Sister Time limited my Sewing Time…

Hi everyone,
One of the Sweet Sofa Sisters bought the Jacquie Lawson Advent calendar for me this year… and I just wanted to publicly thank them! How sweet of you! :o)

My sisters and hubby’s were here this last week and we had the best time! We always do and don’t take for granted the time we get to share together. When I was reading the comments from Friday, I was a little sad for those of you who have no sisters; only brothers, or those of you who live too far from your sisters or brothers to visit; or anyone who is an only child and doesn’t even know what it’s like to have a sister.
We are VERY blessed to be so close to each other and just have so much fun when we are together.

They helped me sort out a few Christmas gifts for some children, and then they helped me sort out my closet…the tops and pants. We cooked a few meals together, went to our favorite high school pizza hang out, went shopping (of course), shared a few Christmas gifts between us, had a wonderful time visiting with cousins at the Memorial Service Saturday, and shared stories and memories like we always do. My brother wasn’t able to make it down, and we missed him.

My sisters left Sunday and I had to change up the bedrooms and get things back the way they were so it left very little time for sewing… However, I did get a little bit done… I managed to get the facing on the back of Rebecca’s dress, but that was all… It’s ten minutes till midnight, so I’m just going to have to let this be it for today… but I do have a question for you after the two pictures…

Look at that “match job!” Made my day! (well, sort of!) :o)

Okay, here’s a question for everyone to answer if they want!

We got our first snow flurries Saturday on our way to the Memorial Service…
Who has had snowfall where they live and how much did you receive?

I’ll see you all tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Sister Time limited my Sewing Time…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Unless Charlotte is writing, I guess I am first! I can’t believe I skipped Fridays blog! We had such a crazy week, with two Thanksgiving celebrations two days in a row, that I somehow thought Friday was Saturday! I love that painting on your fireplace with the littl house that Susette gave you right in front of it! It looks like it jumped right out of the picture, and belonged there!

    It was good to hear that you and your sisters had such a wonderful time together, Jeanne! I did get to see my youngest sister and most of her family at one of our Thanksgiving get togethers. She lives close to me, unlike the other two, one of which is in Arizona.

    As far as snow goes, we got a bit over 3 inches! It was an all day snowfall, but very light and delicate, plus it did not cover up the driveways and sidewalks, so it was very pretty watching ti come down, and really got us into the Christmas mode as I was decorating. I had the Mizzou football game on, and it was also snowing in Columbia, which made for an exciting game, plus we won!

    We have new neighbors that moved here from New Orleans this past summer, and they were all outside taking pictures and building snowmen! It was fun seeing them enjoy something they probably never saw much of before!

    That is an incredible match job you did for the back of the dress! It takes a true seamstress to make that happen!

  2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Living here on the GA Coast, Snow is a very rare treat. Several years ago we were flying home from CA after spending Christmas and New Year with my older son, his wife and my little granddaughter, Simone, who will be 13 Dec. 7th. It had snowed in N FL and all the way to our house, from JAX it is one and 1/2 hour drive. It was the middle of the night. Highway 95 was clear but we could see ice on the sides of the road. When we got off 95 the road were pretty clear until we got to our little county. Then it was slippery all the way to our house. We pulled onto our ramp and marveled at the 3 inches of snow in the front yard. We awoke the next morning to see the snow in the back yard, it was lovely. We threw bird seed on the snow and had fun watching the birds. I am sure there were a lot of happy kids on our coast that day.
    We always go to N. GA every January and stay at a quaint little town called Helen.3 years ago we had about 4 inches of snow and it was lovely watching it fall in the dark of night. The next morning from our balcony we watched kids playing in the snow below.
    I never saw snow as a child, and the first time we saw snow we were in NY at Christmas and my sons were in their teens.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I have been to Helen, Sissy! The same year as I went to Babyland General Hospital, home of the Cabbage Patch Kids, in Cleveland, GA! That was before they opened their new hospital, so that was quite a few years ago–1997 maybe? Such fun! (Yes, I adopted a baby we saw being “born”!)

