I’m Baaaack… I bet you didn’t even know I was gone…

HI everyone,
You might know what I mean, but then again, you might not. Remember about 2 weeks ago, I mentioned my hubby was going to have to have surgery again? Well, he didn’t want me broadcasting to the whole world that we were going to be gone, so I tried to keep it a secret and “sort of” carry on my blog posts.

My hubby’s doctor was able to get him an appointment VERY quickly and he had surgery Tuesday! We were told it needed to be done as soon as possible before it became more serious and dangerous than it was now. The surgery went well and the doctor was pleased. So were we…and very thankful for all the prayers! The Lord has been very gracious and merciful to us all these years concerning my hubby’s health. We go back later to get the staples removed… He is very sore and is moving like a snail… and my jobs have increased greatly, but I’m okay with that. (Tonight, I had to go close up the hens and when I got to the coop, as I shown the flashlight on the ground, I saw all these bugs hopping and it sort of creeped me out. I didn’t know if they were grasshoppers or tiny frogs…when I came back inside and told my hubby about it, he said they were Camel Crickets! Oh dear!!! I absolutely HATE Camel Crickets… you never know which direction they are going to jump!)

I did happen to meet the nicest nurse who was taking care of my hubby. Her name was Laura and I can’t exactly remember how we got started talking, but she is JUST LIKE ME… she loves sewing, quilting, and at one point she mentioned something about bidding on a sewing machine. When I asked her if she had a Singer Featherweight sewing machine, she said, “I have THREE!” Here is her picture of them… on top is a vintage Baby Lock Serger too!

She loves to smock and crochet and do counted cross stitch and I’m sure other things I’ve already forgotten. She mentioned something about buying a composition doll that was naked and she wanted to make it a dress. She showed me the picture of the doll’s face, but I don’t know “if she bought it on Ebay” or “how long” ago she bought it and wasn’t sure what I was looking for in the completed listings on Ebay. So, I just picked one of the Ebay dolls that had been completed to show you what she was similar to. She is a 27″ Miracle on 34th Street doll.
When you click the link, scroll down just a bit to see the doll. I absolutely LOVE those raised up curls on her forehead.

Miracle on 34th Street doll

I told her I wrote a blog about sewing for dolls….and then we both kept asking each other questions about our sewing and what we made. She wrote down the name of my blog and said she’d like to check it out… Right about that time, my hubby’s doctor walked in… OOPS! She left and we talked with him… When I saw her a bit later, she told me she had “already” subscribed! It was the bright spot in my stay at the hospital… other than getting a good report from the doctor!

So… what can I show you since I’ve been gone for a few days? I know… how about Mae’s shoes? After I got everything unpacked and put away, and a light dinner for my hubby made, I went in my sewing room to see if the shoes I had made would fit my doll shoe lasts! THEY DID! I was so happy. I was so glad I had punched the holes in them right before we left to go to the hospital. In fact, it was the very last thing I did before we got in the car to leave. My hubby was loading the car and I was in my sewing room, punching out holes in the pink leather. Silly woman! But I’m glad I did!

You saw them on Tuesday when I was stitching them in the waiting room… they looked like this…

Tonight, I slipped them in the shoe lasts and they look like this…

After I wet molded them, they were starting to shape up…and had that curved vamp at the toes.

I actually had that pink waxed thread and think it’s pretty on them…

I’ll let them dry overnight and see if they need to be wet and shaped again before I finish them.

I think I’m going to go to bed! I am looking SO FORWARD to sleeping in my own bed!

Thanks everyone, for carrying on without me being around much! I did read all your comments and thought it was so interesting that most everyone wanted to go on a train trip. Tonight, I read the comments to my hubby, but I told him first what the question was. He immediately said, “Well, the train trip would be my LAST choice!” And then you all wanted to go on a train ride! :o)

See you Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “I’m Baaaack… I bet you didn’t even know I was gone…”

  1. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’m guessing that this is the Miracle on 34th street doll.

    18 bidders and it’s up to $104. This one might be fun to watch.

    I’m glad you are both home and safe. Amazing to think of George moving slowly. The doctor knows him, so he won’t be surprised at how fast George recovers.

