My new 13″ Ruby Red Galleria Ten Ping doll is losing all her clothes…

Hi everyone,
My hubby and our neighbor worked most of the day on trying to get down a few limbs from the birch tree that the ice storm played havoc with! I did take some pictures but I haven’t sorted them through yet. Maybe I can get those posted tomorrow. The tree is still standing, and a few limbs are still dangling. They just could not get them to come off, even with the tractor pulling on them. Needless to say, I was inside praying they would be safe. They looked like they weren’t taking any unnecessary risks but I was preoccupied with their shenanigans so I didn’t get much done elsewhere.

We have been working on the “wood” project and hopefully soon, I’ll be able to show that!

But for today, I’m going to show what came with my NEW 13″ SIZED Ten Ping and offer it for sale to anyone on my blog first. I’ve been second guessing myself all day on getting her. She is a limited edition of 150 dolls worldwide, which means only 150 people have her… So not being a doll that is easily bought, that might make selling for her a little tricky… but I’ve sort of decided even if I have to use her feet for selling shoes for the RRFF Siblies dolls, and an occasional outfit for the 13″ Ten Ping’s, I’ll be okay with that. Who knows… maybe they will make more in her size.

Anyway, I’ll show you what is included in this lot. If no one wants it on here, I’ll try on one of the doll forums.

First up is her very nice carry bag. It’s a pretty blue and green (yes, it’s dark green) fabric, that has a nice sturdy zipper around the edges and when opened, it lies flat. It has some kind of batting inside making it very soft and protective when a doll is inside. There is a leather patch on the outside showing it’s from Ruby Red Galleria and 2 straps long enough to put on your shoulder.

This is what it looks like inside… with a pocket for putting your dolls accessories in.

I opened the packages, but did not put them on my doll… I just wanted to show you what was included.

We’ll start with her big bag. It is so nicely made… VERY WELL MADE, I’d say. It has a zipper on top that lets you get inside easily. Ruby Red Fashion Friends is on the front logo and the straps are nice and long so she can carry it and keep it close to her… (just like in her story!)

Dorothy L suggested I might want to keep the sweet Asian shoes, to use for inspiration so I was afraid to try them on her, thinking I might HAVE to keep them! I decided to sell them with the lot after all. This picture shows her shoes, Gold Earrings, and socks. Those socks are so tiny and so neatly sewn.

Aren’t they adorable?

This is her bundle of clothes as they looked when I opened up the tissue paper.

Here is her under shirt that has her passport stitched inside the pocket.

Her pants are kind of like a corduroy, in an olive green. They are VERY soft.

This is her Outer Linen plaid top. Look at those REAL buttonholes, that work! I love seeing well made TINY doll clothes and these are very nicely sewn.

This is her book that tells her adventures as she travels home.

Those are the things I am selling. I have kept the Ten Ping doll, of course, her braided wig, the silicone band to hold her wig in place and her panties.

I am giving anyone who reads my blog first dibs on this carry bag with all the contents I mentioned above. I am asking $70.00, including free shipping. If anyone is interested, please email me. It will only be shipped to the lower 48 United States. I will pack it with care!

Thanks so much,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “My new 13″ Ruby Red Galleria Ten Ping doll is losing all her clothes…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I have this particular TenPing doll, and I must say, her clothes are very well made. If you look carefully, you will see that the plaids MATCH at the seams! (The shirt) I have noticed this with all the clothes this company makes. My Russell’s plaid flannel shirt? The plaids matched. His jacket? Working zippers–one down the front, one for each pocket (which are real pockets). And so on. And this holds true for their separately-sold clothes, too. I have the red and white striped dress, and the stripes match at the seams! Incredible.

    Oh, I can also tell you, someone on FB had removed the passport from the pocket and took a picture of it, and it does look like a real little passport. (Afterwards, she put it back into the pocket and sewed it up again.) In case you were wondering.

    Well, I have my Expo tickets printed off now, and will tuck them into the little backpack I take to Expo, so I know where they are!

    I know other areas have much more severe weather than we do, but today out here in the Pacific NW (I am just north of Seattle) it was very foggy and cold (high 30s) all day. More fog on the way, too, and we are to have five very cold days in a row. Not any snow yet, which is fine. I love snow, but not to try to get around in it any more. I guess I’m just getting old!

  2. Bonjour.Je suis bien d’accord avec Charlotte, ces vêtements sont toujours très bien faits.Sur une chemise,il y a des poignets,avec ,une vraie fente (pas dans la couture! ) des minis boutonnières. Le col a un pied de col et il est surpiqué . Quand on coud,on apprécie, ces détails.

    Ici,en France,il fait froid ,avec du brouillard , mais pas de neige pour l’instant.Mais cela peut venir;c’est le mois de février,qui est le plus froid. Belle journée pour vous toutes.

    Bonjour.Je agree with Charlotte, these clothes are always very well made. On a shirt, there are cuffs, with a real slit (not in the seam!) mini buttonholes. The collar has a collar stand and it is topstitched. When you sew, you appreciate these details.

    Here in France, it’s cold, with fog, but no snow for the moment. But it can come; February is the coldest. Nice day for all of you.

  3. Li da in St. Louis

    That’s amazing, Jeanne, to see those tiny details that are even better made than a lot of clothes for people! Part of it is due to the lesser amounts of outfits than they sew for, versus thousands made for American Girl dolls. They must have very stringent standards for their seamstresses, and I certainly hope they are paid well. That could be some of the reasons their dolls and clothes are higher priced than others. You get what you pay for in this case!

    Those little shoes are just darling! While the outfit is cute, it seems kind of plain for those colorful shoes! I guess it goes with her story.

