Hi everyone,
I am trying to make use of all the hours given to me in a day, so I haven’t even read all the comments from today. I will do that when I get in bed.
I have still been working in my sewing room, organizing, sorting and purging. It’s looking better but I decided to spare you from just seeing more pictures like yesterday. Although I will show you a couple pictures of what I worked on some today.
This was the drawer in the 21 drawer dresser that housed all of Kathie’s vintage laces. It was a hot mess…
Inside my tall white armoire I store my laces…and now I have added Kathie’s vintage laces. I don’t know why I didn’t take a before picture, but here is an after picture.
Here is a view of a NOT SO FINISHED section of my sewing room…but I’m getting there.
This afternoon, a Korean lady I work with at the Food Pantry, asked for some eggs… so I met her at church and gave them to her… Then she gave me some homemade fried rice! Was it ever delicious!
Now, I told you I received something in the mail yesterday from one of the Sofa Sisters. It was from Lorraine… She won the silver leather slip on shoes in the Giveaway around New Years… and she wanted to thank me.
Look what she knitted for my dolls… a sweet white sweater and cap. I put it on Emmie and took a close up because I had no skirt to go with it. NOW one of my girls can stand in the Dolly Cabinet and NOT be naked! Isn’t it sweet? I love it! Thank you Lorraine!
NOW… it’s time to see what Linda has dressed her girls in for Valentine’s Day! I’m sure it will be spectacular!
Jeanne, here are my dolls dressed for Valentine’s tine’s Day!
First up is Felicity, who is dressed for a Valentine party. She must have been the first to arrive!
Next are Cecile and Kirsten. Cecile is wearing Samantha’s Tea Party dress, and Kirsten is wearing a repro of Addy’s Cape Island dress.
The 40’s girls had a contest, and Ruthie won to be Queen of Hearts, and Betsy is one of the pages!
The modern girls went with red and white this time. Ivy is wearing AG’s Lunar New Year outfit, while Scarlett is wearing an AG dress from way back. I believe Ruthie wore this dress for Christmas. We do a lot of sharing around here! Emmy is wearing a dress from a friend!
Jeanne, I fixed up the tables for Valentine’s Day so the girls could have some treats. First is Molly’s. This is a Valentine breakfast! (as if you couldn’t tell!)
I used Cecile’s desk to put hers and Kirsten’s treats on. While the timelines are different for these dolls, the chocolate candy has no better time than now!😊
Here is Felicity’s table. I used the punch bowl here and Samantha’s party treats for a pretty setting. Now we are all ready for the big day!
Much love to you,
Thank you Linda… everything looks just perfect! What a wonderful time your girls will have for Valentine’s Day!
Oh, and one more picture came in… It was Chinese New Year’s yesterday and Susette is sharing her picture of the newest doll from Ruby Red… This is Ada and she is lovely! She is the Chinese New Year doll and is very pretty. I saw the picture on Facebook from Susette and the picture of the snake is by her daughter in law, Sumae… It’s the Year of the Snake this year! Thank you Susette! I know you love those Asian dolls about as much as I do! She’ll get along great with Ten Ping!
Well, that’s it for me today…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Things are coming along in your sewing room, Jeanne. Your laces look so nice, now that they are all organized so you can really see what you have!
How nice of that lady to bring you some homemade fried rice when you gave her the eggs. What a treat for you!
Emmie looks lovely in her new set that Lorraine knitted. I do knit, but it’s been a long time since I knitted anything for my dolls. Lots of baby sweaters and such, though, all for gifts. I have no idea how many I’ve knitted and given away.
Linda you pictures are a real treat as usual! Everyone looks so pretty in her festive Valentine attire! I particularly like the gown that Emmy is wearing. And the tables all set for the parties…so nice!! Thanks for sharing!
Susette, your Ada is just lovely! I did think about getting her–after all, Ada was my late mother-in-law’s name! But I have been trying to curtail my buying until I get a few “loads” of stuff out of my house again, so I didn’t.
I’d like to thank everyone who sent birthday wishes to me yesterday. I think I replied to all of them in yesterday’s blog post.
Jeanne, things are really beginning to look better as each day goes by! The laces look so much better! You ARE making progress!
Oh, what a pretty sweater Lorraine made for you! White sweaters go with everything and look so fresh and warm! It fits Emmy so well too, and also the adorable hat!
So you must be the “Egg Lady” of Carbondale! What a great deal you made there for your eggs! A delicious one, I might add!
