The clutter is gone and I can actually see the WOOD on the top of my bookshelf…

I can’t believe it! I worked hard today to try and make one whole area nice and pretty… and I did it! At least to me it’s pretty! It’s pretty organized, pretty streamlined, pretty clean, and pretty efficient. I can get to just about anything on these shelves and not have to move anything…

I’ll tell you what I ended up with on this bookshelf…

Starting on the left side and going down…
* I have 3 snap compartment containers with my jewelry findings, beads, etc in them. They ARE stacked so I’d have to lift one to get to the second one.
* Beside them are all my glues, fabric stiffners, fabric fusion, etc.
* Below them is a butterfly box raised up on a wire stand. I have all my silk and parchment flowers and millinery items inside it. I use what’s inside this box to decorate my straw hats.
* Underneath the stand that the butterfly box is on is a larger container of my jewelry things…my tools, memory wire, and some larger containers of gold and silver and pearl beads.
* Beside them on the right are my dog nail trimming tools… They are like little sandpaper rolls on a Dremel too…I use them to trim down the rough edges of my leather doll shoe soles.
* On the next shelf are some linen fabrics, gingham checked fabrics and my Patriotic fabrics. They fit on the shelf nicely so that’s why they are there.
* On the bottom shelf are the containers with my embroidery floss, a Cuddlebug machine for embossing, and another single layer compartment container with more embroidery floss.

On the right side of the bookcase I have these things…
* On the top shelf I have a little leather container that I hold all my receipts in. I am going to try and NOT let it get so full this year! :o)
* The two compartment containers is what I refer to as my Dolly Toy Box. It has all my little teddy bears, kitties, tiny dolls, furry animals, etc.
* The next shelf down has 4 containers with snap lids that have various things in them… the top left is empty! WOW… I better find something to put in it!
* The container below it has some shoes that I’ve made in the past, and a few that I’m not finished making…
* The container on the right side (top has the stretch lace I use to make my fingerless gloves) and the container below it has some extra cone thread for my serger.
* In between the containers is a little pink suitcase with a Valentine’s dress and some pieces that go with it for the Dianna Effner Little Darlings. It even has some teeny tiny Valentine Cards. Someone gave it to me in a swap…
* The next shelf down has lots of my different white fabrics… it’s not super organized, but it works there…I may move it somewhere else.

In fact, I may move several of these things… like have the dog nail trimmer tool over on my leather shelf… or put my thread in that container in another one with some other thread I have.

I see I still have one open spot on the bottom right. I don’t want to put fabric down so close to the floor as it gets too dusty, so it will need to be something in a zippered storage bag, or a box, or so many other things I still have to find homes for.

I didn’t even get finished with “this” redo session before I was changing things up a bit.

Remember this… thinking my tulle up on the top of my 21-drawer dresser in the long white wood box would be great?

Well, as I looked at it, there was a lot of wasted space around it, so I had my hubby take the box down and I just put my tulle in the bags up there… They are very light weight and can easily be reached and pulled down. I also put a few bigger pieces of fleece down at the end and a couple small rolls of batting.

I still have room on the right side to add something else up there. Something else lightweight…

When I find a home for everything, I might find I can spread things out more, but for now, I am just trying to get everything off the floor and on a shelf somewhere.

Well, we have to get up early tomorrow as it’s my hubby’s “big day!” We would appreciate your prayers…

See you Monday… I might even have something for Valentine’s Day… but it might cost you! :o)
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “The clutter is gone and I can actually see the WOOD on the top of my bookshelf…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Is this actually the same room, Jeanne? What a huge difference! That bookshelf looks so neat and orderly, you did wonders!! I’m sure you feel so proud of yourself, and you should!

    My question is, what is that beautiful dress sitting on top of the bookcase? That caught my eye immediately! I thought maybe you would tell us what it is. Is it a heirloom? Is it a doll outfit or a child’s outfit? Could you please clue us in on it, and maybe a closeup picture?

    I was thinking, maybe you should write down where you put everything, so you don’t waste time looking for whatever you are looking for, or maybe some sort of “map” showing where things are. You have everything so organized and it looks just great!

