No Power… so it is question time again…

Hi everyone,
I had the 2024 Doll Dress Review halfway finished when our power went off. Since my pictures are all on my computer and we have no power that will have to wait.

Tree limbs have been crashing in our yard and I just heard a really loud one outside the living room window. My hubby went out to check on things and a big branch from our River Birch tree has fallen on the fountain and knocked it over. It’s dark outside so my hubby can’t tell how bad it is… if it is just knocked off the base or if it is broken.

I made some homemade bread earlier and some chicken noodle soup in the crock pot. Fortunately it was done before the power went out. We started eating right when the lights went out…

I did my dishes by candlelight…

Ok… I need to save my phone battery… so here is today’s question…

What hobbies or collections did you have as a child?

See you tomorrow…
Hopefully, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “No Power… so it is question time again…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, gosh, I’m sorry about your power outage, Jeanne. I hope it didn’t last too long, and your house didn’t get too chilly! I remember that power outage we had here a couple of years ago–we were without power for 36 hours, and Ron got so chilled, I thought I was going to have to call 911 and have him transported to the hospital so he could get warm. And just then, the power came back on! It had gotten down to 54 in our house (it was freezing outside that particular week), and took two hours for the furnace to finally get the house back up to 70! Fortunately, we have a gas stove, so I could heat soup or water for tea, or actually do regular cooking if I wanted to!

    Your homemade bread and soup look delicious!!

    What did I collect as a child? Well, I’m sure this will come as no surprise, but I collected dolls! Those little plastic “storybook” type dolls with the clothes stapled to them, all fancy colors, with feathers in their hair sometimes, etc. I think they were often given as premiums in gas stations and/or sold quite inexpensively in dime stores. They often represented foreign countries or holidays. You couldn’t really play with them, but they made a nice display on my dresser. I think my favorite one was “Ireland” because she had beautiful red hair! Her dress was white satin printed with green shamrocks. I probably still have all of mine in a box downstairs somewhere! (Of course I also had play dolls, but only 3 or 4 of those.)

    For a while I had a coin collection, too–a book filled with pennies and maybe one with dimes, different years and mints. I kind of lost interest as they weren’t nearly as pretty or fun as dolls, so I gave them to my brother, who probably still has them–and quite a few other books of coins!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh no, Jeanne! I was thinking you probably would not have too much trouble out of this storm, because you are south of me. We had sleet and freezing rain all day yesterday, and some snow, but not as much snow as we would have liked. However, last night it did snow, so now, lucky us, we have snow on top of ice! I don’t think a single school is open today. People are asked to stay home if possible, so that’s where we will be! No power outages around here, but different areas around us have had them. Our subdivision has all underground wiring, so the lines can’t be blown down, but of course other places do have power lines outside and we are connected to those.Things will stay pretty much the same today as we aren’t even going to hit freezing this week, plus have some minus zero temps. It’s pretty though, seeing our backyard deck with Christmas lights and a little multicolored snowman all decked out with snow!

    What did I collect as a child? I had no place for collections like I have now, since I shared a room with my sisters, but my grandmothers did give us Madame Alexander Storybook dolls. I only had a couple, and who knows where they went! I had Little Bo Peep, Goldilocks, and maybe one other, but what I did really collect, get ready for this, is rocks! Ha, ha! I even found an arrowhead rock! As you can see, nothing fancy or valuable!

  3. We are still without power and my phone is at 42%… so I’ll be quick. Itvis 57 in our house. My hubby brought in a propane heater last night and it worked for 10 minutes then quit. He brought in the big kerosene heater.. guess we’ll have to use it or go get the generator and bring it to the porch. We thought power would come on sooner. Everything is covered in ice.
    Living like Laura Ingalls I guess.
    Blessings. Jeanne

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    Oh no, Jeanne! I hope you are able to stay warm over there! It is about 22 degrees here and it has been snowing since yesterday! Some of the girls went sledding down the hill near the neighboring school yesterday. Your soup looks delicious!
    When I was little my father had a stamp collection in a binder and each kid had a page or more in it. I remember there was a buffalo one, and I had a flying dinosaur stamp. I can’t remember what you call them right now, but that is what started my love for that kind. I also collected rocks… until my mother dumped them out of the pail onto the driveway.

    1. Marilyn in Colorado

      You loved dinosaurs? I have no idea why I liked them. I mean, I don’t even like dogs. My also loves dinosaurs. Her family went to Bozeman, where there is a life-sized black metal replica of a tyrannosaurus skeleton. We have a picture of her (6 years old) hugging its foot.

      The flying dinosaur is a pterodactyl.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        🙂 That sounds fun! When I was little, our class saw a huge tyrannosaurus rex fossil standing at a museum in Minnesota.
        No school tomorrow due to the weather. Was supposed to be the first day back.

      2. Marilyn in Colorado

        That should be “My great-niece also loves dinosaurs.” I loved drawing brontosauruses. A woman on Etsy makes personalized dinosaur shirts. Karen’s reads “Karenodactyl” under a pterodactyl silhouette.

