If your foot won’t cooperate, use your hands…

My ankle and foot are still swollen and trying to stay seated for any length of time makes it swell even more… SO… not to let that deter me, I decided to work on a pair of little red boots for Ten Ping, from my recliner… using my hands!! :o)

I had this little guy…(I have no idea what character he is or what show he might be from…(I forgot to take a picture of him before I sliced off his legs) but I was pretty sure the feet part might work like a shoe last for Ten Ping.

I have them wet molding on my make shift dolly feet and hope in the morning they’ll be dry and I can try them on Ten Ping… and hopefully they’ll fit.

Here is the other one…

I also had started a pair of brown leather boots a while back for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends but never finished the finish on the soles. I decided to paint the edges with a satin varnish I had once used on some doll lips. I think it makes them look less dry and prettier…

So that’s what I accomplished without using my foot! :o)

Sissy sent me the sweetest pictures of some outfits she made for someone and I’ll show them tomorrow… so don’t miss them.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

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