    The bag and carrying case are well made, and I am sure that while they are well made, do make the cost of the outfit more expensive, but are well worth the money. You really can’t find better made clothes and accessories than what Ruby Red offers, ….except for something made by Jeanne Marie!

  4. exquisitely made. expert seamstresses only !
    These tiny clothes are adorable, I love the careful attention to every detail.
    I love those tiny shoes too!!
    Gold earrings too, wow.
    I am very sure this outfit will go quickly. The tiny bag is incredible.
    Happy Thursday dear friends. It is cold here. I am staying inside and hydrating and
    going to do chores. I hope you enjoy sunshine. We will have a cloudy day.

  5. Joy, thank you so much for the details on the eyes.
    Just think without the internet, some people would never know what happened.
    I am glad to know it is a solution/repair that someone with those special skills can do.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    So sorry that the tractor pull didn’t accomplish the broken limbs removal on the River Birch. Maybe it’s too cold and they are frozen stiff? 🙂 What about just cutting down the tree and letting it fall? Is there room for that? Then the cutting would at least be at ground level. We’ve taken down four trees here over the years here. Two silver maple for our addition and a couple of horrible willows. I’ve never sneezed so much in my life cleaning up that mess. Found out that I’m allergic to willow. Anyway, I’m sure George will figure out a way to take care of the tree problem. What do you do with the old wood? Not good wood for burning. Bad for the environment, so do you have it hauled away? Curious.
    Since I already have the Ten Ping outfit, bag, accessories, I can’t be a buyer. However, if you decide to sell the shoes/socks separately, it looks like a lot would be interested, including me. 🙂
    Wow, can’t believe that it will be Friday tomorrow already. I’ll be thinking of Jeanne and know that the outcome will be so welcome. A couple of days and she will be back to her old self. Sure hope we can get an update on how she is progressing.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I responded to your comment on the apartment parking situation. I think that was from the blog two days ago. I’m definitely behind on things.

  7. Susette from Southern California

    I’m renewing my guess as to what the project with the wood might be: A ramp to make it easier to get into the house?

    I’m still in the camp of hiring someone with experience to fell trees. Years of experience as a medical transcriptionist coming through. An anesthesiologist, of all people, almost lost her life when she fell from a ladder while picking peaches from a tree, seriously injuring her leg. She neglected to tell the doctor she had eaten breakfast! Aspiration is a risk with a full stomach when undergoing surgery. Things do get complicated sometimes.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Totally agree with you on tree felling. But even trimming them can be dangerous. Hubby was cutting out branches of a tree a few years ago. He was on a ladder with a chain saw. The ladder moved and he fell – on the ladder – with the chainsaw still running. I know he must have nine lives because things could have been much worse. He had some cracked ribs and was hurting for a while. He once was working on a bulldozer in Colorado on the side of a mountain. The soil started slipping and he and the dozer started going downhill. He decided staying with the dozer was better than jumping off so he rode it till it stopped. And there have been other times. This man has a guardian angel that he works overtime. But he won’t even consider hiring anyone if he can do it himself. Thankfully he always has at least one of the boys with him to protect him from himself.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    I think 13″ Ten Ping is lovely. I don’t have 8″ Ten Ping and I didn’t even know about the 13″ one. Love the pretty little shoes. The rest of the outfit not so much but it definitely is well made.

    Jeanne, your tree was so pretty. I know it will be missed. We have lost so many trees here because of several years of draught. Once they are weakened they either get disease or insect problems and have to go. If a tree falls on a building, etc., and it was in bad shape the insurance may not cover the damage. We had one tree that was losing limbs right and left and the one remaining was over the street. I told David that if that limb fell on a passing vehicle or a kid riding a bike we would be liable. It cost a bunch to have it cut down but it beat being sued for damages or worse possible things happening. We had some really beautiful pecan trees that are gone and now we have to remove more to be able to build the houses. It’s sad because one of the reasons we bought the property in the first place was all the lovely trees.

  9. Jeanne, the outfit and bag are just awesome. I didn’t know that the sewing was so well done.

    I will be thinking about you tomorrow, and sending you good thoughts for everything to go well with your surgery and recovery.

  10. Prayers for your surgery tomorrow, Jeanne. I’m sure you will be glad to put it behind you.
    Ruby Red clothing is exquisitely made. Buttons, hooks and eyes, and stripes or plaids all carefully matched. I’ve been very impressed.

  11. Karen from Kentucky

    Congratulations on getting big Ten Ping, Jeanne! They did a really nice job on sewing her clothes. It was fun to see everything.

    Prayers for you especially for tomorrow. You and my mother remind me of each other. You’re both almost the same age; she had her veins stripped; she has a blood clot in her leg… The two doctors interpreted her heart test differently with the same test. Not sure of what the second doctor all said, but she found out part of her heart is enlarged and it is also leaking.

    Have to go to the school early and watch a play. About a year or so ago I got to see little Ten Ping without a wig on at a doll sale. It is nice they made the bog one smiling. 🙂

  12. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Prayers for tomorrow, Jeanne. I am emailing photos of my last doll outfit if you need something to share.
    That outfit really is so beautifully done, I appreciate good work!
    It is probably too late to write about our day, we just got back from a nice one so I will put it up tomorrow.

  13. Linda in St. Louis

    Me again! I’m sending you prayers and good wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow, Jeanne! It will be over in no time, and just think of how much better it will be not to worry about blood clots again! 🥰❤️

  14. I look forward to seeing what you create for 13″ Ten Ping. I hope you create some sister sets so that the 8″ Ten Ping can match her big sister.

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