Susette’s Ada is just beautiful, and Susette always has such pretty settings for her dolls. With her Asian style decorated home, Ada fits right in! Thank you for sending that, Susette!
And, I must thank Jeanne, for showing my dolls! I certainly do enjoy seeing other’s dolls too, and am so happy to bring a smile to others to start or add to their day. Dolls are our common denominator, you might say!
Thank you Charlotte, for your kind words. Yes, Emmy’s dress is a favorite of mine too, and given to me by a very dear friend.
Dear Linda, your dolly children are adorable. I smile every time I see how lovely you make your dolly environment. Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations with us!
What great pictures on the Blog today! First more of Jeanne’s tidying and the sweet sweater and hat from Lorraine! Then the wonderful Valentine girls from Linda, and the fabulous tables of goodies. Linda, you made me hungry, and I am always hungry for your lovely dolls and outfits.
Susette , that doll and her outfit are just fabulous, and I loved the snake picture, too. Thank you for sharing!
I have to have tooth surgery on an implant to day, so could use a small prayer!
Have a great day everyone, and stay warm.
Oh, Sissy, I do hope the surgery goes on without a hitch. Thinking of you.
Thank you so much, Joy. and congrats on your getting past the dolly police. Loved the story!
Ha, ha, Sissy, don’t get too hungry! I can assure you that all the food you saw is purely plastic, except for the pink lemonade, which is actually Kool-aid, with NO sugar, I might add!
Good luck at the dentist and I will say a prayer for you!
Thank you, Linda, I appreciate that!
We have been out of town celebrating our joint birthdays so I have not seen the destruction and reassembly of Jeanne’s sewing room. What a project! You will be a sewing assembly line when you have everything in place. That shelving unit is just a beauty. Can’t wait to see the treasures that you will be able to create when the sewing commences again.
Happy Birthday Charlotte. I am just a couple of days late but I did think about you because our birthdays are on consecutive days. I hope you had a good day.
Oh Joy, Maisy was the mystery doll. That was quick, she was just announced. I was so tempted but am expecting the new 13″ Janie Sweet Monday from Boneka due any day now. Do you love Maisy?
Linda your Valentine scenes are melting my heart. Every time I think about downsizing my American Girls you send photos to Jeanne and I love them all over again. It is good to see the outfits on different dolls. The table settings look good enough to eat! Thank you for sending these to Jeanne so she can share.
Thank you, Debbie! I could not imagine downsizing my American Girl dolls, since I really do like their size and the stories that come with them, not to mention their accessories that are so true to life and make their stories real. They just aren’t pretty dolls, but dolls that have a real true to life background , and pretty clothes to match!
I agree and it helps to hear you say what is so special about the AG dolls. In the beginning when they were Pleasant Company I read every story with my daughter. Her only doll was Kirsten but we enjoyed reading about each one of them. My 5 have been to the doll hospital and are in top condition. In addition to some of the factory outfits I have a nice collection of expertly crafted dresses by talented seamstresses. Jeanne among them. Thank you for encouraging me to enjoy them.
Yes, Maisy has come here to roost. I just checked and there are still 23 available. Shipping is fast as she is ready to go. 🙂
Happy belated birthday, Debbie! Wishes for many more!
Thank you, Debbie, and happy birthday to you, too! In my church there are three of us with birthdays on consecutive days–27, 28 and 29. Also one on the 25th and two or three others. And we are a SMALL church!!
Well, I’m late again and on this great photo day too.
What a lovely gift from Lorraine. Emmie is rocking the knits. So cute.
I really appreciate seeing the photos from Linda. Her girls are oh so festive for Valentine’s Day. It is so nice of Linda, to tell us about the dresses. There are some stunning ones for sure. Wish there were a few around here. The girls are so well posed too. And seeing the party tables all set for fun is delightful. The close ups are very welcome for me to be able to view the treats and lovely settings. I really appreciate the photo details as well. So much goes into each and every scene. Thanks Linda.
Susette’s, lovely photo is a wonderful presentation to celebrate the Lunar New Year. So pretty. Thanks Susette.
