Sailor outfits and boots and boots and shoes!

Hi everyone,
You would think if I weren’t in my sewing room I could find time to answer some comments, but today wasn’t one of those days. Besides being glued to the TV because my hubby’s sister lives in St. Petersburg, FL, I had to help him order some parts for the car and we talked with Rebecca and Karn. That doesn’t seem like a very good excuse… :o(

I’m happy to share some pictures from Sissy, of some outfits she made for a customer… Get ready because they are ADORABLE. This is what she said about them…

Hi, Jeanne,
I had a customer who wanted nautical outfits for Moppets, 2 boys and one girl. She wanted them to be vintage style, as if they were toddlers going to get their photos made. I had a pattern for the girl’s outfit, but had to figure out the little boy look for the boys. I remembered how my little brother wore outfits where the short pants were buttoned to the tucked in shirt, so I finally figured out how to do it. She wanted the pants and skirt to show the knees.
Anyway, here are the photos, first Mae and Tia showing the girl and boy and then Mae and Tia both in boy outfits. I really do like how they turned out. It was fun working with her to get just what she wanted.

What kind of fabric did you use, Sissy? They are REALLY sweet. Has your customer gotten them yet and what did she think? My guess is “Over the Moon” happy! :o) Thanks for sharing!

While I was watching the weather channel, I was stitching on shoes again… trying to get those little boots for Ten Ping finished… They are now… and they aren’t on the wrong feet… it’s just the way I have Ten Ping’s feet posed…

The bows are pretied waxed laces and the boots just slide on her feet with a little wiggle to get them on.

These red boots were made from some of the “Dianna Effner leather” I won in one of the auctions her daughters had selling off some of her stock. It is super thin leather… I’m thinking it might be lamb and a little bit of a challenge to make. I think I need to harden the toe areas again… they got mashed down with handing them.

After I finished stitching them, I found a piece of olive green (sort of flocked) leather in my stash and wanted to try another pair, just to see if anything needed to be changed on my pattern…
I didn’t realize in my close up pictures it would show so much of the tiny pieces of sanded leather sole on the green areas. I need to use a lint roller and get those specks off, but for now, this will have to do… These are just started but not totally finished… They slide on too with a pre-tied bow.

Here are both pair; one on each foot of Ten Ping.

After stitching up those 2 pair, I saw a pair I had started for Mae in a fun orange leather. They were partially started, but I thought I could stitch them in the chair too… it went pretty quickly as they were a bigger size…

Mae is pretty excited and I saw her looking at my fabric stash, wondering what I am planning to make for them. I still don’t know yet, but I’d love to have something made before the end of October…

Well, that’s it for me today…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Sailor outfits and boots and boots and shoes!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hi all, somehow I missed yesterday’s (that is, Wednesday’s, although to me, since it’s only 1:30 a.m., and I’m still up, it’s still Wednesday!!) post, so will comment on it here, as I’ve read it and the comments.

    Jeanne, PLEASE call and get to the doctor about your blood clot; this is going on too long, and I sure don’t want to see this go into something really serious!!

    TenPing’s little red shoes are just adorable, and my Gigi is absolutely sure that the outfit that includes them Must be for her, since we (that is, I! LOL) didn’t pay close enough attention to the ending of that last auction, and she didn’t get her pink hat! That girl!!

    The brown boots for RRFFs look really nice, with that satin varnish painted around the sole edges. Makes them look more finished, somehow.

    Ingrid, please keep us posted on your hubby’s surgery. When will it be? You may have told us, but I’m sorry, I have forgotten. Will keep you both in my prayers. (And happy birthday to you, today!)

    Rosemary, I definitely have “sitting sewing projects”! Just now I’m doing a redwork nativity set, bought in kit form from Missouri Star Quilt Co. When I hurt my back in 2020, I was in so much pain, I couldn’t stand for any length of time, and I also couldn’t get into the sewing room and work on anything there, so I took out the “why did I buy This?!” table runner (navy blue linen, stamped with white–difficult enough to see even when I bought it years ago and had younger eyes!) and worked on it during the month or so I was recuperating. It kept me sane, and I did actually finish it (and my satin stitch improved vastly during the process!).

