HI everyone,
I just now read the comments and it’s 10:46 p.m. I have been busy all day working to get things finished up for Lavender’s New Year’s set. I am using Linda’s title.. New Year’s Sparkle and hope I can fit that in on the Ebay Title line with everything else I need to include. I could use Farewell 2024 as it’s shorter, but that doesn’t sound as pretty to me.
Thanks for all of you who commented on Elizabeth’s snowmen and santa’s. They are wonderful, aren’t they? I knew you would enjoy them. She has been ONE BUSY lady!
I’m debating about listing this as a 3 day auction so it just might make it to someone’s house in time for Christmas… or I could run it the usual 5 days since it’s for New Years Eve. Any thoughts?
So I have some new pictures to show you… this is what I’ve been up to…
I opened up the back of Lavender’s skirt, (very carefully as this fabric is super delicate) and made it so it snaps at the top and bottom… this makes it MUCH easier for the winner to put it on their doll. I should have done this in the first place. Now the slip can be put on and the skirt just gets wrapped around her waist, snapped and then snapped at the bottom near the hem.
I also sewed some straps on the slip. I cut a piece of the tights fabric (crossways like going around the legs) into about a 3/8″ wide strip and pulled on the ends of my strip. It automatically curled into a tube. I then set my sewing machine on a stitch length of 4 and the widest zig zag stitch my machine would make and holding the curled “tube” at the back of the machine, I laid it down under the presser foot. I pulled the front and back keeping the tube taut and stitched over the straps to the end. They were still stretchy, but it was like a lightweight cord. It worked out pretty well. Trying to get it stitched to the top of the camisole was a little tedious, but I managed. Then I put snaps on the back of the slip…
Now she needed a headband. At first I tried a piece of really glittery stretch elastic and thought it was cute, but it was just too wide and when it was over her ears it looked funny. My picture is after I had already taken it apart and tried something else, but you can get the idea of what it looked like. I did look nice from the front, but not from the side where her hair was pulled back.
So I changed it to a beaded headband with a tiny silver bow added. I think it looks better with the “dainty-ness” of the set. I just liked it better… It is made on a piece of memory wire and when I curled the ends of the wire, I used my glue gun to make a “bubble” of glue to keep it from scratching the winner’s doll’s head. It is best to use both hands and spread the wire apart and just slide it in place.
I thought about making a pin to go on the sweater, but I also wanted to leave it plain in case someone wanted to wear it with jeans or dress pants. So I decided to make a necklace that could be worn with the sweater or not… I found these little glass flower bells that had a hole in the center of them. I decided to take out the gold pin they were on and used a silver eye pin and added a sparkly silver bead in the center hole. Then I added it to a silver chain… and added a magnetic clasp to the ends. Another easy peasy way to put on a necklace for these smaller dolls.
So this is Lavender’s final look. I found a silver ornament that will be included too.
Lavender is a VERY pretty doll. My hubby even thinks so! Some of her pictures show it, but some just don’t. I LOVE her now and this is one of my favorite outfits of the year for me.
I have my pictures all cropped and ready to list it but I’ll wait and see what you think about a 3 day or a 5 day listing…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Oh, Jeanne, I just love this outfit! Everything about it is so pretty! The headband and necklace are wonderful accessories for her.
Well, I am in trouble again! I was seeing the FB pictures people were posting of the 13″ TenPing that has been hitting homes this week, and….. I just couldn’t resist. She’s so pretty! I really truly was NOT going to buy another doll for a while–I had just gotten Sandy not too long ago, you know? And then some clothes from their sale….but….here I go again!!
How fun for you. Ten Ping, the 13″ arrived here very late yesterday. Of course, I got caught on this one. Other person was not happy at all. I haven’t opened her box yet, but can’t wait to see how she looks standing by a RR. I’m hoping like a little sister. Now, since she is a different size, I’ll need to find a pattern for her. I hope you can make her a special outfit too. π Congrats.
I should have said, I hope that you can make yours a special outfit too. π
Oh Jeanne, this outfit is just perfect in every way for a young girl! Who wouldn’t
want to wear a pretty outfit like this for New Year’s Eve, or really any other dressy occasion? I love the pretty little necklace, it gives added sparkle! It’s those little accessories like that, that add so much to an outfit.
Thank you for using my title, although it didn’t take long to think of! Lavender is really going to be one unhappy little doll when she has to take this off!
Yesterday I made cookies and packed them until we had to leave for a checkup with my Pain Doc. We went to eat after that and got home after dark, so I was too beat to comment. I did see Elisabeth’s wonderful work. It is so fun to see just original, adorable things that you made, Elizabeth! Your family is very spoiled! The Snow men’s hats and scarves are a perfect addition and Santa’s trim is so special…all of them are so special. Thank you for brightening my busy day yesterday.
Jeanne, you just made someone’s New Year the greatest. The outfit is just perfect, and I love the name.
We will be back to our water aerobics this am and then back home to make and pack more cookies and gifts. Hope to finish today.
Thank you, Sissy, for your kind thoughts regarding my Santa’s and snowmen. I too really liked the snowmen hats for this year’s snowmen….the hats were the first thing I constructed in “assembly line production.” Then I make one of each Santa and a snowmen to see what will be involved making ten of them.
