January Dolls from Jan in Baton Rouge…

HI everyone,
I go back to the doctor Friday to see his final assessment of how my leg surgery went. I had the post ultrasound yesterday and hope for a good report from him. I am up walking around and doing things, but I’m wearing a compression hose and not doing any heavy lifting. My leg is still pretty bruised and sore in spots but so far so good… I think!

I have been working some in my sewing room and hope to start the new year off with lots of organized spaces! Maybe that will help me sew faster!

I found a few emails from ladies in my Spam folder and am sorry if I missed something you were saying to me. A few wanted slips and one wanted to buy Ten Ping’s outfit and carry bag, so I’ll have to keep an eye out to make sure no more go to Spam!

Anyway, I received the sweetest picture from Jan in Baton Rouge, Louisiana! It’s just one picture, but you’ll love how her “January Dolls” (as she called them) are arranged! They are just SO BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy this picture… and click on it (especially if you are on a desktop or laptop) to enlarge the picture so you can see all the pretty details. We had red and pink from Debbie and now you’ll be treated to blues from Jan!

This was something she added in an email to me that will explain her picture a bit more.

My dolls are being displayed in a variety of cases and domes I have purchased over the years.
They are in a room dedicated to my dolls (and which also serves as my dressing room).
I change the display monthly according to season, theme, color scheme, or just a whim.
My other dolls are around the room in cases and domes; I try to keep every doll protected from dust and harsh light.
January is always winter themed, but also focuses on the colors blue and white, so there are a few non-winter outfits in there.
I also redress some dolls; others I leave in their original clothes.
This display features dolls by Little Darling, American Girl/Pleasant Company, Madame Alexander, Ruby Red Fashion Friends,
Kathe Kruse, Effanbee, Barbie, and Mel Odom.

Thank you Jan!

Wasn’t that just the prettiest display? I love how every little “enclosure” of a doll has something fun inside as an accent piece! Very pretty Jan!

Well, that’s it for another week from me…
I’ll see you Monday… and hopefully I will have been doing something in my sewing room!
See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

1 thought on “January Dolls from Jan in Baton Rouge…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m praying for a good report from your doctor, Jeanne! So glad to hear you’re back in the sewing room, even if “all” you’re doing is reorganizing things. When I was recovering from a back injury a few years ago and really couldn’t do much of anything for a while, just going in there and patting fabric helped! Eventually I could start doing little things, like folding fabric or rearranging threads, etc., and that helped even more!

    Jan, thank you so much for sharing that picture! What a gorgeous display! I love the domes and cases, which seem to help highlight the various dolls more than a traditional shelf display does, nice though that might also be. I think my favorite is the Gene doll in her gorgeous white furry cape!! I have Gene, actually, I think I have 2 or 3, and lots of outfits, but not that particular outfit! Beautiful.

    Debbie, I saw in your comments that your birthday is next week–so is mine! On the 28th. Yours? Jan/Feb is a big time in our family–something like 10 birthdays between Jan. 13 and Feb. 9, including my husband, his daughter, two of the grandchildren and one great-grandchild, my son, and the mother of three of the grands! And then there are my cousins…..3 of them!

    I am making progress on my “twinsie challenge” cardigan. The fabric is turning out to be not nearly so difficult as I thought it would be. Stay tuned!

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