This and That today…

Hi everyone,
I had a really busy day today, but good news… my hubby seems to be turning the curve on his surgery. He actually was more awake today than asleep! Maybe my days of chicken duty are numbered! You should have seen me in the rain this morning… it was pouring and had blown rain all night (I don’t even own a raincoat) and I had to empty the DRENCHED feeder that was outside and bring it inside to wash off… and then dry it and put dry feed in it. We always give them 2 slices of bread each morning. It’s their FAVORITE! It was hard to find a dry spot outside to break the bread in pieces and drop it. It didn’t really matter, because as soon as I dropped the pieces, they were snatched up and carried away. I had to change their water and as I was walking in the yard to the pump, one of my shoes stuck in the mud and almost pulled it off my foot. It was also trash day and the recycled things had to be taken out this morning… again in the rain. (We can’t put them out at night because our neighbor’s dog gets into the cans if we do.) By the time I came in, my hair was a frizzy mess. Oh well… I just keep thinking of those eggs in a few months… :o)

I had a few pictures saved on my phone…things I had taken screen shots of… just silly things but it’s better than nothing…

I didn’t know that… so I guess I was 68 when I realized it! Now it makes me want to go buy some candy corn and see if it really stacks up like the picture shows! :o)

Since we just were talking about flying or trains or cruises the other day… look what popped up on my phone… a little bit creepy that it did pop up… BUT… if anyone is interested in that cross country trip… here you go! :o)

This one I’ve had saved and just liked looking at the picture… I think it’s “pretty” with all that fabric on the shelves! :o)

I do have another question from Dorothy from PA if you want to answer… Hopefully I’ll be in my sewing room tomorrow and get something started… :o)

If you could live anywhere in the world, money not being a factor, where would you like to live?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

37 thoughts on “This and That today…”

  1. I’m glad to hear George is showing some improvement. I’m sure he’s been gradually improving all along, but sometimes it takes a while for us to actually See it!

    We had a gorgeous day today with sunshine and temps in the mid 70s, but that comes to a screeching halt, and autumn takes over once again. We MIGHT get up to 60° for the high tomorrow!! Probably will get up to 1/2″ of rain, as well, and the rain will continue even longer/more for those of us (me) lucky enough to live in “the convergence zone” (where two weather systems collide, and can wreak havoc sometimes) tomorrow night.

    I believe I have shared that particular picture (fabric) on my own Facebook page!! Just in case someone thought he should point it out to me!! 😂

    To answer your question, if I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Michigan. Either in the town where I grew up (Stephenson, in the Upper Peninsula), which would be not terribly far from a couple of my cousins, or down in the Flint area, so as to be near my best friend (and a number of other cousins). Of course, then I wouldn’t have any of my grandchildren nearby, so….

    To answer a couple of questions from yesterday: Barbara, I’m not sure where those pictures (4th of July parade/dolls) are, but when I come across them again, I will set them aside and see if I can enlist the aid of my sister-in-law, who has a scanner, to scan them and put them on a thumb drive so I can share them. I was fortunate, indeed, to have a friend who enjoyed “playing dolls” like I do. Daria died way too young (60), and even missed meeting her first grandchild. She was sort of envious when our Isaac came along, and so looked forward to being a grandma, too. She has been gone 17 years now, and I still miss her. She was one in a million, for sure.

    Dorothy, I will be sure to mention that the next time I message Julie. I saw where someone in the Central Penn doll club recently won the raffle for two of her dolls. Of course, I have a few more than that of hers!!

    Joy, our church has a woodpecker problem from time to time. There’s just one spot that they seem to like (above the front of the church, of course!) and someone finally put a metal plate over the area they seemed attracted to. It’s been a few years now since I last heard one try to punch a hole thru that, so maybe they’ve finally given up! And, I love cookie cutters, too, and have some of those old celluloid ones! My best treasure is a set of six floral ones, still in their original box!!

    Linda, you’re right, the side edges on the ebay sight look lighter and more aqua in some areas than others. I had to go and check it out!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Interesting that your church has a woodpecker problem too. Glad yours has taken a hike though. Ours has not returned. 🙂
      Instead of scanning your pictures, have you tried using your phone and taking a picture of photos? We do that now and it’s easy to send to someone or even your computer through email. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Great idea on the picture thing Joy. I have a lot of pictures that were taken before the digital age and scanning sometimes can be a pain. I still haven’t figured out the scanner for my Epson eco-tank. I think you have one of these don’t you. If I’m right, have you figured it out?

