How would you travel???

Hi everyone,
Hope you are all doing well…

After I asked the first question about where you could see dolls in your house from, Dorothy from PA was our Sofa Sister who thought up a few more questions and today’s question is hers as well.

If you want to answer it, leave your comments below and we’ll see who wants to where!! This should be a fun one…

Would you rather fly to Hawaii, cruise to Alaska, or take a train across America?

I’d love to take a train across America and stop at everyone’s house and spend time looking at your dolls, and your fabrics, and your dolly props, and your displays… and then talk for an hour and then move on to the next… 😉😊😊

I will see you tomorrow…
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “How would you travel???”

  1. Oh, that’s an easy one for me to answer! Train, hands down–I love to travel by train!–with an extended stopover in Michigan to visit my best friend June and the relatives who live in that state. I probably will be going to see June in the next few months, and we will most likely go and visit my Uncle Don, who lives in Jackson (she lives in Flint). Uncle Don is my dad’s youngest sibling, and just turned 101 this summer! He is also the only one left of al my aunts and uncles. While in Michigan, I would rent a car and drive up to the UP (Upper Peninsula) and visit the cousins I have in that area, too, and my dad’s former church, as well.

    And, of course, that train would have to make stops at everyone’s houses so we could all meet and “play dolls” together!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Another cross country train trip here for me too! I have flown to Hawaii, so that’s off my bucket list, and I am not a fan of flying. A cruise is absolutely NOT what I would ever do, since I don’t like water or boats, but I would love to do a train trip starting on the East coast in Virginia, where we lived a short time, around Williamsburg and Richmond, then on through the through the Applachians, especially in the spring, then stopping in Kentucky to visit friends and revisit Fort Knox, where we used to live. Onward west through Missouri, Kansas and Colorado, visiting our son in Denver, then up through the Rocky Mountains to Canada. It would certainly be a trip down memory lane for us!
    I’m firmly a “terra firma” type of person! The “getting there” part is a good portion of the trip, so sitting around in airports is not my idea of travel or looking out at vast expanses of water either! What a great question!

  3. I probably would take a plane to Hawaii, then take a train cross country to where ever I wanted to stop. I would be sure to visit dolly friends, stop in Kansas City to visit the Federation of Doll Collectors Doll museum.
    I would then fly down to ElPaso to visit my doll friends there.( all my flying would be First Class, of course.
    I would stop in Kentucky to visit the Battle of Blue Licks war memorial . (I had a relative that fought there with Daniel Boone. I think he might have been a great x Grandfather,but I’m not sure . I would go to Washington, DC, up to New England, and then down to Virginia to see my sister. By then, I m sure to be exhausted and ready to go home to Missouri. My flying would all be first class, and driving to New England, would be in a comfortable , luxurious van.
    So, I would travel in comfort, see doll friends across the country, and use all means of travel to see what I haven’t t seen before. It might take several months!

  4. Agree. Train… a fancy one though.
    Yes, that sounds like a fun thing. So many places to stop and hug and chat and enjoy tea and cake.
    When you arrive, I will have my dollies out and my best tea set, and sandwiches and it would be a great visit!!

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Well, flying has always been my favorite. Not a fan of cruise ships. And the only train I’ve ever been on was in Disneyland when I was six. I don’t think I’d want to spend a lot of time on a train unless it was a luxury car with my own bathroom/shower. But, I would enjoy stopping to visit everyone across the country. Guess I’d need to travel by car and stop at hotels along the way. I really would love to meet everyone on Jeanne’s blog some day. 🙂
    We’re supposed to get back to the 90’s around here soon. We’ve really been enjoying some cooler weather though.
    Take care Jeanne and George

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Definitely a train ride. That’s an easy one for me because I’ve contemplated it a lot lately. I would love to take a train trip to see my daughter and her family in Maine. I used to love to fly but no more, so the train seems a good idea to me. I found I could get a train from Houston to Boston but then would have to rent a car to finish the trip. But think of all I would see along the way. My daughter suggested a plane ride from Boston to Portland I think, but I told her a plane was not a doable deal these days unless I could be sedated my claustrophobia has gotten that bad. After I accomplish that trip I would love to take one of the train trips across Canada. I’ve flown to Hawaii.

  7. Without a doubt a train ride. I loved our train ride to Nova Scotia and then ferry to PEI. I would always choose to travel by train if I could. We’ve taken many short day train trips over the years.
    I love boats, but have never been on a cruise ship. I’ve been on small boats, ferries, and The Delta Queen Steamboat. That was my favorite. Standing on deck watching the paddle wheel and listening to the calliope playing. and wonderful meals. It was special Christmas gift one year and my mom and I had a blast.
    As for airplanes I was on one when I was six and we went to Disneyland. Next chance to take a plane ride was in my teens and you’d couldn’t have paid me enough to get on.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Laura, your Delta Queen Steamboat trip is my dream trip and I’ve been researching one like it lately. We could pick up a paddlewheeler in New Orleans for a trip up and down the Mississippi. Since we live on I-10 it would be a straight shot to NOLA. Our 50th is coming up in about five years and hopefully hubby will finally agree to retire so that would be a good time for us. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, oh dear, I am the odd one out again (laugh). I would take a cruise to Alaska. Holland America goes there. I think there is Afternoon Tea offered daily. I (and my travel doll) would definitely attend that.

    I have been doing an “armchair” cruise with a couple who are on a 9-month world cruise with Royal Caribbean.

    I took a train cross country (Central PA to Salt Lake City, Utah) for a doll convention years back. It was fun. Luckily I didn’t have to sleep on the top bunk (laugh).

  9. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    In 1927 my mom was 13. She and her mom went on a train from Brunswick, GA to California and back for FREE! Her grandfather worked as a telegrapher for the rail road. I would like to do that, to ride the train from the East coast to the West. Then I would fly to Hawaii. On the way back on the train I would pick up to visit any of the sofa sisters I missed on the first trip.

    Still praying for you and George, Jeanne!

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