  5. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Oh, Jeanne, I hope it comes on soon! Up here in the GA mountains we have 30’s and going to have 20’s with in the 40’s in the day time. At home on the coast it will also be about the same, all my pot plants were brought inside before we left. We are hoping for snow here like it did 3 years ago.

    We have to have our exercise so later today we will go to the indoor pool. The water is about 90 degrees but there is no heat in the place. The warm water heats the pool area but the bathrooms are freezing! We brought our
    bathroom heater to put in the bathroom while we exercise so when we get in there
    to dry off the water on us won’t turn to ice, LOL!

    Y’all stay warm!

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Wow, Jeanne, very concerned about using a propane or Kerosene heater indoors. We’ve always been told that they are not for indoor use. Wouldn’t want you to get carbon monoxide poisoning. Please be careful. Glad that when you get the generator going that it will remain outdoors. Our new generator, a Jackery, is made to be used indoors. It works great. Do you have a carbon monoxide detector installed inside? Hope so.
    And can’t you charge your phone in your car? That’s what everyone around here does when there are outages.
    So sorry to hear about the trees falling at your place. Perhaps, if the fountain was hit, you may be able to cement it back together if it was damaged. Would be good as new.
    Here, I’m determined to get a few very late Christmas photos of a couple of my girls. I finally finished that Christmas dress. We’ll see how it goes as right now, it is very foggy. Have to wait until the fog lifts and we get some sun.
    Hope everyone can keep warm. This weather is extreme and not for the birds either.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Completely forgot about the collections. As a child, my father gave me his dad’s stamp collection and his too. Then, I collected my own stamps as well. I enjoyed looking up all of the countries in the world from their stamps. Not much to do back in the 50’s during indoor time, but I enjoyed it. 🙂

  7. J’espère que vous avez retrouvé le courant et que vous pouvez vous chauffer.Les repas à la bougie,c’est romantique,quand cela ne dure pas trop longtemps !

    Ici ,aussi,la tempête souffle;j’ai l’impression,que l’on jette des seaux d’eau,sur les vitres.
    Je n’ai pas de souvenir de collection,quand j’étais enfant , mais maintenant je rattrappe le temps perdu et je collectionne beaucoup de choses… Prenez soin de vous toutes.

  8. I hope you get your electricity back quickly. It is very cold here.
    I am grateful for my gas stove top.
    Well, I do not remember collecting anything as a youngster. I was child #3 out of 4 to
    very lovely parents that took us all around the world, mainly because we have family in Europe. mom and dad were very adventurous.
    So I just followed along. I guess collecting memories
    Happy chilly Monday

  9. I hope your power is restored soon, Jeanne. We fortunately have power here , but it is extremely cold and the heat isn’t working well. It’s about 27 degrees. Some broken limbs as well and of course, plenty of snow. The birds and squirrels are busy at the feeder. A number of juncos are here. I love to see them in the wintertime.
    As to what I collected as a child, not much. I did have a book collection , some of which I still do. I a small collection of miniature ceramic animals (an inch or less each) that I would get one when we went to a shopping center that had shops that had food and goods from around the world. Unfortunately, I only have two of them today. I always collected sand and rocks whenever we went on vacations. They’re my favorite type of souvenir. I’m thrilled to have the sand, soil, and rocks I brought home from PEI and Nova Scotia.

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, oh my goodness. I hope by now your power is restored.

    I don’t remember collecting anything when I was a child. My Father would collect pennies at the beginning of the year and then give them to me in a jar for Christmas.

    It is cold and snowing here in PA. I am taking comfort in knowing that it’s only 115 days until May! Yea!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Laura, thank you! Thinking about May is how I comfort myself during the cold winter days (smile). I am glad you have joined me in the countdown.

  11. Marilyn in Colorado

    I didn’t collect much, but I read all the time. My parents thought it was unhealthy and tried to discourage it. Later my dad, who worked with all PhD’s, said he knew no one who got more out of a college education than I did. College helped, but the real education was from books.

    I also made a doll from a sock and made her a wardrobe of traditional international costumes when I was about 10. And I cooked and baked, learning about food around the world. Remember the Time-Life international cookbooks? The bookstore owner was so happy to see me whenever a new group of three arrived — she knew she had a sale.

    I share Joy’s concerns. Fortunately, you and George are survival smart. Don’t go to sleep with a heater on, and if you start to get sleepy, open a window and breathe. I’m sure the power people are working as fast as they can. Good luck to them and you.

  12. Barbara in SE Texas

    Didn’t really collect anything as a child. Not much money for that. I don’t know what the temp is here right now but it was 31 at 8 a.m. and didn’t move much from that for awhile But the sun is shining so no precip here. Which is good because when there is that usually means ice, but that may come Thursday. Unfortunately our house is old time Texas and is not insulated so even though the heat is on it has trouble keeping up when it is really cold out. I think the wind has died down a little but it has been very windy since yesterday evening.

    Taking David to a wonderful steakhouse for dinner this evening. It is his birthday. We are now the same age again. He loves teasing during the twelve days I’m older than he is.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      I have that same thing here, Barbara! Michael’s birthday is October 28th, a d mine is November 1st. However, I was born a year earlier than me, so he is my age only 4 days, then I am a year older again!

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