Yesterday, I mentioned that I had a doll arriving. Turned out that it was ahead of schedule by two days. Thanks FedEx. Anyway, once I knew I had a delivery coming, we carried on as usual. Can’t really plan for delivery when there is a four our window. We had some errands to do, so when heading out and just up the hill, I noticed a FedEx truck on a street nearby. Oh no, hope the package isn’t on the porch when we return. When we got back, I scanned the porch as we drove up, and no bright white and glaring FedEx box. Where is it? Once inside, I hopped on my trusty computer and checked the order. Nothing new to report. Still out for delivery. We’d picked up lunch at In and Out, and were watching the news while we ate, but no truck noise or delivery knock. Other person was on his phone in the living room, and I was in the family room on the computer checking out well you know, doll groups, and whatever. I happened to click back to mail and boing! There was a notification, “Delivered.” What? When? I jumped up and practically ran into the living room. Panting and not a clue of what to do, as I would have to face the dolly policeman. Other person had gone into the office and wasn’t in the living room. What? When? There had been no noise from the truck or a knock nor the dreaded doorbell. Maybe my hearing needs checking? I tried to open the door every so quietly, but it squeaked so loudly. Ugh. Didn’t hear a peep from the office. Got the door open and peeked out. There was that glaring white box laying down barely on the porch. Without hesitation, I leaped out and grabbed the box bringing it inside in one motion. Holding it tightly in front of me with one hand, trying to disguise the box should other person appear, I tried to carefully close the door. Of course, it screeched once again. Drat. But, still no stirring from the office. Completely out of breath, and now shaking a bit, I scurried all the way back to the family room not bothering to miss the board that also screams with each step. Once the box was deposited in the secret location, my beating heart caught up with me and I was shaking with giddiness. Ha ha. Another successful caper. My newest girl is RR Maisy. She’s awfully cute. 🙂
Looks like Jeanne, is very busy with the monster reorganization. I’d love to see the donation pile. I’ll bet it is huge. It will be great to be able to find things once again.
And here, we’re expecting rain coming in tonight. They are saying we may get 6 inches or more from this storm. Going to get wet around here.
I saw the prediction for rain in CA on the news yesterday. If it isn’t one thing it’s another for CA it seems. A deluge is not good after so much vegetation is gone. Too bad it didn’t come sooner and put out the fires. Prayers for the people of California.
Another close call Joy! Why does FedEx place those long dolly boxes on the very edge of the porch? It must be a rule. I like the photos that UPS sends you of the package but not many dolls come UPS. I am awaiting one from France, anxiously awaiting… Dolly policeman – that is a good one!
Thanks Debbie. FedEx does photos too. And UPS used to have the follow the truck feature with a map that showed where the truck was located, so you could check on the delivery approximate time. I don’t think they are doing that anymore though. I sure liked it.
Dear Joy, I was literally holding my breath as I read your report. Pshew! I am glad all went well. Mr. Phelps (of TV’s Mission Impossible) would be so proud (laugh).
Thanks Dorothy. This one was a lucky close call for sure. 🙂
And it’s another “Dolly Mission Impossible” in the books for Joy!! Yay!! (Joy, you are just going to HAVE to oil those hinges on your front door!! LOL)
You’re welcome, Joy! I try to give everyone ideas so maybe they can take away something for their dolls and give them ideas. That’s how I get ideas for my dolls, just by looking at other’s collections. I’m missing seeing your darling tribe in your deck ,which you do not often enough! Hope to see more and the newest arrivals too!
Linda, I would love to get back to more photos, but we seem to either be busy working on something, like the deck, or it’s way too cold or raining. I’ve actually been sewing but haven’t been able to get things together enough to do any pics. 🙂
A gift of homemade fried rice from a lady who truly knows how to do it. Yummy!
Another step done in the massive reorganization of your sewing room. I’m amazed at how well you are doing after your surgery. That’s great!
Linda’s done it again. How she stays so on top of things I have no idea. I still plan on taking my holiday pictures this weekend when we are supposed to finally see the sun for a few days so my lighting should be good. I’ll save them for next year but I just wanted to take them while everyone is still dressed for the holidays. I get so busy at that time of year I can’t seem to get around to doll photography.
Everyone looks so lovely dressed for Valentine’s Day but I especially love the dress on Sara. Felicity looks so charming and feminine as always. The dress on Kirsten is lovely. And I always love Samantha’s tea party dress no matter who’s wearing it. Congratulations to Ruthie on winning Queen of Hearts. I love the gown Betsy is wearing so much that I bought one for my Betsy. The modern girls look lovely in their red and white. Where did you get the beautiful dress on Emmy? And I love the Lunar New Year dress on Ivy. Scarlett’s dress is lovely too. As always the tables are set perfectly for the occasion. Do I need to call ahead for reservations?
The beautiful knitted white sweater and cap is a wonderful gift and looks so good on Emmie.
