Miscellaneous Monday

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder… Ten Ping’s “Sweet Pleats” outfit ends this evening on Ebay… It’s this one…

If her cuteness doesn’t win you over, maybe those yummy Mini M&M’s will! :o)

You can see the set on Ebay by clicking the picture of her on the right side bar or you can click HERE.

Next up… I thought I’d show you the button tin… I don’t think it’s anything special, and it certainly needs to be wiped off, but I haven’t done that yet… My guess is cookies were inside… you know those crumbly, melt in your mouth, shortbread ones!

If you click on the pictures they will enlarge!

The Mother of Pearl buttons (and lots of miscellaneous others) were in this busted up ice cream tub… These buttons are really dirty… almost like they were sitting in something where dirt flowed in… I can’t tell what that first word is… OLD BUTTONS __?___but enclosed)
(1851 ?)

The smaller silver tin with the novelty things it, doesn’t have any writing on it or any kind of marks, but I’m thinking it may have had a cardboard/paper-like cover on the top… it kind of looks like it did…

I haven’t done anything with the “discarded” buttons and will look into them a bit more before sending them off anywhere… I do like buttons, but not so much the ones I know I will never use… I mean some of these were as big as a lid on a can of soup…

Next: This was a pretty Maple tree that greeted us as we came out of church today. It’s huge and so pretty against that blue sky!

I was thrilled that Anne (from New Zealand) sent some “quilt pictures!” YAY! Wait till you see this one made by her daughter Sam…
It was All hand sewn with ½ inch squares using English paper piecing. She named it MEOW?

(Squint your eyes when you look at Sam’s kitty quilt! I love how it looks so real!)

(From Anne) This is the quilt I have made for my granddaughter as a wedding gift. It is the one I exhibited in the exhibition and is all sewn on the machine. I used quilt-as-you-go to quilt it.
(In her email to me she called this Peaches and Cream…)

Anne, that is just beautiful! It’s going to make your granddaughter cry when she sees it! You did a superb job on your colors and work!

Well, I hate to run, but I have a million things going on this week…my foot/ankle/leg IS better (as of Friday), but I have an appointment with my primary care doctor on Wednesday, then I go to a vein specialist doctor about an hour away on Thursday, Friday is the Food Pantry, and Saturday is the BIG ANNUAL HAYRIDE we have every year for the students. The Internationals love it so much and we try to do it right… calling it “Taste of America”… I’m doing the Caramel Apples again so I have hundreds of caramels to unwrap, 2 big canisters of peanuts to chop up and lots of other things going on…
So I’ll be a bit pressed to make it in my sewing room as much as I’d like but I’ll still be here…

Thanks everyone…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Miscellaneous Monday”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Good morning Jeanne, and everyone! No, I did not drop off the earth, but it sure feels like it, since we had no internet last week. We had gone to Branson early in the week, and the place where we stayed, well, I could not get the internet very well at all, so just gave up until we got home. No way to read and comment on all the blogs I missed, since I had lots to do to catch up here at home, so just waitied until today to start up again.
    I see that Ten Ping has yet another darling outfit that ends TONIGHT!! My goodness, it was just starting when we left! It certainly turned out peerfectly for her!

    The button container with all the beautiful buttons brought back memories for me. My grandmother also had a huge button container, probably a tin one from cookies or something, and that was so fun to go through and discover all the “pretty” ones and match them up. I can’t imagine kids nowadays being entertained with that, and horror or horrors, putting them in their mouth! At least they aren’t button batteries!

    Oh my, Anne, those quilts are just perfect! At first I couldn’t quite make out a cat, but after looking at it, I see it is the cat’s face! I was looking for the whole cat at first! And that beautiful quilt you made, yes, it will have your granddaughter crying tears of joy to see it! She will treasure it always and is so lucky she is to have a grandmother that can quilt like that! Thank you for sending those pictures, Anne!

    Jeanne, I’m so happy that you are getting your foot/ankle taken care of and you certainly have a busy time ahead! Your hayride sounds like fun, and I remember the wonderful picutures you always show of it. We will be waiting for more!

  2. Susette from Southern California

    The kitty is so cute and cleverly done. The quilt is amazing! I can’t imagine how long it took to complete! What patience, skill and artistic talent it takes to design and execute such a beautiful quilt! What a treasure to give as a welcome to the family!

    I’m glad your foot is somewhat better but please let the doctor know how long it’s been and how debilitating. Glad you’re seeing a specialist.

    The hayride and dinner pictures are always so much fun to see. Can’t believe another year is almost gone. 🎃

  3. Charlotte Trayer

    Jeanne, I would guess that tin was from the 1950s. So, it might be something special. Look on the underside of the lid or the bottom of the container; it could tell you what was originally in it.

