Thank goodness for other ladies dressing their dolls!

My day was busy helping my hubby. He is selling his truck because he bought my cousin’s truck… Today was getting pictures taken and listing it… that is done… now we just need a buyer!

I worked on Stella’s boots and rewet the back heel of the boot and I’m happy to report the bulge came out and the back of the boot goes straight up now! Yay! I also was working on some shoe laces and adding a stiffner to the inside of the boots. It helps them keep their shape. I didn’t figure I’d show pictures of that…

BUT… WE ARE VERY BLESSED to have 2 ladies sharing pictures of their dolls in new outfits!

Barbara sent me some pictures first, so her girls have the honors of going first…

Jeanne, here are some pictures of my summer sewing endeavors if you have time or space or just need a day off. Wanted to get these off while it is still officially summer so I can get to some back-to-school sewing before it is summertime again. Or at least the holiday season, which will be here before we know it.

1.    First is Disney Animator Cinderella (Cindy Ella) in the first thing I made her. She felt her princess dress was not appropriate for summer play.

2.    Next is Wren Pistachio and Paola Reina Cleo discussing their look-a-like outfits. I love this pattern from Adams-Harris.

3.    Paola Reina Liu and articulated Paola Reina Claudia love their new shorts and tops. I love this shorts pattern and top. They were fun to make. I made the green and pink top as the pattern showed but instead of adding the elastic at the bottom on Claudia’s top I ran a satin ribbon through the casing and tied it on the side in a bow.

4.    Siblies Sydney, Callie and Bailey are out for an afternoon stroll in their pretty shorts and t-shirt tops. The shorts pattern fits both Siblies and the L’il Dreamers. The fabric I used for the t-shirts was wonderful to work with and comes in great colors and patterns. It’s nice for bathing suits too.

5.    Now for Jovi in her new summer do. She said while she loves her long hair it was just too hot for the weather. She is wearing a pair of shorts made from the same pattern as that on the Siblies. It fits both dolls perfectly. She is the only doll in my collection who actually has a wardrobe of wigs.

6.    Last meet Jamie Renee and Jodie Michelle. Well actually two Mini Hannas but I just couldn’t break up the duo, so I kept them both. I gave them names of a friend of mine and her sister. I will be sewing dresses for them soon but in the meantime they are wearing what they came in. And while they didn’t qualify for my summer sewing designation, I did not want to tell them no they couldn’t have their pictures taken. I could not handle double the tears.


Thank you, Barbara! Your girls are definitely ready for school. What very cute outfits they all have on! I love all the fabrics, but I really like the ones on Cindy Ella… So sweet! Thanks so much for sharing!

Now it’s Linda’s turn… let’s see what her girls are wearing!

Jeanne, here are the 40’s girls already in class and welcoming Ruthie to the classroom! Little Betsy is visiting from the lower school to see what goes on in the “big girl’s “ class!
That’s Josefina in the nun’s habit, since she doesn’t have any school related things in her collection. She is thoroughly enjoying her role as a classroom teacher!
Love to you,

Linda, they all look so sweet in their uniforms… I love the satchels and lunch boxes by each girl. It looks like Ruthie won’t have any troubles making friends… What a friendly group of girls you have there.

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

44 thoughts on “Thank goodness for other ladies dressing their dolls!”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Barbara, what cute outfits your dolls are wearing! That’s exactly what you find little girls wearing to school here now, since it is still summer-like! I love the little pedal pushers with the gathering at the bottom! And those little tops with the gathered ruffles around the neckline are just like the ones my mother made for me for playing! They still are in style, it seems after so many years! The shorts are so cute too, with the little ribbons in front, just like I wore! You did a wonderful job on such tiny clothes, and everyone looks so cute! Thank you for sending to Jeanne for us to enjoy!

    Okay, I see quite an error in what I said about my dolls there! That is Kaya, not Josefina as the nun teacher! I thnk the reason I said that, is Josefina and Kaya share a space together in our family room. Kaya is always left out in school pictures, since she doesn’t really go to school! I wanted to include her somehow, so there she is! I am still in the process of fixing up my other dolls for school, and it seems to get more complicated each year! Thank you for showing my picture!!

