More Halloween pictures from my readers…

Hi everyone,
I went to the vascular specialist today and she did some labs and spoke to us about things they can find in your blood and how your veins are laid out in your legs that makes you more predisposed to getting blood clots. She is going to send me to a Vascular Surgeon this time who will take some images of my legs and see if he can see what is going on. It’s not like I’m having blood clots left and right, but I guess 4 or 5 times is something that needs to be looked at in their opinions. So we’ll see… they are supposed to call me. Don’t worry about me!

Okay we have some more pictures today from my readers… This time from Susette, out in California… She has shared these before, but many of my new readers may not have seen them. I’m so proud of Susette… when she found my blog, she told me she hadn’t sewn in a long time, but my blog inspired her and she started doing it again… making some things for her granddaughter and some for her own dolls. I think she’s had fun doing it! Great jobs on the costumes Susette!

See if you can guess who are the dolls behind the masks!

Even outside Susette has a little Halloween going on…

Thanks so much! I needed some pictures today… my day was too busy!

Next up are some pictures from Barbara, in Texas… She is showing pictures of her yard decorations… She told me she had sent them close to the time she joined the blog… I don’t think I remember posting them. I even did a search and couldn’t find them… so I hope I’m right and they are NEW to everyone! We’ll see…

Hi, Jeanne,
We did not have the dragon when I took the others so I added one I took last year with the grandkids when they came out for the Boo Bash. The dragon’s wings are animated. The others were from the last ones I sent. I thought I had one of the floating ghost but maybe I never took a picture of that. That’s the one that we’re having trouble with at the moment. Behind the hearse is a derelict pirate ship manned by a “skeleton” crew.
Thanks, Barbara

Thanks to you too, Barbara, for sending me some pictures. I was too busy to go in my sewing room. I think I stepped in there once today…

Well, that’s it for me today… I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I will stay very busy but will be back Monday… maybe with some hayride pictures!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “More Halloween pictures from my readers…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh my goodness, Jeanne, what a wonderful set of pictures for today! I would never get tired of seeing Susette’s pictures! She is so meticulous in dressing her dolls, and creates such wonderful vignettes! I love all the varius costumes, and I doubt I could name everyone she has hiding underneath the masks. I remember her Ivy in that beautiful witch costume, and it certainly shows her expertise of sewing and imagination! The darling Halloween vignette outside is special too! Here, we are putting our plants to bed, but California always has the sunshine!

    My goodness, Barbara, you go all out in Halloween decorating outside! I bet your grandchildren and all the children living close by have a wonderful time seeing all the decorations! Where do you store them when not in use? Must be fun on Halloween night at your house!

    Thank you both for your wonderful pictures, and have a great time, Jeanne at the hayride! Looks like good weather for you! Just don’t let that huge bonfire get out of control!! 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks, Linda. One of the things I do like about the blow-ups is they are easy to store. When the season is over we just unplug them and put them back in their boxes and put them back on the shelf. Actually Halloween night here is spent in downtown Sealy at the Boo Bash. Sean and family come out here for the event. They’ve tried other things over the years but did not enjoy them as much as coming out here for the Boo Bash. We like it because we get to see the grandkids in their costumes and this year Sean and Dionne are dressing as Jack and Sally Skellington from “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, Dionne’s favorite movie.

  2. Susette from Southern California

    I’ve seen Halloween lawn displays here but nothing as exciting as the ones Barbara has! Great job! 🎃. Thanks for sharing my tiny ones too.

    I’m so glad you were seen by the doctor and, just as important, were sent for further evaluation. We remain concerned but not worried since you’re taking care of yourself. Please take it easy at the Halloween Festival.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Susette, your dolly children are adorable. I am guessing that they will get a ton of candy when they go Trick or Treating (laugh).

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks for the compliment on our Halloween lawn decor. We do some of the same for Christmas weather permitting. I really love your Halloween doll display. So many wonderful costumes. I have to admit though, if they came to my door for trick or treat I would have trouble identifying most of them.