    I have the lid of one my mom had for years and years. When I was going thru the house after daddy died, I found the container part, but no lid anywhere to be found, so I pitched it. Of course, I found the lid eventually and decided to keep it, anyway, and maybe hang it on the wall. It’s blue and white, also, but more ornate, with sculpted designs, and the lid is actually two layers put together. On the underside mine says “Ward Baking Co.” and around it “Paradise Fruitcake”, so now I know what was originally in that tin. I remember it from my childhood in the 1950s, and I suspect mom had it longer than that. She had sewing notions in it long ago. Wish I hadn’t been so quick to throw away the base, though!!

    I read thru everyone’s comments, and, yes, I think you should do a little research on some of those other items and the big button with the rifles; they really could be valuable, and worth the time it takes to find out more!! But not this week–it sounds like you have enough to do this week!!

    Anne, your daughter’s small quilt is amazing–using only 1/2″ squares? That’s painstaking work! And yes, I saw the cat immediately!

    And your quilt is absolutely beautiful. Your granddaughter will love it, I’m sure!

    I read people’s comments about neighbors, and I’m happy to say that, in the 50 years I’ve lived here, we’ve had relatively few problems with neighbors. At the moment, we have The Best ones to our north, always there to help when needed (even if I don’t ask–I hardly ever have to bring my garbage totes up the driveway after pickup, because they do it! and snow has been shoveled for us several times in the last few winters). And did I mention flowers? At least twice in the last couple of years, they’ve brought me flowers! I think I’ll keep my neighbors!! And the kids (now 18 and 22, I think) are as wonderful as the parents. I am blessed.

    Oh, and our two youngest grandsons and their cousin came down to see me on Friday after supper. We had such a nice visit. They were here for well over an hour. The topper was when Alex noticed our 30-year-old stereo and went over to take a look. He lifted the cover of the record player carefully, and, with awe, said, “Do you have VINYL?!” and I showed him that, yes, we have LOTS of vinyl!! I even played a Don Williams record for him so he could hear it–well, all three listened. I guess I am now officially “cool” because I have “vinyl”!! 😂

  4. From a Google search of the Wedgwood-inspired tin:

    “Up for sale is this decorative candy tin with an embossed chariot rider in the style of Wedgewood pottery. This tin was made by Olive Can Co. of Chicago, founded in 1912. It measures 2.5” high, with lid, by 7” in diameter.”

    I love the cookie-tinned collections of buttons from my mother.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Loved that maple tree. Wow, such a big one. Here, unfortunately, it would have to go because it would be deemed by insurance companies to be too close to the house/building. Either the tree goes or you don’t have insurance. Crazy times.
    Glad Sewbig figured out the maker of that tin. Even if not in perfect condition, there may be someone who wants it for their collection or memories. 🙂 Someone Friday, mentioned that the smaller tin might have been for medicine. But, whatever the use, I’m sure someone out there would be interested in it. I was thinking when you said the mother of pearl buttons were in a pail, that it may have been an old tin pail, not a plastic ice cream bucket. The broken bucket isn’t probably collectible, but if the buttons are actually from 1851, what a find. I wonder if you can clean them up? Since they are most likely shell, you have to be careful with them in what you use for cleaning. Maybe Google it. 🙂
    Anne’s daughter Sam, is an amazing artist. Wow, do I love that cat quilt. When I first looked at it, I tried to find the eyes, but nope didn’t see anything. But, the next time I looked, there was the cutest tuxedo kitty ever. Quite amazing as he/she looks just like the neighbor’s kitty Charlotte, who visits here every day. 🙂
    And then, probably the most intricate quilt I have ever seen, by Anne. The colors are lovely together and the work involved to make something like this astounds me. What a gem and so creative. And so wonderful that it is for a grand. Congrats on finishing it and making such a work of art. 🙂
    Glad to hear that Jeanne, is following up on that vein problem and seeing a couple of doctors. It really made me nervous. And hope she tries to take it easy doing all that work for the big autumn party next weekend.
    Around here, not much accomplished other than narrowing down what color we want for the deck redo. “The decks” is turning into a monsterous project. It also includes doing a lot of repairs as well as repainting the overhead covering, railings, benches, and lots of steps. Almost don’t know what to do first, but I think we’ll try for the flat areas first so at least they will be done before rain comes. Well, at least we hope rain comes. 🙂

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a beautiful maple tree. They were always my favorites when I lived up north. What would we do without the internet. We’d be totally ignorant. I love being able to do a search on almost anything and get an answer. It’s great to know the story of the Wedgewood Chariot tin.