    1. Linda, this is such a great and fun picture! Sister Josephina looks great in her habit- did you make it?
      Anyway the classroom is fabulous! I always enjoy seeing your girls and background creations.
      Over the years, I’ve also collected Molly’s uniforms for my AMG school. I have 4 or 5 of the wooden desks too. Hopefully, one of these days, I’ll share my school room with everyone. Your school is a Catholic school while mine is St. Mark’s Lutheran School. The school I went to in grade school.
      Love Betsy getting to visit the big girls! She’s too cute. Thanks for sending your picture in!

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad to hear you were able to get that boot heel to behave, Jeanne!

    So much eye candy to look at tonight!! I haven’t done much sewing for my dolls lately, but am going to have to do that in the near future as there are two or three here now that don’t yet have mommy-made outfits!! Horrors!!

    Although I liked all the summery outfits you shared, Barbara, I have to ask what pattern you used for the Siblies’ shorts outfits and also what the t-shirt fabric was that you used. It looks like it’s just perfect in scale of print for our dolls!!

    Linda I enjoyed seeing your school scene. I have Molly’s bookbag and lunch pail, both, as I recall. I just loved those earlier historical accessories for the AG dolls.

    Thanks, both of you for sharing!

    I will try to get a picture of my new Sandy as soon as I can. Today was very busy with first going out to the fairgrounds to pick up my entries (I’m very pleased to tell you that my blouse won both class winner and division winner rosettes!!) and then later, my son and his oldest boy, Isaac, along with their friend John were over here doing yard work. Ron’s “new” (as of about 3 years ago) got broken in today–I handed Isaac the instruction book and he figured out how to work it. There was a bit of wild searching, looking for the battery charger in the garage; it turned up in the living room under a bunch of Ron’s stuff, next to his big chair!! We had bought this mower, thinking Ron could more easily do the mowing (the old gas mower was just getting too hard for him to start), and I think he may have tried it out in a small area the one time, and never used it again. The batteries retained their life, though, and Isaac was able to get ALMOST the entire yard mowed before they both needed recharging!

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Barbara and Linda, I am just floored over all the wonderful outfits Y’all have made.
    You must have sewing for days and days! I have been working for 2 weeks on 3 outfits for a customer, but so many interruptions keep happening.

    Barbara, your dollies are so spoiled! I love all the little summer outfits and they remind me of the sweet days of those times when I was a kid, throwing on the shorts and shirts and running out of the house after breakfast to play with my friends.

    Linda, your girls in their school uniforms are just so ready for school. I love the plaids and the lunch boxes and back packs. The nun teacher is perfect with them! I used to love playing with my dolls, too, but after the grands grew up I just use them for sewing and selling. I do have them dressed in some things I made and let them sit where we can enjoy them, but I have so many more I need to sell. I don’t want them to end in Good Will some day!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Oh Sissy, I didn’t make a stitch of those clothes! They are all American Girl clothes, with the exception of Betsy’s outfit, which is a part of her collection by Robert Tonner! I don’t blame you for not dressing up your dolls if you are sewing for others! This is my “fun” hobby and I thoroughly enjoy creating little scenes and dressing them!
      Thank you for your kind words!

  4. Susette from Southern California

    What a wonderful post! I love seeing what Sofa Sisters are sewing and the scenes they arrange. It’s fun to share our hobby with like-minded people who understand the fascination. Barbara’s doll clothes are darling. I remember wearing shorts and tops like those that my mother made. Great pattern. Linda’s scenes are so complete. What a wonderful collection! Great nun’s habit. Thanks for sharing the pictures, Jeanne. 💐

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Susette! So you and I both had mother’s who sewed for us and made us similar play clothes! Too bad we didn’t live next door to each other!

