Little Ten Ping is doing the happy dolly dance!

I’m glad everyone enjoyed reading the article about Norman Rockwell’s painting, “Cobbler Studying Doll’s Shoe.” I read it several times and enjoyed it each time. What a talented man he was!

Well, Ten Ping is quite happy to show you some new things we got accomplished today. My foot was better and I was able to sew a little more than any other day since the 2nd of October.

I decided I wanted to just have the skirt and blouse as single pieces so they could be used however the winner wanted with no extra bulk of snaps at the waistline. So I didn’t want to attach straps permanently on the skirt for that reason. It makes it too fiddly anyway to have to snap the straps on the skirt and then onto the straps, SO… I made this:

Anyone have any guesses what it is?

It’s a separate set of straps that doesn’t interfere with her blouse at all… It is just like any other blouse.

You take the straps which are made to slip over the dolls head in the big loop part…

Then you snap them just above the crotch area in the front.

Here’s what they look like in the back…

…and the front again…

I finished her skirt today and made it like a wrap around so it just has one snap at the top in the back and the pleats fall over each other.

Then I got busy on something else… what did she need to take this from ordinary to extraordinary?

Of course… a Newsboy Cap!

I used the pattern from Jude Designs and made it the same size as the Ellowyne hat. (Actually I tried making one that was too small the first time but the original pattern fits Ten Ping very well.) The only thing I forgot to do, was pinch the top flap part down so it rests on the bill of the hat… so ALL of my pictures show it tipped up… Oh well, I guess I’ll be doing more pictures later.

Here are a few pictures of it all together…

Come back tomorrow to (hopefully) see something else I’m working on…

Well, that’s it for me…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

1 thought on “Little Ten Ping is doing the happy dolly dance!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I’m SO glad your foot is feeling better, and you are able to sew more again! Don’t overdo it, though, as we don’t want you to have a setback!

    You are so clever, to think of something like that so the skirt can have straps or not, as one wishes! It would never have occurred to me to try that. And the little newsboy cap is so well suited to TenPing! Just darling, the whole outfit.

    Elizabeth, I’m so sorry about your knee pain (something with which I am much too familiar!). I have never had a knee replacement, but I have had two knee surgeries, one a “clean-out” of little bits that were causing pain and the other to fix (does this sound familiar?) a patella which had shifted laterally. When my husband and I went to see the doctor after the MRI of my knee, the nurse put the pictures up on the screen and left the room, and I said to Ron, “It looks like my kneecap has shifted off to the side!” And so it had. The doctor was able to do the repair thru some tiny slits in my knee, and it’s been fine ever since (as far as the slippage, anyway). I’m sorry, too about your ear problems. Praying for healing, and for wisdom for your doctors!

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