    Joy and Barbara, we don’t have skunks up here in the Pacific Northwest, but I sure do remember them from when I lived in Michigan!!

    Barbara, I’m glad you found a new outfit for your Gotz doll, and I’m sure she’s pretty happy, too! Nice that you got one last chance with that lady who does all the hand sewing. I’m also happy that you have found a chiropractor that is helping you. Sounds like your days will be improving from here on, with less pain and difficulty.

    Well, when it comes to deliveries, no new dollies here at the moment, but tomorrow my annual Missouri Star “advent box” (or “Christmas box”) is to be delivered tomorrow!! This will be my third year for one. In 2022 I ordered one as my Christmas present from Ron, because he was already having difficulties getting around, and I talked to him about it before ordering. Then he said, well you could have ordered it for yourself anyway! And the following year I did the same, as by then he was Really getting frail and not driving any more. Each day I would sit next to him and open my present, that was during the first couple of weeks or so, and then I’d save the rest so I’d have presents to open when he opened my gifts to him. Last Dec., MSQC opened purchase for the next box (2024) by those who had ordered the 2023 box, so I went ahead and ordered it again, and told him I was doing so. Of course, this year I’ll be opening the gifts alone, but thinking about him!! πŸ’–

    On to today’s post: Sissy, those sailor outfits are just adorable. I seem to remember one of my boy cousins (and very likely my brother, although I was too young to actually remember it of him) wearing those button-on suits on occasion. Such a cute look for little boys, and no tight waistband to make them “itch”!! And the little sailor dress is just darling also. Is that some kind of a polished cotton that you used?

    I like that TenPing’s boots can just be slipped on without having to tie those itty-bitty laces!! And I really like the second pair you made, too; that’s really pretty leather, and the flocking makes it look really rich. Also Mae’s orange boots are going to really sell whatever outfit you make to go with them!! So cute!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Charlotte, thank you for enjoying my outfits and so glad they brought sweet memories to you. The fabric is a white striped cotton from It has a really nice body to it, perfect for these outfits.

      1. Sissy, that was my guess when I saw this fabric. I had… have? some upstairs. Very nice fabric, not too thick, perfect for these sweet outfits.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte do you have any friends or family that can share your gift opening? I remember when I was single and living by myself and often did not have the money to fly from Texas to Delaware for the holidays, I felt quite alone. My family in Delaware would send my gifts but I had to open them by myself. But you will have your lovely thoughts of Ron to keep you company and you will, of course, be in the prayers of many.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Barbara. I may post something to FB for those of my friends who are interested in sewing stuff, and I’m going to see if my friend Tonya ordered one this year–maybe we could at least call each other when we open, if she did. There’s one lady in my church who is a quilter, but I know she would not be getting that box, as she’s on quite a limited income. She knows, though, that it was on the way, as I told her yesterday. In fact, a couple of years ago she was working with me on our church library, and did a HUGE amount of work, going thru every single volume, the entire card catalog, and the entire acquisitions book, to make sure of what we have in our church library, so I gave her the mug that came in my first box, which said “You are sew special” or something like that. She loves it, and said she just can’t bear to use it, it’s so pretty!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh my, Sissy, your darling sailor outfits bring back memories for me! In 1972, (I think) for Easter I made my two children, who were 1 and 2 at the time, darling matching sailor outfits! They were made from the same Simplicity pattern, turned out so cute, and we still have them! Well, they each have theirs, not me, but they were so cute, and I will have to see if I can find a picture of them. I can’t for the life of me figure out how I had the time to sew with two toddlers still in diapers, cloth ones at that, but I guess I had more energy back then! You did a wonderful job ,Sissy, and gave me some wonderful memories!