I absolutely cannot wait until next year for the Christmas photos. Maybe you can get some to Jeanne, for a belated photo shoot? I would love to see them. 🙂
What a beautiful sweater and hat Lorraine knitted for Emmie.
How fun to see your pretty dolls all dressed up for Valentine’s Day, Linda! Felicity looks so sweet in Elizabeth’s Riding Outfit. It’s funny as I just got that outfit out yesterday and thought I would put it on my custom Nellie and have one doll dressed for Valentine’s this year. Love Kirsten in that repro of Addy’s Cape Island dress. I’d love to have a repro of that as well. Did you get it off of Etsy? I was not impressed with AGs version when I saw it as the trim doesn’t go all the way around. All the table settings are wonderful. Samantha’s party treats are one of my absolutely favorites with their tiny removeable candles. In fact, they were my second purchase for my own collection. Everyone is so sweetly dressed.
So nice to see your lovely scene again, Susette. I saw and commented on FB, but it’s great to see it again. Your doll reminds me of a sweet girl in out homeschool book that was adopted from China. she was asking each child their birthday and telling them their sign. She was thrilled to find out my daughter was born in the Year of the Dragon.
Thank you so much, Laura! I too, thought that Elizabeth’s Riding Outfit would work perfectly for Valentine’s Day, being pink, and then too, is wool, which makes it so nice and warm for these cold winter days. I would love to see your custom Nellie wearing hers!
Yes, I did get Kirsten’s reproduction dress from a woman on Etsy. I also did not like the fact that the stitching at the hem did not go all the way around on the AG version, but it does on this one. Then too this dress was very reasonable compared to the price you see for the original on EBay. She makes them in different colors, but I wanted the pink like Addy’s was. I’m sure Addy’s was a bit softer, but that was fine with me. I don’t know the name of her website as I write this but will look it up for you and get back with it.
Laura, the shop on Etsy is “JustForFunBySherry”, and she is getting low on those dresses, but always makes more. You could write and ask when she would have the color you would want. It seems to be a popular dress for her to make, and she does a beautiful job, at least on mine she did!
Thank you, Linda. I will check out her shop.
Well, Barbara, I just MAKE the time to dress my dolls, and the heck with anything else! I really do get a kick out of changing them, and I guess just make it a priority to do so. It’s really not as hard as you might think. I’m so happy that you enjoy what I do, and it certainly makes it all worthwhile when I hear that people enjoy seeing them!
The dress that Sara is wearing was a gift from a friend, who I think had it for her Little Darling doll, but it fit’s Sara to a “T”. Emmy’s dress was also given to me by that same friend, also for a Little Darling doll that she had, so they all seem to fit pretty well, at least enough for me to dress them in! I’ll be forever grateful to her, and consider her my dolls Guardian Angel!
As for making reservations, we are all filled up!🙁 Sorry about that!😊
Jeanne the outfit for Emmy is so cute. That was so nice of Lorraine. Your sewing room is coming along, I wish I could say the same about mine! I just haven’t the motivation to try and find homes for everything. I need another 24 hours in a day and a bit of oomph I think!!!
Linda I love how you dress your dolls up so beautifully. My OG dolls (Our Generation, all I can afford) are packed away because I have no room for them now.
Joy, I always love hearing about your dolly capers you could write a book lol.
I’m glad CA had some rain, it may have come a bit late but it should help damp down hot spots that can hang around a long time just waiting to come back to life when the wind tells them to.
Charlotte I am sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday. Those “firsts” are always the hardest. I think it must be the same day as my oldest son, or at least very close. He was 59 on 27th! That makes me feel very old! The next son will be 57 on Mon (3rd).
Have a great day everyone
Thank you, Anne, for the kind words! You should get out just one of your dolls, they are so fun to fix up!
Talk about feeling old, my daughter turns 55 on February. 12th! Seems like we just brought her home from the hospital the other day!😊
Thank you, Anne! My birthday is the day after your son’s, the 28th. (And MY baby will be 50 next week!! Time flies…)
Compliments on bravely working on your sewing room. It has inspired me to tackle the refrigerator. Too bad antique food isn’t saleable.
Marilyn, you are too funny. 🙂
Beautiful pictures everyone! I sure enjoyed seeing them.
Happy Belated Birthday to Charlotte and Debbie! Prayers for Sissy!
Thank you, Karen!
Thanks, Karen!!
Dear Jeanne, things are really coming together at you house. I like how you are getting everything organized. I would do the same if only I could find my personal assistant. She always disappears when I need her most (laugh).