No October dresses from me… but a surprise!!!

Hi everyone,

I am SO glad Marilyn spoke up and mentioned she was the one who came up with the idea for that beige dress on Samantha I showed yesterday. I tried to remember who it was but wasn’t 100% sure and didn’t want to guess wrong. It was kind of a challenge she put up for me try and copy and it sure ended up just that. My leg was hurting too much at the time to search for the picture of her dress idea, but I’ll try to find it…

My hubby drove us to St. Louis today and his stomach staples were all removed… a bit painful, from the looks on his face, but good riddance! The doctor gave him a good report and said not to lift anything for at least 3 more weeks and the stitches inside holding the mesh in place should be intertwined with the stomach muscle wall and be very strong. That’s just what we wanted to hear.

My hubby drove because my foot was too swollen and uncomfortable. I guess I was along for moral support. I limped around from the parking garage to the long hallways in the hospital. Then his sister-in-law, Gloria, drove to see us and we had a wonderful lunch with her, catching up on lots of family things.
It’s always great when we “safely” make it out of downtown St. Louis and get out to where it is slightly less busy on the roads.

We made it home and saw Reuben was sitting in the window watching for us. Then he started barking his head off when he actually realized we WERE home!

I came home and did this…

…because was foot and ankle were very swollen…

So I had to ditch the 2014-2018 October doll dresses I was going to finish showing from my pictures on the computer and do something from my bed…

…and fortunately Linda came to my rescue…with a sweet picture of her girls dressed up…wait till you see all the details. I’ll share what Linda said then show you the picture…

Jeanne, here is my latest set up for the 40’s girls! They are voting for class president, of course, I can tell you that Molly will win!
The table, and accessories are on sale at American Girl, so I thought I can use the table for other things too.
Love to you,

Thanks so much Linda!! Your girls look so adorable at school. You must have so much fun coming up with all these ideas!

See everyone Monday… or maybe Saturday evening on Ebay, when Ten Ping’s dress set ends. I’ll try and remember to put a reminder up Saturday on a post.

Blessings, Jeanne

34 thoughts on “No October dresses from me… but a surprise!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I am so glad George had his staples out at last! Yes, I guess that can be quite uncomfortable (I’ve had stitches, but never staples, just going by what I’ve heard). I’m so sorry your foot is so painful right now. Good thing he was able to drive, anyway!!

    The lunch with Gloria was a nice break from recent stresses for both of you!

    Linda thank you for sharing your cute photo. What a nice set-up for you, and one your girls will enjoy for quite some time (at least during elections!). I haven’t really looked at the American Girl stuff in quite a while, so I didn’t know something like this was available.

    Heads up to all sewers, especially those who love to do period dresses for their AG dolls: Pixie Faire has a free pattern today (10/4) only, “Young Martha Washington” dress from Thimbles and Acorns. The changing banner across the top of the page will come up with the link to click (“download now”). Here is the link to their page:

    Keep your foot up, Jeanne, and I’m sure some of us can help you out with a few pictures until you’re able to get back to your normal activities.

    1. Yes, isn’t that pattern wonderful, Charlotte? I subscribe to Pixie Faire and have a huge collection of their Freebie Fridays. It’s the first thing I look for when I open my email on Fridays – check my promo folder. Now if my mom ever has time to work with me on one we might actually get one sewn. Always too many other more important things to attend to.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, for goodness sakes, I had no idea you were here in town! Of course, I don’t live in the city, but to think you were here, and I didn’t know! I’m so glad Gloria was able to take you out for lunch and maybe, just maybe, we can all get together sometime when things aren’t so painful! I sure hope your foot gets better now that you are home, and able to rest it. With George not able to lift and you not able to walk well, it is going to be challenging to say the least! I’m praying that this too, will be over soon!

    I had no idea if the picture would work for you, but I guess it did, and am glad to do so. I thought that the table would also work for when the girls sell Girl Scout cookies, and things like that. It is really a nice table, and comes completely apart. Do you see the megaphone that Ruthie is holding? It really works! It uses batteries, and records a sentence or two of whatever you say, then plays it back! The flag is the only thing not included in the set, and that is standing there in a lump of clay! Not sure if you counted(!), but it does have 48 stars, which is what the flag had back in the day!
    Yes, I do have fun coming up with things for them to do!

