Playing doll shoe cobbler again, pattern drafting and a little bit of sewing…

HI everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We did… I stayed home mostly and my hubby did the shopping.

This is what I was working on over the weekend. Still having trouble with my foot and ankle swelling, so I worked a little in my sewing room and then propped my leg up in the recliner, and stitched up a new pair of shoes for Mae. They aren’t done yet, but pretty close. I found a new pattern and used it, but changed it somewhat. Here is the pattern from Etsy.

New Shoe pattern for Mae

I bought this damaged apple green leather purse at a yard sale a long time ago and have had it in my stash but finally decided to cut it all apart to use for dolly shoes! :o) I sort of tweaked the pattern above and made the toes rounded instead of boxy like they show them. It looks sort of bulky the way they have the strap running through a folded over piece so I left that off and am going to put a magnetic closure on the end of mine or something else.

If I had more shoes cut out I could just sit in the chair and stitch away! :o)

I really like the pattern and was very happy with how they are coming along. Mae likes them too…

The soles haven’t been sanded and buffed at all as you can probably tell. They fit Mae very well and it was nice to make something different.

I put some stiffner in the toes area and will let it set over night…

Ten Ping said, “Hey, I thought you were working on something for me!”

I told her I was “thinking!”

I had made a white blouse for her back last Christmas, but it was a very simple cut with no set in sleeves.

I decided I should draft her a blouse… one with “real set in” sleeves. I didn’t have a pattern, so I drafted one. I reduced an 11″ Bitty Bethany pattern for a start, and added all kinds of slivers of paper to get it the right size for 8″ Ten Ping.

Once I got the pattern drafted, I HAD to give it a try… sewing for a bit, then taking a break… then repeating…

This was my first try. I was happy with the fit…

It still has to be hemmed and the snaps sewn on the back…

I know these have to be the tiniest set in sleeves I have ever put in…

Any guesses as to what I might do with the other coordinating fabric?

Well, that’s what I did over the weekend… how about you?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Playing doll shoe cobbler again, pattern drafting and a little bit of sewing…”

  1. Susette from Southern California

    What a great fit you’ve gotten for Ten Ping’s shirt. Those really are some tiny seams. This ensemble looks like it’ll be hard to resist. The little 🥾 boots are amazing! Maybe take your own foot for a trip to see a doctor today?

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Such a cute little blouse, Jeanne! I think the print in the background would be darling as a gathered jumper over this blouse. I have no idea what you are planning, but that would work. The little shoes are too cute!

    Oh gosh, still not able to do a lot of things with your foot. I sure do hope you get that taken care of soon! My hubby is still hobbling around on his leg, but we are still going to Branson tomorrow. At least the drive down will be pretty!

  3. I like your t-strap shoe better than the purchased pattern. I didn’t care for the overly boxed shoe either, and apple green is such a great color too.
    I am still hung up on Ten Ping’s makeover, the coloring and eyes are so much better. That tiny blouse is a real keeper. Hope you make some white or ecru and sell in your shop, they are such a basic for jumpers, pants and vests, skirts. They would be a big seller, just like your slips.
    Where is Charlotte? Did I miss travel plans or anything?
    I am having a problem with a neighbor and need to ask for prayers for peace and harmony. Wouldn’t it be nice to have peace and harmony worldwide?
    Have a great day all.

    1. we live in a divided country now. It is world wide actually.
      I will pray for you and your neighbors. Everyone is so anxious.
      We do need more Prayer and maintain our close relationship with God.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      I will definitely prayer for a peaceful outcome with your neighbor. I’ve been there myself at times. I’m actually bracing for somewhat of a confrontation with my across the street neighbor. He is usually very nice and we’ve had no problems over the 35 years we’ve lived here, but we are about to put our Halloween decorations up outside and he doesn’t like them at all once stopping to ask if we celebrated other holidays like we do Halloween. The answer is yes, just not so much outside. Being nearly 100% Celt I love the holiday and where I came from it was celebrated for a whole week when I was growing up. What’s not to like about a week of trick or treating. Dentists probably loved it, but we had a lot of housing developments to cover and between church and school we knew a whole lot of people. I sent Jeanne pictures of our Halloween decorations back when I first joined the blog. Most people love them, especially the grandkids but my neighbor not so much.

    3. Dear Dorothy,
      I know what you mean about neighbors. Prayers for you and yours. We’ve lived here for 37 years and always had the nicest neighbors. Unfortunately. our next door neighbor for all these years and really good friend got divorced and had to sell her house. The people who moved in were nice at first and then began doing various things like putting their trash on our portion of the curb strip leaving no room for us, mowing into our lawn etc. Did some of the same to the neighbor on their other side who has lived here since the 70s. They’ve also had run ins with others even farther down the street including the retired policeman’s wife about parking numerous cars and a boat.. She finally called and had the city explain things and now everyone just ignores them.

    4. Charlotte Trayer

      I’m here, Dorothy, just forgot to look at the blog before I went to bed last night!

      We had problems with a neighbor family back in the late 70s/early 80s (the whole neighborhood did); I asked for prayer from my Bible Study Fellowship group, and we all prayed. And prayed them right out, actually!! 😂 They had been renting, and I think must have moved as soon as their lease was up.

      So, yes, I’ll pray for your neighbor problem. I’m also praying for whoever might buy our dear neighbor’s house; her husband died 20 years ago, and she’s been living there alone all these years. She really didn’t want to move, but she had fallen, and her kids decided it was time to take more care of her, so she’s living with one of her daughters now, and the house is finally for sale. The same family has owned it for 56 years (same as our house–they moved in there the same year Ron moved in here), and it won’t be the same without her. But, Pat just turned 91, so I suppose it was time. (Her husband was Ron’s best friend, and best man at our wedding.)

