discuss further (free) instructions from the lawyer. I actually combed my hair and put on some make up hahaha
    It is very cold here, (what’s new?) just pile on the clothes and stay hydrated sweet friends.
    I hope everyone had a fun week-end,. I did some basement diving yesterday and found a lot of old treasures haha a big box of board games and a big box of Longaberger baskets. Oh my. …… ohhh my πŸ™‚

  5. I thought I’d just check in early since I’ve already got a kitty down at the vet for his dental cleaning and teeth extractions.

    What an adorable hat for Bailey! I love the white straw trim and the velvet forget-me-nots. I love forget-me-nots. my grandmother had big clumps of them and some always were picked and brought in to put in the little Victorian and blue vases on the kitchen window sill. I have those two little vases.
    Funny to see Bailey in her shoes with the extra large soles.

    Thinking of you, Charlotte and your memories of Ron. I’m sure it was fun to look through the baby book. My daughter had one, of course, and I have mine and my mom has hers.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Laura.

      I actually have Ron’s baby book, too, as well as a book his mother did for her senior year in high school!! (She was born in 1908.)

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Oh, the hat is adorable with the dress. Lucky Bailey. I would like to see pics of her with the hat pushd a bit further back on her head as many have a shadow across her eyes. What a nice remembrance of Kathie. Miss her too. I’m sure the shoes will be sweet when finished, but when I saw Bailey, wearing them, all I could think of was that she was going snowshoeing. Hope she isn’t too cold in the sleeveless dress. πŸ™‚ Will she have some thigh highs or socks? I think those would finish the cute look.

    Hope everyone gets some nice pictures of snow, if you are getting any. Love to see snow.

    Here, I finally have the Valentine dress finished for the Ruby Reds. Perhaps, I can get out and snap a picture today. Better late than never as they say. πŸ™‚

    Stay safe and keep warm everyone in a cold zone.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I really would love to see pictures of your Valentine dress for the Ruby Reds. Not too late, it’s still February but I’m game for seeing anything any time of the year. I just love seeing what others do.

  7. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Great blog today, Jeanne. I love the hat, dress and will love the shoes! So nice to see you sewing again. Sorry for the back weather!

    Joy, No snow here and I am GLAD! That icy stuff we had was a mess! I am with you on Baily’s hat sitting further back a little.

    Wishes for a good day to you all.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit is coming along nicely. I wonder what toy she will choose. Hmmm, maybe an Easter Bunny!

    Dear Jeanne and Sofa Sisters, here is a thought to lift us all out of the doldrums of pending snow. How about a trip to Italy that involves dolls, of course?

    Well, the International Art Doll Registry is the answer!!! Here is the link:

    The better news is that it’s in the month of May, yeaaa!

    I am not planning to attend, unless I win the lottery but since I don’t play the chances are slim (laugh).

    I hope that dreaming about Italy brightens your day a little. It definitely makes me smile.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks for the link to the International Art Doll Registry. I will definitely be checking it out.

  9. Ingrid B in Western New York

    Hi Jeanne
    Love the dress! The hat and shoes are adorable! I think twinkle Bailey would love one of your little felt jackets.
    Well, it wasn’t a very snowy season leading up to Christmas for us but it sure is making up for it now. This year I’m relaxed and enjoying the snow. January 4th hubby retired, so I no longer lay in bed praying our plow guy will have cleared the driveway by 4am which was his time to leave for work.
    Hope everyone is well, safe and warm!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Congratulations on your husband’s retirement, Ingrid! It’s a fun time, and I hope you will both be healthy and able to enjoy it for a long time.

      When Ron retired, I gained a shadow for a while! Every. Where. I. Went. he followed me! Except the bathroom and the sewing room! πŸ˜‚ Grocery shopping? “I’ll come and help.” Famous last words! I soon learned to take the cart and send Him to look for things (the cereal you want, a half gallon of milk….); otherwise he could take a half an hour in just one aisle!! In the meantime, I had all the shopping done! Once he got involved in Crime Watch, though, that really helped as it gave Me some much-needed “me time”!! We did take several driving trips to the midwest in those first few years, and that was nice, as we didn’t have to rush to be all done in two weeks or something.

  10. What a sweet Easter outfit this will be. I love the hat and the shoes are going to be the cutest.

    Granddaughter Jaiden is here again today and I discovered yesterday afternoon why she chose to spend two days visiting her Nanna. She wants to sing a song at a church event she goes to on Wednesday and she wanted me to help her learn the song. She picked a bad time for my voice because this constant change in weather has mine down for the count. But I could show her how to find the song with lyrics on Youtube and worked with her awhile on it and then sent her to listen to it over and over by the woman who wrote it so she could get the song in her head. It will be a karaoke version she will be singing to and that can be harder than having an accompanist and she has no musical experience at all. By her age I had been singing for about five years in junior choir at church. These days it’s hard to get any choir going at church and a junior choir is the hardest of all. She says her church does have a singing group so maybe she can get involved with that. Since she’s homeschooled she doesn’t have the option of a school choir but I’m not even sure there are many of them anymore especially in middle school.

    Awaiting the cold weather headed this way sometime tomorrow I believe. Then cold till Sunday but I think most of the days will be sunny so not too bad and as far as I know any precipitation is supposed to be rain.

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