    Thank you, Charlotte! I certainly will be able to use the table for more than elections! You should look at the AG website every now and then. They do have some good sales.

    By the way I have something exciting coming to show you! No hints at all!!!

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Linda, your pictures make me wish I had started with AG dolls, but when they came out I was in the middle of other things and never got to it. I love seeing your girls and so glad Molly will win. She is my era doll, and the one I would have bought back then. Looking forward to your surprise!

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Yes Sissy, Molly is my era doll too, although I was born in 1942, (yikes,) so was not 10 in 1944 like Molly, but I do remember just about everything from Mollys stories and her accessories, plus her activities. I actually didn’t get my dolls when AG started, but more like 2005, when I had granddaughters. I started with Molly, and then it just mushroomed!

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Linda, I really love your display. And the girls are all dressed so nicely for school. Definitely unlike some of what I see these days. If their knees are showing it’s because they are wearing a skirt or a dress not because their jeans have holes in them. I recognize Molly and Betsy, who is wearing the same outfit as my Betsy, but I can’t remember who the other two are. Where did you get the pretty outfit on the lovely young lady on the right? I’ve been getting email on the AG sales but haven’t checked them out. I guess I really need to do that.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Barbara, that is Ruthie on the left, and Susan on the right. Susan’s outfit came from some site on EBay, gee, it was about 15 or so years ago that I got it, so that is really foggy trying to remember where. I got it way before I got Susan, since I had originally gotten it for Molly, so I just wonder if it is still being sold. It certainly isn’t one of a kind, there were lots of them available. I think it might have been from the Doll Clothes Store in Silverton, Ore.

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Oh, Jeanne, such a hard time for you to have this happen, although there is never a good time. I am praying that both of you will be back to your normal selves soon. You two are so active, I know how hard it much be.

    I will send just a couple of pictures for you to use, but I am sure that Linda’s will be much more fun!

  4. Gloria Wiedlocher

    So glad you made it home safe and sound. Please take care of that leg/ankle. It looks like it swelled more after riding home. Thanks so much for a wonderful lunch. Praying both of you are back to normal soon!❤️

  5. Oh Jeanne, your lower leg looks so sore. I can only imagine how that feels. And trying to maneuver around the house for both of you … just take it easy. Hope you both are on the mend soon.

    Linda, your picture of the girls voting is so adorable. They are all dress so cute too. Especially little Betsy. The voting display set is done perfectly and the details are great. Another wonderful dolly picture from you. We all enjoy them so much.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Paula! It was fun to set up! I try to find props that can be used in several situations, since I am running out of space here! I like to keep the dolls dressed properly and doing something fun!

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Glad the staples are out for George, but not happy about Jeanne’s leg. How soon can you see the vein specialist as the aspirin doesn’t seem to be doing the trick? And I hope you aren’t lugging those buckets of chicken feed around or George either. Maybe a neighbor can help?
    Linda’s scene is perfect. Love it. And that table might work for a kids table for Thanksgiving. That would be fun. 🙂 We have a 48 star flag around here too. It was at our cabin for years before I brought it home for safe keeping. 🙂 I sure hope everyone votes. So important.
    I’m happy to report that oldest grand’s knee surgery yesterday went well. Last I heard, he was flaked out on the couch and was sore but not too painful. We’ll see how it goes today. He will have a lot of healing to do but at least he has next week off from school for fall break.
    Around here, I finally finished a silly little hat for Meadow Mae that has taken me forever. Had to redo it several times as the pattern I made from another wasn’t working. Finally have it resized and together. Needs a press and then should be good to go. Can’t imagine making shoes like Jeanne. So hard to get those patterns just right.
    So much cooler this morning but we’ll be in the 90’s later. But, will seem cool after those hundreds we’ve had recently. 🙂

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Joy, what a good idea to use the voting table for the little ones! Thanks for that idea!
      So glad to hear that your grandson’s surgery turned out well, and hoping that he is back to normal soon, although I’m not sure how happy he will be having to use his vacation time off to recouperate! He probably wanted something more fun to do!😊

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Grand’s doctor is saying that hopefully, by March, he will be able to start the swim team season. This surgery was pretty major, but we’re hoping he heals well. He starts physical therapy some time next week. And yes, vacation is pretty much ruined for the family. They were going to go to Arizona, and go horseback riding and other fun stuff. Thanks for your kind comments. 🙂

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Would love to see a picture of the silly little hat you made for Mae. I’m sure it looks adorable on her.