  5. Both of you, dear Barbara and dear Linda, your sweet outfits are exceptional.
    I used to make clothes for my two daughters AG dolls. They had 4 dolls.
    Gosh, maybe one day I will dig them out and show all of you. I made clothes back in the day they did not have 18 in doll clothes so I had to draft my own. Linda
    Your girls ready for school is beautiful. I never went to catholic school but I wish I did.
    Barbara, I can not pick a favorite outfit. They are all so sweet!
    Well, I am still very slowly and not so enthusiastically packing and purging and making a pile for Charity pick up. Perhaps in 6 months or less we will move to our new house. They have not started our house yet, but my new neighbor’s house is taking shape already. I spoke with a new neighbor friend, Judy, about a building home inspector and she gave me a good source. Fortunately, we have time but I want to connect with them sooner rather than later so we get dedicated time.
    I have been as usual, sewing, mainly quilts, I have many works in progress and one project is foundation paper piecing flowers. I have made several. Then I started a night time flowers set that are the flowers with a dark back ground. It is turning out pretty good. I do foundation paper piecing differently. I do not sew on the paper, just fold and sew along the line. It is a different process but I am pretty good at it, and actually doing real FPP is tricky and annoying. haha
    I hope everyone has a happy snappy Wednesday.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Susette! So you and I both had mother’s who sewed for us and made us similar play clothes! Too bad we didn’t live next door to each other!

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Rosemary! Yes, that would be fun to see the clothes you made without patterns for your daughter’s dolls! And we would love to see your quilts too! I wish I could quilt, but do not have the patience or know how!
      A “snappy” Wednesday? That’s a good one!😊

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Very good news from Jeanne about the doll boot reconfiguration. Should be perfect now. And I’m sure George’s truck will sell quickly too.
    Thanks so much Barbara, for showing your fun summer outfits. Any idea of what pattern you used for the Disney animator doll? I think it might fit my Meadow girls that size. So cute. All of the girls look so spiffy in their outfits. I especially like the paperbag gathered waist shorts. Very fashionable. 🙂
    Linda, the school scene is so apropos. Very nice for Ruthie to have friendly new classmates and that the school allows younger students to visit the upper grades. Fun.
    Well, yesterday, was very interesting. We had the retaining wall guys out working early to try and beat the extreme heat. I knew that I had a delivery due to arrive, but we also wanted to go and pick up lunch. Wasn’t sure if our regular mail guy was delivering or not because of the holiday. I had received a notice that my signature for Informed Delivery had expired so I made sure that I renewed that and signed again several days in advance. Received two more notices. Repeated the process two more times. Have no idea of the outcome. Our regular guy usually leaves things anyway without signature. So, we headed to get lunch. On the way, we stopped to mail a letter and I checked my mail. Oh no. There was a delivery notice in the mail meaning that my latest girl had not been delivered, probably five minutes after we had left. What’s with that? All signed for in advance too. So, we picked up lunch and headed home. I practically threw the bag of food to other person as I grabbed my drink and purse, hopped out of the car and up the thirteen steps to be first to grab the mail in the extreme heat. I could see the delivery attempt notice sticking out of the box. Nabbed it and the rest of the mail and let other person open the door. I stashed the notice slip and we had lunch. I figured that I would have to go to the main post office to pick up my package today, but when I finally had a second to read the notice, I found that they are now using another post office for packages. Really didn’t want to have to go to that one and try to find parking etc. About that time, it was time to head to the other house. So, on the way, I scanned each block of our mail guy’s route. Did not see the truck. After we got back, other person decided to head to Safeway to pick up some stuff we needed. Oh, there was my opportunity. The minute other person left in the truck, I grabbed my purse, headed down to the car, and drove off to try and track the mail truck. I was guessing that perhaps when I didn’t spot him before, he was taking lunch. Up and down the streets I went and when almost at the end of his route, halfway up the street, I spotted the parked truck. I couldn’t tell if it was our regular guy or not, but stopped a few car lengths in front of the truck and hopped out with my notice. Of course, it was 96 degrees outside as well. Whew! By the time I reached the truck, our guy was standing there holding up a big long obvious doll box and smiling. He had seen me coming and was prepared. 🙂 I thanked him profusely and danced back to the stifling car with my treasure. So happy that I didn’t have to go to the other post office or wait several days for delivery. Yay. Drove home, parked, ran up the steps with my prize, and back inside. No sign yet of other person. Secured my Ady, and decided that since other person had not yet returned, that I could risk opening the big box. Pulled my Meadow Ady, from her trappings and fixed her wig nicely and was so happy to see her after her long hot ride. No AC in mail trucks. Quickly put the box away and placed my latest in a nice spot. At that moment, I heard the key in the lock. Other person was returning. What a lucky day for me. I guess chasing a mail truck can be added to my adventures. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Wow that was quite a “Dolls of Our Lives” experience. I’ve been wondering when there would be another episode. I wouldn’t know where to begin tracking down my mail lady and I live in a small town. Another Meadow. Great! What size is this one?

