Little Ten Ping is doing the happy dolly dance!

I’m glad everyone enjoyed reading the article about Norman Rockwell’s painting, “Cobbler Studying Doll’s Shoe.” I read it several times and enjoyed it each time. What a talented man he was!

Well, Ten Ping is quite happy to show you some new things we got accomplished today. My foot was better and I was able to sew a little more than any other day since the 2nd of October.

I decided I wanted to just have the skirt and blouse as single pieces so they could be used however the winner wanted with no extra bulk of snaps at the waistline. So I didn’t want to attach straps permanently on the skirt for that reason. It makes it too fiddly anyway to have to snap the straps on the skirt and then onto the straps, SO… I made this:

Anyone have any guesses what it is?

It’s a separate set of straps that doesn’t interfere with her blouse at all… It is just like any other blouse.

You take the straps which are made to slip over the dolls head in the big loop part…

Then you snap them just above the crotch area in the front.

Here’s what they look like in the back…

…and the front again…

I finished her skirt today and made it like a wrap around so it just has one snap at the top in the back and the pleats fall over each other.

Then I got busy on something else… what did she need to take this from ordinary to extraordinary?

Of course… a Newsboy Cap!

I used the pattern from Jude Designs and made it the same size as the Ellowyne hat. (Actually I tried making one that was too small the first time but the original pattern fits Ten Ping very well.) The only thing I forgot to do, was pinch the top flap part down so it rests on the bill of the hat… so ALL of my pictures show it tipped up… Oh well, I guess I’ll be doing more pictures later.

Here are a few pictures of it all together…

Come back tomorrow to (hopefully) see something else I’m working on…

Well, that’s it for me…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Little Ten Ping is doing the happy dolly dance!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I’m SO glad your foot is feeling better, and you are able to sew more again! Don’t overdo it, though, as we don’t want you to have a setback!

    You are so clever, to think of something like that so the skirt can have straps or not, as one wishes! It would never have occurred to me to try that. And the little newsboy cap is so well suited to TenPing! Just darling, the whole outfit.

    Elizabeth, I’m so sorry about your knee pain (something with which I am much too familiar!). I have never had a knee replacement, but I have had two knee surgeries, one a “clean-out” of little bits that were causing pain and the other to fix (does this sound familiar?) a patella which had shifted laterally. When my husband and I went to see the doctor after the MRI of my knee, the nurse put the pictures up on the screen and left the room, and I said to Ron, “It looks like my kneecap has shifted off to the side!” And so it had. The doctor was able to do the repair thru some tiny slits in my knee, and it’s been fine ever since (as far as the slippage, anyway). I’m sorry, too about your ear problems. Praying for healing, and for wisdom for your doctors!

    1. Elizabeth in Texas

      Thank you, Charlotte, for sharing your similar knee situation. I haven’t seen an orthopedic doctor yet, but your experience has given me hope and I was able to let out my breath! I am nervous about it all….dreaded the idea of total invasive surgery or a knee replacement….almost to the point of not doing anything and just keep using my cane for stability. The walk-in doctor said it could be a muscle thing that perhaps some exercises would help, but I would need to see an ortho doctor for further evaluation of the x-rays….and that he might request an MRI as well. And I know I need to see an ENT doctor again because I am tired of not hearing out of one ear, coupled with the constant white noise! Wouldn’t it be something if when we all reached a certain elderly age that we then started reversing and become younger each year! And we could stop the reversal when we reached an age we were comfortable with. Wishful thinking. I’ve never been 75 before and am not fond of the more frequent “bumps in the road” so to speak!

    2. Thanks Charlotte… my foot is better today too… I hope it only gets even better tomorrow!

      I LOVE the Newsboy cap… especially on her! It’s so tiny and so cute to hold in your hand.

      Thanks so much for the compliments.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Good morning everyone. Wednesday already! How did that happen.
    Well today is going to be a great day.
    Do you ever forget what day of the week it is? I guess that is just part of being part of the completely relaxed and retired people. When I was taking care of mom and dad the past 10 years, I always knew the day of the week.
    Anyway, today I bring Princess to the vet for a check up. She loves the vet
    Then bk home, sewing patchwork pumpkin blocks

    Jeanne, good to know your foot and leg are improving. Slow and steady!!
    This outfit is so adorable on Ten Ping. She is so lovely in these fabrics.
    The straps idea is masterful!
    Again, those shoes…. I want some suede shoes!!
    This outfit is a treasure!
    I hope everyone has a fun filled day. It is 47 here this morning in Northern Virginia. Chilly

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Rosemary, I love your day of the week question. I have been doing some “armchair” cruising with folks on YouTube. One of the cruise lines, I can’t remember which one, puts mats in the elevators with the day of the week each day. I think that is so clever. Armchair travel is so much fun. No passports, no tickets, no cost!

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        What a neat idea, Dorothy, to help people stay on track, by putting the day of the week mats in the elevators! (I wonder if, for April Fool’s Day, they purposely put the Wrong mat in place!! And maybe a different one in each elevator storage. 😂🤣😂

    2. Hi Rosemary,
      My hubby asked me 3 times yesterday what day it was… so I laughed out loud when I read your question.
      I hope Princess had a good vet check up… Reuben likes the vet too… but I think he’s mostly excited about the “ride” to the clinic!