  4. Joy in northern CA

    First, Mae’s new shoes are delightful. Love the green and the repurposing of an old purse too. 🙂
    Second, Ten Ping’s shirt is so cute and something she will love to wear. I had been thinking of a pair of nickers with that fabric, but since it’s a blouse, I suppose the flowered could be nickers too. 🙂 An alternative is a jumper. And not long, but to the knees. Guess we’ll find out. 🙂
    Now, I’d like to add to Susette and Linda’s comments. Please make an appointment and get in to see a doctor. I don’t think Aspirin alone for this length of time is the answer to relieve the swelling.
    And that pesky woodpecker showed up again yesterday. We went up to the other house and managed to get the huge ladder into the truck and brought it home. Also had to make a trip to Home Depot to pick up some fresh exterior, paintable, wood filler. Somehow, other person was able to get the ladder extended up the side of the house and steadied. Once up there, he found that there were three holes, not one. That woodpecker is quite the bird and not very big at all. Just annoying. Anyway, he patched the holes and also sprayed more of that peppermint essential oil all around. This time, not letting the spray land on his head. So, today, the patch should be dry and hopefully we can put on some paint. That is if I can find the old leftover can. 🙂
    While other person was working on the siding, I was taking apart my sewing machine. I guess you’re supposed to do this regularly to remove the lint, but I hadn’t bothered as I wasn’t sure how to remove the needle plate. The manual directions are very vague. So after watching several online videos, I managed to get the bobbin case out, but not the needle plate because the sewing machine had not come with the correct screwdriver. I think they don’t want you to mess with it. Anyway, I was about to order a small round driver when I came across another video. The repair person was showing exactly what I was about to do, but he suggested using a nickel to pop the screws. A nickel. Who would have thought. So, I started looking for that nickel. Dimes, quarters, but a nickel? Finally, after a great search, I found one. Yay. And it did the trick perfectly. With all the plates out of the way and a tiny brush in hand, I managed to pull out a lot of lint. Then, I even found that elusive pin that had disappeared some time ago. Using my favorite tool, I was able to retrieve that pin from the depths of the machine. Finished up with the vacuum and all was shipshape. Now, can I put it all back together? Started in. Replaced the needle plate and the bobbin case. Then, where was that bobbin case cover? Looked everywhere but couldn’t find it. Then, I remembered that when I had pulled out the machine from the stand I use, the cord had hit some pieces I had sitting there. Crawled under the table and finally found the plastic piece on top of the power cord. Same color and I couldn’t see it from above. Replaced that and plugged everything back in. Lo and behold, it worked and wasn’t beeping back at me to “Unplug the machine” any more. I haven’t actually tried sewing yet because I was exhausted. We’ll see, when I test it today, if it works. 🙂
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. 🙂

    1. that is funny about the nickel. Good grief, I have a few jars of coins for the grand kiddos but change is so heavy haha
      I am glad you got good advice from youtube. I love that place

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      How funny, my first thought was knickers too, either out of the same fabric or the floral would be fine. Then maybe a loose-fitting (long?) vest too. Never thought of using a nickel as a “screwdriver”. But then we have tons of all kinds of them around here and I have all the screwdrivers from my current and past machines so there is always one that will fit. Your fear of putting everything back together was real for me. Once when I took things apart on my older Pfaff I couldn’t get the bobbin case back in right. Finally, when I was about to gather everything up and head to the repair shop, things “accidentally” fell back in place. I don’t use that machine anymore so haven’t had to worry about it which is good because I still have no idea what I did to get it back in place. I do use my little brush that attracts the lint on my current machine every now and then, but being an embroidery machine I have to take it in to the shop every now and then for recalibration and then they clean it for me. Hopefully you have solved your woodpecker problem for good.

  5. These little shoes are the cutest shoes ever!
    The blouse is adorable, and the complimentary fabrics are super cute too.
    I hope everyone has a lovely week. I hope all of you can just enjoy the little wonderful things. We are so blessed.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    What adorable little shoes. I love the color and repurposing from a purse was a great idea. Ten Pings little (emphasis on little) blouse is perfect and fits her very well. That fabric must be lighter than I thought. I’m joining Joy on the knickers idea.

    Since I just finished two “little” dresses for my Mini Hanna’s (aka Jamie and Jodie) I can relate to the idea of small set-in sleeves. I was amazed I got them in perfectly the first time on all four without having to rip out and redo where I puckered them during stitching. If I had to mistakenly order two of the Mini dolls I’m glad it was Mini Hanna. Their new dresses are darling and they look adorable in them but somehow they still come off as little imps planning their next escapade. I’m now on to making a cute not-so-little dress for my Gotz Hannah. Usually when I pick out fabric it’s for a smaller doll and I have to be careful of the pattern scale. I had a lot more to choose from on this dress for Hannah and I think it’s going to be cute. It’s just a simple dress with a choice for a couple different ways to do the pocket. I can probably make this dress in a couple hours if I don’t drag my feet and take forever to get it cut out. I’d get a lot more sewing done if I had someone to do the cutting.

  7. I love the little t strap shoes and apple green is so cute. Those and double t strap shoes were favorite styles I bought for my daughter. I’m guessing the other fabric is for a jumper.
    Chilly, but sunny this morning. Pulled up the tomato plants and the summer squash. Will be planting the garlic in there within the next couple of days.

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