My Meadow’s, Mae and her pink shoes and thigh highs….

HI everyone,
Thought you might like to see what I’ve been facing in the early morning hours of my days recently!

Those baby chicks certainly aren’t chicks anymore, are they? They sure like to eat and are waiting at the door for me to let them out! They have recently discovered watermelon too, and LOVE it! My hubby thinks close to Thanksgiving we should start getting some eggs from them.

Well, I have a couple of new things to show you to finish up Mae’s outfit! I found some aqua colored silk ribbon in my stash and it turned out to be MUCH better than the “sort of” hot pink I used earlier…

Subtle, but sweet, don’t you think?

I also found “something” for the winner too… this was best thing I could find in a light blue and pink color… I think it’ll do! :o)

I looked in my stash and found some tights to cut up for Mae to wear under her romper. They are light pink and have little hearts on them.

I spent this evening finishing up Mae’s pink leather shoes… somehow, they look so cute when I see them at a distance, but when I see them in full blown pictures, my critical side comes out… now I’ve convinced myself I need some “harder” leather, so it’s not so wrinkled looking. I do like them… until I see someone else’s and then I begin the comparing game… I need to stop that.

Here they are… cute little pink shoes with bows on the front…

Shoes can have a “glamour” shot too, can’t they?

They fit perfectly over the thigh highs…

They also have a magnetic closure… super easy to put them on… no buckles to fiddle with…


I’ll get the rest of Mae’s clothes on tomorrow so you can see it all together… and maybe the weather will cooperate and I can take some outside pictures…

Mae has the “strangest feet” of any doll I’ve ever sewn for… they aren’t normal flat feet with symmetrical toes… far from it! Each foot is different… in fact, each TOE is different! :o)

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

2 thoughts on “My Meadow’s, Mae and her pink shoes and thigh highs….”

  1. My goodness, those baby chicks have certainly grown!! Hooray for fresh eggs, whenever that happens, though!

    Well, what little girl wouldn’t love to have little hearts on her tights? Those are so cute, and the look great with the pink shoes (which I LOVE, as does just about everyone else, I think!! so, yeah, don’t be so hard on yourself!!).

    Now, as to odd feet, if you remember the Julie Good-Kruger dolls of the 1990s/early 2000s, they had sort of odd feet, too–sort of flat, but the toes didn’t always go as expected. I have several of her dolls, and really love them because they have “character” faces, and look like real children, not “just another pretty face” kind of dolls. Daria and I each had several of them–most notably, Puddle Jumper, also referred to as PJ–but after Daria died, I put mine away and haven’t had them out in a long time.

    By the way, I think our PJs (hers was Portia Joelle and mine was Penny Jocelyn) might just possibly make Dorothy’s Charlotte Noelle look like an angel!! They could get into more trouble….like the time they went playing in the fountain (after the 4th of July parade, in which they each had a float of sorts), and Penny ended up Really getting into the drink!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh my, those chicks have really grown! Like George says, it won’t be long before yo will be up to your necks in eggs! Do you sell them or donate what you can’t use? I’m sure eggs are a staple at the Wiedlocher household!

    Those shoes are just adorable, Jeanne! Who wouldn’t love those perky bows are PINK shoes for playing outside in? That must be every little girl’s dream! They look perfect to me, and so easy to put on. The tights are sweet too, and again, a pretty pink!

    Looks like today will be kind of wet, but we do need it! I guess maybe it won’t be the greatest of days to take picutres outside, but maybe your corner won’t get too much, hopefully!

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