      Yes, slow and steady on the foot recovery… I go to the dr next Thursday…
      Thank you for all the compliments on Ten Ping’s outfit… I really love it too!
      BRRRR… 47 is about what we had this morning. It got down to 42 last night… and supposed to be colder tonight.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I like the way you made the suspenders! That was so clever. I can see that you are really having fun with Ten Ping. She is definitely a favorite of yours.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I AM having fun with Ten Ping… She is very fun to sew for… and yes, she IS a favorite of mine…
      Thanks for liking my clever straps… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    I like the “new” jumper look. Great idea, and sweet hat too.
    Here, we finished the 2nd story siding repair and respraying of mint oil. Hope that little woodpecker goes somewhere else to peck. Hopefully, today we can get the ladder down and stored someplace secure as we are expecting some very high winds starting tonight and continuing through Saturday. The offshore winds cause extreme fire danger as well. So, our power company PGE, not anyone’s favorite around here, sent out a warning notice yesterday that they may turn off the power at any point if the winds are too high. Meaning that they most likely will turn off the power and for possibly three days. They are afraid that their poorly maintained wires may spark a fire. During the big fire of 2017, with extremely high wind, we never lost power as we are in town. If this happens, our local Safeway will also be without power and lots of other businesses too. Much to do this morning to figure out a plan. I’m sure those from the hills have already booked all the local hotels, so that’s not an option. We’ll be picking up extra gas today so we can run the gas generator to charge the other generators when they run out of power. Sounds complicated, and it may be for us. Not going to be fun for sure.
    On a happier note, my sewing machine worked just fine yesterday. Yay

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Wow, Joy, so sorry for they way they have to handle things during high winds. I am glad you have the generators! Maybe it will at least blow the woodpecker away!

    2. Thanks Joy… I’m glad you are liking Ten Ping’s set so far… just wait! :o)

      Sorry about that pesky woodpecker… I was thinking because it’s turning cooler, maybe he’d go away, but they are wintery birds, AND you live in CA, so I’m not sure he knows to go away when it gets cold.
      I hope your peppermint spray works again but for a longer time.
      Great news on the sewing machine… nothing is quite so satisfying as fixing your sewing machine, testing it out and it working like it’s supposed to!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thank you Christine,
      I discovered the straps running down the front and back of the shirt, help hold it in place too! A win win!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thanks Lisa,
      I’ve done something similar but this was the best one I’ve done so far…
      It’s really nice to hold things in place too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Yesterday was a long busy day but a good one. We went to our yearly eye doc appt. and found that our eyes are good and our glasses are fine as is.
    The best part was the wonderful birthday party for our dear 95 year old friend. Her family did it up BIG. We went to St. Simon’s Island, one hour south of us and where I grew up, and got on a lovely cruise boat. The weather was cool and beautiful, and the water smooth. I have so many memories of those waters from the 50’s when we water skied there every weekend, it made me feel young again just to be out there yesterday. We had lovely snacks and all you wanted to drink, I prefer water these days. We watched the moon come up in the late afternoon, and finally drove home in the dark as the moon followed us. Such a lovely day.

    1. Hi Sissy,
      Great news on the good eye reports, and no new glasses needed! YAY!

      Oh, the birthday celebration for your friend sounds wonderful. I bet she was blessed by all the hullabaloo! Your drive home sounds like something out of a movie… “and the moon followed us all the way home!”
      Thanks Sissy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Sissy your day sounds so lovely. I remember once reading a book, or might have been a series, about St. Simon’s but I can’t remember the name. Maybe you might know. It made me want to visit the island. How blessed you were to grow up there.

      1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

        Thank you, Barbara. I wish I knew which book you are talking about, there have been so many. It was a paradise to grow up in, but it is now full of too many people, too many homes built, the beaches are crowded, and the traffic is terrible. That is why we live in a quite county 1 hour north.

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, I am so glad you are able to sew some, but, as you know, we all worry about that leg healing.
    The outfit is so different and adorable, your straps are so original, true Jeanne’s sewing mind showing up.

    1. Hi Sissy,
      I am happy to be sewing a little bit too… I miss it when I can’t do it.
      I’m glad you like the straps… it solved all the problems and was a LOT less snaps so sew on too!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a clever way to do straps. Never would have thought of that one. It is such a lovely day here today. It was 71 when we went to lunch. It’s a bit windy though and my Halloween blow-ups are a bit of a problem but at this time of year when fronts can come through at any time and bring stiff breezes it’s to be expected. I don’t want to refer to them as a hassle because I do enjoy them but I probably won’t replace them again when they wear out. Or at least the taller ones.

    Glad to see your foot and leg are improving and that you can do some sewing now. I just found out my future daughter-in-law is going to have to have her gall bladder removed. After dining out the other night she had to go to the emergency room. And that on top of planning her wedding. Fortunately she has most things lined up.
    On my way to another chiropractor appointment as soon as I finish here. I’ve been surprised that some of the issues have pretty well been resolved but there are more lined up to be taken care of. I believe it was Elizabeth that said it would be nice if we could go backward in time health-wise. I could even stop at about 60 when I still was very active and had no aches and pains. I remember it well because that was when my mother passed away and I traveled to Delaware. I felt pretty amazing and thought I had this age thing licked. But that was close to 20 years ago. But some of my problems have come from tripping over my dog and not being able to get help at the time because of COVID restrictions. My previous chiropractor left town during COVID and didn’t return. Finding another good one hasn’t been easy. But I have a good one now and hopefully we can make up for lost time.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I’m glad you like my detachable straps… I’ve done it once before, but this was my best set yet.
      We had a windy day here too.. so much in fact, I didn’t want to take Ten Ping out, thinking she might blow over… and I can’t have that!!!

      I’m with Elizabeth too… wishing I could go backwards even just a few years… but since we can’t, I’ll just try to improve on the years I have to live and hope to do it with grace and dignity.
      My foot was better today even than yesterday… it still swells up by the end of the day, but at least it’s not hurting when I walk on it. Well, maybe just a little twinge or two…

      Well, I need to do my dinner dishes… I had to get Ten Ping’s outfit listed on Ebay… Yep! I got it all finished and it will be on Ebay tonight!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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