A Boysenberry blouse to match her Boysenberry shoes! Mae’s happy!!!

Hi everyone,
I hope your weekend was a nice one! We had some very pretty weather here but it’s starting to dip down in the 30’s now. That means Fall is fading away! Waaaahhhh! It’s my favorite season!

Oh well, Mae is happy because it’s corduroy weather to her and she can’t wait for me to finish the “other half” of her outfit… I’m trying to hurry!

I did get her blouse finished this weekend. Her Boysenberry Blouse! Boy, I’m glad Charlotte nailed that color for me! For some reason just saying “Boysenberry” makes me smile! I hope you like it too…

The only pictures I have are of Mae sitting on the bench, but she was squirming around saying she was “practicing her modeling” like Sara did…only sitting! :o)

The blouse is just a sweet little puffed sleeve blouse with a Peter Pan collar and a black satin bow added to the front. The blouse snaps in the back and has some tiny black buttons on the sides of the sleeve bands.

Here are those “Boysenberry” shoes again…

Mae wants to know how long it will be till I get the rest of her outfit finished… who knows… but I’ll try to hurry!

Surprise, Surprise… our Morning Glory flowers have now added some purple flowers in the mix. I got outside too late to take a decent picture of them, (they were already folding up for the day) but they are mixed with the blue blossoms and look SO pretty.

It would be nice if the blossoms could hold on for a few more days until I got Mae’s outfit completely finished and I could take some pictures with it in the background. Oh, I’m hoping that happens!!

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “A Boysenberry blouse to match her Boysenberry shoes! Mae’s happy!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, gosh, I love that fabric for Mae’s blouse! And of course, it’s a shade of purple, so I love the color! I’m glad I happened to remember the name “boysenberry” at just the right time for you. Sometimes it will come to me but too late to do anything about it!

    I’ve been nursing a sore toe this weekend; I have no idea What I did, but Friday night it was like a needle was being stuck in it, and I didn’t get much sleep. I’ve done a couple of hot moist packs and some peroxide and neosporin, and it seems to be getting better. I had to be careful what shoes I wore to church today, though! Not my usual ones, for sure!

    Well, I bit the bullet and ordered Angela (Fan Club RRFF doll) on Friday! I liked Sienna really well, but preferred the pink outfit. Then I realized Sienna has the Diana face, and I already have Diana, so, Angela it is. (She has the Sage face.) It ships in March, so I guess it can be my belated birthday present to me!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am sorry about your toe. I am happy that Angela will be coming to live with you. I will have to see if I can find a photo of her through a Google search.
      You do have a knack for finding just the right name for a doll AND just the right color name.
      Charlotte Noelle, your namesake, has asked if we can have a turkey made of cookies this Thanksgiving (laugh). I told her that she could draw one if she wished but there would be no cookie turkey. Honestly, that girl (smile).
      [For any of the Sofa Sisters who don’t know, Charlotte Noelle is my Little Darling doll named after our Charlotte. She loves to have adventures and usually gets herself in trouble and ends up in a time out.]

      1. Joy in northern CA

        If you ever want to see all of the Ruby Red’s, you can go to the Ruby Red Toys selling site and hit the button next to shopping which will have archive listed underneath. Once there, you can see all of the dolls posted by year. It’s really fun to see them all. 🙂

      2. Susette from Southern California

        That’s the size I would have chosen for a bow or two in the hair of the doll that needed one, nice and tailored. The colors, fabric and leather are all beautiful. This will a favorite ensemble when a vote comes up sometime.

      3. Charlotte Trayer

        Well, a turkey made of cookies would certainly be different!! (laugh) Perhaps she can help you make rolled cookies and use a turkey-shaped cookie cutter?

        Tell Charlotte Noelle she needs to start practicing being good, because after Thanksgiving is Christmas, and we all know that Santa is watching!!

    2. Joy in northern CA

      It’s a long wait until March, but I ordered the blue one from Ruby Red. 🙂
      Our girls can be waving then. 🙂

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        You know, I debated about ordering Sienna, as I really like her face. But then with it being the same as Diana’s and all, I decided I should get Angela, as I don’t have a doll with that face (Sage) yet. Also preferred the pink.

    3. Charlotte, keep nursing your toe. Those flare ups can linger. Please keep up the attention. I am glad you are in a recovery phase. Ugh, toe pain!!
      Now I need to have a look at these dolls

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Rosemary. It’s feeling quite a bit better today, but I will still be watchful about it.