  7. Elizabeth in Texas

    Thank you, Charlotte, for sharing the link to the free Thimbles and Acorn pattern of the period dress for a young Martha Washington! I may need to get my AG doll (Samantha) out of the closet and think about using this pattern! My grown daughters purchased the AG doll for me many years ago so I would have one for sizing outfits since I was busy sewing outfits for my young Granddaughter at that time.

  8. Jeanne I am so sorry you are having problems with your leg swelling. I have vericose veins but have never had that happen. I pray you get better soon so you can keep sewing beautiful dolly clothes!
    God Bless

  9. I’m sure George feels a lot better with those staple out. I’m sorry your leg is so swollen, Jeanne. I hope you have some neighbor or friend who can come and lend a hand.

    What a cute scene, Linda. Are the pups casting their votes as well? Ruthie, Molly, and Betsy look very stylish in the plaid skirts, but I absolutely love the outfit you have on Susan (#21). The blouse and sweater are just amazing. We also have a 48 star flag on a pole with an eagle on top and then my great uncles folded flag from when he was in the military. I’m looking forward to your “surprise”. I do have a wild guess.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Laura you are really up on the AG girls. I recognized Molly and Betsy but was clueless on the others even though Linda has mentioned their names every time she posts a picture. I must try to do better.

      1. Thanks Barbara. I’m very good with the historicals as I either know them from when there were just the first three (Samantha, Kirsten, and Molly) which was the first catalog I saw in 1989. I bought Kirsten for my daughter in 1994 and then she collected until 2009. I still saw the new releases through the catalog and then I’ve been on the doll boards since 2014.
        Ruthie (the brunette) is a historical. She’s Kit’s best friend from the 1930’s. Linda chooses to have her in the 40s just as I chose to have some AG assigned historical in a different or multiple eras.
        As far as #21. I only recognize the AGOT numbered ones that I’m most fond of easily- #21, #33, #55, and #61. I certainly don’t know all the numbered ones, but I do know all the historical ones.

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Laura! Yes, the pups will cast their ballots for Molly too! That 48 star flag came with Molly’s camping accessories. That’s the one we had when I was a child.

      You probably do know what my surprise is!

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, don’t you know you and George are supposed to take turns being under the weather. You’re not supposed to do it at the same time. It was good he could drive to the doctor since you couldn’t. A few years ago I had a bout with plantar fasciitis. It was a horrible time so I know what it’s like not to be able to move about easily. I went to the mall one day and my foot started really hurting. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get back to my car it hurt so much. I guess I could have got mall security to take me in a wheelchair, but I really preferred not. It was my right foot but I could still drive. That year we went to see our daughter in Colorado and I spent most of the time with an ice pack on my foot. Not a fun vacation.

    My daughter was never into the AG dolls even though they came out when she was little. She never really was a doll person. Therefore, I was barely aware of them. We got a brochure once and I was impressed but although her friends were getting them, she wasn’t interested. And by my standards – back then LOL – they were kind of expensive. Because of that I have trouble recognizing most of them. I love Linda’s wonderful display. When my cousin’s daughter was a freshman in high school she ran for class president – and won. Her table looked a lot like the one in the picture. She’s a senior now. Where does the time go? When I started school the flag only had 48 stars. I remember the song about poor little Rhode Island, smallest of the 48. I wonder if they ever changed the song.

    I had staples twice, once after my hysterectomy and once in my head after my car accident. I had no problem with their removal as long as I didn’t have to watch. So glad George’s are gone and I’m sure he is too. And I’m very glad he is healing so well.

