Frangipane and a new Fashion Friend…

Hi everyone,
My foot and ankle are better today but still stiff and swollen. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment and am planning to drive myself. I’m hoping by the end of the week my ankle/foot is much better… I really miss being in my sewing room…

Last night some dear friends from Singapore brought dinner to us… Sylvia made the chicken/broccoli/rice and Sebastian made the German Frangipane. I thought I took a few pictures of it up close, but guess I didn’t! It’s a pear/almond tart! Dinner was FABULOUS!! REALLY FABULOUS!! We were truly blessed!!

Now I have some news on the dolly front!! Someone succumbed to the Ruby Red Fashion Friends and now is the proud and very happy owner of Sara…

Let me show you the VERY VERY PRETTY Sara doll and you can read what the new owner wrote.

Well, it happened! Sara is officially living with me now! I got her off the Ruby Red website for buying and selling. She was dressed just like this, which is what I was looking for, not the jeans outfit she normally comes in. Her former owner said she never was played with and is perfect as far as I can see. The reason I have her sitting in the kitchen was that’s where I unwrapped her and it had the best light at that time. It is getting too dark now for taking good pictures inside.
So this is the “ surprise” I mentioned last week. I have been looking for a Sara for a long time, and now the hunt is over! I’m happy!😊
Love to you,

Well, congratulations Linda! I am SO excited for you. I know you always said Sara was the one you’d get if you ever did! She is just beautiful in her dress and hairbow!

What does your hubby think of her?

What does Sara think of all her American Girl sisters?

Well, I know this is short but that’s it for today…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Frangipane and a new Fashion Friend…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, Jeanne; hope it goes well to drive to the dentist. I just hated being unable to drive two years ago, when I broke my arm!

    How lovely to have dinner brought to you! Those are really good friends, and such an encouragement to you and George just now.

    Congratulations, Linda! Your Sara is really pretty, and that dress, the colors and all, really suit her. Enjoy!!

    1. Susette from Southern California

      So glad you’ve joined the RRFF fan club, Linda. She’s beautiful! I know she’ll fit right in with your wonderful collection and find clothes that will fit her. She’s just the right size to enjoy your kitchen with the tables set up for holiday parties: Halloween 🎃, Christmas 🎄, 4th of July 🇺🇸! Looking forward to more of your very detailed scenes.

      How thoughtful are Sylvia and Sebastian are to prepare a delicious dinner for you and George. The Frangipane looks picture perfect!

      Glad your foot and ankle are improving. Taking it slow and steady is the way to go.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    So glad to hear you are getting better, Jeanne. We have a problem here with my hubby! He must have done something to his hip, but is hobbling around and not in the best of shape at the moment. Oh, the joys of getting older!

    That’s so nice of your friends to bring over your dinner! If you mentioned you had frangipane, I would not know what in the world you were talking about! It does sound very good, and maybe you had enough left for leftovers tonight?

    Oh, Sara! I still can’t believe my luck when I happened to see her on the Ruby Red site on FB, because she is exactly the one I was looking for and the price was right. I knew she wouldn’t last long, so I mentioned to Michael that I would love to get her for my birthday, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. He had no idea I was looking for her, and has no idea what a Ruby Red doll was. Not half an hour went by after I showed her, and he told me to get her!

    As for as how Sara likes her AG sisters, well, she hasn’t met them all yet. She has taken a liking to Betsy though, and is currently sitting right in front of her. I really would like to get her a prairie type dress and apron and have her stand by Kirsten. There are very few colonial, or prairie clothes for RR dolls, and when you do see them, they are too expensive for me. I may have to sew her something like that.

    Thank you for showing her!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, congratulations on the new addition to your house. Sara looks very happy to be home. Her dress is so cute.

    2. Linda, how exciting that you found the right Sara you’ve been looking for. She is really pretty and from what I see, her outfit colors have a fall flair?
      I’m happy for you. There’s nothing like finding the right girl to go with your other girls.

    3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      She is lovely, Linda, so happy for you! I hope your hubs will forget she was for you birthday and give you another gift!

    4. Barbara in SE Texas

      So glad to see you joined the RRFF bunch but watch out they can become addictive. Sara was the second RRFF I got, Bella was my first. It took me awhile to find a Hanna so I would have all the initial three. I’ve bought a few others since then including some of the Siblies and the Minis. Sara looks lovely in that very pretty dress. You did real good in finding exactly what you were looking for.

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what wonderful friends you have. But then YOU are a wonderful friend so no surprise there. I hope your foot gets better soon.

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    That was so kind and thoughtful of your friends to bring you guys a meal, Jeanne! I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Frangipane before.

    Congratulations on getting Sara, Linda!! I am happy for you. That is exciting that you showed us right where you opened her up! Your husband sounds sweet.

  5. Jeanne, glad to hear your foot is improving. Hopefully, soon it will be back to normal. Just don’t overdo it.
    How thoughtful of your friends to bring dinner over. It’s nice to have a break from having to fix dinner.
    The dessert sounds yummy.
    I enjoyed your fall fashion show yesterday but didn’t have time to comment. Beautiful outfits as always.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    How nice to have friends bring you and George dinner. Looks delish. 🙂
    Very glad that your blood clot problem is solving itself. Do hope you can get in to see a doctor soon to discover why this is happening though.
    Absolutely love Linda’s, Sara. Believe it or not, she is the first Ruby Red I bought some years ago, quickly followed by Hanna and Belle. There were only three at that time, if you can believe. 🙂 Sara has always been my favorite. 🙂 She would look adorable in a prairie dress, although, I think Betsy would like her as a friend too. Fun. If you decide to sew for her, there are lots of great patterns available at reasonable prices to download. And she is easy to sew for too. 🙂
    Here we survived another very hot day yesterday, but I think now we’re going to be on a downward trend. We’ll only be in the 90’s today. Can’t wait to get back to working on those decks after it cools down more. 🙂

  7. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Dear Jeanne, I hope your driving doesn’t cause pain to your leg! Take care and prayers for both of you continue. I have my photo place mess up somehow but will try to figure out a way to send photos.

  8. Dear Jeanne, the meal looks delicious, I am so happy to see your friends come to visit and company is always so good for us.
    Sara is adorable. I am so happy she is sitting around the kitchen and family room so get to know your place. She looks perfect.
    I hope your foot is improving. These are the days we can do hand sewing projects and other non sewing machine things, like petting fabrics and getting some new ideas.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    What wonderful friends you have and the dinner looks delicious. I have heard of Frangipani but never was sure exactly what it was. I’ll have to look up some information on that.

    Very glad your foot is starting to show improvement. I hope you don’t have a relapse after driving. You said you’ve had this happen before. Do they know what is causing it? Even though it’s not the deep vein thrombosis kind I would still be concerned that it is happening at all.

    I mentioned my Gotz Hannah arrived last Thursday while I was at Chorale rehearsal. The box was too big to ignore. The next day I took her out of the shipping box but not her display box. Finally on Sunday David wanted to know why he hadn’t met his new dolly daughter yet. I told him she was still in her box. He said that was not good and he hoped she wasn’t claustrophobic and since she was wearing a winter jacket she was probably having heat issues. I told him the real problem was releasing her from her confines was time consuming and annoying. He told me to go get her and he helped me remove her from her box. He was very careful and when she was out and her hair was released from the elastic bands he told me he thought she was very lovely. I guess it’s kind of a mutual thing. I support his building project and he supports my doll collecting. Mine is definitely less expensive in the overall LOL.

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