“Corduroy Charm” is now listed on Ebay…

When I woke up this morning, it sure didn’t seem like there would be any chance of taking pictures of Mae outside. The weather forecast showed rain ALL DAY LONG! I had already been out in the rain taking care of the chickens and I certainly didn’t relish the idea of Mae getting wet for a few pictures… but in the afternoon the weather cleared up a bit and the sun even peeked out a few times. I already had Mae dressed and ready to go if the rain did stop… so when it did, I grabbed her bench and scouted out the best places that were drying out a bit. The bricks… the gazebo, on top of the holly bushes and a few on the ground.

Her outfit was listed on Ebay this evening and you can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or by clicking HERE.

Mae was a pretty good sport and I think we got a few decent pictures. I was really hoping to show off this pretty corduroy…and I think it does look a little more aqua outside. You’ll have to decide for yourself. Here are a few of my favorites from outside…

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on ““Corduroy Charm” is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. I’m so glad you had a break in the weather so you could get some outdoor shots of Mae. She looks quite happy with her new outfit; I have a feeling you might have to bribe her with cookies to get it off her when it sells!!

    I replied to the comments made about the Julie Good-Kruger dolls I mentioned yesterday, if you’d like to take a look. I also remembered one more thing about that fountain episode–both girls had to stand in a corner for a while afterwards!! They didn’t look too sorry, either, as I recall!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I really don’t want to put you to any trouble to post the pictures – butttttt – I sure would love to see them if you can. It all sounds so wonderful and so much fun to have friends that participated with you. Aside from my hubby, everyone else I know just rolls their eyes when I’m showing pictures or setting up for a photo shoot or get a new doll. It’s no wonder my granddaughter doesn’t play with dolls. Geez, the attitudes that surround her regarding dolls is frightening.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, how wonderful that you know Julie Good-Kruger. Please tell her that we love her here in Central PA! Her dolls are beautiful.

  2. Jeanne, you style your dolls so well, absolutely precious.
    I am sure this outfit will sell quickly.
    We have rain all week here in Virginia.
    I am going to have to make my own sunshine!!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Well, no rain here yesterday as it was 100. Another hot one today, but not as warm as yesterday. πŸ™‚
    Love the outdoor pics. Mae looks so happy in her outfit and sweet shoes. I think I like the last pic best. So cute on the bench with the lovely yard behind.
    Didn’t have any time to respond yesterday about our woodpecker episode. Thanks. We were pretty busy with stuff and trying to beat the heat. We did manage to hit a nice estate sale on our early walk though. Spent a lot of time talking to the family as we knew their cousin and mother. I managed to pick up another of those 50’s red plastic cookie cutters I collect. A great horse. And another sock darner of which I have many. The latest is a fun one in multi colors. πŸ™‚

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      An estate sale while on a walk, how fortunate! What exactly do you mean by sock darner. Like a darning egg or something else?

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Oh, I definitely must have one of those calendars – and I already know which one. The shipping from Canada is often more than from overseas but these calendars are amazing. Not to mention all the other things she does. Thanks for putting me on to these. Each year I get immediate family members calendars of their interests. I usually get me a Kinkade calendar but this year I think I’ll add one of these for me.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, that would be lovely. Her stories and calendars are amazing. I have two of the dolls she features. They haven’t been in any of the recent stories but they are in the calendar pages.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Just wondered if anyone ordered the Christmas girl, Noelle, by Martha Boers, from Ruby Red Fashion Friends? I did, but it looks like she is now sold out. She has an amazing outfit. πŸ™‚

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Joy, I am glad you got your reservation in. The doll was only a limited edition. I just checked and the French toy store, Un Bonheur de Colibri, is sold out also.

        A friend in my local doll club ordered one so I will get to see her doll.

        Martha created the outfit and sent it to the company. They used her design to make the final outfit.

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    What darling pictures of Mae in her adorable outfit and precious pink shoes. So glad the weather cooperated. I can see this one doing well at auction.

    Those who are tired of their rain please send some this way. it has been awhile for us and we sure could use some.

  5. Linda in St. Louis

    I can’t believe I am just getting here, because I read the blog early this morning!

    Mae looks so cute with her little hands in her pockets! And that last picture looks like she cannot understand why she can’t have a piece of that candy right now! You know how little girls act in those occasions! She is adorable, and the outfit is too! Everything about it is what a little girl dreams of!

    Did you notice in the EBay listing, where you have the material on the sides, that some pieces look gray and some blue? Most of the time, her outfit looks gray to me, but some pictures do show the blue well. Here’s hoping others see more blue!

    We are having some wet weather again, and that’s good, because we do need it. I think our drought has now been canceled, and we even have more rain this weekend! Sorry Barbara, but I have no way to send it down to you, since I’m not in charge of the weather!

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Great finish to Mae’s outfit, Jeanne. I know you will get lots of bids!

    Hoping that George is getting better every day.

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