    Wow! Anne what an absolutely beautiful quilt. I know your granddaughter is going to be absolutely thrilled to be able to add such a wonderful item to her home. You are so very talented, and Sam is definitely following in your footsteps. Her kitty picture is adorable and I saw the kitty face right away.

    So glad you will be seeing both your regular doctor and a specialist about your foot, Jeanne. I know you must be concerned and, hopefully, the visits will put any worries to rest.

    We have company coming from Ohio next week. We never get company other than family so I’m not used to this, but I’ll manage. It’s an old school chum of David’s and they talk regularly on the phone. But we aren’t acquainted with his wife so we are looking forward to that. I kept in touch with Gary during all of David’s surgeries and he called to wish David a happy birthday last year while we were coming home from dinner and we kind of had a conference call in the car, so I feel I do know him. They will only be staying a little over three days since he has a brother in north Texas he promised to visit. They will be staying at a local motel so I don’t have to fret too much about doing company cleaning. I used to take a day off from work every now and then and clean my house from one end to the other in one day. Now I’m lucky if I can get more than cleaning a bathroom done in one day. At first they were leaving a day earlier but when they added the extra day we can now take them to the wonderful Stephen F. Austin Historical Museum where I took the grandkids last summer. It is only open Wednesday to Sunday and I really didn’t want them to miss the opportunity for some wonderful Texas history. Hopefully the weather will be cool enough to tour the outside exhibits. I missed out on that last summer. Way too hot to be out of A/C.

  7. Je crois que nous sommes nombreuses à avoir joué avec la boite de boutons de notre maman. Mes enfants aussi ,ont joué avec ces boutons. Ma maman était couturière et j’ai tout récupéré ,après son décès. J’ai beaucoup de boutons et je ne sais pas résister ,quand j’en vois un lot . Cette boite bleue est très jolie et beaucoup de boites à gâteaux on fini leur vies en boites à boutons…! Les boutons de nacre, se lavent très bien ,dans de l’eau savonneuse ; c’est ce que je fait .

    I think many of us have played with our mom’s box of buttons. My children also played with these buttons. My mother was a seamstress and I got everything back after her death. I have a lot of pimples and I don’t know how to resist, when I see a lot of them. This blue box is very pretty and many cake boxes have ended their lives in button boxes…! Mother-of-pearl buds wash very well in soapy water; That’s what I do.

  8. Gorgeous maple tree. Ours are coloring as well, but still have quite a bit of green on them. Love, love, love Sam’s quilt. It has a kitty on it after all and a tuxie to boot. I have a darling tuxie boy.
    Such a gorgeous quilt, Anne! I love all of your fabric choices as well as the many, many extra little details. It is simply beautiful.
    The hayride will be some much fun. I miss the ones we used to go on at the nearby farm as you had to rent the whole wagon and then be taken out to the woods for a bonfire and s’mores etc.. Still, you can stop and buy pumpkins and well as other fall items and of course go down to the barns to visit the horses, cows, sheep, and goats.

  9. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Thanks everyone for the nice things you said about my quilt and Sam will be thrilled with your comments, especially Laura! I knew you would love it lol.
    I have feline paralysis at the moment. Sam’s white cat, Snowy insists on sitting on my lap in the mornings when I am at the computer. Makes typing very hard and slow. The laptop keyboard is just too high for typing comfortably, I usually use the separate keyboard on the pull-out shelf only there is a body in the way.
    One of our members made a YouTube video of some of the exhibition it is here https://youtu.be/aKaOtKJbrPo
    Jeanne I am glad you are seeing the doctor. I hope they can fix the problem quickly.

  10. I am here… late, but that is lovely because I have all of these great comments ahead of me.
    Best wishes to the buyer of Ten Pings adorable ensemble.
    I hope everyone had a marvelous week-end.
    We have such incredible weather here in Northern Virginia.
    Jeanne, your treasures are so great. I have no idea what that one word on the side of that plastic tub is. 1851 as mentioned above? It is odd, but are any of the buttons amazing?
    Anne, oh my, your quilted treasures are incredible. Sams quilt is so so adorable. I love anything with kitties. the green and pink quilt is so pretty, I love the blocks!
    Thank you for sharing the video too. I watched that while treadmilling this morning. Amazing and inspiring too
    We have an October Glory Maple in the back yard. It is still green, a few faded leaves (sooo many leaves) and soon it will turn bright RED. It always lights up with the sun and our back yard looks like it is on fire! haha
    I hope everyone has a productive happy week.
    I have to gather up my monthly charity donation – things I am finally ready to give up for some ones that need it, daddy’s shirts, some books other stuff, I think I have 4 boxes.
    Good luck at the vascular doc Jeanne

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