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, I wish you could see the smile on my face. I love your story. I realized when I finished reading it that I had been holding my breath!

      You definitely receive the “Mission Impossible Medallion” for your fortitude today. I love that your mail carrier was part of the caper! He is now part of the IM Force.

      Mr. Phelps would say, “well done!”

    3. That was quite the adventure, Joy! The things you go through to get those dolls. Very glad to hear this one was successful.

    4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Oh, Joy, I just love your stories of subterfuge! You are so good at sneaking in dolls. So glad you got your Ady. Mae and Tia are my only moppets. Keep those stories coming !

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Apparently I mistakenly said Barbara instead of Joy! I think I will take a break for awhile! My iPad is not working correctly either!

  7. Karen from Kentucky

    Good luck with selling your truck, Jeanne! My parents recently sold some big farm wagons to someone in Wisconsin. Tomorrow my Dad’s turning 74.

    It is fun to see your dolls, Barbara! I was wondering what the Mini Hannahs looked like, and now I know! Very sweet!

    I like your school picture a lot, Linda. The uniforms look so nice and fit so well. Kaya’s habit is perfect. Very nice! I have Molly’s red book bag, too 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Karen, I left a reply to you comment yesterday. You reminded of some funny things from when my children were small. One Mini Hanna is cute but two can be hilarious. In person they always look like they’re up to something. I had them sitting on the arm of my sofa for awhile but they suddenly disappeared. I found them down among the cushions. I assumed they were playing hide-and-seek but I think it was more that my grand munchkins knocked them off and didn’t notice.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you for your comments, Barbara! It was nice to hear about your kids’ talking when they were young. I like to hear British accents 🙂 I didn’t say much for a long time either. I guess my older siblings did that for me. That is fun they were playing hide-and-seek! =)

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Karen! I like having the girls wear uniforms, since it solves the problem of what to wear! I guess that goes for real life too! I had a book ag like Molly’s when in school. That’s one reason Molly’s collection is my favorite one, since I had so many of the same items she has.

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Rosemary! Yes, that would be fun to see the clothes you made without patterns for your daughter’s dolls! And we would love to see your quilts too! I wish I could quilt, but do not have the patience or know how!
    A “snappy” Wednesday? That’s a good one!😊

  9. Linda in St. Louis

    I am about to pull my hair out here! Every time I reply to anyone after Sissy, I get the message that I have written a duplicate and nothing works! I’ll wait a bit later and see if things work better.

  10. Debbie in North Carolina

    I know I have been missing a lot of comments lately. First I send my heartfelt condolences to you Charlotte. I know Ron will be dearly missed.

    Happy Belated Birthday Jeanne! I love Stella’s mod outfit.

    Happy summer outfits on all of your dolls Barbara. I see you have been putting your new sewing machine to good use.

    We are well into the school year down south so your school girls seem very timely Linda. I just love Molly’s school outfit-great idea to buy multiples for all the girls.

    That was a fun caper Joy! Glad to hear you haven’t lost your touch. 😉

    Just passing your stretch of the coast Sissy. Headed to a wedding farther south.

    Happy September!

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, I’m so glad you got your boot problem solved. I know you like things to be perfect and now they are. Thanks for posting my pictures. I love to share. It actually takes me a couple days to even do a pair of doll shorts these days because I get restless. I used to be able to sit for hours and sew but even if my back isn’t hurting, my time at my sewing machine is more limited than I’d like it to be. But I just plug away as best I can. After I made these outfits I made three of my favorite bow shoulder summer dresses by Kathy Anne Designs for three of my L’il Dreamers. Since they all required white thread I did them all at one time. I’ve made these dresses for other dolls too and one day after I make all that I’m going to, I’ll send a picture. But that could be a couple years down the road since it’s a fun pattern to make and looks so summery and I keep getting new dolls to wear them.