  3. This dress is beautiful. The matching is excellent, Well done Jeanne

    We have had very cold and sunny weather the past 4 days. Really cold- 37 during the day with a little biting wind. Yesterday I hopped over to Lidl (a mile away) and got some milk.
    Upon leaving the store, it was snowing but not heavy or sticking. It was pretty and felt pretty good after leaving the store which was a bit too hot in there with all of my jackets on.
    Last week we had a wild happy flurry that accumulated about an inch. I am in the western part of Northern Virginia – Loudoun County
    Winter is here… get the coats and mittens out and pack away the summer hats and flimsy yard gloves😁

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Sounds like Jeanne, had a great time with her sisters and other relatives. Don’t feel sad Jeanne, but I’m an only child too. I do have my three cousins though that I grew up with. We still get together several times a year.
    As to snow, we don’t get snow here as we’re 20 miles from the coast in the marine environment. However, upon occasion, like every 10 years so so, we may get a few flakes. The closest we may get is some hail, which is also rare. But, we would travel to the Sierra a lot and there they do have snow and lots of it. The last big occasion to journey there, was quite a few years ago and I think I mentioned it to the group at the time. Our oldest grand, was pretty young, and he and family had gone up to the cabin. Unfortunately, he left his pet sheep aka stuffed, somewhere upstairs and was devastated. So, grandpa and grandma drove the truck which needed mileage, 3 plus hours up to the cabin to find the missing sheep. When we arrived, it was a lovely sunny day, so we snowshoed in to the cabin and discovered that the huge snowfall was up to the eves of the roof and covered both doors. I’d never seen so much snow there. We were able to dig a hole to get under the eves and cleared our way to the side door crawling over beams on our way to find the door. I located the missing sheep inside after searching all of the beds upstairs. Was definitely not where grand thought it would be. 🙂 Then, we locked up and crawled back up to the blazing sunlight with sheep in tow. Snowshoed out to the truck and after lunch, drove three plus hours home. A couple of days later, we drove another hour and a half to return the special sheep to it’s owner who was oh so appreciative. I even had Mr. Sheep, buckled in a seatbelt in the back seat. Grand unbuckled him and gave him a big hug. Grand was finally able to get some sleep once again. 🙂
    Almost have the shopping done thanks to daughter giving us leads. So, we’ll be all set. It looks like we may be able to get back to more deck work. Not looking forward to that at all.

  5. I’m trying to come back now. It’s been a horrible year! My precious, sweet kitty girl Solo went to Heaven on November 20th. She’s the third kitty to go to Heaven in exactly to the day seven months. She was a Siberian Forest cat and the first kitty ever which kindled my deep kitty love, always having had dogs before. I do love both dearly. If you care to know which one. She’s in the sunbonnet in this post.
    My dear sister friend Paula knew right away and Linda knows from the doll board and now I’m working my way back here. My other kitties are very sad, but have been a great comfort to me and each other.
    I’m one of those only children as well (lost out on my only chance of a sibling when I was seven), but I also had a number of cousins growing up that I saw fairly often.
    Rebecca’s Civil War dress will be so lovely, Jeanne. You know the older historical eras (my favorites being Colonial, Antebellum/Civil War, Victorian/Edwardian, and 1930’s although I do like Regency and pioneer as well) are definitely my preference over anything modern.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Well, Laura, now I have an only child sister. 🙂
      So glad to see you posting again here. I always love your photos. Very happy that you have a few other kitties still with you. After our last favorite kitty died, we haven’t been inclined to find another. But, our neighboring kitty visits here every day. 🙂

      1. Thank you, Joy. I’m happy to have an only child sister in you. 😺Thank you for you sweet comment on my photos. I’ll get back to that sometime in the future. It’s nice you have a neighborhood kitty. You already know I have porch kitties here as well. 😺

  6. Linda in St. Louis

    Yes, Laura, I knew, and have been worried about you not commenting here. I know your precious kitties are very close to you, and losing three in 7 months must have been devastating for you. I know I would be! We had to put two of our well loved cats to sleep, and it was so hard, that I can never go through that again, so we don’t have pets anymore. I do understand how you feel, but am glad you are back!

    1. Thank you, Linda. I can’t imagine my life without pets. Grief is the price we pay for love on earth, but that makes the reunion in Heaven all the more sweet.

  7. Elizabeth from Texas

    I have a brother who is 82 now and lives in Indiana. I haven’t seen him since I moved down here from Indiana to be near two of my daughters…one daughter lives in Pflugerville, TX with her husband and I share a home with my other daughter nearby. My oldest daughter and her husband live in Indiana, not far from my Brother. Their daughter is finishing her last year of college and already working at a hospital towards her goal of becoming a nutritionist. I’m not a person who can handle flying or the expense and it takes two days for us to drive back to Indiana since we stay at a motel to break up the long drive. We do share emails, phone chats and photos sent by cell phones to stay in touch! My daughter and Granddaughter fly down in the spring to stay a week and we always find plenty of things to do and places to visit here in TX!

