Hi everyone,
It’s late and I need to hurry, but just a few minutes and I’ll get to bed… It’s already Monday for me… eek!
First… a REMINDER: The sweet little set I made for the My Meadows, 6″ Twinkles dolls, is ending tonight on Ebay! You can find “Waiting for Easter” on Ebay by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.
Next: I totally missed showing Joy’s Valentine Dolly dress! She emailed me the pictures and I was sure I had shown them, but I guess I was just remembering chatting with her after her email. Anyway, here is her sweetie showing off her! I forgot her name… sorry!
Hi Jeanne,
Here is the outfit I made for Valentine’s Day. If you look closely, she is making a heart with her hands.
The other shows Callie, (the neighbor’s cat) we call her, photo bombing.
Okay now for a quick tutorial with a few pictures on how I made Mae’s hat. This was a new hat mold for me and I didn’t realize HOW MANY TIMES I had to go round and round to get it finished. It was definitely my LONGEST time making a hat. I timed it and it took me 3 HOURS to make just this part of the hat… no embellishing yet… but there will be some later. I have to finish the dress set to see what colors to use for it.
Anyway, here are a few pictures and a few words about each one.
You have to use a hat mold or some kind of form to keep your hat in shape… this happened to be a hat mold from PNB… it was a new one for me and I was hoping it would fit Mae’s head well. It did.
You first put double stick tape down around the edge of the hat for the first row and then use dots of glue as you go round and round, just barely overlapping each row.
I’m guessing this hat took 20 yards of hat straw… I figured I had this much on the green hank I was using. As you go round and round your braid tends to get a curly and you have to kind of straighten it every couple of rounds.
When you get up to a curved area, you have to pull the threads along to top edge of the braid and it draws up the braid and goes around the curves. That’s what the little pieces of loopy threads are…where I had to pull it up to get it to curve.
It gets smaller and smaller the closer you get to the top center of the hat. If you are consistent in making the rows overlap each other pretty evenly, your center should be right on top…
Here is a picture of the whole hat so far…
You curl the top as much as you can and only leave a tiny hole that you will use to push this last bit of braid into and then glue in place on the inside.
I usually leave the hat to set for about 5 or 10 minutes, pressing all the rows with your fingers as one last effort to get the glue to hold in place. I used a tacky glue and it REALLY grabs and holds… I’ve never had a hat come apart.
Then it’s time to take it off the mold. You just start pulling it away from the double stick tape (which stays put on the mold) and work the hat off. It feels like you are going to rip the hat off as it sort of turns inside out…but then it just suddenly pops off…
You can see where some of my glue seeped into the inside of the hat. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t…
Next you take that little length of braid and work it into the hole and make it flat on top and glue it inside the top of the hat.
Linda noticed something I left out… the little ruffle around the edge of the hat! You take a length of the braid and pull one of the middle pieces and VERY carefully, and not too hard, you pull and it and keep “smoothing” it with your fingers and it draws up the little ruffle… You can make it all bunched up like scallops or you can smooth it out and make the scallops longer. It makes it look like it is ruched… then you carefully glue it to the edge of the hat.
…and viola! Here is your hat!
Now it’s time to see it on Mae… I did get a little bit done on her dress. The collar is on and one sleeve is in…
Here she is with the hat…
Well, I better get to bed… I have to get up early tomorrow!
See you tomorrow or tonight at the finish line of the auction on Ebay!
Blessings, Jeanne
Such a pretty little dress, Joy! That is a Little Darling doll, isn’t it? I love the heart sign she is making with her hands! Such a pretty pattern, and the lace puts the finishing touch on it, making it look extra feminine! Thanks for sending to Jeanne!
I would think so, but is that the same hat you are showing on Mae as the one you were making, Jeanne? They are two different colors no matter what device I am using! The ones where you show how you are making it look way lighter than the one on her head. I wonder which is the right color!
Something I noticed, at the end of your “tutorial”, you snow the finished hat, but all of a sudden it has a little “ruffle” or whatever it is, on the edge of the brim. How did that get there? Is it a special piece? It really adds to it and makes it look like a little girl hat!
