Another question to keep you guessing!!

Hi everyone,
Wow! That was a whole lot of dolls being talked about yesterday. If you read the descriptions slowly you could almost see them in you mind!!! Thanks everyone!

I’m not able to sew in my sewing room this week, but I have been working on a pair of pink leather shoes for Mae’s romper… here’s a quick preview so far today…

Here are the shoes with the stitching around the soles finished. I can’t go any farther because I don’t have my shoe molds with me. Oh well, it’s a good start!!

Okay… here is today’s question… supplied by a Sofa Sister!!! She says she can’t sew or cook or craft, but she sure can think up some good questions!!! :o)

If Ron Howard was making a movie of your life, who would play you between ages 30 and 40?

That’s it for today!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Another question to keep you guessing!!”

  1. Oh, those pink shoes are going to be wonderful! When I was a little girl, I would have LOVED to have had pink shoes! But back then (late 40s/early 50s) such a thing wasn’t even a thing, as I recall. Shoes came in black, white, brown and occasionally “bone”. And….red. I will never forget my first pair of red shoes–even though they were sturdy enough to have corrections put in them (I wore corrective shoes until I was 10), they had two straps across the tops, and they were RED. And I loved them!

    You know, I have no idea who would play me as a younger woman. It would have to be someone petite and blond, because I am both! (And still a natural blonde, at 78…)

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh, I too would have loved pink shoes, and Mae will too! That is going to be a darling ensemble!

    Well, truth be told, I am not a movie buff, and don’t know of many stars in the first place, but I would guess Jennifer Aniston would be a good one to play me, although I wasn’t THAT attractive!😊. I did watch “Friends” when it was a current tv show, and she always seemed like a nice person, and cute also. When I was 30 to 40, that was a busy time of my life, raising our two children. It was the time also that we moved to where we currently live, now 51 years later! I can’t imagine living anywhere else!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So Linda, next year we will hit 50 years in our house. I think we’ll have a party on the front lawn. Ha ha 🙂

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Too hot here for a party outside! In fact, the day we moved in turned out to be the hottest day of the year! You might know, since we certainly didn’t have the air conditioner on. Sitting in the basement every once in awhile saved us!
        Our treeless yard,when we started out, is now flooded with shade in summer, from 50 year old oaks, but the humidity is the killer!

  3. Susette from Southern California

    What a funny question! I was asked once about 50 years ago in a market parking lot if I was Natalie Wood but no one alive looks like her, so my life will remain a mystery! Reminds me that 50 years isn’t kind to the human body!

    I didn’t answer yesterday because I’m visiting my son’s family in Texas to stay with the children while mom and dad vacation in the Maldives and Dubai for Rakhi’s 50th birthday. I looked around and saw no dolls! Marie-Grace’s Patisserie and is it Julie’s (?) treehouse are in the playroom but no dolls! Where were they? When Riya got home from school she explained that at 15, she doesn’t play with them anymore, so they’re packed away. I was relieved that they hadn’t been given away or donated. We’ll be getting one out and putting on the witch costume I made years ago for Halloween while I’m here.

    At home there are always dolls out where I can see them. I have (too) many American Girls and RRFFs who sometimes grace the staircase. Jeanne’s blog got me started about 9-10 years ago. Love it. Thanks, Jeanne and Sofa Sisters.

    The little shoes Jeanne is making are a darling match for the fabric.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Sorry we couldn’t give you better weather for your visit Susette. We were supposed to get a front through this coming weekend (first day of Fall is Sunday), but last I looked we were doomed to the usual until early October. Sounds like your son and his wife are vacationing in a lovely place. As for the dolls, well I have been trying to decide who to hand mine down to but I seem to be telling my only granddaughter that if she wants to get rid of hers let me have them. Seems a little backward to me.

      1. Susette from Southern California

        I was so looking forward to rain and there’s not even any predicted for the rest of my time here. 🙁 It’s true just where I live: “It never rain in California. . . “

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Absolutely love the pink shoes. Mae is going to rock the dolly world wearing those with her romper. 🙂
    Wow, as to who would play me in my 30’s, I don’t have a clue. I had our girls at ages 30 and 32, and was also getting my masters so pretty busy. Went back to work part time when our oldest was four but have no idea of Ron Howard’s choice to play my part. I saw that Susette, mentioned Natalie Wood. Interesting fact. Natalie Wood grew up and lived in our town, Santa Rosa, and actually lived in a house not far from where we live today. I drive by it often. 🙂
    It was so fun seeing everyone’s comments yesterday. Not able to make a lot of comments myself, but I sure enjoyed reading them all. Fun.
    Keep on truckin George and Jeanne.

  5. This outfit is going to sell in a flash.
    I suspect some people will go find a Mae dolly just for this outfit!!

    When I was a hospital nurse in late 70s, my friends told me I looked like Julia Roberts. I had long brown hair… I guess she would be good. I am complicated though haha

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Well, my mom was told she looked like Debbie Reynolds, and i look like my mom so I will pick her if she could dye her hair red, LOL!

    Jeanne, you are killing me with that outfit and shoes. You know I don’t buy clothes for my dolls, but I really love that one…..Ahhh, the pink shoes!

    Prayers going up for you and George.

  7. What an interesting question, Dorothy. I have no idea who would play me at that age, but in my teens and 20s friends thought I looked a lot like Brooke Shields. My hair was brown with reddish highlights, I had thick eyebrows, and blue-green eyes. Friends would even call me Brooke as a nickname.

  8. Elaine M. Hoffman

    Wow, When I was 30-40 I would have Ron Howard use Lily Collins who played Emily in Paris on Netflix to play me at that age. If he was using a younger version of me as a little girl I would have to say the original Wednesday Adamms or Natalie Woods when she was in Miracle on 34th Street, but neither is alive any longer. So sad. Interesting question to ask us.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    I guess the question is what actress today would play me at 30 – 40 years old. That would be around 40 years ago. I do trivia quizzes a lot and find that I know little about the movies or movie stars these days and since we got streaming TV and don’t go to the movies (David’s hearing issues) I am further clueless as to even the ages of some of the stars today. I’m thinking if Ron Howard were the director he would pick his daughter Bryce Dallas Howard to play me. About the right age since she is my daughter’s age and was born in 1981 that makes her a little over 40 and there are no specific needs (although I do think she’s taller than me) so she would be a good choice.

    Love the little pink shoes!

    1. I hope you and George are managing ok. Thinking of you both.
      The pink shoes look like they’re going to be adorable.
      I have no idea who I would have looked like at that age. Really no one.
      My daughter looked like Natalie Woods at different times in her life.
      It’d be easier to say who I would have liked to look like! 😂 ha ha.

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, first, I love the pink shoes. I think Mae is going to have a shoe obsession soon (smile).

    Second, I would choose Halle Berry to play the part of me. I think she is very pretty.
    I have so much respect for Ron Howard. I am reading his book (on tape) called The Boys.

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