    The nurse will be so glad she found you — she sounds like a perfect sofa sister — except she may never sit down. We’ll be looking forward to hearing about some of her projects.

  2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, I am so pleased to hear that George’s surgery is over and y’all are home. Prayers for his quick recovery!

    The little shoes are coming along and you have a new blog friend! I hope she will find time to join us.

    My older son has been here most of the week. Such a lovely time, just having him here, although we had too much rain for him to do some jobs in the yard I had planned for him.

    I am looking forward to Mae’s finished outfit!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Wow, Marilyn is first! Where is Charlotte?

    So glad you are home and now George is doing well, just slower. He does need time to recoup, but I know, knowing him, it is going to be hard just sitting around! Prayers will keep coming for you both!

    Well, what a coincidence that you found someone almost like you, Jeanne, and here in St. Louis too! And a nurse, almost like you, since you are now Nurse Jeanne, in a way!😊

    I too, love those raised curls on that sweet doll’s head! That’s the kind of doll I would have loved as a little girl!

    Mae’s shoes are so cute, and coming along so well! Can’t wait to see them finished and on her with that cute little jumpsuit and hat! And please, pictures in the yard! Give her a little bucket of corn kernels and have her go feed the chickens!

    I too, love those

  4. Susette from Southern California

    So glad you are home and George is recovering well from his surgery. He must have the history of healing well or he wouldn’t have been released this quickly.

    So nice for you to have met a fellow traveler in the sewing world, right down to the collection of sewing machines! The little tiny shoes are darling. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the outfit. Enjoy some rest when you can. We’ll be here.

  5. Karen from Kentucky

    So glad his surgery went well and that he was able to have it quickly! The shoes are pretty. 🙂 That’s good you were able to work on them while you were waiting.

    My brother recently visited Alaska with his new bride. They got to go on a cruise as well.

  6. Oh my, I am so very relieved the surgery adventure is over for now. I hope your dear husband heals well and progress ahead is smooth. both of you will be in my prayers.
    Home sweet home indeed. what a delight to meet a superb nurse. (I was a hospital nurse for about 4 years and did indeed meet so many incredibly wonderful people) Laura sounds like a GEM!! what sweet enjoyable conversations! I have three featherweights too!!
    Actually we are down sizing and I am keeping ONLY 6 machines!!! hahahhaha
    My others are a White mechanical set in a table with a walking foot, a Singer 316G that is my mothers that I adore, and a Singer 301A I bought from a friend some years ago. I cant let any of them go. Maybe I can take them to Heaven with me. I could mend wings and robes.
    The pink shoes are adorable. The pink thread is the only appropriate color, because it is so adorable.
    The comments about the train from your hubbs is very funny. I have ridden many many trains and they are kind of variable, I would want super fancy like Princess level train travel haha
    Happy Friday, rest well this week-end and greatest healing prayers for your dear hubbs

  7. Debbie in North Carolina

    So glad to hear George’s surgery went well and you are both recovering at home. New friends can be found in the most unusual places. I don’t own Mae or any dolls by My Meadow but that outfit is adorable and surely to be a hit!

    We made it to the wedding and back but not without enduring 2 tropical storms and a category 2 hurricane. I feel like a storm chaser. We ended our journey (by auto) on Jekyll Island for one night. I thought of you Sissy. Thus far this is the winner for overnight stays on the southeast Atlantic coast. We are looking forward to returning and exploring more of the Golden Isles.

    My goal today is to dress my dolls in the colors of autumn. Hoping the weather will get the hint as it is still warm, rainy, and humid.

  8. Joy in northern CA

    So glad to hear that George, is doing well and home. Those bugs in the yard would have creeped me out as well. Ugh
    How fun to have met a sewing nurse. Hope she decides to join up. 🙂 And what a great group of Featherweights she enjoys. (Only one here.) Lovely way to display them too.
    It’s nice to see Mae’s shoes come into fruition. Love that pink.
    Hope Jeanne, gets some time to rest and recover this weekend as well as George. It must be great to be home safe and sound.

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