    My Gotz Hannah came yesterday. She is “Hannah All Year Round”. She only cost a little more than the other Hannahs, but she comes with a beautiful winter jacket and accessories, jeans, cute boots and a bathing suit with summer accessories. And she came in a wonderful display box. It’s like getting a Christmas gift. I hoped this would come while hubby was off on the job or before he came up from the shop for supper. I had Chorale rehearsal last night and darned if she didn’t come while I was gone. I got a notice she would arrive before 7 p.m. and I left at 6 p.m. and she still wasn’t there. Well, the box is huge and not to be missed so no possibility for a clandestine operation on this one. But he bought me a new, beautiful recliner the other day and Hannah was considerably cheaper so maybe he won’t roll his eyes too much.

    I had been using the recliner he got pending his heart and knee surgery. While he used it I used his but it’s really too big for me and when he had recovered and didn’t need a chair to help him stand up, he took his cushy recliner back and I got the other one. But it wasn’t mine, it was a color I didn’t like but we couldn’t afford anything else for awhile. When we could he insisted I get a new one and give the other to Jason because the one he had was falling apart. He had actually appropriated my old one that the leg lift no longer worked on. We put it out for pick up, by the city or anyone else, and it was gone. I later found out he took it, which was fine. Aside from the leg lift not working it was a beautiful chair. We did not give him a broken-down chair but his fiancée, when they brought the chair into their living room, made some snide comment about “what’s wrong with this one”. Like we only give him our junk. I’ve known this girl since she was 10 and she’s still 10 even though she’s 43 now. She won’t get a job and complains that they never have any money and then resists the idea of hand-me-downs. I pray for strength on this one.

    It’s great your sister-in-law could join you for lunch. After what you both have been through I’m sure it was a welcome and enjoyable time for all of you.

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Barbara, we seem to have some other things in common besides this lovely blog. I have both plantar fasciitis and recliner stories too! I started getting it when I went barefooted too much after I retired from teaching. My hubs was teaching at a college in Savannah and they were asking for people that had it to come to therapy trials there students were doing. I went twice a week for 6 weeks, learned how to do the therapy at home and it has saved my feet sence.
      As for the recliner, we had to get one when my hubs had back surgery. A couple of years later my back was giving me a hard time so we bought a couple recliner, where he sits now and I use his because it has ways to set it a different angles and is better for my back.
      I would love to see your Hannah. I have admired Gotz dolls but don’t have any.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        When the husband of my Chorale director had to have heart surgery I was telling her about the recliner we bought for David and that I slept in one near him in the living room during his recovery. She told me they didn’t have recliners. Hard to imagine not having a recliner. We’ve always had them and I find them especially good now that I’m older. If you want to see Hannah before I get around to making her an outfit to show everyone, she is on the Gotz USA website. She is a very nice doll and the prices are very good and I think the shipping was free on mine.

  11. Joy in northern CA

    Congrats on your new Hannah. I’d love to see a pic. Sorry you weren’t able to sneak her inside, but it sounds like all will be a-okay. And our girls didn’t have American Girls either. I thought they were too expensive. At the time, I was the only one working.
    Years later, our youngest told me that as a child she had always wanted one. I felt bad, so, I bought one for her daughter. 🙂
    And also congrats on the new recliner.

  12. Joy in northern CA

    I forgot earlier, but did anyone order a Siblie today from Virtual Doll Convention? They had two adorable girls, and I don’t think they have sold out yet. Sundae Funday and I can’t remember the name of the other. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I saw them but since I just bought several new dolls and still have an Effner Sculpt #5 to finish paying for but have no idea when it will be ready, I thought I’d better not buy another doll at the moment. But they are adorable. You can see my new Hannah on the Gotz USA site or when I make her a new outfit and want to show it off. Do love my new recliner. Unfortunately too much since I can’t seem to pass it without sitting for awhile. Not getting much done doing that.

  13. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’ve had the mesh problem and the clot/swelling problem. Tell George to be careful to follow directions. Once the mesh is in, fixing related problems is harder because the mesh is now embedded. Care now means no problems later. It’s worth it.

    On your foot, the damp heat and elevation was the old remedy. Elevation is still part of the process but blood thinners are now commonly used. That’s what worked for me.

    I remember the “challenge” part too — that’s what made me feel guilty. I thought you would have no problems — no big deal. Not one of my most winning thoughts.

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