    It was my decision to move to TX to be nearer to two daughters and also to not have to deal with the cold weather, snow and ice! Daughter and I just switched the AC to the heater Dec. 1st, and in Indiana the furnace would have been running before the end of Sept. Texas does get very hot in the summertime and we went for three months without any rain this year, but I enjoy the warmer weather, sunny skies and balmy breezes over the many months of cold temps, gray skies, and rain that are part of northern Indiana.

    I must share that I totally enjoy reading about the sofa sisters who “hang onto” the AG, Wellie Wisher, and other dolls for their daughters or granddaughters who someday may enjoy their presence again once they grow past that “I’m too old now for dolls” stage!! I too am saving mine and the outfits I’ve made for them so my grown daughters can reclaim them if they want to or perhaps pass them down to grand children or others who love dolls. I still have my Vogue Ginny and Jill dolls and the first Barbie and Ken dolls with some of the original outfits…plus the Ag doll I used for sizing outfits, and Heidi Ott 18 in. dolls. And now I have been collecting the Ruby Red dolls and did order my first Ruby Red Siblie doll, but have not had the time to sew for her yet. I don’t know why it is so hard to part with dolls that bring us joy, but it is!

    I have a wonderful book titled “Dolls and why we love them” by Weleran Poltarnees, copyright 2000/First printing. I ordered it from Better World Books, used, and it is a hard cover thin book in perfect condition. The illustrations and copies of artwork and paintings of children with their dolls are heart warming for a lover of dolls!!

    I am working daily on my snowmen and Santa figures for my family gifts this year….ten snowmen are done and the Santa’s are coming along. In between the holiday figures, I’m working on the Barbie dollhouse for my step-Great Granddaughter named Delilah who turned nine in Sept. She plays with the Sunshine Family dollhouse I have renovated and one that my father built for my daughters when they were young, whenever she comes to our home. I renovated, for Delilah, four years ago, a Barbie purchased dollhouse that my college-age Granddaughter had when she was young….I turned it into a “Frozen” castle look with turrets, stone look on the outside, fake parquet wood floors, and front doors that matched the “Frozen” doors from the movie. Made painted canopy beds from foam-core board with mattress’s and bedding that matched the ones in the animated film.

    Delilah is also the happy owner of a condensed version of the Museum of Ice Cream here in Austin. It is scaled for Barbie and the little Chelsea dolls complete with the ice cream shop , working carousel, a slide into the “sprinkles” pit! Lots of pinks and red colors everywhere!

    I will send photos of the current dollhouse project when done and the snowmen and Santa figures if I can. I just need to remember to take photos before I package them up!

  8. C’est une grande chance d’avoir des sœurs et de bien s’entendre avec elles. J’ai deux filles et elles ont toujours le même plaisir à être ensemble. Ici, il a neigé la semaine dernière ,dans toute la moitié nord de la France. Cela a tenu trois jours et tout a fondu. C’est un peu tôt pour la neige, mais les enfants étaient les plus heureux. Je suis triste pour Laura ,je la comprends bien ;j’ai ,moi aussi ,perdu des chats et à chaque fois ,c’est le même chagrin. Un chat, c’est une présence silencieuse ,dans la maison .

    It’s a great chance to have sisters and get along well with them. I have two daughters and they still have the same pleasure in being together. Here, it snowed last week, all over the northern half of France. It lasted three days and everything melted away. It’s a bit early for the snow, but the kids were the happiest. I am sad for Laura, I understand her well; I too have lost cats and each time, it’s the same sorrow. A cat is a silent presence in the house.

  9. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Saw the snow in US on TV last night, it seems particularly bad in PA!. We haven’t had snow for several years so unlikely this year now, though it has been known to snow in Dec (they once even had a white Christmas) but that was before I came to NZ and I have been here for 50 years. We are enjoying Summer at last, yay.
    Linda and Laura, I lost my little dog Louis this year. We do have another one that belongs to Sam and family but I find it hard to warm to her. I still miss him especially if I go out for a walk. If Sam ever moved out (unlikely) and took Echo (and three of the cats, lovely though they are) with her I would get another but 4 cats and a dog are more than enough.
    The dress is looking lovely the matching is phenomenal, well done.
    Have a good day everyone

  10. Elaine M. Hoffman

    We had over 2 feet of snow a few weeks back and it is still on the ground in some places like at my mother-in-law’s house. It was in November before Thanksgiving and it made National News here in Colorado Springs, CO. I am always thankful for the moisture because we live in a semi-arid climate. Merry Christmas to you all and hope your Thanksgiving was Yummy!

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