    Jeanne, I just love those orange, pumpkin colored boots with the blue and white checked fabric! Looks very Octoberish to me! Mae looks like she is pleading β€œPretty please, make me a cute outfit, Auntie Jeanne!”

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Linda, I would LOVE to see photos of the outfits you make, what fun that would be! I am so glad that my outfits brought fond memories to you. It was interesting to find that there are companies that still make those little boy suits for moms and many even grandmothers who want to see their little boys in them.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Buttons ‘n Bows, the smocking/quilting company in Houston that I love, sells those cute little boy outfits pre-pleated for smocking. I always thought they were so cute but by the time I saw them my son was beyond that age and the mothers of my three grandsons would rather not have to deal with fancy duds. I did manage to smock a dress for Jaiden for Easter when she was about 16 months old. I took it back after she outgrew it to save it because I didn’t want it to end up in the Goodwill bag.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      I’d love to see your kids in the sailor look outfits from the past. Hope you can find them to share. πŸ™‚

  3. Those sailor outfits are really special. Love them! Brought back memories of a sailor dress I had when I was small, I wanted to wear it everyday. You know how kids are.

    All the shoes are looking so nice. Those olive ones are my favorites and the orange ones are so perfect for fall. I can just imagine Mae surrounded by pumpkins and her little orange pumpkin shoes mixing in just like little pumpkins. Lol.

    I just want to say thank you Jeanne for keeping your blog going thru everything. At times it becomes a life saving get away from my own problems. So thank you!
    As an aside, I believe in the power of prayer so if anyone could say a prayer for peace and harmony among neighbors.
    Have a great day all.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Sounds like the big storm wasn’t so big after all, so hopefully, George’s, sister and property are okay. Not that there wasn’t damage, but not as bad as first thought.

    The tiny Ten Ping boots will be perfect for a winter outfit I think. You know, playing in the snow. πŸ™‚ I would like to see the stitching done in a color that matches the leather more and the laces too. They kind of jump out in my opinion. Mae’s new shoes are a perfect color for fall and Halloween. The stitching is a nice contrast too. As to making an outfit for Mae, sitting in the recliner, I’ll bet that you can start cutting out a lot of things. I cut out outfits while watching the evening news sitting on the couch all the time. πŸ™‚ Then, everything would be ready to sew after you are able to get into the doctor’s office for another opinion. πŸ™‚
    Thanks Jeanne, for sharing Sissy’s great nautical outfits. They are absolutely perfect. Don’t you love those Moppet knees? πŸ™‚
    Can’t believe that we may actually have rain Saturday. It’s been so long, I almost can’t remember what it’s like to have wetness. Do feel so sorry for those in Florida dodging yet another storm. Crazy climate these days.

  5. I love the green flocked leather. Is that like “suede”. It is nice. Very fancy.
    Your shoes always look perfect Jeanne.
    The orange shoe and the blue fabric does look great. I am excited to see what “evolves”.
    We are raking leaves here in Northern Virginia.
    Good exercise…. I guess.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love Sissy’s adorable boy and girl sailor outfits. What a wonderful job figuring out the design for the boy outfit. Great job! My son had two sailor outfits when he was small but they were ones with the long pants. One was white with navy trim and the other navy with white trim. He looked so adorable in them but since they weren’t for a special occasion I don’t think I have a picture of him in either of them.

    Love all the boots. The flocked ones are amazing and so different from anything I’ve seen. It’s good you found something to entertain you while you are dealing with your foot and leg. Hope you can get back in your sewing room soon but if not you can just keep making shoes and boots and put them in your Etsy shop. Actually I’m thinking selfishly. I really do want to see you better soon because this has gone on so long I’m worried.

