Finishing up some doll shoes…

Hi everyone,
I was taking advantage of my time today and using any spare minutes I could find, to finish some doll shoes I had started but not completed… Today was the day to get all the straps made, the capped eyelets put on, the magnets added to the shoes, the heels glued on, the edges sanded and buffed, and one coat of satin varnish on them.

Two pair were for Mae…and orange pair and an apple green pair… they are both done now!

I like the green pattern but I’m going to tweak it so it fits Mae’s foot a little better… The center tab in the middle is a bit too high to suit me and that makes the strap that is run through the slits sit just a little high as well. I looked at it on her foot and did some tweaking on my pattern. Maybe the next pair will be my perfect pair! :o)

Here is a video of the magnetic closure I added… it’s on the orange shoes too. If you turn your sound up, you can hear it click!

Here are some pictures of the orange pair which I had started first…(they are as orange as an orange… sorry some of my pictures don’t shoe that!) They were supposed to go with the brown and orange print you see in the background… BUT, I discovered the green pair go with it too…and so do the brown boots for the Ruby Red Fashion Friend dolls…
I won’t use the fabric for ALL the shoes, by maybe one for Mae and one for the RRFF.

Here they are all together on the brown fabric and a gold stretch knit I have that will make wonderful thigh highs…

I know it’s not much, but now all I have to do is “make an outfit to go with the shoes” and I’ll be in business!

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Finishing up some doll shoes…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, those shoes are just darling! I too, especially love the green t-strap ones! That background material works with all three pair! Are you going to make three separate outfits, for Mae, using different materials, or incorporating that material in each outfit?

    I have an idea for a fancy holiday dress for an American Girl doll from one I made for my daughter for her senior prom. It might be something you could do for a Civil War outfit.
    I’ll send you a picture.

    I have been busy fixing up my dolls for Halloween. Will be sending pictures soon, but don’t want to hog the blog with them! Is anyone else dressing their dolls in costumes?

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Funny, but I was just wondering as I stumbled around early this morning, if Linda, was going to do a Halloween, setting? And here is my answer. Can’t wait to see your pictures. πŸ™‚

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Sadly, no. I do have some dolls that have Halloween themed dresses and I will put those on them. I love Halloween but still can’t seem to get motivated to sew costumes. I actually was looking on the AG site the other day with the thought of buying some for my 18″ doll and the Wellies. They have some nice things and, if they are still available, I might just do that but I’d better do it today. Time is running out.

    3. No, not this year. I did the contest and won on AGPT last year, but I won’t be doing it this year. As far as Halloween costumes I only have two – The Medieval Princess that PC did in 1998 and then The Wood Fairy that AG did in 2002. I probably won’t bother dragging either out this year. The kitties have their Halloween toys out though and are having fun.

      I’m looking forward to seeing your fun scenes, Linda!

  2. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you are surely the shoemaker to the (dolly) stars! Mae looks very happy to be your chosen model.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Love those boots for the Ruby Reds. So cute. And both sets of shoes for Mae, look fine to me. The fabric is pretty too, but maybe not overall for a dress. Seems like it would be too busy, but maybe just for a top or skirt mixed with other fabrics? Love dresses made with several different fabrics.
    The deck repainting here appears to be getting out of hand at the moment. Nothing happening yet. Now, I want to try another color choice sample in a slightly darker color. However, other person did find the screwdriver bit for the deck screws, but didn’t manage to use it to reset any screws yet. He appears to be keeping it in a secret location so I won’t attempt to use it.
    And yesterday, I finally found something from the AG’s that I’ve been wanting for some time. It’s coming from Maine, so is going to take awhile and will probably be in a huge very visible box. Hope it is packed well. πŸ™‚

  4. Good news from Linda and Joy, good day to Dorothy!
    I hope all of you are enjoying lovely weather. Today is our hottest (80ΒΊ) so I will not go out and trim bushes…. mainly because the buggies love me, I need to wait until we have had another frost.
    No rushing anyway.
    Jeanne, these shoes are so so adorable. I love the fabrics. All of it looks so inspiring.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Rosemary B, hello back to you! I can hardly believe we are so close to Christmas. This year has been roller skating by at a very fast clip. I want May back!!! (smile)

  5. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Lots going on today! I LOVE the shoes for Mae. Jeanne have you ever thought of just selling the shoes?
    Linda, looking forward to your photos, they are always so great! I sent Jeanne photos of a Halloween party outfit I make that fits Little Darlings or Meadow Tweens.
    Joy, I can’t wait to see what is in the box and how you hide it into the house.
    I am working on trying to sell fabric on face book. We shall see how that goes.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love both pairs of shoes and the boots are great too! I like the fabric and can’t wait to see what you do with it.

    Linda, I’m looking forward to your Halloween display. They are always so enjoyable.

    I finished the dress for my 19.5″ Gotz Hannah yesterday. It turned out so cute and looks great on her. The pattern fits her perfectly. But I’m not used to sewing for the bigger dolls and it felt very strange going from sewing for my Mini Hanna’s to my Gotz Hannah. I realized pretty quickly I needed to tidy up my worktable a bit more in order to have enough room to make something for the larger dolls.

    When we put our Halloween decorations out this year we realized our animated cats were suffering from old age. They had faded so now they look brown rather than black and their fabric was thinning and there wasn’t enough umph in them to make the heads turn fully. They were some of the first things I bought years ago. The place where I bought them no longer sells the blow-up decorations so I searched the internet and found the exact ones at Oriental Traders. They just arrived so we will switch them out this afternoon. And my poor floating ghost has given up the ghost, but we don’t know why. Hopefully we can figure that out since we both love that. We put it in a darker part of the yard and since the bottom part is black and not lit, it really does look like it’s floating.

    1. Hi Barbara, I definitely want to see your animated black cats. πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆβ€β¬›

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, I saw that Hallmark has begun its “around the clock Christmas” movies season. One they re-aired recently was Miracle in Bethlehem PA. I immediately thought of you (smile). I know it was filmed in Canada, though. I think that the story is very sweet.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I’m looking forward to seeing the movie that Daniel Roebuck did but I think it won’t be shown till around Christmas. That one was actually filmed in Bethlehem.

        Something interesting happened lately that shows it is indeed a small world. I was talking to a judge here in Sealy and happened to mention I was from PA. She asked me where and I told her. Turns out she went to college at Moravian in Bethlehem.

    3. Joy in northern CA

      I would love to see your Gotz girl’s dress. And your decorations. We have up zilch, so seeing others decor is lots of fun.

  7. Susette from Southern California

    Your shoes and boots are looking very professional with the stitching very close to the edges now. I, too, wonder whether you would consider selling the boots and shoes separately in addition to with the outfits.

    Looking forward to seeing Linda’s Halloween party. Are pictures from previous years okay to share?

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