    Linda, I love your back-to-school picture. Your girls are always right on time for the start of school wearing their sweet little uniforms. And the nun/teacher is great. I wasn’t Catholic but grew up in a Catholic neighborhood. There was a Catholic church and school just down the road from where they built our subdivision so it was a great place to live for parents who wanted to send their children to parochial school. My best friend was Catholic but she went to public school but most of my other playmates went to Catholic school. Since most of my clothes were hand-me-downs I used to wish we had uniforms in public school too. The boys at the Catholic school actually had to wear shirts and ties. Everyone used to get tickled watching the little boy twins across the street from us going off to school looking so tidy and put together but coming home shirt hanging out, ties askew. We all knew they didn’t look like that during the day.

    Today I don’t think most schools have a dress code at all. I saw the back-to-school pictures on my second cousins Facebook page. Her oldest daughter is a senior this year and her twin daughters are Freshmen. The oldest girl had on shorts and a top that looked like she’d been mucking out the barn. One of the twins had on jeans with gigantic holes at the knees and a shirt that looked like she got it from the rag bag. The other twin had on shorts so short I thought at first she had on a bathing suit. Their parents are lovely people but they have not engaged at all in the battle of the wardrobe and if the students are allowed to show up at school like that, it’s okay with them. Since the girls are all nice people and very sweet they’re doing a great job as parents and probably picking fights over wearing attire would create problems, I just have a thing about looking nice. I looked back at my yearbook the other day and we all looked as if we respected our learning environment. My have times have changed.

    Thanks everyone for the lovely comments on my girls and their summer attire, which is now also their back-to-school clothes because it is still very hot here and I’m behind in getting to back-to-school sewing. I will try to answer all the questions that were asked. First of all the t-shirts were made with Laguna Jersey prints. I’ll have to look up where I got them but they are by Robert Kaufman. The shorts and tops on the Paola Reina dolls is a pattern from Matthiola Beads on Etsy. I’ve mentioned them before. The patterns are without instructions but they have videos on YouTube. But their patterns are so simple that if you sew much you don’t need instructions.

    The outfit on my Animator is from Oh Sew Kat! on Pixie Faire. The school dress I am making her is also from Oh Sew Kat!. The shorts on the Siblies and L’il Dreamer Jovi are from a pattern from Les Cheries de Vaniline. I love their patterns but it helps if you know French. I can’t seem to get the instructions to print in English even though I can read them online in English. I studied French but that was years ago and I’m trying to use the patterns as a refresher course but idiomatic phrases don’t translate well, so I’m relying a lot on my sewing experience. But the paperbag shorts were easy and fun to make. Also, their patterns require the addition of the 1/4″ seam. The t-shirt pattern was for Siblies from Little Donkey Crafts on Etsy.

    Hopefully our weather is about to start changing here. We’ve had some rain today so far and tomorrow is supposed to be a big ran day. Come Sunday we are supposed to have our first front come through. While the temps will still be in the high 80s, the humidity will drop to a comfortable level which makes even 88 bearable. Hoping that this will be the start of more pleasant weather to come.

    1. Loved your pictures! Such cute outfits on the girls. It was nice to see the different girls you have and I loved the background you used. I’m always hunting for backgrounds.
      Thank you for sending in your pictures. It’s neat to see all the pictures and enjoy the folks and outfits our Sofa Sisters have.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Paula I get beautiful backgrounds from a place on eBay. They are fabric-like and extend to make the “floor”. In this case the road in front of the house. The backgrounds are actually created for dolls like 16″ Ellowyne but they fit all my dolls from my 16″ dolls on down.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks so much for the pattern information. I had looked up that bead place before, but completely forgot about it. Go figure. Those tshirts are cute too. In fact, all of the outfits are cute and perfect for the girls. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. How sweet all your dolls look, Barbara. I, too, love the paper bag waist shorts. I remember those being a popular style in the 1980’s. How cute that Jovi has a “wig wardrobe”. Your twin mini Hannas are super cute.
    Love seeing your girls, Linda, in their crisp uniforms. I’m sure Ruthie will enjoy being a part of the class. Kaya looks great in the nun’s habit. Betsy looks so cute.

  13. Barbara in SE Texas

    I forgot to mention the Crocs on my Paola Reina girls. They are from Toutpourmapoupee. The little “charms” are actually separate and you have to insert them like on the real Crocs. I love this shop on Etsy. They have great shoes for dolls.

  14. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks everyone for the comments about my latest escapade to free Ady, from the depths of the mail truck. I’m so glad to have her. She is the same size as Jeanne’s Meadow Mae, 15″. 🙂

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