A trip with Linda to the St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Gardens…

Quick Note:
I managed to get Stella’s Fall outfit listed on Ebay Saturday evening. Stella looked so pretty in the natural outdoor light. If you’d like to check out the listing, click on her picture at the right side bar or click HERE. Here are a couple of my favorite outdoor pictures.

Susette sent a picture of her Ruby Red Fashion Friend doll, Freida, in the prettiest “flower” dress… you’ll see what I mean. I decided to use it along with the flower pictures Linda sent me… She looks LOVELY in this dress… like it was made for her!!! :o)

Linda sent some pictures of the Missouri Botanical Gardens she and her hubby went to last week. They are just beautiful…

Jeanne, here is the first set of pictures. We had a beautiful, clear, crisp day, and got there extra early so we could see things without dodging people and strollers! I can’t really fix it so that I can say what things are on this computer, so will just show the pictures. The flowers were just beautiful! These are the late summer plants, not fall, but there was a distinct golden and crimson glow about them. No mums yet, just beautiful blooms and the coleus were spectacular! Every time we go, there is something new and different to see! Nothing like my yard!! LOL

Are you keeping up? Aren’t they beautiful?

I took many more pictures, and could be taking them all day, since the garden is so large, and has so many different areas to visit, but I just took what we could see in two hours. The funny thing was they have a huge sundial in the Ottoman Garden,and the time was an hour off! I could not figure out why the sun was off! Turns out, WE are off because of Daylight Savings Time!!

Hope you and the Sofa Sisters enjoy a bit of Missouri!

Love to all, Linda💞

Thanks so much, Linda,
I see that golden glow you were talking about. The flowers are just beautiful…and I’m sure you had a wonderful time! How many years have you been going? Just curious…

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “A trip with Linda to the St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Gardens…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, thank you for showing my pictures! It was a beautiful day, and I wish all of the sofa sisters could have been along with us. They do have a very nice gift shop and restaurant there too, so you could spend almost a whole day there! Syliva, you are from New Hampshire? I would LOVE to be there in the fall! You need to send pictures too!

    Susette’s Freida is just beautfiul in that gorgeous gown! I love the little ukelele too, and it makes her look like she is going to serenade us with a Hawaiian tune! She always has such beautiful dresses for her dolls, and shows them off so well. Thank you Susette, for sending that picture!

    I love the pictures of Stella in the yard, strolling around! That outfit was just made for outdoors in the fall! We have had some pretty cool mornings here, so this is the outfit you want to dress your dolls in!

  2. Linda inSt. Louis

    Oops, forgot your question, Jeanne! Although the Garden was founded in 1859, we have been going to it for the past 25 years or so. Back when I was growing up here, it was always referred to as Shaw’s Garden, which to tell you the truth, I still call it that, as many still do here in St. Louis.

  3. Linda your pictures are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing them, next best thing to being there. When you don’t travel it’s so nice to learn about places like this. I usually do a little research on how they came to be. Thank you again, I enjoyed the trip. Lol.

  4. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Dorothy! Yes, I even go back and look at the pictures we took, just to remember when we were there.

  5. I hope your outfit sells quickly Jeanne.
    dear Linda, the gardens are beautiful, the paths are so pristine, the flowers are so lovely,Wow. What a lovely adventure. I am glad you enjoy going every year!
    The photos shared are spectacular

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you so much, Rosemary! Actually, we go about 4 times a year, since things change there so frequently. No matter what season, there is something beautiful to see!

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Good luck on your auction, Jeanne. Stella’s outfit is perfect for this time of year.

    Linda I always love accompanying you on your visits to the Botanical Gardens even if it is only in photographs. They are still absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Susette your Freida looks perfectly gorgeous in that stunning dress. So perfect for her. And a Ukelele too! Great picture.

    Looks like maybe the new storm in the Gulf will skirt Texas this time and head for Louisiana. Hopefully it won’t be too much of one for anyone.

    Pretty nice weather here the last couple days. Yesterday we had a humidity of 41% for a while and a lovely coolish breeze. The sky right now is so intensely blue without a cloud in sight.

  7. Karen from Kentucky

    I like to see Stella looking at the chickens 🙂

    Freida does look very nice in her flower dress!

    It is nice to see all the garden pictures, Linda! The colorful objects floating in the water remind me of pearl onions.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you Karen! Those glass “onions” are made by Dale Chihuly, when we had his glass objects in an exhibit. He gifted the Garden with several pieces, and these were among those.

  8. Joy in northern CA

    Love the outdoor photos of Stella. My favorite tree is there too. Still have the ants?

    Linda’s Botanic garden pics are wonderful. Really enjoyed seeing them. I was wondering how she could get so many shots without bumping into people, but after reading, the early bird gets the best photos. 🙂 Thanks so much Linda and Jeanne for sharing.

    Susette’s lovely picture of Freida, reminds me that somewhere I have a pattern for a similar dress. I love the large scale print too. It is an outstanding dress. Love it. Thanks Susette and Jeanne for sharing.
    Heading out to Kaiser to get Covid and Flu shots this morning. Hope the line isn’t too long.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Joy! Yes, we get there early, even before it opens. Lots of photographers come at that time too. No problem for us, as we get up around 3 in the morning! Yes, we are EARLY birds!!🐓🕑

    2. Hi Joy,
      yes, the ants are still around the tree… we did a quick tree session… I did discover another tree in our yard that’s not too bad either… look closely and see if you see the different one…

  9. Jeanne, the pictures of Stella in her pretty outfit, out in the sunshine are just beautiful. The outfit is really neat. Love the red hair with this outfit too. Her accessories are perfect.
    And Susette – what a beautiful dress on your Frieda. The whole picture is just beautiful. I also have Frieda and I like how you pull her hair to the side and down on the dress and the flowers in her hair. What a nice picture. Very colorful.

    And Linda, what beautiful pictures. I’m sure you throughly enjoyed experience the beauty of the gardens. Thank you for sharing all these dynamic pictures.

  10. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Jeanne, the outfit is lovely perfect for autumn.
    Linda I love seeing your pictures of the gardens. I might suggest to Sam that we go to our gardens on Sunday. I think the Daffodils are about finished but the blossom is out now. Our botanical gardens are a part of Hagley Park an area of 165 hectares (about 407 acres) which is part of the central city. (https//ccc.govt.nz>exploreparks)
    Thank you everyone for your sympathy when I lost my little dog. I’m still trying to get used to it.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I did a quick walk in Hagley Park. Well, not really, but it looks absolutely lovely. And so many walks/trails there too. So beautiful. Thanks for the link.

  11. Linda in St. Louis

    Anne, thank you! It seems so strange that we are getting ready for fall here and fall flowers, and you are welcoming spring with daffodils! By all means go visit your Gardens and see the beautiful flowers! It will lift your spirits and give you a renewed sense of comfort.

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