As of this time, it looks like .Charlotte did her usual Sunday night thing, and forgot to comment! 🙂
HI Linda,
Yes, it’s the same hat… but some of the pictures are over by sewing machine and the others are under my photo lights. It makes a difference where I take the pictures. The darker green is the right color. The one with the loop of the braid sticking out is pretty close too.
Yes, I forgot about telling about the ruffled edge. I edited my post to explain… Thanks for keeping me on my toes!
Thanks Linda,
Blessings, Jeanne
Great job on the Valentine’s Day dress, Joy. The lace on the hem and the bodice is so pretty. Your pictures are always interesting and catching the cat posing for you was a perfect touch!
The scallops on the brim of the hat were the first thing I noticed, too, Linda. Are they done with stitching? I certainly can believe the amount of time you spend on each item of your ensembles, Jeanne. Do you ever count the hours spent on a complete set? It’s an amazing accomplishment to be able to create such treasures for such a variety of dolls going clear back to Colonial times right through to today with all the wonderful accessories and added touches. Thank you for sharing your processes with us.
HI Susette,
Both YOU AND Linda caught that ruffled edge. I forgot about adding that, but I edited my post to include how it was done.
I’m afraid to count my hours on some of the outfits. I’m sure I go in the hole on some of them… but maybe I make up for it on another one.
Thanks for your kind compliments on my work Susette. I guess I really love what I do, or I would be doing something that made more money! I love to sew for dolls and I’m content to sell them to whoever buys them.
Thanks so much,
Blessings, Jeanne
Joy, the valentine dress is very sweet. I love the pattern of the fabric, fun and a perfect size. this dress design is a well executed result!! I love the little pink shoes and the display elements make it such a lovely scene. It was a fine day to take some photos outside! Well done, and perfect!
Jeanne, the straw hat is marvelous! I see it takes very nimble fingers and careful stitching to make it perfect, expertly accomplished, I love it.
The beginnings of this outfit look so exciting
Happy Monday dears. I will be packing and packing and packing this week. Oh that sounds so productive but it is really… HARD.
HI Rosemary,
The hats are fun to make… they might not necessarily be cost prohibitive, but I enjoy making them and it relaxes me. I was excited to see how this one was going to turn out. Now to get it embellished “just right!”
Happy packing for you!
Blessings, Jeanne
Running late today. The doll in the photo is Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Karina. She has her hair in a very long back braid which is hard to see. Thanks Jeanne, for sharing my photos. I was late as usual in finishing the dress, but Karina, said that she didn’t mind. Such a sweet girl. 🙂
Yesterday, I tackled the asparagus fern that lives out in front near the porch. The frost had nipped it, and it was shedding everywhere, so I attacked and cut it to the ground. It will start back up in in a few weeks when it warms up. However, it is a wicked plant with nasty thorns although it is pretty when it branches out. Completely filled our yard can. I luckily only suffered one hand wound when I took off my leather gloves for a moment. 🙂
I forgot to mention how much I love Mae’s hat. What a great style, color, and fantastic workmanship. So cute.
Hi Joy,
I tried for the life of me to think of Karina’s name, but just couldn’t! She does look very sweet in that color pink. I think she’s a pretty doll! Congratulations on nailing that collar too. It’s tiny but very well done!!!
Congratulations on taming that asparagus fern! Sorry for the hurt hand!
I’m glad you like Mae’s hat. As soon as I finish with these comments I’m heading to my sewing room to get the other sleeve put in and continue with the rest of the dress set. Then I’ll have to look at what I have to embellish her hat with. I was very pleased with this hat mold. I need to see if it fits the AG dolls too. It might!
Thanks Joy,
blessings, Jeanne
Hello, I’m soooo in love with your beautiful straw hat for the little one.
Could you share where you found the mould?? I would love to find the size needed for like an 18″ AG doll, or the 14-1/2″ WW doll by AG.