    My visit to the chiropractor yesterday was amazing. In just one visit with the right kind of adjustment I’m seeing some of the issues fixed already. Often while sitting in my recliner I had to drape my right leg beside the leg rest to take the pressure off my back. It was hard to keep both legs on the leg rest and feel comfortable. Last evening I consciously tried to drape my leg over and it felt strange and I really didn’t need to do it. While I’m sitting here this morning my body feels more centered than it has and I’m hoping this means more time spent comfortably sitting at my sewing machine and piano. I’d given up playing the piano because it’s not easy for me being a newbie and not proficient and so I tend to tense up which makes all my problems worse. I’m going to give that a try today because I have some parts of my Chorale music and church choir music that I need to get in my head. If necessary, I plan on going to the chiropractor once a week at least up until our concert in early December. Then if all is going well I will visit him for maintenance. He’s a wonderful person and I really enjoyed talking to him while he was working with me. He kept me very relaxed.

    I was watching the weather channel about Hurricane Milton yesterday and realized it was heading for Bradenton which is where a good friend of mine lives. While my sister and her husband have property on the Atlantic side and I don’t think they are in Florida yet this year, this hurricane is due to cross over Florida and it looks like be near their property before it heads out to sea. I hadn’t seen anything yet today but read Joy’s comment and she said it wasn’t as bad as expected. Most of the expectation was around storm surge so hopefully that didn’t happen. I need to be checking in with a few people today. My niece also lives in Florida around Orlando. I think my friend in the Keys is safe this time. When the hurricane hit the Keys a few years ago she waited till the last minute to leave. Actually caught the last flight out. All her Facebook friends were encouraging her to leave but she did not want to but then decided to err on the side of caution. When she saw the effects of the storm she was glad she had left. She has a daughter in Delaware so she stayed with her until the utilities were back on and things cleaned up.

    Looks like a lovely day outside here. It was 75 when I saw the temp awhile ago. We aren’t due any rain until the end of the month, hopefully not on the day of the Boo Bash though. Since I will be better able to walk with my chiropractor treatments I’m anxious for the temps to stay down. Cannot do it in the heat. I see people all summer running in Memorial Park in Houston and I haven’t a clue how they do it.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      That’s great that your chiropractic visit went well. Sounds like it may be helping already too.
      Glad you may also be able to get back to the piano. I quit in my early years as I had absolutely no aptitude for it.
      You’re so good at locating patterns, I wondered if you had seen anything that would work for a carnival/circus outfit for the Ruby Reds. Something simple. I have lots of fabric choices to mix and match, but need some different patterns to jazz up the works. πŸ™‚

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I haven’t run across anything like what you are looking for but I’m going to give it a try. Pattern investigation is my specialty. You would certainly believe that if you could see my collection. And I do have hopes of making them all at least once.

  7. Dear Ingrid, prayers for your husband on his upcoming surgery.
    Those sailor outfits are just adorable, Sissy. My daughter had a couple sailor dresses, and I had one as well. I also have PC Samantha’s middy dress. They are just so classic.
    All the shoes are very cute, Jeanne.

  8. Debbie in North Carolina

    Those leather boots are adorable in their fall colors. I can’t wait to see the matching outfits.
    It is nice to have a medical excuse for resting from time to time.

    Sissy also has a Halloween outfit for Tia featured on pg 32 of October Dolls magazine.
    The sailor outfits are so perfect on those Meadow dolls with their knobby knees.

    If Joy is getting rain we may have another cool front headed our way. They keep the hurricanes away!

    Prayers for friends and family in Florida and for peace among neighbors. Good reminder Dorothy.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    I just got my current issue of “Dolls” magazine and there was a wonderful article on the Gotz dolls. If I hadn’t just bought one I probably would have after reading this article. Also I know Joy and possibly others have Connie Lowe dolls. There is a pattern for a dress for the 16 inch Meili and Stella dolls. The dress is really cute.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I don’t think my issue of Dolls has yet arrived, but I will definitely look at the pattern. I can enlarge it I’m sure to fit one of my two CL girls. Thanks

  10. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Thank you all for the kind words about my outfits. I am glad it bought memories to some of you! And, Yes, I have a photo in Dolls Mag of my Tia in a Halloween outfit I made and sold last year.
    Jeanne, so glad you are finding ways to keep busy without hurting your leg, the shoe are so cute. Wish for feeling better every day.

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