        1. Joy in northern CA

          Yes, we have one and no we haven’t figured out how to send a scanned photo/document. Other person says that you have to download some software for it to work. He’s been trying to figure it out. Crazy. 🙂

          1. Barbara in SE Texas

            That’s the problem I’m having. It keeps telling me I have to acquire something to do it. Only fault I have with the printer since whatever I need should have come with it if it’s going to have the function at all.

        2. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

          Barbara you have suddenly made me feel way better. I haven’t figured out the scanner on my Epson either and thought it was me being stupid! lol. Yes I photo things now instead of scanning

          1. Joy in northern CA

            Anne and Barbara, go to Google and there are step by steps. Also have to go to Epson and download the free software. I got that far, but had to do some errands. 🙂

      2. Add me to the list of not figuring out how to do the scanner either. I think I’ll save that for a day when Kristoffer is here… or when Karn and Rebecca come home…

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          Unfortunately I’m the Kristoffer, Karn and Rebecca here. David had to get a new Nook, which is easy to set up, and he wouldn’t even try so I had to do it. Then he couldn’t remember his password. He had it written down at the shop so he took the Nook down the next day bringing it back in the evening saying everything I’d put in was gone. Not!!! All he had to do was hook onto the wi-fi here at the house (his shop is different) and then sign on. Sean is his go-to guy at the shop and we both pray for patience.

      3. I don’t have that kind of a phone, Joy. I do have a digital camera, and have taken pictures of pictures that way, but it’s never as satisfactory as when I’ve scanned them. They end up looking tilted or something, where if I scan them, I can line them up in the scanner, and it takes a picture of Just the picture and not the tabletop or whatever that it’s sitting on!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Good to hear that George is showing improvement! And I feel for you having to feed those chickens in this rain! I think you might want to get ready for more of it if the weather report for the next few days is right, Jeanne! And get a hooded raincoat!!!

    Well, that train trip price is fine, but it is east to west. I want to go north/south, so that particular one wouldn’t work for me.

    That candy corn “trick” looks easy, but I wonder how easy that is to get it to stay together. But I never knew that either, till now, and I am older than you!

    The quilt room looks so perfect! I wonder if it is really a working quilt room, or something put together for “ show”! If I had a room like that I wouldn’t want to mess it up by using g the material and quilting!🤣

    As for where would I like to live, well, I want to live someplace that has 4 seasons, that is in the middle of the country, that has hills, streams and picturesque towns, plus cities that offer cultural opportunities without being too crowded. Saying that, I guess that “place” is right where I live! Visiting a place is one thing, but living in it is quite another. There’s no place like home!

  3. If you do not feel up to finding a rain coat, back in the days of olden, waaay back when I worked on the 4th floor of a building as an RN in a doc office…
    It was 7 pm time to go home after a busy day, and it was pouring rain. We made rain coats out of clean black trash bags, first the bottom with a small hole for the head, maybe a slit or two for your hands and the top half was made into a big hood. Now that was a funny memory.
    I am so glad George is feeling stronger. He remains in my prayers!
    I love Michigan.

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Rosemary, I raised my sons in FL and we went to the Keys ever summer. One time it rained every day we were there and we made the same “rain coats” you did! Even in a FL summer it is cold going in a boat if you are wet.

      1. fun memory, Sissy
        Funny how I just said the 4th floor. Well, we could see the very dark parking lot from the windows and just wondered how we were going to make it to our cars in that pouring rain.
        It worked very well.
        Thanks for sharing your memory too

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Didn’t have a clue about candy corn, hate the stuff, and I’m 75. 🙂
    I’ll bet that $213.00 train trip is for a seat that doesn’t recline. I wonder from what year that was published? 🙂
    As to Dorothy’s question, a trip to Maui is one thing, but coming home is always a treat. 🙂
    Very glad to hear that George is on the mend. Sounds like Jeanne needs some good boots to do the chicken mucking. A rain jacket might help too. Kohl’s had a ton on sale last spring at bargain prices. 🙂
    Here, the cool weather has returned. Time to get back to yard work once again.