    Prayers for George today, and hopefully by tonight you both will be back home!

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Everything looks so beautifully organized and neat now. But, knowing you as we do, I imagine there will be some more rearranging until you have things just exactly right! (And a few months or a couple of years down the road, you may end up changing out a piece of furniture for something else, and will start all over again!!)

    I was wondering about that dress, too!

    I’ll be keeping you and George in my prayers.

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am sending out prayers and blessings to you and George.

    You have made the sewing room look efficient and charming.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    I love the decorating in the first photo. Is that a child’s dress? So appropriate for Jeanne’s space. I thought maybe we would get a look at the donation pile? Maybe later. Lots of work spent reorganizing everything. Sure hope there is a map. You know, what is in drawer number 2. πŸ™‚

    The date has snuck up on me. Didn’t realize that it was George’s turn so soon. I’m sure he will be thrilled with the results. Hope he can take it easy though and not start any new projects for awhile. If he had an early appointment, he may be already headed home. Wishing him the best in recovery.

    Here, it actually rained overnight, and we have puddles. This is our first real rain since the beginning of December, so it is very welcome. Although, the next few days may bring us a lot more than we really want all at once. I’m sure the streams, lakes, and ocean will greatly appreciate the moisture. It will be great for the salmon and other fish as they head back upstream from the ocean to spawn in fresh water. πŸ™‚

    I’m ready to sew on the skirt for my Lunar New Year dress. Well, not mine, but one of the Ruby Reds. Hope it fits. Ha ha.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  5. I offer my prayers for both of you today. I hope all goes well, Jeanne dear.
    I was gone yesterday, hubbs and I left really early in the morning and made a little road trip to Silver Spring, Maryland to visit my older sister Joyce. Hubbs did all of the phone stuff for her and her son Andrei, he is 26 and adorable. Anyway, yesterday was a super fun day. The beltway traffic was not terrible.
    Regarding the plane crash, as a former figure skater, this broke my heart. I know figure skating people. We were always a close knit bunch.
    I looked at yesterday’s post, Linda, wow, shockingly adorable <3 <3 Every little detail is just so sweet. I love the table settings, the dresses, the little valentines cards and each doll looks perfect and beautiful. Thank you for putting those together and sharing. I am really happy to see the pictures.
    Jeanne, your sewing space looks very good, It takes time to put things into a workable location. Sometimes my sewing space looks like an explosion occurred – your space looks very tidy! Now I have a good example to strive for.
    I hope all of you have a super lovely week-end. it is pouring rain here in Northern Virginia, however it will all be out of here by tomorrow and the sun will shine, yay!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’ve always followed figure skating over the years. It is something I wanted to do so much. So I was shocked to find out who was aboard the plane that crashed. Seeing the video it was apparent the worst had occurred. i still would like to know more about how it happened. My prayers are with the families of those lost in this tragedy and for the figure skating world which has lost so much.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Good job! I love how you organized everything so nicely. You are so fortunate in that you have such a great sewing space to work with. Was that a major factor in buying your house? I love that you have a door to the outside. I would love to have that.
    With an outside entrance you could actually set up as a shop if you wanted to. You have the online shopping thing well set up but I’m not too good at that so the idea of a little cottage shop that people could come visit would work for me. And I would serve tea so I know Dorothy in PA and the World would surely visit.

    When we moved to this house we had three children at home and I was sewing in the kitchen. Then Jason left and we moved Sean to his bedroom and Andrea we moved to Sean’s. Andrea’s former room was actually once the den so now we had both kids in real bedrooms. The den is off the living room with French doors, so I took that for my sewing room. As time went on I got involved in more things sewing related and started accumulating more things. I had no place to put anything at the time so David made me eight cabinets. Four sit on the floor and four more on top of them. I also have a dresser from David’s folks and he built me a fabric cubby (actually a bookcase type thing) that sits on top of that. I have two full-size bookcases also. All are packed to the brim with several plastic boxes on floor dollies in front of them. My serger and sewing/embroidery machine sit in the middle of the floor facing each other with a walkway around them. And I have a worktable in front of the picture window (remember it was once a den). And there is a closet but that is full too. More time spent in there sewing, especially something larger than doll clothes would help considerably as I have a huge stash of fabric. Every time I think of downsizing my fabric stash I see something I forgot I had and “need” to keep. I used to spend hours in my sewing room when I was younger and had little time to do it. Now that I have the time my body protests me sewing too long at a time so I peck away a little at a time. It does keep my dolly girls happy though.