I am still dealing with a clogged ear…not experiencing pain, but my hearing is so muffled I feel like I am back at square one when my hearing was completely shut down after the first Myringotomy was done in Sept. Saw a different ENT Doctor on Dec. 6 and he did another Myringotomy procedure but this time a tube was inserted in the eardrum. Hearing was starting to return after 3 hours of draining and then started to shut down again after four more days passed. Doctor said he should take a look to see if the tube became clogged, but I am not up to another Myringotomy before the holiday, if he decides that is what would be best….the procedure hurt even with topical anesthetic. I will look into to seeing him as soon as possible after the holiday. Some muffled sound gets thru but I can’t make out the words spoken on TV.
I just keep on hanging in there….that’s what we seniors do! I am grateful for hands that can continue to create and the brain that still sends the creative signals.
Elizabeth, do you use Close Captioning on Yur tv? I do, as I am hard of hearing, and it is a lifesaver.
Lavender’s outfit is so cute for the New Year. I love the pics of her holding that delightful silver ornament. And those special shoes are adorable. Not sure about the sales length. Right now, everyone is so busy, it might be hard to sell in only three days. But, maybe do that and then if it doesn’t sell, can you add more days to the sale? Or put in a buy it now price? Haven’t a clue how it all works.
Looks like the rain is over this morning. Although, we have more tule fog. Definitely going to take a while to warm up too. Hope we get some sun to dry out everything. We’re awfully soggy.
I love your sparkly New Year’s Eve outfit for Lavender! What RRFF wouldn’t want to wear that for the holiday. I wanted to help you with your question because this is what I do, sell all my dolls on eBay, miss them, and buy most of them back again. When I am trying to decide how long to list a time sensitive item I count the days to the day the auction will end. The day of the week matters as much as the number of days the item is listed. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday seem to be slow days. Thankfully most of us are finishing our Christmas shopping. I have started looking at listings again and just bought a bald, nude Fancy Frills Sara because I sold all of my RRFF’s! I am trying to get a grip-might need counseling : )
I do love the 13 inch Ten Ping. Fits in so well with the Little Darlings but at a more affordable price. Boneka is also offering a 13 inch Boneka Monday in January. I did pre order her and fingers crossed she can wear the Little Darling outfits.
Thank you for your layered dessert recipe! I have also been making this delightful dessert every year for 40 years. My mom introduced it to us in the early 70’s calling it “Better Than Most Anything Dessert”. Her original recipe was off on proportions so I have been making my own adjustments. Thankfully your recipe has it just right, no more guesswork! Thank you Jeanne!
Dear posters, I am loving every one of your pictures and posts. I have been too busy to post (selling and buying back my dolls) but reading every day.
A blessed holiday too all.
This outfit is so pretty and sparkly. I love everything about it! All the great ideas to complete the outfit are wonderful. Lavender is indeed beautiful in it. Time is flying by and soon the New Year will be here. The outfit will be perfect for any party celebrating the New Year.
I enjoyed seeing all the Santaβs and snowmen yesterday. Such talent. Lucky ate her family members. The detail is amazing.
Are I mean – I obviously misspelled that word. ( yikes – ate?)
Hi Paula,
I had to laugh at your typo!! :o)
Blessings, Jeanne
When I read your post, I got to the bottom and saw such talent. Then, Lucky ate her family members. I was trying to figure it out. Luckily she ate her family members? And then, the detail is amazing. Humm. Must have been tasty. Those family members certainly are lucky. π Still laughing.
After spending some time this morning dressing some of my RRFFs for the holidays I realized so many still do not have holiday clothes. I’m being told by the ones who don’t that they would really love to have this lovely outfit. In order to avoid a mutiny, I may have to consider this. A five-day auction works for me since I’m still trying to catch up with things from having a late Chorale concert this year and probably would let the three-day auction pass before I checked it out.
One of the women in the Chorale has a brother who does our CDs for us. The past few years he’s also been sharing the music files on Google so we get to hear what the audience hears quicker than waiting for the CDs. It’s always fun to hear the songs that often gave us fits during rehearsal actually come together – sometimes it seems at the last minute.
Because I’ve been trying to catch up on Christmas things I didn’t read the blog yesterday until late at night. Elizabeth’s snowmen and Santas are absolutely adorable. I’m trying to figure out a way for her to adopt me before next Christmas.
Spring again here for the next few days but I hear we could have cold weather for Christmas which would work for me since I think it should be cold at Christmas.
Lavender’s New Year’s outfit is very pretty. She just sparkles from head to toe. The little necklace is very sweet and the extra silver ornament is a nice addition. I’m not sure about the listing time either. I’m sure most people are busy with last minute shopping etc.
I enjoyed reading this post today Jeanne, and the following comments.
I think the necklace and the headband are charming additions to this sparkling ensemble. The shoes are perfect!!
Jeanne, This set is stunning! I’m in love with these shoes. Such a dainty girl. I’m not an ebay expert, but I think it’s fine to lean into the “New Year’s Eve” theme and not alter your system of 5 days. I’m sure it will be a success whatever you decide.
Jeanne….Lavender’s sparkly outfit is very special for the New Year celebration’s! I would just go with a New Year’s sale. The camisole top turned out well….thank you for sharing your technique of working with that fabric…I have learned techniques that I might not have thought about trying! It can be tricky sometimes, sewing for the 14 in. dolls and wanting the outfit to fit and look just right! Experience helps! I am inspired to try sewing a couple of dress outfits for my 8 in. Ginny dolls just for my own display. I’ve put it off because I really enjoy sewing for the RR dolls, but I do have some early Ginny doll patterns to use. My mother made clothes for my Ginny’s and If I locate them I’ll try to send a couple of photos.
Back to finishing the Barbie bed for the dollhouse for now!
I would love to see your Ginny dolls and the patterns. I too have a few patterns, but not the ones that my mother used. Darn.