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Joy, I have a lot of cookie cutters that I need to dispose of. If you would like some I will try to fine them and let you know what I have. A few are from my childhood.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        You’re kidding? I would love them. Definitely, keep those from your childhood. I’ll bet your granddaughter would love them. 🙂

  5. Glad to hear George is feeling better. I’m sure he’s looking forward to visiting the chicks soon.

    What a beautiful picture of someone’s sewing room. Nice display of material and so organized. Organization is my favorite thing! The rug is also so pretty with the sun shining in on it.

    Didn’t know candy corn could be stacked up like that- it’d make a cute decoration with other fall decorations besides snacking on them.

    That train path would really be fun with a group of Sofa Sisters! Party across America with each sister bringing a doll or two!

    I would love to live in Great Britain. Hang out in London and have a place in Scotland. However, nothing compares to the United States. Wisconsin, or some of the Northeastern states on the coast.

    We had a good storm roll through our area yesterday, on into the evening. My niece said in an area not to far from here, they heard a tornado siren go off. Apparently, none developed.

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    I love the candy corn picture! I had to send it to my older son, who is 59. When he was 3 he found a broken bag of candy corn on a low shelf in the grocery store. When I found him he was stuffing his face with it, and it is still his favorite candy. However, he really tries not to have it near him now, he only eats such things as that and my cookies when he visits me.

    I am so happy that George is getting better and I am hoping that neither you or the chicks will not drown when you are taking care of them. You need a rain coat!

    If I could live back on St. Simon’s Island, GA where I grew up, that is where I would be, but only if it could go back in time to be the quiet little island it was in the 40’s and 50’s. That will never happen so I am content to live 1 hour north in a quiet county where we are so happy now.

  7. Glad to hear George is turning the corner and feeling better.
    I didn’t know you could do that with candy corn either. It’s a regular fall treat along with caramel apples, and certain baked items. Time to be pulling out those recipes.
    As to living anywhere in the world, I would have to have a few. One would be up on Prince Edward Island, Canada (where I would spend the majority of my time) with regular ferry trips back to Nova Scotia. Then one in Scotland and one in Ireland. Closer to home I’d have one on Mackinac Island, MI. Yep, four homes ought to do it.

    1. Forgot to comment on the cookie cutters. I love the old ones as well. I have just a few that were my grandmother’s. Sadly, most were lost (along with other things) to the second wife fiasco.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      When our kids were teens we went to Cape Breton. We actually drove from here in Texas and visited friends and family along the way. And I got to eat Lobster from one end of New England to the other while my family tried to figure out what was to like about such an ugly crustacean. We totally enjoyed our time in the area and wish we could have spent more time in the Maritimes. I would love to go back. I would like PEI because they are known for their wonderful mussels.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Laura and Barbara,
        Even other person would love to visit Scotland, and I would like to go to England, again. Believe it or not, other person’s Scottish group emigrated to Canada, around 1820, and coming down into Maine. The old family home is still there in northern Scotland. We’d love to see it. And I would love to visit the Somerset region in England, as my group from there also still has a home still standing. 🙂

          1. Barbara in SE Texas

            No problem. I wouldn’t mind taking that trip myself. Maybe there’s a group discount. I’ve recently discovered a lot about my families from Wales but still can’t get a lot of details on my Irish and Scottish ancestry. Oh and thanks for the info on the scanner. There was no way to reply to your comment about downloading the software.

    3. I love Mackinac Island! I’ve been there at least twice–once as a child, and once as an adult. Also, I just started reading a book set on Mackinac Island in 1895. (BTW, for those who aren’t familiar with it, it’s pronounced “MACK-in-naw”; I think because it has French origins.)

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    So glad to hear George is doing better. I’m sure he’s glad too. I’m sure he feels bad for you having to tend the chicks in the rain. But then maybe if he’s been sleeping he hasn’t a clue. We camped for years and one thing we always had was rain ponchos. Easy to put on and great coverage from head almost to feet, you need boots for those.