    I forgot to mention yesterday that I love Susette’s’ Lunar New Year set-up. Ada is a beautiful doll. I love the snake picture.

    I want to know about the pretty little dress in the first picture too.

    Chamber of Commerce weather day here today. Sunny and a high in the 60s. Finally. Maybe things will start to dry out and the guys can make some progress on the sitework for the houses.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I would love to see pics of your sewing room if you get a chance. Yours sounds like it has lots of storage.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, I think that is a lovely idea. Jeanne could call her tearoom, Tea On The Sofa. The brochure/Facebook page would show some of the Sofa Sister sipping tea while seated on Jeanne’s sofa. Dolls would be peeking out over their shoulders.

      There would have to be a Bed & Breakfast located nearby so those of us traveling there would have someplace to reside. I’m excited. I will start packing tonight (smile)!

  7. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Prayers going up for George today and of course for you as well. I am so glad you got so much done in your sewing room. I have to clear a lot out of my sewing room, the center of it is piled up. My DIL and my 13 year old granddaughter are coming in the middle of Feb. for a short visit and Simone would like to try something on my sewing machine. They have 2 dogs, one large and one small so we will try making scarves for the doggies. I hope it goes well.
    My dental surgery was not as bad as I thought, I appreciate the prayers.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Very glad to hear that the dental surgery is over and hopefully, successful.
      How fun to have your grand make scarves for the pups. That should be a lot of fun. πŸ™‚

  8. Prayers for George, Jeanne. I hope everything is successful. Your sewing room is really coming along.
    Such a tragedy. I always enjoy watching figuring skating. Comfort for all of the families.

  9. Hi everyone,,
    We are home… George’s surgery was pretty extensive. The dr tried fishing the catheter from the incision in his ankle and headed up toward his knee. He ran into veins that went every which way and had to stop and cauterize the calf section separately. Then he had to make a new incision and insert a new catheter into the side of his knee and go up to his groin with it. So both sections were cauterized. The dr told us the veins in his legs were so stretched out they just were holding onto all the blood and the valves weren’t even able to close so it was just like his leg veins were filling up with blood with no way to pump it back up to his heart. I can only imagine how his outcome is going to be… hopefully really good!!!
    Well, he’s zonked out in the recliner and I think my bed is calling my name!
    Thanks everyone!
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So glad the surgery is over on one leg for George. I don’t think they did both did they? So glad that he had it done. I’m sure he will feel so much better after recovery.
      Take care of yourself too, Jeanne.

    2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Jeanne, thank you for keeping us posted. We send prayers always for you both.

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Jeanne, I am glad you are both home. Do get some much needed sleep. Prayers continue.

    4. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you for the update, Jeanne. It sounds like this procedure was really necessary for George! Good thing he was willing and wanting to have it done. I’m praying for an excellent outcome from this and the future surgeries, too.

  10. Linda in St, Louis

    Thank you, Jeanne, for letting us know about George. I have been thinking about him and you all day, and saying a little prayer every now and then. It sounds like he really did need this surgery and only good things can happen now. You can’t keep a good man down!

  11. Marilyn in Colorado

    That bookcase looks beautiful. Nicer than my refrigerator, which I’m cleaning out. I think some of the food can be classified as antique — fortunately, it’s things like yogurt in neat, if outdated cartons. I didn’t feel tired today — the second time in memory. Tiredness is a problem with the disease I have. The surprise is that feeling normal, no matter how long it’s been, feels normal. I hope the day comes when George wakes up and feels normal — you can have a lovely celebration. How are you feeling?

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