Thanks ever so much!! Melinda
Hi Melinda,
I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to get back to you. I saw your comment was pending and just now approved it. Most of the hat molds have come from The PNB Doll Company. You can google that and it will bring up her website. I’m not sure if she has American Girl doll hat molds, but she might. She tells in her descriptions which dolls they fit and gives a
head circumference. I just got a new one in the mail today, (not from PNB) but it’s for a little bitty hat again… I’m showing it Tuesday on my blog.
I hope you’ll stay tuned for more things from me. Thanks for the compliments on my hats.
Blessings, Jeanne
Joy, Thanks for sharing your sweet outfit. I love the bright pink and the lace. Yes, she has her hands like hearts, too! Kittie did not want to be left out, either!
Jeanne, that is one big hat to make, but worth it on Mae, so very adorable. Can’t wait to see all the pieces finished. This is one I may have to bid on!!
HI Sissy,
You are too kind… It IS a big hat… if I do say so myself. I was beginning to think it had a “never ending crown” as I was going round and round with that braid. Finally when I got to the curve at the top I took a big sigh of relief! Thanks so much!
Blessings, Jeanne
Karina looks so precious in her adorable dress, Joy. I knew she was a RRFF doll but not which one. I love the fabric and the way you embellished the dress. And her lovely pink shoes, did they come with her? What a very pretty cat. How nice your neighbor lets you enjoy her. Looks like you are having some nice sunny weather. I’m sure you’re ready for that.
Very cute hat, Jeanne. Thanks for the tutorial. I really need to give this a try. I remember one time you used a bowl for a mold and that worked well too. I also remember you doing a bonnet-type hat for a Little Darling. It was adorable.
I suspect winter is pretty much over for us here. Andrea was married on March 5. Early March can be dicey in Texas. Still pretty rainy. But she had a beautiful day which was good because she had an outdoor wedding. Her upcoming anniversary will be their 20th. Where does the time go?
Karina, borrowed the shoes from one of her smaller Siblie friends. They fit without tights.
Funny, but we’ve never met the kitty’s owners. They live below somewhere on the next street. Callie, as we call her, just seems to like our deck and yard. Maybe because it is usually warm out there? She does head home at night though.
HI Barbara,
I wouldn’t suggest this hat form for the first hat you make… it takes too long and too much braid. If you find anything that goes over a dolls head you can pretty much use it for a mold…just lay it down and draw a circle for the brim… unless whatever you find has a flared out edge to it…
I’m really hoping our winter is coming to an end as well… I’m ready for Spring!
Thanks Barbara,
Blessings, Jeanne
Joy, I loved your little dress it is so pretty.
Thank you for the tutorial Jeanne, the hat is lovely and fits perfectly.
It is starting to feel quite autumnal here. It was quite foggy this morning. I hope summer lasts a bit longer!
Have a good day everyone
HI Anne,
Oh, we are just starting to possibly see signs of Spring and you are seeing Fall in the air. I hope your summer goes on a few more weeks! Coming out of winter is wonderful…going into winter… not so much!
Thanks Anne, for your kind words on the hat!
Blessings, Jeanne
Thanks everyone for the kind comments on the Valentine dress. Karina, blushed after I told her. 🙂
Great to see your Karina again, Joy. I’m glad you shared her on FB the other day as well. As I said then, She looks so sweet in that dress. The fabric and trims are lovely and the kitty addition is purrfect.
Thanks for the hat tutorial, Jeanne, Love the scalloped edge. A super way to make the exact color of hat you want for an outfit.
Thank you Laura,
I knew you’d like seeing Callie in the picture Joy sent!
It IS fun to make accessories when you have the exact color you need… It seems I may have as many supplies as Joann’s does. I don’t need anything else, but still found myself wandering in the store for a few minutes today after I was done with my other stuff. I left the store with nothing in my hand!
Oh well, I have plenty at home.
Thanks Laura,
Blessings, Jeanne
Just saw a post on the doll board that JoAnn’s is now closing all of their stores.
Laura, I am pretty certain that my JoAnn’s is staying open. Where did you hear that all of them are closing?
I heard the one in Fairview View Heights, near St Louis is staying open. At least that’s what our manager told me a few days ago.
Rebecca told me to probably prepare myself for the closing of all of them. That’s hard to even think of.