    4. Barbara in SE Texas

      Hopefully your sore toe will feel completely better soon. I have a problem with a toenail on my one foot. Usually it’s not a problem but when it is it can wake me up at night. Congratulations on your belated birthday present, Angela. Birthday and Christmas are two excuses I use for buying dolls. So far it has worked well.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I simply love the cute little blouse with the perky bow! The boysenberry color and the pattern on the material does actually remind me of boysenberries! Mae is going to look adorable in whatever this turns out to be, a corduroy skirt, jumper, play suit?? The shoes even play along with the boysenberry theme! Actually, I don’t think I ever ate a boysenberry or even saw one!

    Oh, your morning glories are truly glorious! What a beautiful display they are! Let’s hope a frost or freeze doesn’t happen anytime soon, so that Mae can pose by them!

    Congrats on your new doll, Charlotte! For sure, we will want to see pics in the spring!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Didn’t think that there would be a post today, since it is Veteran’s Day, but very glad to see sweet Mae. Love the blouse. It’s adorable. And every time I hear boysenberry, I think of my grandmother, Bess, born in the 1880’s. She always made boysenberry jam/jelly every year when berries were ripe. I still have the huge old pot which she used to make the delicious treat. I’ll always remember the gleaming rows of jars in that little storage room with the sliver of light through the window slightly illuminating the contents of those rows. Loved that boysenberry color.
    And I certainly hope that Jeanne’s morning glories hold their color long enough for a Mae photo. Although, it may be possible to do some photo shop work if they are already in bed for winter.
    I’m sure everyone will be glad to hear that the lower deck here is finished and that we beat the rain which came in last night. I also managed to wash all the furniture before bringing it back up to the deck and putting it under the shade structure and covering it with tarps. Of course, we still have the upper deck to do, but probably not until spring at this point. So, I’ll stop talking about it now. Yay! We’re pretty sick of working on the deck right now. 🙂
    I wonder what Jeanne is making to go with that great blouse? A little skirt? I’d almost hate to cover up that lovely blouse with anything more, but guess we’ll find out. 🙂
    We need to head down to the cemetery today with some flowers for my dad, a WWII veteran and hopefully, drive over to the next town and do the same for other person’s father, also a WWII veteran.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, I completely forgot it is Veterans Day. Thanks for the reminder.

      Here’s to all of the wonderful and brave women and men who dedicated their lives to America. And here’s to their families who joined them in their commitment.

  4. Dear Jeanne, those boysenberry shoes always make me giggle, they are so so cute
    I love the blouse, it is so elegant looking. The skirt fabric looks promising.
    I hope everyone has a productive day. I am going to try.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love Mae’s sweet little blouse. The color is amazing and I like he pattern on the fabric. I agree that the outfit needs something simple so it doesn’t take away from the precious blouse.

    Your morning glory bush just keeps getting better and better. So sad it’s about to go to sleep for a few months. I hope it keeps blooming long enough to get some good pictures with Mae in her new outfit.

    You are looking at temps in the 30s, Jeanne. We can’t seem to get out of summer here. Saturday morning I opened my front door to a lovely fresh breeze from the north. By afternoon it was gone. When we left for church yesterday it was already in the 70s and quite humid. I’m probably one of the few on the blog that is praying for the arrival of December and January. The weather can be dicey then but for the most part it is cooler.

    My L’il Dreamer Lynzi has arrived, and she is adorable. I also got word from Magalie that my Little Darling Sculpt #5 Julia Hélène was ready to ship. It is an exciting time around here. I showed David a picture of Julia Hélène and he said we must have good genes to have such pretty daughters. I guess my Christmas presents are taken care of for this year. Oh wait, Mini Bella is due in December. Well she can be for my birthday on the 26th. Don’t want to push my luck too far.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Congrats on Julia Helene and your Lynzi. I would love to see photos of them upon arrival. 🙂

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Well, ladies, it is fun to hear about new dolls coming. I just hope to sell some of my older ones. No new ones for quite a while!
    Jeanne and Joy are making me wish boysenberries grew around here. I love to make jam. The morning glories are glorious, and I know Mae’s new outfit will be too.
    I can’t seem to sell my two Meadow doll Thanksgiving outfits on FB, so one for Mae and one for my Kyrra dumpling will go to Ebay today.
    Charlotte, I hope your toe is better soon. My older son had a case of gout on his toe, first time anyone in my family got that as far as I know! He is ok now.

    1. Sissy I saw your Thanksgiving outfits on FB, and I really loved the Peanuts one, but I had just ordered a dress and some wigs for my new Mae, so I had to pass… Wish I’d seen yours first!

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