    I wouldn’t mind returning to the place of my youth, Bethlehem, PA. It’s not the same town I grew up in since Bethlehem Steel is gone, but there are so many other things going on there now that weren’t there when I was growing up and since it’s not a very big place all the things would be easy to get to, many within walking distance of most of the town. When I was a teenager we lived in town and I walked everywhere including a mile to school. I know it was a mile because I’ve found houses for sale there and they tell you the schools and how far away they are. When I say I walked a mile to school people roll their eyes but now I know it’s the truth. I have Celtic heritage and they have an amazing Celtic Classic each fall that I would love to go to. And there are so many restaurants now of all kinds. And Hotel Bethlehem won best historical hotel for the 4th straight year as well as Bethlehem, PA, has now been officially designated “The Christmas City”. We always called it that but now it is official. I love the area, especially in the fall, and so much of the historical nature of the city has been lovingly maintained – and it does have an incredible history.

    The picture of the sewing/quilting room is a lot like mine – that is if you can ignore all the stuff that is stacked around because there aren’t enough shelves for everything I have in there. I was looking at some embroidery designs the other day and came across a great one. It said “Yes I do need all this fabric”. So I really like the sentiment that surrounds the picture. As for the candy corn thing, I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t some glue involved in creating the “corn on the cob” picture. And I never thought of stacking it. Actually this wouldn’t work well for me anyway since I like the candy corn with the chocolate edges and stacking it would look like a corn on the cob that’s gone bad.

    Thanks whoever answered my request for sending some rain this way. We had quite the deluge last evening. It started earlier with a sun shower. Lots of sun and big raindrops so I thought that was the extent of it. Well it was almost 8 p.m. and hubby hadn’t shown up for supper yet and it was raining heavily. Then I got a phone call. saying he would be up sometime if the rain slows down. He usually has umbrellas here and at the shop but he had none at the shop at the time. I looked at the weather on my phone and it looked like he’d be lucky to arrive by 9 p.m. and it was pouring so there was no chance of dodging raindrops. Finally close to 8:30 he came in fairly dry.

    1. My husband has relatives that lived in Bethlehem, Pa.
      I always heard them talking about walking everywhere.
      My husband talks about these steak sandwiches sold at a family owned place in the area.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Paula there is nothing like a Philly cheesesteak from up north. They haven’t a clue how to make them here in Texas. When I used to visit my mom (at that time living in Wilmington, DE) I would often buy cheesesteak sandwiches and bring them home with me. Them and Tasty Kake products. I can now get Tasty Kakes online but sadly I hesitate to do so. Too tempting and not so good for my girth.

  9. Elizabeth in Texas

    I would love to see Lake Michigan again, now that I’ve been in Texas a few years. I hail from northern Indiana and spent many beach days at Lake Michigan while growing up….Weko Beach in Bridgeman, Jean Klock Park in Benton Harbor, Silver Beach in St. Joseph, MI (Silver Beach used to have an amusement park with a roller coaster, and a funhouse that had a huge, long wooden slide inside where you sat on a scrap of carpeting to slide down!), Union Pier (I think that is where my mother taught me to fish when I was about ten, using her long bamboo fishing poles, and we fished off of the Union Pier where the lighthouse is) and a few trips to Mackinaw Island. My mother and I would then often take my three daughters for those same beach days when they were little girls. On our return home, we always stopped at a little ice cream place in Three Oaks. Great memories! My mother and father would rent a cottage for a week at one of the beaches and those days of swimming in Lake Michigan and building sand castles are fond memories of mine!

    I have done some paintings of a Lake Michigan beach hanging in my home….one done from a photo I took 40 years ago, while I was standing at the edge of the water gently rolling up to shore while the sun was setting….a big golden orb casting rays of peach and lighter yellows across the darkening blue sky…..A very relaxing scene to look at!

    1. OH, Elizabeth, I love Lake Michigan! When I was growing up, my aunt and uncle had a cabin on Lake Michigan (in what is now called Rapid River, I think–in the UP, outside of Escanaba) and we often went there in the summertime, and swam in the lake. They sold the cabin (but not the property), and moved it across the ice to its new home one winter, and that year my uncle built a lovely, big home on that site. Many happy memories there! They sold it later, and retired to AZ, where they lived many years, until after my aunt died. My uncle eventually came back to Michigan and lived with their middle child outside of Marquette; he’s gone now, too. Miss them both.

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I think you need a raincoat if you are going to do outdoor duty. Actually for all of the things you did, I think you need a rain-proof tent (laugh).

    I am so glad that George is on the mend. Prayers continue.

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