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    We are off to a 5 hour ride (6 counting stopping to eat) to Atlanta for Peyton’s Sis’s 80th birthday. I started this tradition of gathering his family for “big” birthdays shorty after we married. When his 60th birthday was coming up I secretly asked his family members to come. Most of his siblings and one of his kids came. He knew there was going to be a party because I made all the food, but his family members arrived the day before. What a great surprise for him. He is the oldest of his siblings and this has been continued for each one of them as they hit these birthdays. This one will be the last for us, since the next one down has passed and the last one down will be 80 a month from Peyton’s 90th. Who knows what will be in our lives,or not, by then 4 years from now!

    Susette’s wonderful display is so welcome to see again. I love spending time to “go up” her stairs to see each one, and the close ups too! And Barbara’s scary yard, WOW! That should see some parents having to drag the kids up for treats!

    Yay, Jeanne, so happy you are getting some good help to see how to get your legs better! Thank you for keeping up posted!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, I missed commenting on your lovely dress yesterday. I thought that your two girls looked so cute wearing it.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      So glad you enjoyed the Halloween yard display. Our house is on a corner and I actually see people slowing down on both streets to get a better look.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Oh, what a nice surprise I had this morning when Jeanne’s blog appeared as usual. Have no idea why I didn’t receive it yesterday. 🙂
    Seeing Susette’s, girls in their absolutely delightful costumes made my day. Nothing in the line of decorations around here as deck prep is taking my time. Ugh. I can’t imagine how that witch costume was made. Looks way too difficult for my skills.
    And so glad to see Barbara’s fun outdoor display. Very scary. I’m shaking. 🙂 We did see a great cheshire black cat display at I think Home Depot on one of our trips there. It was huge and had big blinking eyes, but nothing like that coach or hearst. What a great display.
    Very glad that Jeanne’s doctors are going to take care of her. And believe me, we do worry about her.
    Well, finally, other person is doing some repair work on the deck. Replaced a split piece on a step while I cut back a rose on a trellis and made room for painting. Stuff just keeps growing around here. Getting close to being able to start staining I think. But, of course, one time I came down the steps to clean up below and hit that loose step. Duh, but just knocked if off. Didn’t hurt me. Guess I need lots of caution tape around here. 🙂
    Have a nice weekend everyone and hope there is no rain for the country barn party for Jeanne.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks for the compliments on our Halloween yard display. I wish there had been more lighting where the hearse and pirate ship were. They are both very detailed. We did not put the hearse up this year because we weren’t sure when the mobile home would be moved and it would be in the way. I miss it.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, we promise not to worry BUT we will be praying for you. Just take good care of yourself.

  6. Jeanne, we are so glad you will be seeing someone about your leg/foot. That is concerning. At least you know what’s going on and so will the doctor.

    Susette, your picture is fabulous. I wonder if Molly is part of the Hogworts ( I don’t know much about that series if that’s the name ) and is Felicity the cowgirl? Ivy is the witch- her hair is the giveaway. This picture is so much fun.
    And Barbara, what a fun Halloween set up. I’m sure the kids enjoy seeing it in their neighborhood and especially on Halloween.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Glad you enjoyed our Halloween set-up. It is fun and pretty easy to set up. We have two of those black cats on either side of the driveway. Unfortunately our car thinks they are an obstacle and slams on the breaks when we are trying to leave the driveway. Very annoying. When we got the new cats the other day David and Sean put them further from the driveway. The car still beeps when we go by.

  7. So nice to see your pictures again, Susette. Starting at the bottom and going up the stairs we have a AGOT(I think) , Ivy, Kavi, Molly, Felicity, bat girl might be Samantha, Kaya, Addy, can’t see the white outfit one, and #4. Then RRFF Stella on the right.

    Ah, yes, next photo helps. Now bat girl is Samantha, then Felicity, an AGOT, Kirsten was the one in the white outfit, and Molly.
    Ivy’s witch costume is really amazing. I love the sleeves.

    Your set up looks like fun, Barbara. I know I haven’t seen it before I I’ve been on here almost from the beginning and always mange to read the day’s blog. Your black kitty is really something. I’m sure the children enjoy your displays.

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